June 22, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 12 17107 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL L. PULTE propriations bill. In total, H.R. 2764 allocates with their families who have a different burden $441 million for such programs, which rep- to bear in their absence. I look forward to the HON. JIM GERLACH resents an increase of $116 million above the day when I can welcome home each member OF PENNSYLVANIA President’s request. This increase is designed of the 1st Battalion, 11th Marines and witness IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to ease restrictions on access to contracep- the happy reunions of families separated for tives and family planning information that is too long. Thursday, June 21, 2007 crucial to help women and men throughout the f Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise developing world make informed decisions on today to honor Michael L. Pulte for his years their reproductive health needs. TRIBUTE TO WARREN LODGE NO. of service to community and country. Since 1984, U.S. international family plan- 310 OF COLLEGEVILLE, PA That exemplary record began when he ning assistance has been stymied by the Mex- served as a member of the armed services ico City Policy or the ‘‘Global Gag rule.’’ The HON. JIM GERLACH from 1955 to 1957, with particular duties in Mexico City Policy prevents any U.S. funding OF PENNSYLVANIA Fort Knox and in Germany. for reproductive health from going towards IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After his military service, he joined Hudson’s family planning organizations that provide Thursday, June 21, 2007 Department Store and opened the second de- abortions. H.R. 2764 and the Lowey amend- partment store branch in the country. Fol- ment allows non-governmental organizations Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise lowing, his time at Hudson’s, Mr. Pulte was to receive U.S. donated contraceptives—not today to pay tribute to a local Mason’s Lodge, employed by O’Neill’s in Akron, Ohio and then funds—for distribution to millions of people in the Warren Lodge No. 310 located in Horne’s Department Store. Rising through the need of these products. The bill does nothing Collegeville, PA, for its 150th anniversary this ranks at Horne’s, he eventually was appointed to alter or weaken the ten provisions in the bill Saturday, June 23, 2007. Dr. J. Warren Royer, Director of Stores in 1977, Vice President of that ban federal funds for abortion overseas. a well-respected doctor who was educated at Operations in 1980, and, in January of 1991, Providing contraceptives to men and women the University of Pennsylvania, founded the President, Chairman, and CEO of Joseph in the developing world helps prevent abor- Warren Lodge in 1857. Since its inception, the Horne Company. tions and unwanted pregnancy as well as sex- Warren Lodge has held a position of distinc- During his presidency, Mr. Pulte served as ually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS. I tion in American Freemasonry. Most recently, member and president of the Golden Triangle urge my colleagues to support a saner foreign one of Warren Lodge’s officers, Mr. Marvin A. Association, a member of the Board of Direc- assistance package that allows for families Cunningham, Sr., was elected to the highest tors of the Civic Light Opera, and a member throughout the world that are in desperate position in Freemasonry, that of Right Wor- of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Dis- need of contraception the ability to make im- shipful Grand Master of Pennsylvania from trict. He is also a member of the Duquesne portant, personal decisions about their families 2002–2003. Throughout his term, he helped Club. In June of 1994, Mr. Pulte retired. and reproductive health. fellow Masonic Villages improve their organi- zations and uphold the traditions and customs During his retirement, he became active in f local politics and was appointed Vice Chair of of the Freemasons, including those located in the Pine Township Planning Commission, Vice TRIBUTE TO 1ST BATTALION, 11TH Elizabethtown, Lafayette Hill and Sewickley, Chair of the Township Police Board, and was MARINES PA. He also supervised the restoration of the elected to the Township Board of Supervisors. historic Memorial Arch located at Valley Forge In addition to this community involvement, HON. KEN CALVERT National Park. he served on the Board of Directors of the OF CALIFORNIA The Warren Lodge continues to maintain an U.S. Leather Co. in Milwaukee and taught IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES impressive facility called the R.W.G.M. Marvin A. Cunningham, Sr. Museum. One of the classes at IUP Business School. Thursday, June 21, 2007 Mr. Pulte currently resides in Naples, FL many treasures on display is an exact replica and continues to remain active in the commu- Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today of the 1752 Philip Syng Inkstand, the original nity of Island Walk, where he has served on to honor and pay tribute a group of individuals of which is currently on display at Independ- a number of committees and is past chairman whose dedication and sacrifice for our country ence Hall in Philadelphia. Philip Syng was the of finance for the Homeowner’s Association. are exceptional. On Saturday, June 23, 2007, R.W.G.M. of Pennsylvania in 1743, and it was Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues the City of San Juan Capistrano, located in my his inkstand that was used by the signers of join me today in honoring Mr. Michael L. Pulte congressional district, will host a pre-deploy- the Declaration of Independence. In addition, for his many years of success within the busi- ment send-off for its adopted Marines and George Washington called for its use once ness community and for his outstanding con- their families. I regret I will not be able to at- again when the U.S. Constitution was signed tributions to the quality of life of the commu- tend the event to shake the hands of these in Philadelphia. nities in which he has lived and worked. outstanding men and women as they deploy At this year’s anniversary celebration, the f to Iraq. Warren Lodge’s special guest of honor will be The 1st Battalion, 11th Marines have ex- the current Right Worshipful Grand Master of IN SUPPORT OF INTERNATIONAL isted since World War I and have participated Pennsylvania, Mr. Ronald A. Aungst, Sr. The FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMS in every U.S. conflict since. Their mission is to members and officers of Warren Lodge will provide continuous, all-weather, close artillery present to Mr. Aungst, Sr. an exact replica of HON. SAM FARR support to infantry and armor forces con- the Syng Inkstand, honoring his exemplary OF CALIFORNIA ducting combat operations. service and dedication to upholding the an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Military service is not easy but it is nec- cient tradition of Masons helping Masons essary. These Marines have chosen a profes- daily. Thursday, June 21, 2007 sion that demands sacrifice and they go forth Madam Speaker, I am sure my fellow Mem- Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, I stand in willingly to serve a greater purpose. In the bers join me today in congratulating the War- strong support of H.R. 2764 and want to con- months ahead, the battalion will be facing ren Lodge, No. 310 for this historic milestone vey my appreciation to Chairwoman LOWEY for challenging and dangerous missions. My and wish them 150 more years of honorable the inclusion of international family planning thoughts and prayers are with each of them as service to their lodge and community. Thank provisions in the State-Foreign Ops FY08 Ap- they embark on their deployment and also you. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:21 Jun 08, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E22JN7.000 E22JN7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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