Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1507 (2001) 5^31 www.bba-direct.com Review Structure of photosystem I Petra Fromme a;c;*, Patrick Jordan b, Norbert KrauM b;1 a Max Volmer Laboratorium fu«r Biophysikalische Chemie Institut fu«r Chemie, Technische Universita«t Berlin, StraMe des 17 Juni 135, D-10623 Berlin, Germany b Institut fu«r Chemie/Kristallographie, Freie Universita«t Berlin, TakustraMe 6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany c Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604, USA Received 11 December 2000; received in revised form 4 July 2001; accepted 5 July 2001 Abstract In plants and cyanobacteria, the primary step in oxygenic photosynthesis, the light induced charge separation, is driven by two large membrane intrinsic protein complexes, the photosystems I and II. Photosystem I catalyses the light driven electron transfer from plastocyanin/cytochrome c6 on the lumenal side of the membrane to ferredoxin/flavodoxin at the stromal side by a chain of electron carriers. Photosystem I of Synechococcus elongatus consists of 12 protein subunits, 96 chlorophyll a molecules, 22 carotenoids, three [4Fe4S] clusters and two phylloquinones. Furthermore, it has been discovered that four lipids are intrinsic components of photosystem I. Photosystem I exists as a trimer in the native membrane with a molecular mass of 1068 kDa for the whole complex. The X-ray structure of photosystem I at a resolution of 2.5 Aî shows the location of the individual subunits and cofactors and provides new information on the protein^cofactor interactions. [P. Jordan, P. Fromme, H.T. Witt, O. Klukas, W. Saenger, N. KrauM, Nature 411 (2001) 909-917]. In this review, biochemical data and results of biophysical investigations are discussed with respect to the X-ray crystallographic structure in order to give an overview of the structure and function of this large membrane protein. ß 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. Keywords: X-ray crystallography; Photosystem I; Structure; Electron transfer chain; Core antenna; Membrane protein Abbreviations: Chl, chlorophyll; EPR, electron paramagnetic 1. Introduction resonance; ENDOR, electron nuclear double resonance; ETC, electron transfer chain; FNR, ferredoxin-NADP-oxidoreduc- Life on earth depends upon the process of oxy- tase; FX,FA and FB, [4Fe4S] clusters of photosystem I; LHC, genic photosynthesis, using the light energy from light harvesting complex; P700, primary electron donor of PS I; the sun to convert CO2 into carbohydrates. In plants PS I, photosystem I; PS II, photosystem II; A0, spectroscopically and cyanobacteria, the latter producing about 30% identi¢ed primary electron acceptor in PS I; A1, spectroscopically identi¢ed secondary electron acceptor in PS I; RC, reaction of the total oxygen in the atmosphere, two photo- centre; PbRC, purple bacterial photosynthetic reaction centre systems, I and II, catalyse the ¢rst step of this con- * Corresponding author. Fax: +49-30-314-21122. version, the light induced transmembrane charge sep- E-mail addresses: [email protected] aration. In both photosystems, the energy of photons (P. Fromme), [email protected] (N. KrauM). from sun light is used to translocate electrons across 1 Also corresponding author. Present address: Institut fu«r Biochemie, Universita«tsklinikum Charite¨, Medizinische Fakulta«t the thylakoid membrane via a chain of electron car- der Humboldt Universita«t zu Berlin, MonbijoustraMe 2, D-10117 riers. Water, oxidised to O2 and 4H by photosystem Berlin, Germany. Fax +49-30-450-528-942 II, acts as electron donor for the whole process. The 0005-2728 / 01 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S0005-2728(01)00195-5 BBABIO 45069 12-10-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 6 P. Fromme et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1507 (2001) 5^31 Fig. 1. Arrangement of protein subunits and cofactors in one monomeric unit of photosystem I. (a) and (b) View from the stromal side onto the membrane plane along the crystallographic three-fold axis (indicated by a black triangle). The three stromal subunits have been omitted for clarity. Colour coding of the membrane intrinsic subunits is as follows: PsaA, blue; PsaB, red; PsaF, yellow; PsaI, dark pink; PsaJ, green; PsaK, grey; PsaL, brown; PsaM, orange; and PsaX, light pink. In (a) and (b) transmembrane K-helices of the membrane intrinsic subunits are represented as coloured cylinders. (a) Ribbon representation of the extra-membraneous parts of the structure, loops coloured grey. (b) The transmembrane K-helices of the protein and the cofactors of the complex. Transmem- brane K-helices of the subunits PsaF, PsaK and PsaL are labelled according to the nomenclature introduced in Jordan et al. [3]. Transmembrane K-helices of PsaA and PsaB are labelled by single letters, e.g. the blue cylinder `a' represents the transmembrane K-he- lix A-a. Organic cofactors of the ETC are shown in blue, the [4Fe4S] clusters in orange/yellow. Chlorophylls are coloured yellow, ca- rotenoids black and the lipids cyan. two photosystems, which are coupled by a plastoqui- tential drives the synthesis of ATP from ADP and none pool, the cytochrome b6f complex and the solu- inorganic phosphate, catalysed by the ATP-synthase. ble electron carrier proteins plastocyanin or cyto- Finally, photosystem I reduces ferredoxin, providing chrome c6 operate in series. The electron transfer the electrons for the reduction of NADP to processes are coupled to a build up of a di¡erence NADPH by ferredoxin-NADP-oxidoreductase in proton concentration across the thylakoid mem- (FNR). NADPH and ATP are used to reduce CO2 brane. The resulting electrochemical membrane po- to carbohydrates in the subsequent dark reactions. BBABIO 45069 12-10-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart P. Fromme et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1507 (2001) 5^31 7 Fig. 1 (continued). Photosystem I is a large multi-subunit protein tem I is present most dominantly in vivo in trimeric complex, embedded into the photosynthetic thyla- form [4]. A large number of the cofactors present in koid membrane. It catalyses the light induced elec- photosystem I are involved in the processes of light tron transfer from plastocyanin or cytochrome c6 on capturing, charge separation and prevention of pho- the lumenal side of the membrane (inside the thyla- todamage. koids) to ferredoxin or £avodoxin on the stromal The light is captured by a large core antenna sys- side of the membrane. Photosystem I consists of 12 tem consisting of 90 Chla molecules and 22 caroten- (in cyanobacteria), or 13 (in plant systems) individual oids. In plants a membrane integral antenna system proteins. The subunits are named according to their (light harvesting complex (LHCI)) is also closely as- genes PsaA to PsaX (for review on photosystem I see sociated with photosystem I. The excitation energy is [1,2]). Photosystem I from the thermophilic cyano- transferred from the antenna pigments to the pri- bacterium Synechococcus elongatus contains 96 chlo- mary electron donor P700. It was already proposed rophyll (Chl) a molecules, 22 carotenoids, three in the 1960s, that P700 is a dimer of chlorophyll [4Fe4S] clusters and two phylloquinones. In the re- molecules [5,6], and this is con¢rmed by the recent cent X-ray structure at 2.5 Aî resolution [3] four lip- X-ray structure analysis [3]. The excitation energy is ids were also identi¢ed. In cyanobacteria, photosys- used to build up the singlet excited state P700*, lead- BBABIO 45069 12-10-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 8 P. Fromme et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1507 (2001) 5^31 ing to charge separation, where P700c remains and bacteria. In type I reaction centres, such as the pho- the electron is transferred across the thylakoid mem- tosystem I reaction centre described here, the termi- brane by a chain of electron carriers. This process of nal electron acceptor is an [4Fe4S] cluster (FeS type transmembrane charge separation was intensively in- reaction centre). The photosynthetic reaction centres vestigated spectroscopically (for review on electron of the green sulfur bacteria and the heliobacteria [8,9] transfer in photosystem I see [7]), whereby ¢ve di¡er- are also type I reaction centres. There is structural ent electron acceptors have been identi¢ed: A0 (Chla evidence that all photosynthetic reaction centres have molecule), A1 (phylloquinone), and the three [4Fe4S] evolved from a common ancestor [10], despite the clusters FX,FA and FB. The electron is transferred large di¡erences between photosystems of the same from the terminal FeS cluster to the soluble electron group in structure (for example protein and chromo- carrier ferredoxin. In the case of iron de¢ciency, £a- phore composition), as well as in function (for exam- vodoxin acts as a mobile electron carrier. P700c is ple redox potential, chemical nature of the electron ¢nally rereduced by the soluble electron carrier plas- donor to the reaction centre). tocyanin; in cyanobacteria cytochrome c6 can also In 1993, the ¢rst structural model of photosystem I act as an electron donor to photosystem I. at 6 Aî resolution was published, and later improved Photosystem I belongs to a larger group of pro- to 4 Aî [11^15]. These models provide a ¢rst overview tein^pigment complexes which are able to perform on the structure. Recently, the structure of photosys- light induced charge separation: the photosynthetic tem I was determined at 2.5 Aî resolution [3], provid- reaction centres (RCs). These can be divided into two ing for the ¢rst time detailed insights into the molec- classes de¢ned by the nature of the terminal electron ular architecture of this complex. The structure acceptor. A quinone molecule is the terminal electron contains the models of the protein subunits and the acceptor in type II reaction centres (quinone type 127 cofactors, (96 Chla, 22 carotenoids, two phyllo- reaction centre), which include the photosystem II quinones, three [4Fe4S] clusters and four lipids).
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