Rhythmic Gymnastics Catalog 2018 Overseas Edition 1204 ŶŶ ŽĐk CŽ eĐtaď e L ůe S ďů yƐ ŽƵ te D m dŚe KƌŝŐŝŶaů CŽŶŶeĐtaďůe SyƐtem aŶĚ ŝtƐ ƌŝůůŝaŶt 'ƌaĚaƟŽŶ CŽůŽƌ͘ dŚe SS</͛Ɛ KƌŝŐŝŶaů CƵůƟǀateĚ deĐŚŶŽůŽŐy͘ Point 01 ZƵďďĞƌMĂƚĞƌŝĂůĨŽƌ^ĂĨĞƚLJ͕džĐĞůůĞŶƚhƐĂďŝůŝƚLJĂŶĚ ^ƚĂďŝůŝƚLJŽĨWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ͘ FRP×O PP×LMP BRY×TQBU B×GD B×SI SS</ ZƵďďeƌ CůƵď ŝƐ a ĮďeƌŐůaƐƐͲmaĚe ĐŽƌe aŶĚ ƐƉeĐŝaů ƵƌetŚaŶe ĐŽateĚ ŽŶ ƐƵƌĨaĐe͘ /tƐ ŝŶteŐƌaůůy mŽůĚŝŶŐ ƉƌŽĐeƐƐŝŶŐ ƌeĚƵĐeƐ tŚe ĐƌaĐk dŚe ŇƵŽƌeƐĐeŶt ĐŽůŽƌ ŝƐ ĐŽmƉŽƐeĚ ďy aƵƌŽƌa ƉŽǁĚeƌ ŐůŝƩeƌ͘ *Do NOT excessively use the Clubs, may damage the gradation coating. aŶĚ eŶĐŽƵƌaŐe tŚe ĚyŶamŝĐ tŚƌŽǁ ŽĨ ƉeƌĨŽƌmaŶĐe͘ M-34GH GƌĂĚĂƟŽŶZƵďďĞƌůƵďƐ;ĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĂďůĞͿ maĚe ŝŶ CŚŝŶa M-34JKGH GƌĂĚĂƟŽŶZƵďďĞƌůƵďƐ;ĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĂďůĞ͕ƐŚŽƌƚƐŝnjĞͿ maĚe ŝŶ CŚŝŶa SƉeĐŝaů hretŚaŶe ZƵďďer ● Spec: 44cm long, weight 150g min. ● Material: urethane (special paint finished) ● Spec: 40.5cm long, weight 150g min. ● Material: urethane (special paint finished) ● Color: FRP × O (FreshPink × Orange) PP × LMP (Purple × LuminousPink) ● Color: The same as M-34GH (exception: B x GD, B x SI is NOT available) BRY × TQBU (BrightYellow × TurquoiseBlue) FRP × KEY (FreshPink × FluoYellow) Certified as short size. B × GD (Black × Gold) W × EMBU (White × EmeraldBlue) B × SI (Black × Silver) RS × GD (Raspberry × Gold) &ŝďerŐůaƐƐ ĐŽre maŝŶtaŝŶƐ ŝtƐ ƐtreŶŐtŚ͘ Point 02 DŽƵďůe LŽĐk CŽŶŶeĐtaďůe SyƐtem Size Chart ŽƵďůĞ>ŽĐŬŽŶŶĞĐƚĂďůĞ^LJƐƚĞŵ ĨŽƌsĂƌŝĞƚLJŽĨWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ͘ dǁŽ ĐŽŶŶeĐƟŽŶ ƐteƉƐ ŽĨ DŽƵďůe LŽĐk SyƐtem eŝtŚeƌ ďy ƋƵŝĐk aŶĚ ůŝŐŚt͕ Žƌ ĚeeƉ aŶĚ ƟŐŚt ŝƐ aĚaƉteĚ ĚŝīeƌeŶtůy ďy ƉeƌĨŽƌmaŶĐe͕ aŶĚ eŶaďůe tŽ ƐŚaƉe tŚe ůaƌŐe ĐŝƌĐůe ǁŝtŚ ŚŝŐŚ ƐĐŽƌe ŽĨ ĚŝĸĐƵůty͘ YƵŝĐk aŶĚ ůŝŐŚt DeeƉ aŶĚ ƟŐŚt *ƚŚĞƟŐŚƚŶĞƐƐŽĨĐŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶ ĨŽƌ ĨaƐt mŽƟŽŶ ĨŽƌ ĚyŶamŝĐ mŽƟŽŶ ŵĂLJǀĂƌŝĞƐĂŵŽŶŐƚŚĞĐůƵďƐ͘ B M-34H ZƵďďĞƌůƵďƐ;ĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĂďůĞͿ maĚe ŝŶ CŚŝŶa ● Spec: 44cm long, weight 150g min. ● Material: urethane (special paint finished) ● Color: FRR (FreshRed) FRP (FreshPink) RS (Raspberry) PP (Purple) MABU (MarineBlue) W (White) BRY (BrightYellow) MAG (MuscatGreen) B (Black) Point 03 dŚĞ^ŚŝŶLJGůŝƩĞƌĞĚGƌĂĚĂƟŽŶŝƐ^^K/͛ƐKƌŝŐŝŶĂůŽĂƟŶŐdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ͘ 'ƌaĚaƟŽŶ ZƵďďeƌ CůƵďƐ ǁŝtŚ SS</͛Ɛ ŽƌŝŐŝŶaů ĐŽaƟŶŐ ŽŶ tŚe ƐƵƌĨaĐe ŽĨ ƵƌetŚaŶe ƌƵďďeƌ͘ dŚe ƉŽƉƵůaƌ ŇƵŽƌeƐĐeŶt ĐŽůŽƌ ĐŽmƉŽƐeĚ ďy aƵƌŽƌa ƉŽǁĚeƌ ŐůŝƩeƌ edžƉƌeƐƐ tŚe ďeaƵty ŽĨ ďƌŝŐŚtŶeƐƐ͘ 'raĚaƟŽŶ ŝƐ tŚe CůƵďƐ 'raĚaƟŽŶ ǁŝtŚ ƉrŽĚƵĐeĚ ŽŶůy ďy SS</͛Ɛ ƉůeŶty ŽĨ ƐŚŝŶy ŐůŝƩer͘ ŽrŝŐŝŶaů ĐŽaƟŶŐ teĐŚŶŽůŽŐy͘ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƵƌĂďŝůŝƚLJWĞƌŝŽĚĂŶĚtĂƌƌĂŶƚLJ taƌƌaŶty StaŶĚaƌĚ ƉƉaƌatƵƐ WeƌŝŽĚ ,ŽƵƌƐ DƵƌaďŝůŝty ZŝďďŽŶ͕ ƩaĐŚmeŶt 1 mŽŶtŚ 90 1 year &͘/͘GĂƉƉƌŽǀĞĚ SƟĐk͕ ƩaĐŚmeŶt 2 mŽŶtŚ 180 1 year dŚe ƉƌŽĚƵĐtƐ meetƐ &/' EŽƌm aŶĚ aƉƉƌŽǀeĚ ďy &/'͘ ,ŽŽƉ 2 mŽŶtŚ 180 1 year M-34JKH ZƵďďĞƌůƵďƐ;ĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĂďůĞ͕ƐŚŽƌƚƐŝnjĞͿ maĚe ŝŶ CŚŝŶa MJ-38H JƵŶŝŽƌZƵďďĞƌůƵďƐ;ĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĂďůĞͿ maĚe ŝŶ CŚŝŶa ZŽƉe ϯ mŽŶtŚ 270 2 year ● Spec: 40.5cm long, weight 150g min. ● Material: urethane (special paint finished) ● Spec: 36cm long, weight≒100g ● Material: urethane (special paint finished) CůƵďƐ 2 mŽŶtŚ 180 2 year ● Color: FRP (FreshPink) RS (Raspberry) PP (Purple) LIBU (LightBlue) W (White) BRY (BrightYellow) ● Color: FRR (FreshRed) FRP (FreshPink) RS (Raspberry) PP (Purple) LIBU (LightBlue) aůů 2 mŽŶtŚ 180 1 year W (White) BRY (BrightYellow) dŚŝƐ ŝƐ tŚe ƐtaŶĚarĚ ƉerŝŽĚ ǁŚeŶ tŚe ƉrŽƉer ƵƐe ŝƐ aůǁayƐ keƉt͘ dŚe aĐtƵaů ƉerŝŽĚ ŝƐ aīeĐteĚ ďy Certified as short size. tŚe ĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƵƐe͕ temƉeratƵre͕ ŚƵmŝĚŝty͕ ĚŝreĐt ƐƵŶ ůay ŽĨ ƐƵrrŽƵŶĚŝŶŐ aŶĚ ŽtŚer ĨaĐtŽrƐ ŝŶ aīeĐt͘ Caution Keep the product use only on official RG floor SASAKI Ball is excellent in touching feeling and straight rolling. Features of SASAKI Ball Point 01 Point 02 MAG×LYMY LIBU×SKBU RRK×PP P×RS LYMY×KEP B×P O×RS The excellent touching M-207VE Venus Ball made in Japan M-207MVE Middle Venus Ball made in Japan feeling is produced only rubber improve the ● Spec: dia. 18.5cm, weight 410+/-5g ● Material: rubber ● Spec: dia. 17cm ● Material: rubber by SASAKI’s original ● PLUM FRR Color: MAG×LYMY (MuscatGreen × LimeYellow) LIBU×SKBU (LightBlue × SkyBlue) ● Color: same as M-207VE (exception: LYMY × KEP, B × P, O × RS is NOT available) VI RRK×PP (Lilac × Purple) P×RS (Pink ×Raspberry) LYMY × KEP (LimeYellow × FluoPink) B × P (Black × Pink) O× RS (Orange × Raspberry) JOINT MABU DAG PLUM CYP NEW Point 03 M-207BRM Meteor Ball made in Japan Point 04 makes a bright gorgeous ring The oblique joint of dimensionally. ● Spec: dia. 18.5cm, weight 410+/-5g ● Material: rubber rubber makes the Ball The rubber of air valve ● Color: PLUM(Plum) VI(Violet) FRR(FreshRed) surface smooth and is improved. MABU(MarineBlue) DAG(DarkGreen) even. FRR BU B Bright and plane colors, and excellent touching feeling. M-20A Gymstar Ball made in Japan ● Spec: dia. 18.5cm, weight 410+/-5g ● Material: rubber ● Color: R (Red) CYP (CherryPink) P (Pink) O (Orange) LYMY (LimeYellow) MAG (MuscatGreen) W (White) FRR (FreshRed) RS (Raspberry) ROP (RosePink) RRK (Lilac) LIBU (LightBlue) BU (Blue) B (Black) LIBU LD The Įne metallic powder shines the beauty under the light, making the performance even more Metallic Ball made in Japan elegant. ● Spec: dia. 18.5cm, weight 410+/-5g ● Material: rubber ● Color: R (Red) RS (Raspberry) LD (Lavender) SKBU (SkyBlue) GD (Gold) AQSI (AquaSilver) Best use for kids and child training. RYBU (RoyalBlue) PP (Purple) Middle Ball made in Japan M-20C Junior Ball made in Japan ● Spec: dia. 17cm ● Material: rubber ● Spec: dia. 15cm ● Material: rubber ● Color: LYMY (LimeYellow) LIBU (LightBlue) RRK (Lilac) ● Color: R (Red) O (Orange) LYMY (LimeYellow) W (White) LIBU (LightBlue) P (Pink) ROP (RosePink) R (Red) P (Pink) ROP (RosePink) RRK (Lilac) BU (Blue) FRR PLIBU NEW P×LYMY RRK×P made in Japan made in Japan MJ-206 Junior Stardust Ball M-20CBR Galaxy Junior Bright Ball M-21C Junior PVC Ball made in Japan ● Spec: dia. 15cm ● Material: rubber ● Spec: dia. 15cm ● Material: rubber ● Spec: dia. 13 to15cm ● Material: PVC The PVC ball is reasonable price LIBU ● Color: P × LYMY (Pink × LimeYellow) RRK× P (Lilac × Pink) ● Color: P (Pink) LIBU (LightBlue) FRR (FreshRed) ● Color: R (Red) RRK (Lilac) BU (Blue) for unoĸcial occasions of use. P (Pink) LEY (LemonYellow) *Size may differ due to the nature of material. Aurora alike of color and brightness appears *Use the high pressure pump to adjust the size of Ball. LIBU How to Care the Ball ~to maintain the Ball for long term use~ Size Chart Use SASAKI Ball Pump to adjust the air amount. Periodical Maintenance of Air Valve dia. 18.5cm Insert in vertical angle. Close the Air Vent by Slider. Insert the needle vertically and deeply. Squeeze the Pump to inflate the Ball. Aurora Ball made in Japan Slider ● ● Spec: dia. 18.5cm, weight 410+/-5g Material: rubber dia. 17cm M-207MVE ● Color: P (Pink) MO (Mauve) WIB (WineBlack) LILA (Lila) RRK Keep the Air Vent open Apply a small amount of Ball Smoother CYP (CherryPink) GD (Gold) CHGD (ChampagneGold) to the Pump needle and insert in and LIBU (LightBlue) APC (Apricot) W (White) Open the Air Vent by Slider. M-746 Ball Smoother (grease) out vertically in several time to prevent Y (Yellow) MAG (MuscatGreen) LIPP (LightPurple) LIPP Keep the needle inserted and press the Ball ● Volume: 5g made in Malaysia the dryness and crack of valve. M-22P Ball Pump made in Japan lightly and slowly to deflate the Ball. ● Material: glycerin ● Material: rubber ● Color: RRK (Lilac) MJ-206 dia. 15cm M-20C *Do NOT inflate excessively, may cause the rubber stretched out. M-20C Use SASAKI Ball Pump only for SASAKI Ball. *Ball with pattern may appears differently one by one. *Do NOT deflate the Ball completely, may cause the surface damaged. Size Chart SASAKI Rope is well-brighten with G×P its unique material. Features of SASAKI Rope TQBU×COO Nylon Polyester Bright with gloss in color The moderate elasƟcity and the well tension and and soŌness preferred sƟīness of material for from beginner to elite easy use. gymnasts. P×LIBU The color scheme of M-280TS about 90cmabout 120cm about 90cm R×B VI×Y×G made in Japan COO×R×P Standard Hoop made in Japan Double-End Rope ● Spec : 3m long, dia. 1cm ● Material: Nylon ● Material: polyethylene ● Color: TQBU × COO (TurquoiseBlue × CoralOrange) G × P (Green × Pink) ● Spec: inside dia. 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60cm Color: W (White) P (Pink) R × B (Red × Black) P × LIBU (Pink × LightBlue) inside dia. 80, 75, 70cm Color: LEY (LemonYellow) LD (Lavender) LIBU (LightBlue) B×RS×VI LD×W×P E G Clear Fluo Hoop made in Japan ● Spec : inside dia. 70, 75, 80cm ● Material: polyethylene Color Nylon Rope made in Japan Tri-Color Rope made in Japan ● Color: P (Pink) LEY (LemonYellow) O (Orange) MAG (MuscatGreen) ● Spec : 3m long, dia. 1cm ● Material: Nylon ● Spec : 3m long, dia. 1cm ● Material: Nylon ● Color: G (Green) Y (Yellow) COO (CoralOrange) R (Red) P (Pink) ● Color: VI × Y × G (Violet × Yellow × Green) COO× R× P (CoralOrange × Red × Pink) LD (Lavender) VI (Violet) TQBU (TurquoiseBlue) LIBU (LightBlue)g B× RS× VI (Black × Raspberry × Violet) LD× W × PEG (Lavender × White × PeppermintGreen) SASAKI’s original joint Polyester Rope made in Japan technology stabilizes P O KEY PEG VI the balance of Hoop. ● Spec : 3m long, dia. 0.8cm ● Material: Polyester ● Color: P (Pink) O (Orange) KEY (FluoYellow) PEG (PeppermintGreen) Features of SASAKI Hoop VI (Violet) M-11ST Keep the round shape for straight rolling and stabilized throw. M-14 MAG×KEY LIBU×LIP The heat welding process makes the joint surface smooth and even. Its elasƟcity reduces the break of Hoop. Caution KEO×Y P×LD Hoop adopts the durable plastic and Hoop made in Japan M-14 Flexible Hoop made in Japan polystyrene for RG performance, but the ● Spec : inside dia. 81, 85cm, weight 300gmin ● Spec : inside dia. 81, 85, 89cm, weight 300gmin ● * continuously excessive impact may cause Material: plastic ● Material: polyethylene MJ-240 Junior Color Polyester Rope made in Japan / made in China ● Junior Spiral Rope made in Japan the damage of Hoop. Color: W (White) ● Color: W (White) ● Spec : 2.5m long, dia.
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