FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Expenditures May Top $¿.5 M¡ll¡on By ÌTVIAN JOHNSON The State Center Junior College District plans to spend over PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOGIATED STUDENTS 94.5 million by 1969 for future expansion plans for Flesno City College. Dr. Archie Bradshaw, president of FCC, revealed the plans meeting Tuesday afternoon. FRESNO, CATIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1966 NUMBER 20 a¡rd problems to the facultyìn a voL xx Tonight the Boartl of Trustees will meet to discuss the estimated calendar of fina¡clal needs and Board Ponders possible sources óf funds for ex- pandlng F.CC, Reedley College and constructing a thirtl campus. Reconstruction Bradshaw said the apportion- ment of federal and state voc¿- 0f Ball Park FIìESNO CXTY COI¡Í/DGE A four phase-redeveloPment of Bulldlng Needs-$4,647r$Ð8* F CCosned Euless BaIl Palk, cost- 19A5-66-67 lng a total of $535,1?8, ls Proiect- Stâ.tê Center Bldg. S152,19õ.ar ed by Garland Peed, assistêDt su- lgæ-67 periDteDdent of business of the Auditordum 74.fiX) Stete Center Junior College Dis- 1967-6t t¡ict- New Claseroom Demolltion of the Present s/ood- and I¡ab Bldg. --....1,2P5,245 en stadlum and constructlon on a Library 187,161 ¡eç eoîcrete factlity miaht begin G¡m Enla4gemont -. %ràtßl this tÊtl lf the district board of Other f'acllltl€Ê ...- 87lrõ{}t trusteêB $ves final aPprova.I tù Stto Acquisttton ---- 867,1(X) ntgùt at the regularlY scheduled SIt€ fmp¡:ovemênt -- 184,884 board meeting. 196&09 f¡c¡gÞr Accommod¡tion Quadlmpr.ovom€mt ltr6õO Performlng have decided to build a "'We Arts Ruilding --.... 400'626 Êactlity edequate for junlor college Slte lrrprovem€nt -- 10Ð16ã6 ba"s¿bsll, the Fresno Giants and Âir Condttloning any pcsiblo 'future expansion to larger leagues," Ertsttng Buifdfngp ?fÈ9'7æ atr'commoda,te *Iloes Peed sattl. not include studoDt lnËh- fng and re'nodeUng lfcl¿¡o Peed atlded that the Preseût FOll. usa^gp fee of $4,050 charted the Gr@tår Youth Foundatlon for the Freeao Glants would Probably re- tiona.l educstion funde for 1961- mqlñ the sa¡he with thell us€ of 65 to"the dlst¡'tcf -exsæffi-î6-2 the new bell Park' thousand. Civic Âld DRA\MING PQ\Mm-Michelle Mcrtin, left, cmd lsurc¡ Phillipe extend a guiding hand to I{e also sald the u€xt aßcredi- "We a.re also looking lnto the iiã St ip*o". Their destination? The Student Council "Swing Into Spring Bockwcrr_ds Dcrrce," tation uDlt wlll not occur uDtil posslbllity of a clvic group in Frea- í'.td;t;isht; in the FCC Socic¡l Hqll. York Photo May 9-11, 196?. f'CC is accredited no ralaing $50,000 to begin Phase by the Western A¡socl¿tlon of one of the construction," Peed Schools and Colleges. sa¡d- The recommendaüons made in Pha¡e one, costing $209'829' 'Swing lnto Spring' Tomorrow the 1962 accreditatlons for tr'CC wotitd be8fn this fall with con- were: presenily quiet Fresno City College Social Hall will be the scene of the Student Cou¡cil "Swing of 1,102 trandstand The 1. Provide more adequ¿te fol- structlon daDce tomorrorr night from I PM to midnight. ¿nd 192 box seats. into Spring Backwards" low-up for students who transfer Êe¿ta ,.Women the men to this dance, or you can come stag," said Janice Mann. com- and locker room facili- are supposed to ask to institutioDs other than f,'resno Shower pubticity. Entertainment will be provided by thé vibrants. ties, some lighting modffications' missioner of State College. ,.We have been trying to get the Vibrants for a dance for a long tlme, so this is the dance no one pavlng and fence construction 2. The collegé should consider miss," said Miss Mann. school attire will be the dress for the dance- would also take Place. shouìd changing policy which not be admitted wearing capris," Miss Mann said' its ftreBent- "If thts Phase of construction "Girts will refuses to graDt credlt stu- be obtained.'free with the student body card in the foyer in the Cafeteria from 11 AM to Iy to is st¿rted on schedule," Peed said' Tickets may RetreShments u¡ill be provided ât the dance' (Continued. on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) 1 P\f tomorrow. 'Focl, Not Theory' Bolloons And Bikes Special Events Set Anthropologist Tells For Circle K DaY Of Man's Evolution EDITOR'S NOTE: Rampege repo¡ter Jay York was oDe of the 16 Flesno I}y SANDY DIlAIir'tr: City Collece students who attended Dr. Leakey's lecture last week åt .[{eicetl Co;llege. The following is an account of that speéch. srhen was the last time you greased a balloon or rode a '"tr;;ästins-rav around the block? Dr. Louis S. Leakey, noted British anthropologist, feels îitvî"-tt"gJ students w-ill have the opportunitv to going and roof beer that evolution is still on today. enter a sting-ray g""3F9- balloon contest "Evolution is a fact," he said, "not a theory." drinking contest on"íqg, Circle K DaY' Leakey spoke before a student group representing five The events will be held Mond Merced campus. secre' California colleges last week on the College durlng the Dootr hour between the vice president; Bill Parks' Sixteen students and one instruct- I treasurer' ano C¿feterla. and Bookstore. tar,'; Rick MaYer' or from Fresno CitY College at- Although creclited with the dis- ICC repersentative' "À $6 prlze witl be awarded tolRatnfr lucker' tended. the lecture. covery of the homiîld Ztnja¡thro- the wlnner of each contest," Den- l Jerry Facciani h a s designecl Evide.nce Of Evolution pus, a creature in the sclentific lsald. event' nls 8cott, club president, | Þosters for the Leakey said 'that Charles Dar- family of which man is lncluded, "Ðach contestant will be required I last semester Circle K partici- win's theory of evolution has been Dr. Leakey revealed that he was entry fee which pated March of Dimes drive, DR. LOUIS S. LEAKEY misinterpreted to mean that man person to pr.y s 26 cent I in tbe York Photo not the first to dlscover a rill b€ given to charitY." Élomecoming and the Nutrfti\nal has evolved from apes. He did say' hominid. Grea.se Balloons Home food drive and asslsted with however, that man and monkeY "I didn't final the flrst hominid, coDcert. ancestry. young He sald the grease balloon con- the JohnnY Mathis THIS WEEK IN share a common a man from Yale, named test ç'lU be held for coeds. The Blood Drive Planned THE RAMPAGE "'We are cousins of the apes one Louis, ditl in 1934," he expl¿lned. other coDtests are open to all stu- The club Plans to hold a. blood and a half miltion times removed," This discovery, Dr. Leakey noted, - Cartoon -------..---.--z years dis- dents. drive during the semester. Mem- he Êaid. wa.s made 25 before he hope bring some "blg ." feels that the loss of covered Zinjanth¡opus. ",we expec¿ the other contests bers also to Featur€s Leakey to the col- wisdom teeth and the im- Donald 'Wren, Fresno Ctty got- wilt draw more,men than women," name" entertainmen't Exchango Coh¡mn he eaid. "Some of the men's clubs lege this sPring. ents in livestock over the lege sociology teacher, saitl he wili ar€ entering the contests; theY Dennis Scott and Rick Mayer past years arp definite signs of replay a tape record.lng of Leak- are open to all students." will be club delegates to a conven- the eontinuing evolutiona.ry pro- ey's speech for his 12 noon cl¿ss Scott said there will be no spe- tion in San Francisco in APriI. cess. today a.ncl his 9 .A'M class tomor- clal dress for the day. Meeting:s are held on Friday at Irominid l)iscoverY row. Wren ìÀ'a"s among: the FCC Offlcers for the spring senest€r noon in Committee Room.A of the "Husbandry makes use of and delegation that attendetl the Mer- rro Sanif n¡eslrìent: Bert Turner- Cafeterla. accelerates evolutlon," he said. ced College lecture. Pogo Two lAMPAGE Àtorch 21,1966 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE PAGE Publlehed weekly by the Journallsm students of }-resno City College, 1101 University, Fresno, C¿lifornla, Composed by the Central Callfornla Typographic Service. Unslgned editorlals are the expression of the edltor. õ¡¡ Newspcrper Sfonds On Its Policy And Ethics A few weeks ago the Rampage carried a short story out- lining the code of ethics under which it operates. Unfortunately, there was no mention made of this news- paper's policy. Since that time there has been some question as to this newspaper's stand on cert¿in student matters. To avoid any further confusion, the Rampage feels that TIIIS 1966 MG Midqet wqs on displcry in the Librcry lost week. this policy should and must be explàined. The Rampage is responsible to ALL its readers faculty, and others who read the publi' cation-to-students, present news, features and opinion with Sporfs Car In FCC L¡brary truthfulness, accuracy, good taste and IMPARTIAL- rTY. The Rampage has been operating under this policy for many years and will continue to do so as long as it remains a ls Part Of Two Week Exhibit student publication. Ily îHOMAS ARIDT The sports car was part of the The electronics program is fea- How does this policS' apply to FCC student affairs ? The tr'resno City College Tech- display from the automotive me- turing three camera tubes and an For one thing, the Rampage DOES NOT and WILL NOT nical and Industrial Division dis- chanics program.
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