·; lit ~-.. ,__~.-- , t ft 0 Volume XXXIV HARTFORD, CONN., MARCH 8, 1938 Number 17 "WEIRD CREATURES OF AN Office News TWO HOUSES CONDUCT Alumni News TRIN SWIMMERS SINK ANCIENT DAY" TOPIC OF On Friday evening, March 25, FORMAL INITIATIONS T.he memorial window to Prof. Is­ WESMEN BY 43 TO 32 Professor Clarence W. Mendell of bon T. Beckwith, which was dedicated THIRD GARV AN LECTURE Yale University, will lecture in the St. Anthony and Sigma Nu Induct on February 9 this year, was given SCORE IN HOME POOL auditorium on Sophocles, Seneca, and Eight New Men to Conclude to the College Chapel by friends of Prof. E. L. Troxell Asserts that Shakespeare. Professor Mendell, for­ Initiation Season the college and aluimii, especially Pa~ked . Gallery Watches Trinity Growth in Size May Result merly dean of Yale College, is an alumni members of the Phi Kappa Romp Away with Six of in Man's Extinction authority on dassi'cal literature, and Saturday, M.arch 5-The annual Chapter of Alpha. Delta Phi, of which the Nine Firsts proposes to consider certain themes season of initiations was brought to he was a member. Among the donors EXHIBITS DIATRYMA which appear first in the tragedy of a close tonight when eight men were was Albert Chureh Hamlin, '87, of AKSOMITAS VICTORIOUS Sophocles, are later developed by the initiated in two fraternities. Saint Pasadena, California. Since the dedi­ Giant Prehistoric Heron Found in Anthony and the Delta Chi Chapter cation of the window, he has decided Latin Seneca, and come to their final Muir Takes Both the 220 and 440; Wyoming in 1929, Has Fellow of Sigma Nu were the fraternities that he wishes .to be the sole donor form in Shakespeare's plays. Like Slowik, Hill Finish One-Two; Skeleton in New York holding parties; they were preceded out of affection for his former teacher. President Ogilby, Professor Mendell Motten Wins Dives by four other Trinity fraternities Arrangements have been made with Friday, March 4 - Jamming the is a graduate of Roxbury Latin School who held their rituals two weeks ago. the other donors by which Mr. Hamlin Trinity College Chemistry Building in Boston. Although most of the Thursday, March 3-Tonight, be­ At an informal dinner in the Chap­ has been allowed to pay for the win­ Auditorium almost to the doors, an graduates of that ancient school go fore a packed gallery, Joe Clarke's to Harvard, Professor Mendell turned ter house Saint Anthony celebrated dow and the gifts of the others have attentive and alert crowd gathered the initiation of the following men: Trinity Seals defeated the Wesleyan this evening to hear the third of the his steps toward New Haven, and been diverted to a special memorial Mermen by a 43 to 32 count at the graduated from Yale in 1904. John H. Ewing, '4l, New York City; gift -to the Alpha Delta Phi Chapter Francis P. Garvan Lectures on the Albert Gorman, Jr., '41, Baltimore, Trowbridge Memorial pool for the Methods of Modern Science. Profes­ This lecture on the Greek side of house. Blue and Gold's second victory over tragedy is being given as a Moor Md.; John C. KHey, '41, Boston, Professor Beckwith in his will, left sor Edward Leffingwell Troxel'! of Mass.; 'clarke Nickerson, '41, Noro­ Wesleyan in the history of the sport. the Geology Department was the Foundation Lecture. Dr. Charles C. a bequest to the Plhi Kappa Chapter, ton, Conn.; Richard B. Spencer, Jr., and a fund of $60,000 to Trinity Col­ Trinity took six of the nine firsts, lecturer of this third of the series, Moor left a bequest to the colle~ the second and thirds being more bit­ for encouraging the study of Greek. '41, Baltimore, Md.; George M. Wil­ lege, one-half the income of which is dedicated to the memory of the late terly contested. Bob Muir, Captain The income has been used by the fac­ liams, '40, Farmington, Conn. to be used to purchase books for the Francis P. Garvan, former President The following alumni were present Clem Motten, Johnny Slowik, and of the American Chemical Founda­ ulty to provide for an annual lecture library and the other half for schol­ at the Chapter house: , William M. "Ax" Aksomitas were the stars for tion, and the donor of the Trinity in the field of Greek literature. arships. Austin, '98; J. K. Clement, '00; C. F. Trinity, garnering all the individual Chemistry Laboratory. It is interesting to note that, al­ • • Clement, '05; R. W. Thomas, '13; first places between them. Davis, Professor Troxell opened his lec­ though Dr. Moor was a scientist and Charl-es F. Weed, '94, Morton Cre­ Harold N. Chandler, '09; R. B. O'Con­ starring for Wesleyan, ran off with ture by paying tribute to Mr. Garvan, an inventor of an electrical apparatus, hore, '13, and John Mason, '35, are nor, '16; Henry S. Beers, '18; Rey­ the 50 and 100-yard freestyle events saying that he had long shown an and for a time a practicing physician, ·arranging for a Trinity Alumni Din­ nolds Meade, '27; H. Benjamin, and swam the anchor lap for the Car­ interest in geology and had once testi­ he was so devoted to the value of w. ner for those alumni living in Boston '34; John E. Geare, '36; John K. dinals in their triumphant 400-yard fied before a Congressional Commit­ the classic tradition which he ac­ and vicinity. The dinner, to which Clark '36; P. E. Burdett, '37; William relay. tee concerning the deposits of man­ quired in his college days, that he 1 many distinguished speakers have N. Bancroft, '37; Warren Weeks, '39; Trin Scores Early ganese and nickel in Alaska. made this request to his Alma Mater (Continued on page 3.) S. S. Spaulding, '39; F. E. Haight, Trinity got off to a fast start and Specimens Displayed for encouraging the study of Greek. jumped into the scoring lead early Spread out on tables in the front (Continued on page 3.) '39. The Delta Chi Chapter of Sigma by capturing the 300-yard medley re­ of the Auditorium were actual speci­ COAST GUARD LOSES TO lay, in which Johnny Slowik set up a mens and plaster of Paris reproduc­ Nu held its annual mitiation banquet last Saturday evening at th:e Uni­ four-yard lead which the Blue and tions of fossils, horses, elephants, DADOURIAN SPEAKS ON HILL TOPPERS IN FINALE Gold never lost, as Aksomitas and eggs, all of which Professor Troxell versity Club of Hartford. The fol­ lowing new men were initiated: Anderson took the last two laps for described and explained. COLLECTIVE SECURITY Kenny, Mountford, O,Malley End the Trin mermen and clinched the Stanley F. Montgomery, '38, West Varsity Cage Careers as Wishing to have something new to Claims Collective Security Is race. The other relay, the last event present in the lecture, Dr. Troxell Hartford, Conn.; Raymond W. Wil­ Quintet Wins, 50-20 Only Remedy for War in liamson, '41, Forestville, Conn. on the program, was captured by the. stated that he had opened up a box Address to Forum W esmen as they scampered over the that had been stored in the cellar of The program of events included Friday, March 4-Trinity wound lip the special midnight chapel service 400-yard distance in almost effortless Boardman for about six years and Monday, February 28--Professor. its season tonight at the Hopkins style. began work on Diatryma, the large, Dadourian addressed a group of stu­ Friday night with Alfred W. Driggs, Street Gym with a convincing 50-20 Bob Muir won both the distance flightless heron. It was found in dents interested in world affairs, on (Continued on page 2.) victory over the Coast Guard Acali­ races for the Blue and Gold, beating 1929 in Wyoming and a whole week the subject of collective security this emy squad, which was off form and out MaUay of Wesleyan in the 220· was spent in getting out aH the frag­ evening. Dr. Dadourian began by greatly outclassed. This victoty yard freestyle, and churning home ments of the skeleton. Many months stating that, contrary to a statement LAST OF FRENCH FILMS enabled the Trinity aggregation to ahead of Masson in the 440-yard free-. were spent in preparing the fossil. made by President Roosevelt in his hit the five hundred mark with a rec­ style, with Johnny Slowik plugging Its shape was similar to that of a Chicago speech of October 5, which WILL BE SHOWN SUNDAY ord of six wins against 6 losses. 1 in there for a third spot for the T'rin­ heron, so this lead was followed, and said that ten percent of the people of With the regular lineup, there was Series of Movies to End with men. A few minutes previous to this twelve similarities between the two the world want war, his belief is that no doubt as to the ultimate outcome Show of "Merlusse" and Slowik had easily snared the 150-yatd were found. It has a skull that only one percent of the world's popu­ from the time the starting whistle was "L'Apprenti Sorcier" backstroke, followed by Dick Hill, in measures fully seventeen inches. In lation wants war. The natural ques­ blown. Using the same combination a one-two finish for the Blue and the American Museum in New York -tion is then, why do we have war? By Professor Louis H. Naylor play which proved so effective against Gold. City there is another specimen. Grad­ One reason is that to wage war is The fourth and last of a series of Clark last week, Coach Oosting's men ually, from this scanty bit of informa­ easier than to maintain peace.
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