Introducing Neuropsychology Introducing Neuropsychology, second edition investi- edition, key topics are dealt with in separate focus gates the functions of the brain and explores the boxes, and “interim comment” sections allow the relationships between brain systems and human reader a chance to “take stock” at regular intervals. behaviour. The material is presented in a jargon-free, The book assumes no particular expertise on easy to understand manner and aims to guide the reader’s part in either psychology or brain students new to the field through current areas of physiology. Thus, it will be of great interest not only research. to those studying neuropsychology and cognitive Following a brief history of the discipline and a neuroscience, but also to medical and nursing description of methods in neuropsychology, the students, and indeed anyone who is interested in remaining chapters review traditional and recent learning about recent progress in understanding research findings. Both cognitive and clinical aspects brain–behaviour relationships. of neuropsychology are addressed to illustrate the advances scientists are making (on many fronts) in John Stirling has worked at Manchester Polytechnic/ their quest to understand brain–behaviour relation- MMU for over 30 years, teaching Bio- and Neuro- ships in both normal and disturbed functioning. The psychology, Psychopathology and Experimental rapid developments in neuropsychology and cogni- Design and Statistics. He has published over 30 tive neuroscience resulting from traditional research scientific journal articles, and three books. methods as well as new brain-imaging techniques are presented in a clear and straightforward way. Each Rebecca Elliott has worked at the University of chapter has been fully revised and updated and new Manchester for 8 years, using brain-imaging tech- brain-imaging data are incorporated throughout, niques to study emotion and cognition in psychiatric especially in the later chapters on Emotion and disorders. She has published over 50 scientific Motivation, and Executive Functions. As in the first research articles. Psychology Focus Series editor: Perry Hinton, Oxford Brookes University The Psychology Focus series provides students with a new focus on key topic areas in psychology. It supports students taking modules in psychology, whether for a psychology degree or a combined programme, and those renewing their qualification in a related discipline. Each short book: • presents clear, in-depth coverage of a discrete area with many applied examples • assumes no prior knowledge of psychology • has been written by an experienced teacher • has chapter summaries, annotated further reading and a glossary of key terms. Also available in this series: Friendship in Childhood and Adolescence Stereotypes, Cognition and Culture Phil Erwin Perry R. Hinton Gender and Social Psychology Psychology and “Human Nature” Vivien Burr Peter Ashworth Jobs, Technology and People Abnormal Psychology Nik Chmiel Alan Carr Learning and Studying Attitudes and Persuasion James Hartley Phil Erwin Personality: A Cognitive Approach The Person in Social Psychology Jo Brunas-Wagstaff Vivien Burr Intelligence and Abilities The Social Psychology of Behaviour in Small Groups Colin Cooper Donald C. Pennington Stress, Cognition and Health Attention: A Neuropsychological Perspective Tony Cassidy Antony Ward Types of Thinking Attention, Perception and Memory S. Ian Robertson Elizabeth A. Styles Psychobiology of Human Motivation Introducing Cognitive Development Hugh Wagner Laura M. Taylor Introducing Neuropsychology Second Edition John Stirling and Rebecca Elliott First published 2008 by Psychology Press 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FA Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Psychology Press 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2010. To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to www.eBookstore.tandf.co.uk. Psychology Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Copyright © 2008 by Psychology Press All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. This publication has been produced with paper manufactured to strict environmental standards and with pulp derived from sustainable forests. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Stirling, John D., 1951– Introducing neuropsychology / John Stirling and Rebecca Elliott. – 2nd ed. p. ; cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-84169-653-9 (hardcover) – ISBN 978-1-84169-654-6 (pbk.) 1. Neuropsychology. I. Elliott, Rebecca, 1969– II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Neuropsychology. WL 103.5 S861i 2008] QP360.S793 2008 612.8–dc22 2007048903 ISBN 0-203-84120-4 Master e-book ISBN ISBN: 978–1–84169–653–9 (hbk) ISBN: 978–1–84169–654–6 (pbk) CONTENTS Preface to the series vii General features of sensory systems 72 Preface to the second edition viii The somatosensory system 72 Preface to the first edition xi Plasticity in the somatosensory cortex 78 Neuroplasticity beyond S1 84 1 The foundations of neuropsychology 3 Chapter summary 90 Introduction 3 Neuropsychology as a distinct 5 Motor control and movement discipline 3 disorders 93 The (re)emergence of Introduction 93 neuropsychology 12 Brain–spinal cord pathways 94 Chapter summary 19 The cerebellum 96 The basal ganglia 98 2 Methods in neuropsychology 21 The cortex 103 Introduction 21 Peripheral and spinal movement Invasive techniques for measuring disorders 113 brain structure and function 22 Cortical movement disorders 115 Electrical procedures 25 Subcortical movement disorders 119 In-vivo imaging 27 Chapter summary 126 Neuropsychological assessment 32 Chapter summary 37 6 Language and the brain 129 Introduction 129 3 Lateralisation 41 Introduction 41 The classic neurological approach and Structural differences 42 aphasia 130 Unilateral neurological damage 44 Connectionist models of language 134 The split-brain syndrome 45 The psycholinguistic approach 138 Asymmetries in normal individuals 57 The modern era of language research 139 Individual differences in brain Language and laterality 149 organisation 60 Chapter summary 150 Lateralisation: A footnote on the evolutionary perspective 67 7 Memory and amnesia 153 (contributed by Andrew Parker) Chapter summary 68 Introduction 153 4 Somatosensation and neuroplasticity 71 Short-term memory and working Introduction 71 memory 154 vi Contents Long-term memory 157 The interaction between somatic and Anterograde amnesia and non- emotional systems 269 declarative memory 160 The interaction between emotional Anterograde amnesia and declarative and cognitive systems 272 memory 164 Neuroimaging of emotion and Memory processes 168 motivation 273 Retrograde amnesia and Social neuroscience 279 autobiographical memory 171 Impairments of emotion, motivation, Chapter summary 175 and social function 284 Chapter summary 285 8 Visual object recognition and spatial processing 177 11 Executive functions 289 Introduction 177 Introduction 289 The “what” and “where” streams and Domains of executive dysfunction 290 visual perception 178 Task switching and multi-tasking 295 The ventral stream and object Issues with “executive tests” 297 recognition 181 Underlying mechanisms of executive Functional imaging of object function 298 recognition 190 The brain and executive function/ Imaging category specificity 195 dysfunction 299 Spatial functions and the “where” Specialisation within the prefrontal stream 197 cortex 302 Basic spatial processes 197 Executive dysfunction and psychiatric Chapter summary 204 disorders 305 Chapter summary 307 9 Attention and consciousness 207 Introduction 207 Appendix: A primer of nervous Types of attention 208 system structure and function 311 Issues in psychological investigations Introduction 311 of attention 209 Neurons and glia 312 Attention and the brain 215 Nerve impulses and synaptic Neurological attentional disorders 226 transmission 313 Towards an integrated model of Developmental and ageing aspects 317 attention 232 Dividing up the nervous system 318 Consciousness 237 Chapter summary 326 Chapter summary 253 Further reading 327 10 Emotion and motivation 257 Glossary 333 Introduction 257 References 339 Definitions and measurement of Author index 373 emotion and motivation 258 Subject index 385 Evidence from neurology and neuropsychology 265 PREFACE TO THE SERIES The Psychology Focus series provides short, up-to-date modules in a single year to obtain a degree at the end accounts of key areas in psychology without assuming of their programme of study. the reader’s prior knowledge in the subject. Psychology One possible problem with studying a range of is often a favoured subject area for study, because it is separate modules is that the relevance of a particular relevant to a wide
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