ElPaso rthletic banquct Ha11ofhme Mav15, 1980 ElPasoCivicCenter MASTER OF CEREMONIES PRESIDENT G.M.'tsILL"GREEN DR.JOHN '?INKEY" EDWIN INYOCATIONANDY COHEN MUSIC BY RIVERSONG Autographs HONOREBS Jack Curtice,Coaching Jack Curticeboasts one of the narionhmolt outstandingcareers in coachingatrd alhletlc Afler sevenyean asa highschoolcoach he moved to WestTexas Slate. becomins head coach itr 194G41.He servedas headcoach and athleticd;eclor at Texas WeslernCollose from 1942ro 1950,bringing an era of football glo.y to the Mines. His 1949and 1950teams won the nationalrushing tilles. His ove.allcollegiate recordis 140*ins, 118losses and 8 ries. Among his nany hono6 areHelms Athleti. Foun' daliol Ha,lor fdn.. Honorar)lilerime Vembe AmericanFootball Coaches Associalion; Presidenl, Ame.icanFoolbal CoachesAsocialloni Chairman, AmericanFdolball Coaches Rlles CommitteeiNatronal CollegeDivision Coach oftbe Y€ar. 1965:Texas Coa.h -, of the Year. I94l: and headcoach, Shrinc East-West He B theonly.oach who ha\ ser hadlebn. win .,. i; i, narionalrushing and pa$ing titleslwi@. Tony Carvajal.Coaching A graduaieof El PasoHigh School,CaNajal s arhletic@reer almos! ended when hs left legwas severed in a train accidenlin 1923en rouleto Aoslinto reporlfor lpring baseballlraininS tor Austinin the TexasLeague. Despit the handicap,Ca.vajal becaoe one ofthe bestnaralhon swimmenin Americaduring the 1920s and 1930s.He won racesar Catalina,Se Fran*co. Chicagornd Toronto. He devored52 yeaBto coachingswimmes, boxers, divers,soilball playes. loqle6 and iracl( and field athletes.In 1973he was awarded a liJemembe$hiP in the Amaleur Athletic Union by the BorderAssocianon. In l9?0 Carvajalsas elecredto the TexasPool of Fane in Austin. He wascited tor his marathon achievementsand for being "a pioneerof ssimming in far WestTexas...who developed many outslandingyoung compeiitorsand hasseen the sport Srowin west Texas fron only a fewsplashes inthe Rio Grandetosomeoffte His dealhi! l9TTleft a bigvoid in aftaleuralhl€tics in El Paso. ErnestL. Keilv. Football .',,' Afte. g.adualionf.om El PasoHig! Schoolin 1945 he sened in the U. S. Armed Forces. H" enre,edlera( collegeoI Mine\& Merallu,Sy.n thefall of 1946.H e wasa regularguard for four yeanand "All BorderConfer€nce" pick in 1947,1948atd 1949.He alsocompeted itr t.ack in eachofhisfouryears incollege. ElnestKelly nas an outstandingstudent as well as an outslandingathlete. He Sraduatedin May of 1950alter four yea6 in collesewitb a degreein busines. Ernestplay.d iD rhe dayswhen a man had to play both ottenseand defense.His greatspeed and strenelh madehim outstandinsas an ofiensiveSuard and as a niddle guard on deIens6. Afier gradualionhe playedfor a sho.1time vilh the Delroi! Lions and PittsburghSleelers, returning to El Pasoln l95l. He $d. a1 ouFrandrncloorball otticial in the Fl Pasoa..a for manytears. PAST HONOREES Living Awards 1976-Jim Decroat 1976-John McFall 1976 Jim Paul 1976 Chuck Whitlock 1955-Andy Cohen 1977 OscarVillareal 1956 MargaretVarner 1977-Dick Shinaut 1957-Ken Heineman 1977 PeteMelendez 1958-Dr. SandyEsquivel 1977-BobbyDobbs 1959-Jack Harden 1g77-Dalton Hill 1960-8. E. (Mannie) Ponsford 1977-Jud Milton 196l Willie Shoemaker 1978-Bob Arnold 1962-Syd Cohen 1g78-Harris Cantrell 1963-Mike Brumbelort 1978-Margaret OsborneDu Pont 1964-A. L. (Doc) Holm 1979-D. w. Conway 1965-Javier Montes I 966-Clyde Wafet 1967-Frank Redmao 1967-Ross Mooro 1967-JesseWhittenton 1968-Don Maynard 1968-Harry Phillips 1968-Nemo Herrera 1969--George Ball 1969-Mike Izquierdo 1969-Agatha Lee 1970-Dale Waters Posthumous 1970-Ben Collins l97l-Pau1 Barry l97l-Vernus Carey Awards 1971-Don Haskins 1972-C.D. Jarvis 19'12 Paul Lopez Hansen 1973 Wayne 1955-N. A. Ferguson Bobby Goldfarb 1973 1956 Cliff Hill 1973-Dolph Quijano Coblentz Jordan 1957-Luther 1973-Gene 1958-Asa Porter 1973-Harrison Kohl 1959-Mack Saxon 1974-Nolan Richardson 1960-Judge Ballard Coldwell 1974-Mary Hoover Bob Osborn 1974 Charles(Red) Harris 196l Edwards 1974 Saul Kleinfeld 1962-Carlos 1974 Bob Ingram 1963-Dr. JamesVance 1974-Fred Wendt 1964 Bob Laraba 19?5 Lee Trevino 1965-W. J. (Chule) Milner 1975-Karen Linto[ 1966-A. S. Valdespino 1975-Dr. John Edwin 1967 CharlesH. Leavell,Sr. 1975-Robert Carson 1972 Chuck Hughes 1975-John Phelan 1974-Raymond B. Ward, Sr. 1976 Billy Stevens 1975-Lee Floyd 1976-Thad Steele 1976-C. M. Hendricks El PasoAthletic Hall of FameBanquet Sponsors \endrick El€ctricCorporation "--BalesAutomatic Trdsmission! ..{ole Holde.nan InsuranceAgency ^$order City Bank Naliontl Bank Son Hendeson Isurance Agen€y .gowen Indurlries ^.llorthgaleBowlero LaDes :rlike A. Garcia Paintins 'Coronado Stat. Eank -.Unit6d Transmissions '.Diamonds Inremadonal {.sa Ford "WarchescW€iss Clothiers Terk DistributingCo.' tnc- 'M. M. Pneto. Inc. Phza Hotel Tust Traclor co /_\Ralph.Ralph _ KEZB LedDon Insurance Agency ,.rvillis Conslruction co.Co. -'KHEY Commu icalion Elafonics for Your HomeHome-GMC"-GMc QualityOualitv Trucks '€RINCO Bob BoylesInsurance Agency Jim Decroat _ Carter El PasoNatural Gasco' '_tand,-tand Yachtyacht Trailer SatdSald perrol€umComoration ^?{u-Tex Pipe & Supply,lnc. Pas-Truck center. Inc \Don ward, Builder n6hi.qon F.r€r.;is6. lnc. El - snder Pdt co MonsaF compan) or tr Paso i,";-#;,;^;il; --Hoo.\.rission savinrs Association rirh io ;ll.l,j:l ... Mek c. rcrrel - P@r,MaNict & MitchellDel;'asys rEit€. & SroEse 'Bek of Er paso Fiisrom.rndusries +::,1:#:;j:_"-"*" ;::ljf[":i'", ,, s.ha.asracks . dichard Knapp de Bruyn-Ret.ig Advertising il.lii1,J.?li,Jl "^. R6'a.anrirz - --{ii$f:ff .rnris cnvrord"*"n"""Buick, Inc"**.""" -s.u;i"'.,J"!&din8-orr & McDaniet ilir"eiit Il Pao rtam sar* .-,E.H. B;eza"rr. _Nueva vista Buildins co. E1j_*"..)l';"*il,::t\"*"",. {ohn R. Schatzman, Conlractor :t'irLI *":: ,- *averor Litton Firstcirv NarionarBdk ,i;'1 ;'iii"X".IL", ."As Bdk ^{veis€nbersErvorkswas.n Ni;;;; ii;;; c;;;;;.l, :',te NatMar \Lon€ star ElectncCo. \urerv savinssAsociarion 5ldorph-Lne!rerr T;#*t*p.y;;ru*v;." il.;'1;;;;#;;i;;" il.:ilH!::iil,H9",:ii'i"":ti::i,"., --seci,ritysourhq6! Lirernsnnc. \]i.,fi:|]:i SchwartzJewcld il"1l?i:A;j:,_YTll:#.Jfr.**,, :Ioe I Bobaecker -'El Pasov;erinarv suiprv ". }r [email protected] sewic. ;1"9:f 'il:l':-" '-^ ronv LamaBoots il,:-1'.:-Y'l-"1"* '' continenrarNationar Bank {;';;a;"i;, i"i*i'I!:'.1" ,-- Invesro,srmerna,ionar Rear Eslate -,---.,-- - Lnc PaxsonAdrert*mg l":'3*i^11T::*,:'I8'ot:^i':'^ --i#iii-6-?i'i-'-itovai' Florvers +^ ^ Pnce\cream€ries -d;;iJ b;il" l.lTlll,ll-"1'.': - ,-.. - D' Robrnvotrron -r.r..t[.t" r"re.cr'ants.rssociati.' ]il'i?":il?f ^***" -!o€'cora Borlrinsco. \Mur!t. Inc. Past Presidents- El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame 1956 John Phelan 1969-Bob Goldfarb 1957-John Phelan 1970 BiI Woodul 1958-John Phclan I 97I Bert Williams 1959-Bob Ingram 1972-Dick deBruyo I 960 Chuck Whitlock 1973 Frank Porth 1961-Harry Phillips 1974-Ben Collins 1962-Vernus Carey 1975 Don O'Neil 1963-Thad Steele 1976 John Thompson 1964-John McFall 1977-Maynard Haddad 1965-Frank Redman 1978-Harris Hatfield 1966 Cranville M. Green 1979 Billy Stev€Ds 1967-Jim Bowden I980-Dr. "Pinkey" Edwin 1968-Jim Decroat.
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