366 WEST KlRBY. CHESHIRE. [ KELLY'S £1,734; the population in 1891 was 184, ·of which 28 ure There is a small mission chapel here, in connection with included in West Kirby and Hoylake Urban District, and St. 'Michael's, West Kirby. Thomas Strong esq. Gcorge m• 1901 was 299. Day esq. trustees of the late Madame de Falbe, of Luton Letters through Birkenhead. West Kirby, half a mile Boo, Beds, and T. B. Royden esq. of Frankby Hall, are distant, is the nearest money order & teiegraph office the principal landowners. Soil, ..sandy; subsoil, rocky. NEWTON-CUM-T.ARTON, formerly a township in the The area is 488 acres; the population in 1891 was 66. parish of Frankby, was in 1889, by LDcal Government Letters through Birkenhead. West Kirby, one mile dis- Board Order No. 23,295, amalgamated with Grange. tant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office WEST KIRBY. PRIVATI~ RESIDENTS. Da.vies Mrs. 42 Ohurch road Hammond Mrs. 4 Park road .Aldersey Thomas, 14 Brookfield road De Jong Paul, Green bank, Caldy rd Harrington Mrs.Grange vw.Meols drv .Alien George, Firs hill, Village road Dewhurst Tho.s. Attica, Mostyn av Harrington 'l'homas P. Clarendon, Hy- .A.psimon Thomas, 5 Dunraven road Dickinson Joseph, 33 Victoria road dro avenue .A.rgles Mi~s, 29 Westbourne grove Dinn Waiter Edwin Phillip, Heather Harris Frank, r6 Victoria drive .A.spinall MN!. Mallgate, Hydro avenue lea, Wetstones lane Heath Mrs. Mayfield, Mostyn avenue .A.tkinson Richard, Fairholme,Hydro av Dodime.ad Mrs. Kirby view, Caldy rd Hemsley Thomas Frederick, Helvellyn. Baddeley Mrs. 5 Riversdale rood Douglas Mrs. 4 Lang lane Hydro avenu~ Barnes .A. Kentish, Laurel villa, Dreaper Mrs. LDuisa, 12 North road Henderson William G. Leylands. Caldy road Duck worth Wltr. Grove hill, Grange rd Meals drive Barnes Mrs. 7 Deeside parade Dufton Edmund D . .A.rthuret, Hydro av Hennison Rev. David, 7 Darmond's grn Bar-rinf;ton William, 6 .Avenue, West- Dunn James, Keewaydin, Banks road Henshall Miss, Riverslee, Hydro av bourne grove Dyson Mrs. 39 Eaton road Henson Francis, 22 North road Barter Rev. Herbert Francis Treseder. Easton :Miss, Glasly, Hydro avenue Herbert William G. I Church road M.A. (curate), 24 Church road Eccles Charles By. 23 Westbourne rd Herron Wm. J. 25 Devonshire road Bayldon Mrs. St. Bernard's, Caldy rd Edwards John, 19 Victoria road Hesketh Oharles W. 36 Dunraven rd Bean Mis-s, 3 Westbourne grove Elias 1Villiam Owen, n Dunraven rd Hetherington James, 8 Victoria road Beddard Edwd. Fredk. I Church rd.we Elliott Charles F. 35 Dunraven ro.ad Hewitt .A.rt;hur Frank, 4 Grosvenor rd Bell Hy., J.P. Greenfield,Carpent~r's la Ellison John Farrington, Leighmount, Heyne William D. :\1eols drive Bell Mrs. 8 Victoria drive Leigh road Heys James, 27 Victoria road Berey William, 7 Marine park Ellison T.homas, 14 Ho~cote park Holder Oharles S. 35 Eaton road Bicknell .A.rlhur M.B. Banks road Emei""Son John Moody, I3 Victoria rd Jilollowell Rev. William B.A. Calday Bicknell William Hy. IS Dunraven trd Eva Rev. Daniel (Wesleyan Methodist), Grange school Billiald Richard .A. 2 Park road 21 Victoria road Holroyde Mrs. 27 Dunraven road Billington ~dward R. Glencoe, Mos- Eskrigg Robert, Lynwood, Mostyn av Hope J oseph, 26 Church road tyn avenue Evans Mrs. 2 Grosvenor road Hor·ton Samuel, Greenbank, Leigh rd Birchall Frederick, Fairhurst, Sandy la Evans Saml. Hope cott. Banks road Hough Ernest, 17 Devonshire road Blackburn William, 3 Devonshire rd Evans William .A. 13 Da.rmond's grn Houghton Art.h. Holm hill, Village rd Blencowe Rev. Canon .Alfred Jame& Fair Henry, Redbank, Banks road Hud-son George, 23 Church road west ~1.A. The Rectory Falk MN. 'l'horshill, Wetstone-s lane Hudson Mrs, 43 Westbourne grove Boadle Willia.rn P. 30 Church road Farra.r Mrs. I7 Victoria. road Hudson Rubenstein, 16 Dunraven rd Boggs Stanley .A. 22 Church road Felton John, Ivydene, Hydro avenue Hughes Jo'hn, 20 North road Bond Mrs. 4 The .Avenue, Westbourne Felton Waiter B. Ivydene, Hydro av Hughes Mrs. 9 Church road west grove Fleming Mrs. 9 Victoria road Hughes Samuel, 6 Park road Bratt<Jn Joseph, 36 Victoria drive Fletcher John, Garth ho. Deeside par Hume Fredk. Wm. II Darmond's grn Broadfoot James R. I2 Church road Flinn Richard S. Lilac villa, Caldy rd Ingham Jeremiah, I4 Westbourne rd Broatch Mrs. Bella Vista, Banks road Fogg Joseph, 6 )iarine park Jackwn Edward, I Hosecote park Brockman John William, Winterholme, Fox Gilbert W. 3 Lingdale road Jackson Mrs. 7 Pa.rk road Deeside parade .foyl Henry J. 9 Deeside parade Jarvis Thomas, Beaumont, Banks 1d Brown James R. 9 Lingdale road Frost ~iss, 10 Hoscote park Jay ..tienry Dansic, Fairview, Hilbre rd Brown Miss, Stone hive, Grange road Fry John, 4 Mercia. terrace Jenkins Mrs. -6 Victoria d.rive Brown Oswald E. 31 Westbourne gro Fuller Miss, 33 We-stbourne ;road Jones Edward, 18 Cburoh road Brown Wm. Mclntyre M.B. Banks rd Gardner Richard Ba.rnes, 13 Devon- Jones Gethin, Brightholme, Hydro av Brunt Miss, 47 Westbourne grove shire road Jone·s Ylrs. Westholme, Banks road Burkey Jos€ph, 4 Westbourne grove Gaunt Mrs. Southcote, Hydro avenue Jones Thomas Fredk. 1 Birkett road Burnett Richard S. n Victoria road Gerard .A.ugustns,Linkston,Lingdale rd Jones Wm. .Alfred, Sand Lea park Butterworth Ernest W. St. Colmes, Gilbert Edwin, I5 Park road Jones William Richd. r8 Hosecote pk Banks road Gilbert Mrs. Riverslee, Hydro avenue Jukes Edwin Jsph. I2 ~ I4 Grange rd Buttel"WW''"th Wellington 0. 14 Rivers- Glover Edward, Sandowne, Hydro a• Kemp William David, Llanberis, Car- dale Toad Glcwer JaJTies Wrigley, Normanhurst, penteT's lane Oaddow Wm. T. 16 Hosco.te park Banks road Kerfoot Mrs. 42 Dnnraven road Cain Mrs. Clevebnds, Meals drive Glover Miss, The Oaks Kerman :Mrs. 25 Dunraven road Campooll .A.rohibald R. 44 Dunraven rd Glover Miss, I7 Park road Kershaw J oseph P. 2 Deeside parade Carlyle Geo. Kirkallons, Hilbre road Golding Frederick, Redstone house Key George, 41 Eaton road Cauty Mrs. Waverley, Caldy road Gonner Edward, Langside, Marine pk King Richard Thacker, 2 Grange rd Ohadwick Mrs. Brentwood, Deeside pa.r Goodwin Francis J. 46 Dunraven road King William, Northcote, Hilbre road Charleson Mrs. Hilbre road Goodwin Joseph H. L. Dawronoh, Kirkland Rev. Pa,trick Miller (Pres- Chrirries Mrs. Edendale, Hilbre road Hydro avenue byterian), 14 North road Chrimes Thos. Norley ho. Hilbre rd Goodwin Mr!!. Edensor, Hydro avenue Kniveton Frank, Bridge ho. Sandy l~ Ohristian James Henry, 19 North rd (}onldsmythe Joseph, Hi1bre T'OO.d Knowles Mrs. I6 Ma;rine park Christian William Watson, Ronald;;way Gourley Galbraith, :<9 Westbourne rd Latham MI"S. 2.5 Church road west Chuck Oharles, 9 Hosecote park Grant Mrs. 9 Riversdale road Latta Wilham S. :r Dunraven road Clark Jas. I .Avenue, Westbourne gro Gratton ~irs. 27 '\Vestboume grove Lawrenson Adam, 2 Birkett road Cla.rk Miss, 2I Riversdale road Greatorex Sydney C. 8 Grosvenor rd Lea Henry, 9 Grange road Clarke Rev. Robert Fulford M.A. Green Edwin J. Low wood, Meals drv Lea William, 4 Riversdale road (curate), 32 Church road Green James, Graham road Leaoh Henry, 30 Eaton road Cleaver Harrii P. Clavis, Me-als drivel Griffin Thomas, 9 Dunraven road Leah Mrs. Oteley, Carpenter's lane Conning Mrs. 6 Riversdale road Griffiths James, Sand lea Leamy Henry, 17 Banks road Cook George Shaw, II Devonshire rd Griffiths Wynne, 5 Devonshire road Lear Oharle.s, II Darmond's green Ootterr Miss, IS Victoria road Grimshaw Miss, 5 Park road Ledward Mrs. II Hoscote park Cox Rev. .A.rthur Gill M . .A.. I9 Devon- Grinsen Van, Harmston, Grosvenor rd Lee Ar1:hur H. Village road shire ;road Gripprich Emil, Ferndene, Banks rd Lees ~iss, 5 Darmond's green C<>x Ge-o. Robt. Lossett, Graham rd Grundy Harrison, 15 Westbourne gro Leggate James M.B. ro North road Craigie MI""S. Sands, D€eside parade Grundy Miss, 14 Victoria drive Legge R. C., B.Sc. Westbourne grove Craine Thomas, 2 Westboume grove Guthri~ Misse-s, I9 Park road Leigh Harry, Seaford, Mostyn avenue Oroft Hy. Olaremont, Darmond's grn Haig'h Fre-derick, Croyland, Caldy rd Leslie :Mrs. 25 Victoria road Cross Reginald Radcliff,wDunraven rd Halliwell James M:.R.O.V.S. II West- Lewis John J. 2 Princes avenue Cm-rie Peter, Newsb.am, Mostyn av bourne grove Lewis Owen, I8 Dunraven road Curtis Mrs. 4 Hosecote park Hallows J. Hilbre Lilwall .Alfred, Rose acre, Meals drive Dandy Rev. Richard, 12 Riversdale rd Hamer Mrs. 3 Victoria drive Lloyd Henry, 12 Victoria drive Daniel Miss, Devonia, Grange road Hankin Lieut.-Col. Fredk. George, Lloyd John W. I3 Banks road Daniel Mrs. I Victoria. drive Kelhetan, Hydro avenue Lloyd Miss, 9 Church road .
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