Health&FitnessMOUNTAINVIEWVOICE Parting with postpartum depression HOSPITAL PROGRAM HELPS NEW MOTHERS DEAL WITH OVERWHELMING ANXIETY By Casey Weiss “The person feels so drained, they of its kind on the West Coast. Staff- to prevent hospitalization,” but there is can do so few tasks,” said Dr. Nirmaljit ers say they have women from all over an inpatient unit for those needing it. wo years after giving birth, “Mary,” Dhami, the program’s medical director. the Bay Area coming to the center for There are fewer than 10 patients at a a patient at El Camino Hospi- Doctors and therapists with the pro- comprehensive services they cannot get time, and because of this Dhami said it Ttal, suffered from anxiety, mood gram see up to nine patients at a time, elsewhere. Some travel from as far as Liv- is easy to offer individualized, flexible swings and disturbing thoughts. all suffering from symptoms they say are ermore, and lead therapist Kris Peterson treatment plans, and provide services Luckily, the hospital had a program in common during or following pregnancy. said these patients just want to feel like such as hospitalization. place for mothers like her. After receiv- Women can start feeling postpartum themselves again. “We try to keep fewer patients,” Peter- ing counseling several times a week, depression up to two years after having “They might have suffered for a long son said. “We want it to be safe.” plus medication and other psychologi- babies, and normally come to the pro- time,” Peterson said. “There is a sense The program, a collaboration of cal treatments at the hospital, Mary was gram because they are having trouble that you are not yourself any more.” El Camino’s Maternal Child Health able to return to her normal life and sleeping, low on energy and experiencing After being screened, women come in Services and Behavioral Health Ser- full-time job. bad moods and apathy toward activities as often as two or three times a week for vices, opened its doors a year ago after Medical staffers at the hospital’s Mater- they once enjoyed. group, individual and couple’s counsel- physicians, community nal Outreach Mood Services program say The Maternal Outreach Mood Services ing, and work with Dr. Dhami to find members and hos- postpartum depression, a severe emo- program is only starting its second year the appropriate medications. Since tional stress after giving birth, occurs in and is a rarity — one of only two similar they see patients so often, Peterson See POSTPARTUM, 15 to 20 percent of women. centers in the nation, and the only one said, the medical staff “would like page 26 Medical staffers at the hospital’s Maternal Outreach Mood Services program say postpartum depression, a severe emotional stress after giving birth, occurs in 15 to 20 percent of women. Marriage and family therapist Kris Peterson and medical director and psychiatrist Nirmaljit Dhami, M.D., treat postpartum depression at the Maternal Outreach Mood Services program held El Camino Hospital. MICHELLE LE MARCH 13, 2009 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ 25 Health&Fitness POSTPARTUM Beating cancer with better food Continued from page 25 By Erica Framsted 2. Be physically active for at eating habits. A particular sup- combined that provide the real least 30 minutes a day plement or mix of supplements health benefits. ith many new “super pital staff formed a task force to 3. Eat a mostly plant-based diet can’t replace the benefit of a Whether you want to prevent foods,” supplements healthy, balanced diet. cancer, boost the effectiveness build the center and serve “this and natural remedies underrepresented community,” W Along with making the right In addition, taking an exces- of a cancer treatment or avoid promising to prevent or beat food choices, the proportion sive amount of antioxidant sup- cancer reoccurring, your best Peterson said. cancer, it can be hard to tell what “There were not a lot of direct of what you eat is also very plements when you have cancer choice is a diet that contains a might really help from what is important. Good food choices can decrease the effectiveness wide variety of colorful antioxi- services for these women,” she a scam. To avoid being taken noted. include a majority of fruits and of chemotherapy and radiation dant-rich plant foods. in by product-label buzz words, vegetables, plant sources of pro- treatments. You should always The program is currently locat- consumers should take a wary ed next to the main entrance of tein such as beans and lentils, let your health care provider : Where can I find reliable approach to all marketing claims and whole-grain carbohydrates. know if you are taking any sup- Q El Camino Hospital, but is mov- and investigate them carefully. information on what to eat while ing off campus to Grant Road Fruits and vegetables not only plements or other remedies. undergoing cancer treatment? in April. Barbara Mocnik, who taste good, they also contain Starting a weight loss diet oversees the program, said the Q: Can certain foods really antioxidants that can protect either before or during cancer prevent cancer? our body’s cells from damage treatment is also a bad idea. Any A: A cancer diagnosis is dev- center serves patients from 15 astating news and often leaves countries and six continents. that can cause cancer. weight loss efforts should wait Imagine a plate in front of until after your cancer treat- patients wondering if there is Currently, all patients are A: No one likes to think anything they can do to increase insured. Mocnik hopes that in about the possibility of getting you. Half of the plate should ment is completed. be filled with vegetables and their odds of returning to good the next five years the program cancer, but adopting and main- health. What you choose to eat can find grants to start serving taining a healthy lifestyle that fruits. Looking at the other What are “super foods,” half, a quarter should contain Q: is typically one of the few things the uninsured as well. includes a balanced diet can and can they really help prevent you can control during cancer “It would be fabulous if we help lower your risk of develop- whole grains, the other quarter cancer? lean protein, such as beans, treatment. Therefore “eating would be able to expand to other ing some types of cancer, as well right” often becomes of the women,” she said. as prevent other serious health legumes, chicken, fish or lean cuts of red meat. A: Many foods, from blue- utmost importance to cancer For a phone screening or problems such as heart disease berries to spinach, are touted as patients. more information about the and diabetes. “super foods” that can ensure If you want to do your own program, call the center at There are three important Q: How effective are sup- wellness and prevent cancer. research on the Internet, turn to (650) 988-7841. V lifestyle choices you can make plements at preventing or fight- However, the studies behind Web sites from reputable sources that can help you avoid health ing cancer? these claims often isolate one such as the American Institute problems: nutrient or vitamin found in a for Cancer Research (www.aicr. E-mail Casey Weiss at A: You shouldn’t rely on type of food rather than look- org); the Leukemia & Lym- [email protected] 1. Maintain a healthy weight supplements to replace healthy ing at the overall benefit of the phoma Society (www.leukemia- throughout your life whole food. lymphoma.org); Breastcancer. For example, studies have org; and the U.S. Food and Drug shown that lycopene, an anti- Administration (www.fda.gov). oxidant found in tomatoes, Look for information and advice WORKOUT FOR FREE tomato sauce and watermelon, that it is consistent from these may prevent certain cancers. reputable sites. 2 WWEEKEEK What these studies don’t take Another excellent source for into consideration is that when information on a healthy diet is the 1625 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mt. View you eat a tomato, you are also American Dietetic Association’s TTRIALRIAL OOFFERFFER getting fiber and vitamin A. Web site, www.eatright.org. 650.944.8555 • www.overtimefi tness.com First time trial customers only please. M-F 6am-10pm Sat/Sun 8am-7pm Offer expires 03/27/09. Must present this ad. It may be all these elements Q: How do I know when something is a scam? “My days are more meaningful now.” A: Don’t be taken in by prod- ucts labeled “natural,” “healthy” or “super-food.” Instead, do your own research and make sure health claims are based on scientific evidence rather than testimonials or anecdotes. The best source for reliable and accurate information is Fixed rates for selected ages — a licensed health care profes- examples only: sional, such as your doctor, or a " Current Rates registered dietitian. Individuals Age Payout Rate with other titles, such as “nutri- tionist,” are not required to have 65 5.3 ! % # the same level of training. 75 6.3 ! % # ! " In general, be suspicious of 85 $ 8.1 $! % # anyone trying to sell you advice, # “Since I started going to the Center, I feel like I belong As always, donors are advised expensive supplements or dietary to seek competent counsel. to a special club. I like the music program, the current treatments for cancer. V events discussions and the group exercise. I enjoy eating lunch with the friends I’ve made there. The Center Erica Framsted, M.S., R.D., is a ! $ makes a huge difference in my life.” registered dietitian who special- izes in cancer nutrition at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation’s Cancer Care Clinic in Palo Alto.
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