TERMS: {r~'EN CENTS PE~ COPY. VOL. VIII, No. 3. CINCINN ATI, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1887. $4.00 per Year) 111 Advance. GERMANY.-JOHANNISTAG (ST. JOHN'S DAY). 34 THE GRAPHIC NEWS. VOLUME VIII, No.3. WE are glad to notice that Pension Commissioner THE objection of the Canadian authorities to the \!lhg Graphia Dgws. BLACK has decided to exercise his authority in restrict­ railroad, which the people of Manitoba wish to build, AN ILLUSTRATED, WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. ing the legal fee in cases of attorneys for Mexican is that it would interfere with the monopoly which the pension claimants to $10. The law permits a fee of $25, Central Government is pledged tq preserve to the Can­ AOVERTISINC RATE. 50 CENTS PER ACATE LINE where a contract is made, if the pension commissioner adian Pacific. The Manitobans '-seem to have a true REAOINC NOTICES. $ 1.00 PER LINE approves the same. It will be well for some of our read­ American purpose to build railroads wherev~r they ers to know that General BLACK thinks that a $10 fee is think proper, and will begin by carrying their new line BUSINESS NOTICE. ample in these cases, and that he has issued an order as far as the boundary of their territory. Whether the The business of THE GRAPHIC PRESS embraces Photo Engrav· ing, Wood Engraving, Designing and Printing. All the work restricting the fee in each case to that amount. Central Government can quench the enterprise and on this paper is done by this establishment. Only the best artisans employed. Electrotypes for sale._ keep its pledge remains to be seen, and people in the MR. JAY GOULD is by no means the cold-hearted Northwest think it a very interestiug question. ENTERED AT POST OFFICE AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. money-gatherer he is generally believed to be, but does CINCINNATI, I'lS Main St. CHICAGO, Opera House Build'g. a great many charitable deeds in a qniet way, which do IT is believed by some that the decision of the DETROIT. n, Woodward Ave. not often reach the ear of the pnblic. While at Mount Supreme Court of Illinois in regard to the trial and Vernon, Va., a couple of weeks ago, he learned that conviction of the Anarchists has been agreed upon and JULY 16, 1887. the lady regents were desirous of obtaining a piece of that the opinion of the court has been written. No land adjoining. He immediately offered to purchase hint leading to this conclusion has been dropped by the the property and present it to the association. The OVID'S tomb has been discovered at Anadolkivi, Supreme Court judges, but the matter is said to hhve offer was accepted, and the sale was consummated at where people have been practicing his Art of Love for leaked out through copyists and other attatches. The once. The price is not known. ages without knowing how near was the tomb of their decision will not be promulgated until the September term. It is thought that the rumor current a week ago, . preceptor. BOTH California and Kansas are young and among to the effect that a new trial will be granted, may be LET it not be said that the aims of the bar· tender are the most prosperous States in the Union, and it is nip founded on a knowledge of the purport of this decision. on a level with his trade and that he is not entitled to and tuck between them as to supremacy. Kansas is our respect and even admiration. An Eland Junction, four years younger than California, is about one-half THE struggle in st. Louis on the part of the "Law Wis., saloon keeper gives a glass of beer free to all who the size, but it has to-day over I,OOO,ooo residents. It and Order" people, to enforce the closing of saloons on will attend church. produced, last year, 14,000,000 bushels of wheat, 126,- Sunday, has been short and was, on Saturday last, 000,000 bushels of corn, and hogs and cattle unnum­ ended by the adverse decision of Judge NOONAN, of the IT is asserted that the State of Arkansas has greater bered. California produced more wheat, 36,000,000 Court of Criminal Correction, upon the ground that the fields of iron ore than Alabama, yet their development bushels, and her vineyards and citrus fruits are just old law is inoperative. This leaves the saloon has scarcely begun. It is true of other sections of the beginning to add largely to her wealth. question in St. Louis as it is in Cincinnati, and the Union,. of much older settlement than Arkansas, that probabilities are that there will be fewer arrests and the half of their resources is not yet known. Nobody THE Rev. Dr. BACON, of the Independent Presbyte­ less drunkenness hereafter in the "Big Muddy City," has ever measured the marble quarries of Vermont or rian Church 0f Charleston, S. C., who recently went than there were during the three-Sunday-interregnum the mineral fields of Virginia. there from Connecticut, without leaving any of his which many good people had hoped to indefinitely prejndices behind him, preached a Fourth of July ser­ perpetuate. THE St. Louis Globe-Demoerat observes that intelli­ mon last week, in which he alluded, in very pronounced gent, thinking men, in the Southern States, are real­ terms, probably more than the occasion warranted, to WE learn that the Navy Department has been notified izing, as they never did before, the criminal folly of the great crime of the South in precipitating the late by a Chicago man tbat he has perfected an air-ship to sending free traders to Congress, of casting their bal­ civil war. He now finds his surroundings uncomfortably start for the North Pole from the" Windy City," June lots for free trade candidates for the Presidency, and cool for the season, and the cuurch disposed to look I, 1888. The sbip is to carry two hundred persons, and aiding and abetting the free trade party in its assaults out for a new teacher. This is the toleration of the will travel seventy miles per hour. The Navy Depart­ on the industries of the coun1;ry. modern Christian. ment receives, on an average of one or two a week, such announcements of marvelous inventions for aerial navi­ SOME of the horror, which attended the late catas­ AN outbreak is daily expected of the striking Hunga­ gation, but has become quite skeptical upon these sub­ trophe at the Opera Comique, Paris, with its eighty rians at the West Leisenring Coke \Vorks. About 1,000 jects. The public has long ago lost its interest in these charred bodies, is alleviated by the discovery of a of them are encamped on the hillside overlooking the stories, until somebody steps to the front with the dis­ French physician that death never comes more pain­ works. They are armed with revolvers, knives and covery of a new law of nature, which can get the upper lessly than in the interior of a burning theater. Many guns, and are drilling in the use of the weapons. The hand of gravitation. victims are frightened to death and the blood rushes to rumor, current last evening that the PINKERTON men the heart. Others die from asphyxia due to carbonic had killed four strikers, is without foundation. The TH'E work of the Mormon Constitutional Convention acid. news that 2,000 men are on the way from New York to is the subject of general comment. The Mormons take there places has caused much excitement among meet the objection that they will not enforce the anti, THE Emperor of Brazil, DOM PEDRO, who, in dura­ the strikers. The PINKERTON men will show no mercy polygamy provision by legislation, by claiming that tion of rule, is one of the oldest sovereigns now living, if the threatened outbreak comes. the section providing penalties is operative without is very ill, and it is generally believed that the end of legislation. They state further that they will amend the monarchy will come with his death. The people of the constitution when Utah is admitted, which they that country have long ago been wishing for a repub­ THAT there are yet many laws upon the statutes of can not do now, as an amendment on that question is lican form of government, and it was only the aged many States, which are a disgrace to our century and barred without the consent of Congress and, the Presi­ fuonarch's personal popularity, which has thus far saved should be eliminated forthwith, is evinced by the an­ dent. Prominent Mormons say that, if Utah is admitted, his throne. nual message of Governor GORDON, of Georgia, who urges the abolition of the convict lease system. His the anti-polygamy sections will be faithfully enforced. THAT Colorado is a great State and offers unusual recommendation, no doubt, grew out of a recent investi­ The convention adjourned on Thursday last week, sub, advantages for immigration is very generally known, gation in Atlanta. An ex-slave driver, Wn.LIAM E. ject to the call of the president. The vote on ratifica­ but that it is a very Eldorado for young girls to seek a SMITH, recently whipped two negro convicts to death tion will be taken August 15th. home within its borders, has only ?f late come to the at the prison camp at Oldtown. This convict driver ear of the public. There is one county in that State was finally" discharged" for his cruelty.
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