' COME TO THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT SERIES V VOL. VI Stevens Point, W is., December 13, 1944 No. 10 Point To Meet MSTC; Invitation Extended Now Has Three W ins For Yuletide Cheer Christmas Concert. Will This Saturday night, December 16, The Women's Athletic Associa­ Milwaukee wi ll p lay host to CSTC's tion, carrying out plans made by the Be Given December 17-lS basketball squad in what promises to faculty social committee, is sponsor­ be the college's toughest game of \he ing a "Christmas Cheer" for students Students, Townspeople Aµticipate Anl:Jllal Event season. The probable starting lineup and faculty to be held in the Student will be: Cashin, center ; Prihoda, Lounge on Thursday from 3-5 p.m. The 14th annual Christmas concert wi ll be presen~d on Sunday- and guard; Martens, guard; Vetter, for­ Members of the W AA will act as Monday, December 17 and 18, at 8 p.m., in the college auditorium. ward, and Anderson or Schlender, hostesses for the affair. Bess Jones, This concert, which is always anticipated eagerly by townspeople and forward. president of the W AA, has appoint­ college students alike, is sponsored annually by CSTC's music department A green but game CSTC quint ed the followi ng committees: Food under the direction of Peter J. Michelsen. As in the past, this years con­ scored its third straight win of the committee, Nelda Dopp, Catherine cert comes as the climax of weeks of practice by the members of the Glee season when it hung up another Firkus, Kay Hansen and Arlene Se­ cl ub and the orchestra. victory at the expense of the Osh­ manko. Hostesses : Lucille Lemsky, Students wi ll be admitted to the kosh Titans last Saturday night. The Naomi Barthels, Alice L. Johnson, concert Monday night upon presen­ game was played on the Oshkosh Doris Karner, Elizabeth McLaughlin, tation of their activity tickets. Tickets floor. Beulah McConley, Imogene Scheibe for both Monday and Sunday night The Titans played a roug°h game and Gertrude Marshall. may be purchased from members of the Glee club for 30 cents including and this, coupled with the Pointers' tCtCCtCICCtCCCtCCICICCCICCICCICCICICICICtC better percentage on g i ft shots, tax. This is a jolly time of the year figured heavily in the scores. Osh­ Several people from local business To stop in "The Lounge" kosh outscored the Pointers from the places and from other towns, as well For some Christmas cheer. field, but Berg's men dropped in 13 as faculty men and men students are There· II be music and chatter free throws to six for the Titans. taking part in the concert. O n Sun­ And may be some spice Oshkosh had 22 fouls called on them day afternoon, December 17, Alpha and the Pointers were charged ·with Between 3 and 5. Kappa Rho is sponsoring ,a dinner Doesn't this sound nice? an even dozen. George Prihoda again for the out of town musicians who Jed the Pointer offensive with 14 'CICICCICICCCCtCICICICICtCCCICICICCICICICCC will be in the concert. The dinner PETER J. MICHELSEN w.ill be at the Presbyterian church . points. Next came Don Vetter with T_he fo llowing program has been parlors at 5 :30 p.m. eight, Matt Martens with seven and planned by the social committee: 3 At the close of the program on Bob Cashin with six. p.m., Christmas carols, vibraharp, Bus Committee Buys Monday evening, a reception will be Point grabbed an early lead and Helen Bo w man; 3 :15, "White held in the college gymnasium for held ,t until the game ended. Going Christmas", girls 'trio, Joan Joosten, Valuable War Bonds into the last quarter, Point held an a! l those in any way connected with Dolores Cowles and Pat Nelson ; Two thousand doll ars worth of G­ 11 point margin but Oshkosh spurt­ the concert. 3 :30, Christmas ctrols, dorm quar­ series W ar Bonds has been purchased ed and pared the lead down to 'five The Glee club, chorus, and the or­ tette, Sh irely Hask ins, Mary Juetten, recently through the Student Coun­ poi nts when the born sounded. chestra are under the direction of Lorraine Peters and Doris Ocker­ cil from bus fund money, the fund A slippery floor hampered the Peter J. Michelsen. Miss May Roach lander ; 4 p.m., "Why the Chimes being under the direction of Fred J. will direct the nativity tableau, Miss play of both teams with Point losing Rang," Miss Gladys Van Arsdale; Schmeeckle, chairman of the facu lty Edna Carlsten is in charge of stage the ba ll on half a dozen occasions 4 :30, community sing, Miss Helen bus committee. decorations, and Dr. W'arren G. Jen­ for "traveling" after slipping. The Meston, accompanist. The list of war bond purchasers kins and his stage crew are in charge CSTC aggregation used a zone de­ also includes Miss Bessie LaVigne of lighting. Program notes and the fense to good account on the iong, Radio Workshop who, after chasing Betty Pohlman at Scripture read ing wi ll be read by narrow Oshkosh floor. the rate of fifty miles an hour for Leland M. Burroughs. Plans Xmas Programs several days, finally ran her down The orchestra wi ll open the pro­ and bought several war bonds. Groups Plan To Carol Radio Workshop, under the di- g ram by playing the processional, Student purchases of wa r stamps "' O' Come All Ye faithful," by The YWCA, combined° with the rection of Miss Gertie Hanson, has have been fa r below expectations. Johan Reading. Newman club, LSA , Gamma Delta, planned severaf programs in keeping The Sixth War Loan Drive closes on After the processional the Girls' and Wes.Jey Foundation, has plan- wi th the Ch ri stmas season. December 16. War stamps wi ll be Glee club will. sing, "Oh Pray for ned a Christmas ca roll ing party for O n Thursday of tliis week, Real sold from 11 to I 2 a.m. and from 1 Peace," .. Christmas Eve," "The First Thursday, December 21, at 6:30 p.m. Men of Music, narrated by Norman to 2 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Buy Mercy," and .. White Christmas.'' The streets to be covered have not E.' Knutzen, wi ll feature Victor Her­ your stamps during the ,next two (Seo CONCERT, page .ol .) yet been determined. After the bert's "Babes in Toyland" and Han­ days and help to raise CSTC's total. ca rolling, a luncheon of chilli, coffee del's "Mess iah". On December 21, it and doughnuts will be se rved at the will devote its program to Franz Methodist church dining room. Gniber's .. Silent Night". "M- an o· fY ear " Ch osen College Bus M. ay T he Music Album will also pre­ B H. Cl Run for Holidays NOTICE sent selections from Handel's "' Messi.ah" on Friday of this week, y lStO_ry asses Students who wish to go home for Notice to all student with M r. Knutzen as narrator. Both General Dwight D. Eisenhower Christmas by way of the co llege bus organizations: The Music Album and Real Men of was elected as the "Man of the Year" should see Fred J. Schmeeckle at The Faculty committee ap­ Music are presented at 3 :1 5 o'clock. in a poll taken fas t week in three of once. If enough students are interest­ poi nted to consider the problems On Monday, December 18, at Dr. Harold H . Tolo's hi story classes. ed, the bus wi ll make a trip follow- of student organization accounts 3:15 p.m. the Radio Workshop will General Eisenhower, who received ing a ci rcu lar route on Friday after- requests and directs the presi­ present an ingenious script by Gret­ 27 votes out of the 76 votes cast, noon, December 22 . dents,, treas urers, and faculty ad­ ta Baker of the War Script Commit: was closely followed by President The bus will stop at the following visers to attend a meeting on tee. The play " Foreigners Settled Roosevelt, who received 22 votes. cities and at any points between these Thursday, December 14, at IO :05 America" has a message of value to The other nominees are as follows : cities: Mosinee, Tomahawk, Antigo, a.m., in Room 115, for the pu r­ all who understand and fear the pre­ General Doug las MacArthur, 14 Rhinelander and Wittenberg . Rates pose of discussing and choosing a sent-day race tensions in this land of votes; Marshall Joseph Stalin, six for the trip will be computed on the uniform accounting system for all should-be equality and justice. votes; War Correspondent Er,:,ie basis of the direct distance between student organizations to be in­ Those taking pa rt are: Janet Benn, Pyl e, two votes; General Mark W. Stevens Point and the desti nation of stituted at the beginning of the as Joan Adams; Rolland Schlender, Clark, Admiral Halsey, Sister, Eliza- each student, and not on the basis second semester 1944-45. Tony Manelli; Dick Olk, Mr. beth Kenney, Wendell Wilkie and of the actual distance covered by the This meeting is important and Adams ; Caro Ii n e Pronz, Mrs. G. I. Joe, each one vote. bus. roll call will be taken. Adams. The play will be directed by This election was modeled after It is expected that travelling con- The Commicree Don Wiersig, with Frank Kostuck the annual selection made by TIME ditions will be exceptionally bad this Myrtle Spande, Victor E. Thomp­ as narrator and Bob Kampschoer as magazine.
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