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Five holes in large cup. you have actually Until 5/8 inch diameter. tried Brandt, Receivers you Small cup ,xill never know how many Noval cat whisker attachment signals you may now be fail- ! Saprai \víth each instrument receive of in- ing to because PRICES ,fticient receivers. To-day-write for our new CATALOG E, containing im- Lacquered brass $2.00 They are designed, made portant information about Polished nickel 2.50 and used solely as wireless radio as well as receivers. full lb. receivers. They have Sensi- intormation about our sev- Postage extra -weight t tiveness which is surprising eral type. of Head Sets -Tone which is ab'olutely Enclose '!e. stamp. We are still selling our niforn - Lightness tvhich permits their use for hours C. BRANDES for without causing fatigue. Com- No. 102 Condenser $2.50 parison with any other make Wireless Receiver Specialists Iostage extra. 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What This Big Catalog Contains 160 pp. Wireless Apparatus for Commercial and Ex- perimental use. 10 pp. Raw Material, 5 pp. Transformers, 8 pp. Storage Batteries 15 pp. Telegraph Insts., 421, Iotors and Dyna- mos, 10 pp. Miniature Lamps, 8 pp. Flashlights, 5 pp. Massage Vibrators, 10 pp. Miniature Rail- ways, 5 pp. Lighting Plants, 10 pp. Ammeters and Volt- meters, 25 pp. Electrical and Me- chanical Books, 12 pp. Telephone Equip- ment, 10 pp. Auto Accessories, 13 pp. Victrolas, on our Easy Payment Purchase Plan (No Down Pay- ment), 30 pp. General Electrical Supplies. TIIIS UNRIVALED CATALOG MAILED TO ANYONE UPON RECEIPT OF 8 CTS. IN STAMPS or coin, which may be deducted on f_rst dollar purchase. Great cost of catalog and low prices prohibit distribution otherwise. 230 eet THE WILLIAM B. 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Yon benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers. www.americanradiohistory.com The EIlectrncaIl Experimenter Published by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. (II. Gernsback, President; S. Gernsback, Treasurer; M. Hymes, Secretary), 238 Fulton St., New York Vol. III Whole No. 31 CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1915 No. 7 FRONT COVER -"THE RADIUM DESTROYER" ILLUMINATED STEAM CURTAIN GIVES WONDERFUL EF- From a Painting by Thomas II, Wrenn FECT AT NIGHT 332 THE ELECTRO. MAGNETIC GUN ANI) ITS POSSIBILITIES 309 ELECTRICITY AND THE TWENTIETH CENTURY DENTIST 332 BARON MUNCHHAUSEN'S NEW SCIENTIFIC ADVENTURES "TIIE CONSTRUCTOR" DEPARTMENT 333 By Hugo Gernsback 312 HOW TO BUILD A DICTAPIIONE DESK SET 333 WARFARE OF THE FUTURE 315 CONSTRUCTION OF AN INDUCTIVE TUNER WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT ON THE "BELLA" 316 By Milton B. Sleeper (Conclusion) 334 -335 WHAT THE HOUSEWIFE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELEC- "RADIO" DEPARTMENT . 337 TRICITY 317 THE AMATEUR RADIO STATION \VI -IICII AIDED UNCLE SOMETHING ABOUT SELENIUM 318 -320 SAM By Charles E. Apgar 337 -338 WIRELESS TELEPHONY NOW FROM WASHINGTON TO A POCKET WIRELESS SET 338 HONOLULU 321 A MACHINE THAT CAPTURES AND HOLDS WIRELESS PHOTOGRAPHING SOUND WAVES ELECTRICALLY.........322 -323 TALK 339 DANIELS NAMES NAVAL BOARD 323 HOW WIRELESS WAVES TRAVEL AROUND THE EARTH'S SOME NEW X -RAY APPARATUS . 324 CURVATURE 340 READING ELECTRIC METERS WITH A CAMERA 326 HOW TO BUILD A WAVE METER By Samuel Cohen 341 MISHAPS ATTEND USE OF WIRELESS ON AEROPLANES... 326 "HOW-TO-MAKE-IT" DEPARTMENT 344 MASSIVE ELECTRIC GENERATOR HOLDS AUTOMOBILE 327 "WRINKLES, RECIPES AND FORMULAS" MIND -READING DOG IS A PUZZLE TO SCIENTISTS 327 Edited by S. Gernsback 347 HIGH FREQUENCY CURRENTS AND APPARATUS "WITII THE AMATEURS" 348 -349 By H.
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