WORKERS ,,INfJIJIIR' 25¢ ~ ~,.'" No. 286 ......... ~.,; 1l!J,]3 31 July 1981 Smash Zionist Terror-Arab/Hebrew Workers Unite! :M2A\li.=. ....:a iJ- ~;m y.... ~.::.;::r~:-mmm I iQM4j Flying low, the American~madefight­ to cause maximum embarrassment to ers came in three waves over the strife­ the U.S. It occurred on the heels of a tom city of Beirut last week. The raid visit to Israel by U.S. State Department lasted at most twenty minutes. But by counselor Robert McFarlane, who was concentrating their rockets and half-ton sent to admonish Begin for the Iraqi incendiary bombs on heavily populated nuclear reactor bombing. It came just areas, the 1sraeli fighters massacred 300 after Reagan's "special emoy" to the and wounded another 800. It was the Near East Philip Habib resumed his most savage raid by the Zionist state in mission to resolve the so-called Syrian seven years. The 1sraeli government "missile crisi-." And the Beirut bombing claimed it was targeting the headquar­ occurred in the last days ofthe imperial­ ters of guerrilla organizations bdonging ist summit in Ottawa where the U.S. was to the Palestine Liberation Organiza­ already catching ,orne heat because tion (PLO). I n fact the main targets wcoc Reaganomics was savag;ng American apartmenr buildings. schools and a working people in a manner that did mosque. Washington's imperialist allies and With tht: logic of mass murderers \"ho economic competitors no favors. believe that one of "us" is worth at least On July 20, the Reagan administra­ a hundred of "them:' and who han: the tion announced that given the accoutrements of state power (includ­ "escalation of violence" the shipment of ing. as Moshe Dayan recently con­ four F-16 fighter-bombers suspended firmed, the A-bomb) to impose their after the Iraqi bombing would continue will. Israel claimed the raid was in to be held up, as would another six retaliation to a PLO rocket attack on F-16s scheduled for shipment that cay. n0,thern ISLJe! earlier that week in On Wednesday Secretary of Defense wil!ch three Israelis were killed. 1n Weinberger went on the TV program U(;.~),._.:,} ~/,. of-tl-Ing /\T'!':crtc:!fl"-tc :;t6_-t.~'"-~~-ttt' ~-..;.;:..t" ~ ~;. ~. ,." '~ ,~ -".'::':- "( t bv threc'lsraeli air strikes which kll!cd Begin's policies "cannot really be de­ 65 and wounded 250. fhe Beirut scribed as moderate at this point." Not bombing \Vas only the most ferocious about to be called to account by act in a two·week mass terrI;;' campaign imperialist butchers, Begin responded in which Israel has been continuously to criticism from Washington: shelling coastal towns and viliages, "\ don't want to hear anything from the Amcrica!'s about hitting civilian tar­ blowing up roads and bridges, bombing gets. \ k'1oW exactly what the Ameri­ and strafing Paicstmian refugee camp". ~ans did in Victnarn." The Beirut bombing raid was But not willing to strain relations with reminiscent uf Deir Yassin. v"here in his imperialist patrons too far, Begin has 194~ Zir.Eisl terrorists of the lrgun ami accepted an American-brokered '*" 4'" Stern gang gunned down 254 unarmed "cessation of hostilities" that will be as Palestiniam. mainly women and chil­ short-lived as those notorious Lebanese %-,,' dren. No wonder yesterday's Irgun ter­ ceasefires. f'.. t" rorists are today's Israeli rulers. The bombing raid announced to the world ~.-.:,~~."'-.­ Begin Bombs Reagan's 4 that the Butcher of Deir Yassin and Natchwey..-'Bla~'k St2.r 1rgun leader Menachem Begin had been "Strategic Consensus" Again Zionist mass leno!' bombing of Bierut massacres 300, returnl'd to the premicr;h;p 01 the The bombing of Beirut, like the Zionist state, Following the bombing bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor, regimes so reactionary that the U.S. did raid Begin issued a personal statement blows up Reagan/ Haig's Near East Zionist state of Israel it IS necessary to not want to have direct dealings with which was not so much ajustification as strategy of an anti-Soviet "strategic pretend it is a completely subservient them. Israel supplied over 90 percent of an unabashed open declaration of consensus" uniting Israel and the Arab puppet of U.S, imperialism do not the arms to the Somoza regime and genocidal warfare against Palestinians: states against the Soviet Union. What understand that the Israeli rulers' own today Israel is the main arms supplier "We shall however, continue to attack we wrote about mad bomber Begin last interests are often in harmony with U.S. terrorist bases and headquarters, even if for the Salvadoran junta. The blood of month also applies to the Beirut raid: imperialism but are no less reactionary they are purposely located in the the thousands of workers and peasants "In fact, sowing discord between the when they are not. vicinity of. or within. civilian that have fallen in the civil war there is concentrations." U.S. and the Arab states was as much No doubt there is an enormous element of hypocrisy in the spats on the hands of the Zionists, Neverthe­ As with Israeli bombing of the Iraqi the purpose of the raid as its direct between the United States and Israel. less, U.S. commitment to Israel is nuclear reactor. imperialist and Zionist rniiitary objective" ("Israeli Nuclear The U.S., for example, is still very much entirely subordinate to its global inter­ "friends of Israel," especially in the U.S., Terrorists." WVNo. 283, 19June). Fake dependent on Israel not only to police ests in which control over Mideast oil ex pressed chagrin at the antics of mad leftists who believe that in order to the 1\ear East but as an arms supplier for continued on page 4 bomher Begin. The bombing was timed assert the reactionary character of th" \~~O~~~ B Salvador ~~, >f'\~' ---_.-....~-~.~~.~-..._-_._----._----- ISWPGets Its Day in Court V·T • .,. Ie ORIA Mil ,,\\\\f\,;i::NlmS A lOS INGURG£, ~~~\sO Labor and EI Salvador: bE fZQUIERbA ~~ \ ~~~\ 1¥i1dor! Class Struggle vs. \\~~~~ ....... Reformism ~:~, Cold War. .. 3 Reagan's Mass Deportations to on Trial ...6 Death ...S Letters Northern Ireland is not a nationally homogeneous area Socialism vs. Irish ----' \If seeking liberation from imperialism. It is a case of , IFi'! J . \',h Republicanism lblor interpenetrated peoples, like Cyprus or Lebanon, RI~ where the will of the Protestant community must be To Editors of "Workers Vanguard" taken into account in any genuinely democratic solution. The Ulster Protestant workers fear incorpo­ I'm writing concerning the May issue of your paper ~H ration into an Irish Catholic state and are prepared to [Workers Vanguard No. 280, 8 May] which included :~C1 resist it violently. Possibly the Ulster Protestant an article on the late Irish Revolutionary hero, Bobby workers can be won to a program of a unified Irish Sands. 1(( workers state, which would necessarily have a secular I'm glad to hear your organization joined the anti­ ,:C .. character. But such a workers state cannot be created British imperialist activity in New York and here in through the forced incorporation of the Ulster California. As a union man, a Socialist, and an Irish Protestant community. Republican I welcome you. I also agreed with most of Instead of a "united socialist Ireland," we call for an your article. But towards the end there is a serious Irish workers republic (not necessarily including the mistake. I hope it is unintentional. You state, quote, Ulster Protestant community) within a socialist "the Republican's fight for cross-class Catholic unity­ federation of the British Isles. In addition to providing a capitalist united Ireland." That is not true. In the framework for a democratic resolution of the "Republican News" the newspaper of the Sinn Fein national question, a socialist federation bears on the and the I.R.A., it has been stated many times that the economic basis for unifying the Ulster Protestant and goal of the I.R.A. is for a unitedSocialist Ireland! That Irish workers. As poor as Ulster is, south Ireland is goal has also been stated by the Irish National poorer still. If the Ulster Protestant working class is to Liberatir)n Army, the other organization participating accept being part of a unified Irish workers state, they in the Hunger strike. The U. S. capitalist press clippings (as well as the rest of the Irish working class) should will verify this, there has been bitter anti-socialist have their share of the wealth available from the attacks on the I.R.A. precisely because they do WVPhoto Chicago demonstration against H-Block, 22 May. socialist integration of the British Isles. support, so strongly, a socialist Ireland with no place As we wrote in "Theses on Ireland," our basic for "Shamrock Capitalism." "socialist" not only in the slogan but in reality. The statement on the question: Please correct your error and continue your efforts Provisionals in effect advocate the forced unification "We struggle for an Irish workers republic as part of a to get the British occupation army out of my parents' of Northern Ireland with the existing Irish Catholic socialist federation of the British Isles. While the homeland. Victory to the Hunger Strikers! Up the capitalist state (despite the fact that it persecutes them). establishment of a united workers state of the whole I.R.A.! island may be preferable. the above demand is algebraic, As for the more "socialist" Officials (now Sinn Fein­ leaving open thc question of where the Protestants fall. Sincerely, The Workers Party), the overwhelming thrust of their This recognizes that the nature of the Protestant Tom Brennan politics is for a united Ireland, ignoring the class nature community has not yet been determined in history.
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