15_544519 bindex.qxd 5/20/04 11:29 AM Page 427 Index Andriake, 300 Apartment of the Valide A bdulla Natural Products Ankara, 21, 358–380 Sultan (Istanbul), 112 (Istanbul), 136 accommodations, 365–368 Aperlae, 291 Accommodations car rentals, 365 Aphrodisias, 227 best, 12–14 festivals, 375 Apollo, Temple of (Didyma), tips on, 48–49 gyms, 367 9–10, 216 The Acropolis (Bergama), 175 hospitals, 365 Apollo, Temple of Active vacations, 1, 42 Kavaklıdere (Pamukkale), 224 Agâçaltı Kilisesi (Ihlara), 346 accommodations, Arasta Bazaar (Istanbul), 136 The Agora (Izmir), 185 367–368 Arcadian Way (Ephesus), 211 Agora and Agora Temple restaurant, 369 Archaeological Museum, (Bergama), 176 for kids, 373–374 Kayseri, 350 Agzıkarahan (near Aksaray), Kızılay, 361 The Archaeological Site of 341 accommodations, 367 Ephesus (Efes), 207–212 Ahmet III Fountain restaurant, 369 Archaeological sites and (Istanbul), 107 layout of, 360–361, 364 ruins. See Ruins and Ahmet III Library (Istanbul), nightlife, 375 archaeological sites 111–112 restaurants, 368–369 Archaeology Museum Air travel, 36–37, 45 shopping, 374 (Arkeoloji Müzesi) Akmerkez Mall (Istanbul), sights and attractions, Bergama, 176 137 370–374 Bodrum Underwater, Akyarlar, 236 transportation, 364 232–234 Alaaeddin Mosque traveling to, 359–360 Bursa, 153 (Konya), 355 Ulus, 361 Çanakkale, 163 Alaçatı, 8, 191, 192 accommodations, 366 Çe@me, 192 Alaçatı Bay, 11, 193, 196 restaurants, 368–369 Fethiye, 267 Alay Han (near Aksaray), 341 visitor information, 360 Istanbul, 105 Alexander Sarcophagus Ankara Citadel (Hisar), 370 Izmir, 186 (Istanbul), 105 Ankara Halı, 374 Arch of Domitian Alexander the Great, Antalya, 3, 21, 302–319 (Pamukkale), 225 105, 174, 184, 202, 216, accommodations, 310–314 Arı Burnu Monument 385–387 beaches, 308–309 & Cemetery (Gallipoli), Alman Çe@mesi (Fountain of excursions from, 317–319 168–169 Wilhelm II; Istanbul), 104 nightlife, 315–316 Artemis, colossal statues Altar of Hestia Boulaia orientation, 304–305 of (Selçuk), 200 (Ephesus), 208 restaurants, 314–315 Artemision (Temple of Altar of Zeus (Bergama), sights and activities, Artemis; Selçuk), 201–202 175–176 306–310 Asansör (Izmir), 186 AltınkumCOPYRIGHTED Beach, 11, 193 transportation, 305 MATERIALThe Asklepion (Bergama), American Express, 55 traveling to, 302, 304 176 Ankara, 364–365 visitor information, 304 Aslanhane Camı (Lion’s Den Istanbul, 69 Antalya Beach Park, 3, 308 Mosque; Ankara), 372 Anadolu Medeniyetleri Antalya Museum, 307 Aslanlıkapı (Lion’s Gate; Müzesi (Museum of Antiphellos, 289 Hattu@a@), 379 Anatolian Civilizations; Antiques and collectibles, Aspendos Opera and Ballet Ankara), 370–371 Istanbul, 131–132 Festival, 28 Ancient Theatre Antique Theatre (Bodrum), 2 Assumption of the Virgin (Hierapolis), 9 Anzac Day (Çanakkale), 28 Mary (Ephesus), 29 15_544519 bindex.qxd 5/20/04 11:29 AM Page 428 428 INDEX Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal), Fethiye area, 269–271 The British Council 360–361, 398–402, 411 Kalkan area, 282–283 (Istanbul), 127 Anniversary of Death of, 29 Ka@ area, 293 The Buckle Church (Göreme), Atatürk Cultural Center Ku@adası, 216–217 335 (AKM; Istanbul), 141–142 Bedesten (Kayseri), 350 Burgazada, 146 Atatürk Farm and Zoo Belcekız Beach, 269, 270 Burnt Hill & Monument (Atatürk Orman Çiftligi; Bergama (Pergamum), 8, 9, (Gallipoli), 169 Ankara), 373–374 18, 173–178, 386 Bursa, 18, 149–161 Atatürk Mausoleum Be@inci Kat (Istanbul), 141 accommodations, 157–158 (Anıtkabir; Ankara), 370 Beyazit Mosque (Beyazit history of, 150 Atatürk Museum (Bursa), Camı; Istanbul), 119 orientation, 152 153 Beylerbeyi Palace (Istanbul), restaurants, 158–160 Athena, Temple of 122–123 sights and activities, (Bergama), 175 Beyman (Istanbul), 135 152–157 Athena, Temple of (Priene), Beyoglu Kitabevi (Istanbul), transportation, 152 215 133 traveling to, 150 ATMs (automated teller Big Island (Büyükada), 146 visitor information, machines), 25, 55 Bird-watching, Istanbul, 130 150, 152 Authentic Art Oriental Bitez Bay, 236 Bursa Museum of Turkish Carpets and Kilims Blue Lagoon (Ölüdeniz), 269 and Islamic Arts, 153 (Selçuk), 201 Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Buses, 45–48 Avanos, 339 Camı; Istanbul), Business hours, 55 Avrupa Pasajii (Istanbul), 10, 101–102 Butterfly Valley, 12, 271 136 Blue Voyage (Mavi Yolculuk), Büyükada (Big Island), 146 Aya Nicola Kilisesi (Myra), 19–20, 40–41 Büyükkale (Great Fortress; 300–301 Boat excursions and cruises, Hattu@a@), 378 Ayasofya (Istanbul), 2, 10, 40–42 Büyük Tapinak (Hattu@a@), 95, 98–101 Antalya, 309 378 Ayayorgı Beach, 11–12, Bodrum, 234–235 191, 193 Çe@me, 192 Aydınlık Beach, 217 Dalyan area, 257–258 C abotage Day, 29 Aypa (Istanbul), 133 Gulf of Fethiye (“12-island Çadırcılar Caddesi (Istanbul), Ayvalı, 9, 326, 329–331 tour”), 270 134 Istanbul, 68, 99 Café Gramofon (Istanbul), Ka@ area, 291 144 B abadag, 264 Marmaris area, 250–251 Cagaloglu Hamamı Babüssaade (Gate of Olympos, 270–271 (Istanbul), 118–119 Felicity; Istanbul), 108 Bobos (Istanbul), 145 Calendar of events, 27–30 Babylon (Istanbul), 144 Bodrum, 2, 19–20, 227–244 Çali@ Beach, 269 Bakırcılar Çar@ısı (Ankara), accommodations, 236–240 Camel Wrestling Festival 374 consulates, 231 (Selçuk), 27 Balkaya In@aat (Istanbul), nightlife, 242–244 Çanakkale, 2, 18, 162–165 133 orientation, 230 Cape Helles Landings & Bar Bahçe (Istanbul), 141 restaurants, 240–242 Seddülbahir (Gallipoli), Bargaining, 132 sights and activities, 169 Baths, Turkish (hamams), 232–236 Cappadocia, 3, 8, 21, 5, 98, 116–117 transportation, 230–231 320–325 Bursa, 159 traveling to, 228, 230 Caravansaries of the Silk Istanbul, 118–119 visitor information, 230 Road, 340–341 gay, 141 Bodrum Underwater Çarıklı Kilise (Church with Topkapı Palace, 112 Archaeology Museum, Sandals; Göreme), 334 Baths of Faustina (Miletus), 10, 232–234 Carpets and kilims, 14 216 Bogâzköy, 376 buying tips, 138–139 Baths of Scholastikia Books Istanbul, 131, 133–134 (Ephesus), 209 Istanbul, 132–133 Kayaköy, 269 Bazaars, 5 rare Ottoman, 14 Selçuk, 201 Beaches recommended, 53–55 Üçhisar, 339 Antalya, 3 Bozdogân Kemeri (Istanbul), Car-rental insurance, 31 best, 11–12 118 Çar@ıkapı (Istanbul), 143 Bodrum area, 235–236 Brindisi (Italy), ferries to Car travel, 38, 43–45 Çe@me, 193 Turkey from, 38–40 driving rules, 55 15_544519 bindex.qxd 5/20/04 11:29 AM Page 429 INDEX 429 Çatalhöyük, 355 Church of the Saints Sergius Curettes Way (Ephesus), 209 wall paintings from and Bacchus (Küçük Aya- Currency and currency (Ankara), 370–371 sofya Camı; Istanbul), 115 exchange, 24–25 The Cave of the Seven Church of the Serpents Customs regulations, 23–24 Sleepers (Ephesus), 212 (Ihlara), 346–347 Çayagzı Beach, 300 Church of the Virgin Mary Celâleddin Rumi, tomb (Ephesus), 212 D alyan, 191, 195–197, of (Konya), 355 Church with Sandals 235, 251, 256–263 Çemberlita@ Hamamı (Göreme), 334–335 Dalyan River (Dalyan Cayı), (Istanbul), 118 Church with the Apple 257 Cenab Ahmet Pa@a Camı (Göreme), 334 The Dardanelles, 6 (Yeni Mosque; Ankara), Church with the Crooked Dark Church (Göreme), 334 373 Stone (Ihlara), 346 Datça, 247, 250 Ceramic Museum (Konya), Çifte Kümbet (Kayseri), Datça Peninsula, 246, 356–357 350–351 254–255 Ceramics and pottery, 14–15 Çifte Medrese (Kayseri), 351 Demre, 298–302 Avanos, 339–342 Çıkrıkçılar Yoku@u (Ankara), Department stores, Istanbul, Istanbul, 134 374 135 Iznik, 160–161 Çimenlik Castle (Çanakkale), Derinkuyu, 10–11, 342–345 Cervahir Bedesten (Istanbul), 163 Derinkuyu Underground City, 103 Cimmerian people, 198, 384 344 Çe@me Archaeological Çınarlar Beach, 293 Diamond Beach (Pırlanta Museum, 192 Çinili Kö@k (Istanbul), 106 Beach), 11, 193 Çe@me Peninsula, 5, 19, Çiragân Palace (Istanbul), Didyma, 215, 216, 235 189–198 123, 128 Didymaion, 216 accommodations, 194–196 The Citadel (Kayseri), 351 Dilek National Park, beaches, 193 Cleopatra’s Island (Sedir), 217, 293 nightlife, 197–198 250 Diocletian, Emperor, 258, orientation, 191 Clock Tower (Antalya), 307 298, 386 restaurants, 196–197 Clock Tower (Izmir), 186 Disabilities, travelers sights and activities, Club 99, 141 with, 33 192–194 Cold Water Bay, 268 Divan (Imperial Council Hall; thermals, 193–194 The Column of Julian Istanbul), 112 transportation, 191–192 (Ankara), 371 Dolmabahçe Sarayı traveling to, 190 Commercial Agora (Dolmabahçe Palace), visitor information, (Ephesus), 211 98, 124 190–191 Constantine, Emperor, Döner Kümbet (Kayseri), 351 Children’s Festival (Ankara), 103, 104, 107, 118, 211, Dösim Turkish Handwoven 375 298, 386 Carpets Sale Center Chimaera, 317 Consulates. See Embassies (Istanbul), 134 Chunuk Bair Memorials and consulates Drinks, 413–414 (Gallipoli), 169–170 Courtney’s Post (Gallipoli), Driving rules, 55 Church of Aya Sofya 171 Drugstores, 56 (Iznik), 161 Court of the Janissaries Dulcinea Art Gallery and Church of St. Basil (Istanbul), 107 Café (Istanbul), 144 (Göreme), 334 Courtyard of the Favorites Dünya Aktüel Kitabevleri Church of St. George (Istanbul), 113 (Istanbul), 133 (Ihlara), 347 Covered Bazaar (Bedesten; Church of St. Nicholas Bursa), 152, 153 (Myra), 300–301 Covered bazaar (Kayseri), E astern Turkey, Church of Santa Barbara 350 excursions into, 43 (Göreme), 334 Credit cards, 25 Educational trips, 39–40 Church of Theotokos Cuisine, 412–413 Egrita@ Kilisesi (Ihlara), 346 Pammakaristos (Joyous Culinary tours, 42 Egyptian Spice Bazaar Mother of God Church, Cultural tours, 39 (Mısır Carsı@ı; Istanbul), now the Fethiye Camı; Cumhuriyet Bayramı 16, 130, 136 Istanbul), 113–114 (Republic Day), 29 Egyptian Spice Market Church of the Pantocrator Cumhuriyet Meydanı (Izmir), (Istanbul), 99 (Zeyrek Camı; Istanbul), 184 Electricity,
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