
South St. Luke's Waterford Wexford Bantry Cork Mallow Mercy Infirmary/Vi Tralee Cavan Louth South Tipperary General Regional General General University General University ctoria Hsptl. General General County Distance in kms General Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Ltd. Hospital Hospital Hospital South South Tipperary St Luke's Waterford Wexford Bantry C.U.H. Mallow Mercy Inf./Vic. Tralee Cavan Louth South Tipperary General Hospital South Tipperary 0 53.36 51.37 101.77 175.14 99 79.13 96.32 95.82 156.76 221.77 236.71 St. Luke's General Hospital St Luke's 53.36 0 52.61 77.02 226.96 150.11 130.95 147.43 146.93 203.02 189.06 185.59 Waterford Regional Hospital Waterford 51.37 52.61 0 60.61 203.47 124.84 127.15 122.16 121.38 206.59 239.42 230.58 Wexford General Hospital Wexford 101.77 77.02 60.61 0 258.26 179.63 179.36 176.95 176.17 256.99 237.84 211.42 Bantry General Hospital Bantry 175.14 226.96 203.47 258.26 0 79.36 99.12 81.48 83.66 107.49 357.99 395.55 Cork University Hospital C.U.H. 99 150.11 124.84 179.63 79.36 0 38.56 3.1 4.92 111.67 296.67 321.82 Mallow General Hospital Mallow 79.13 130.95 127.15 179.36 99.12 38.56 0 35.46 36.38 83.27 258.86 296.43 Mercy University Hospital Mercy 96.32 147.43 122.16 176.95 81.48 3.1 35.46 0 2.44 112.12 293.99 319.14 South Infirmary/Victoria Hsptl. Ltd. South Inf./Vic. 95.82 146.93 121.38 176.17 83.66 4.92 36.38 2.44 0 114.29 293.48 318.63 Tralee General Hospital Tralee 156.76 203.02 206.59 256.99 107.49 111.67 83.27 112.12 114.29 0 293.36 330.92 Cavan General Hospital Cavan 221.77 189.06 239.42 237.84 357.99 296.67 258.86 293.99 293.48 293.36 0 86.15 Louth County Hospital Louth 236.71 185.59 230.58 211.42 395.55 321.82 296.43 319.14 318.63 330.92 86.15 0 Monaghan General Hospital Monaghan 264.91 218.42 263.41 250.16 404.35 343.03 305.23 340.35 339.84 339.72 48.98 63.53 Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Lourdes 206.16 155.05 200.04 180.87 367.61 291.67 271.61 288.99 288.48 313.62 86.66 32.08 Our Lady's General Hospital Our Lady's 189.16 143.47 188.46 175.22 349.87 273.92 253.86 271.25 270.74 288.83 64.9 50.22 Letterkenny General Hospital Letterkenny 362.02 340.08 390.45 392.34 484.61 424.04 385.48 420.94 421.86 419.98 186.95 268.82 Sligo Regional Hospital Sligo 256.11 235.69 286.06 295.59 374.67 314.11 275.55 311.01 311.93 310.05 104.51 188.87 Mayo General Hospital Mayo 242.23 222.93 273.29 297.58 325.55 264.99 226.42 261.88 262.8 260.92 154.87 238.13 Merlin Park Regional Hospital Merlin Park 166.64 163.05 213.41 237.7 246.94 186.38 147.81 183.27 184.19 182.31 161.52 219.61 Portiuncula Hospital‐ Ballinasloe (WHB) Portiuncula 140.27 120.96 171.32 195.61 263.65 203.09 164.53 199.99 200.53 199.02 108.85 162.87 Roscommon General Hospital Roscommon 170.65 150.23 200.6 211.75 305.2 244.64 206.08 241.54 242.36 240.57 84.86 154.02 University College Hospital‐ Galway U.C.H.G. 172.29 168.7 219.07 243.35 252.59 192.03 153.47 188.93 189.85 187.96 162.47 225.27 Midland Regional Hospital ‐ Mullingar R. Mullingar 159.03 119.5 169.86 174.2 304.78 238.44 205.66 235.76 235.25 240.15 69.56 92.41 Midland Regional Hospital ‐ Portlaoise R. Portlaoise 90.31 50.78 101.14 110.94 251.02 175.07 155.01 172.4 171.89 208.46 142.32 148.26 Midland Regional Hospital ‐ Tullamore R. Tullamore 122.41 82.88 133.24 144.39 275.22 201.82 176.1 199.14 198.63 210.59 106.19 126.72 Midwestern Regional Hospital Ennis Ennis 114.36 144.95 165.5 215.89 194.66 134.1 95.54 131 131.92 130.03 189.4 243.41 Mid Western Regional Hospital Nenagh 80.24 79.12 129.49 156.14 201.85 141.28 102.72 138.18 138.44 137.22 157.99 195.56 Mid‐Western Regional Hospital Limerck R. 79.52 118.31 130.66 181.05 157.56 97 58.44 93.9 94.82 92.93 200.42 237.99 St. John's Hospital‐ St John's 77.02 115.81 128.15 178.55 161.65 101.08 62.52 97.98 98.9 97.02 196.37 233.94 St. Columcille's Hospital St Columcille's 177.18 126.07 159.56 116.35 345.82 269.88 249.82 267.2 266.7 309.04 127.79 95.07 St. Vincents University Hospital St Vincents 168.47 117.36 162.35 126.84 337.11 261.17 241.11 258.49 257.98 300.33 117.86 84.65 St. James's Hospital St James's 162.49 111.38 156.37 133.07 331.13 255.19 235.13 252.51 252 294.34 114.03 82.49 St. Michaels Hospital St Michaels 174.48 123.37 165.94 122.73 343.12 267.18 247.12 264.5 263.99 306.33 123.87 90.66 Naas General Hospital Naas 133.2 82.09 127.08 113.75 301.85 225.91 205.84 223.23 222.72 265.06 124.42 103.91 Adelaide & Meath Hospital Inc NCH A.M.N.C.H. 158.2 107.09 152.08 128.75 326.84 250.9 230.84 248.22 247.72 290.06 120.88 90.43 Connolly Hospital Connolly 170.02 118.91 163.9 140.43 334.53 258.59 238.52 255.91 255.4 293.49 103.71 76.82 Mater Misericordiae Hospital Mater 166.21 115.1 160.09 133.2 334.85 258.91 238.85 256.23 255.72 298.06 111.46 78.22 Beaumont Hospital Beaumont 172.04 120.93 165.92 138.89 340.69 264.74 244.68 262.07 261.56 303.9 114.88 76.93 Portiuncula University Midland Midland Midland Monaghan Our Lady of Our Lady's Letterkenny Sligo Mayo Merlin Park Hospital‐ Roscommon College Regional Regional Regional General Lourdes General General Regional General Regional Ballinasloe General Hospital‐ Hospital ‐ Hospital ‐ Hospital ‐ Distance in kms Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital (WHB) Hospital Galway Mullingar Portlaoise Tullamore Monaghan Lourdes Our Lady's Letterkenny Sligo Mayo Merlin Park Portiuncula Roscommon U.C.H.G. R. Mullingar R. Portlaoise R. Tullamore South Tipperary General Hospital South Tipperary 264.91 206.16 189.16 362.02 256.11 242.23 166.64 140.27 170.65 172.29 159.03 90.31 122.41 St. Luke's General Hospital St Luke's 218.42 155.05 143.47 340.08 235.69 222.93 163.05 120.96 150.23 168.7 119.5 50.78 82.88 Waterford Regional Hospital Waterford 263.41 200.04 188.46 390.45 286.06 273.29 213.41 171.32 200.6 219.07 169.86 101.14 133.24 Wexford General Hospital Wexford 250.16 180.87 175.22 392.34 295.59 297.58 237.7 195.61 211.75 243.35 174.2 110.94 144.39 Bantry General Hospital Bantry 404.35 367.61 349.87 484.61 374.67 325.55 246.94 263.65 305.2 252.59 304.78 251.02 275.22 Cork University Hospital C.U.H. 343.03 291.67 273.92 424.04 314.11 264.99 186.38 203.09 244.64 192.03 238.44 175.07 201.82 Mallow General Hospital Mallow 305.23 271.61 253.86 385.48 275.55 226.42 147.81 164.53 206.08 153.47 205.66 155.01 176.1 Mercy University Hospital Mercy 340.35 288.99 271.25 420.94 311.01 261.88 183.27 199.99 241.54 188.93 235.76 172.4 199.14 South Infirmary/Victoria Hsptl. Ltd. South Inf./Vic. 339.84 288.48 270.74 421.86 311.93 262.8 184.19 200.53 242.36 189.85 235.25 171.89 198.63 Tralee General Hospital Tralee 339.72 313.62 288.83 419.98 310.05 260.92 182.31 199.02 240.57 187.96 240.15 208.46 210.59 Cavan General Hospital Cavan 48.98 86.66 64.9 186.95 104.51 154.87 161.52 108.85 84.86 162.47 69.56 142.32 106.19 Louth County Hospital Louth 63.53 32.08 50.22 268.82 188.87 238.13 219.61 162.87 154.02 225.27 92.41 148.26 126.72 Monaghan General Hospital Monaghan 0 80.78 78.03 227.6 147.64 203.85 207.88 155.21 131.23 208.83 112.34 176.12 146.65 Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Lourdes 80.78 0 27.11 269.34 185.43 226.21 205.72 148.98 141.74 211.38 78.52 118.11 107.05 Our Lady's General Hospital Our Lady's 78.03 27.11 0 247.58 162.93 199.38 178.89 122.15 114.91 184.54 51.68 100.37 82.27 Letterkenny General Hospital Letterkenny 227.6 269.34 247.58 0 111.58 195.88 245.33 233.35 191.45 246.27 220.58 293.35 257.21 Sligo Regional Hospital Sligo 147.64 185.43 162.93 111.58 0 85.95 135.39 127.36 85.46 136.34 123.83 188.96 153.49 Mayo General Hospital Mayo 203.85 226.21 199.38 195.88 85.95 0 78.61 104.16 87.78 76.37 149.64 190.88 155.81 Merlin Park Regional Hospital Merlin Park 207.88 205.72 178.89 245.33 135.39 78.61 0 58.94 78.45 5.65 128.84 137.77 113.84 Portiuncula Hospital‐ Ballinasloe (WHB) Portiuncula 155.21 148.98 122.15 233.35 127.36 104.16 58.94 0 44.01 64.59 72.1 88.91 57.34 Roscommon General Hospital Roscommon 131.23 141.74 114.91 191.45 85.46 87.78 78.45 44.01 0 79.4 64.86 103.5 68.03 University College Hospital‐ Galway U.C.H.G.
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