Magic^alley-*s Home Newspaper VOL^ 66, N O .'228 TWIN FALLS,'IDAHO. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 196& m I Will Take At Least Years A Twin Falls, delegation was ve?^gatIon and design and about sented letters from the cltj^ would seek .every source of remedypjHe said they would as­ told • Thursday in Boise it will, a jwar and a half fqr construc­ highway commission and thci mopey in an finance sist in any way possible. ' be at least three and a half tion. chartiber. replacement of the strucfllre. The highway engineer also ' years before a replacement Making the trip to Boise were The chamber recently asked C. (E d) Flandro, Pocatello, said any feurs people might 1 re can be built for the Henry Woodall, chairman of the area businesses and trucking board chalrrSan, said highway have of using the. bridge are Perrine Memorial Bridge. Twin Falls City Highway Com­ firms tojyport'lhe financial loss department personnel and Twin entirely unwarranted. He . said , - Ellis Malhes, slate highway mission. Jean Milar, city maji- the bridge restrlclionlwiU-cause^grflupa^ould try highway—personnel—will IRake, . engineer, toid-the board tne de- ager, and^Ray "Rostroii. cham- them. -Ten truckitig firms re- to find emergency funds from periodic safety checks on the . rtment could be ^ foundation ■ber of commerce manager. pliefd it would cost them a total federal departments. Mr. Wood­ bridge and issue ceassurtuices —Mrr-W«edaU--said_tll£_haa£' of ,SI25.000 a vear fof additional all said he expected the ^ity from time to time. ture and work o.n_.deslBnsjrpt_.dei tL was “ very sympathetig^an' jn lieBgeJavoLvett, JiUiiiiuu—ihe- niTilfn.ltnrmnI riy)lip-itg tn U rArtaIn ' Ige so construcnonstru could knowledgable abo'i^ our , prob­ Hansen Bridge. Mr. Woodall I^j^o coiigressmen soon. t h M„ \vay oiiaru (TO?fSr' -mmr It 11 move quicklyJicki: if funds become lems." He first expressed his said this would be siCTificantly Woodall said businessmen interest in replacing the bridge available. appreciation for the survey of higher when the other firms had accepted the findings and as soon as possible, and tKe IcKal He said it would take two the bridge. As spotteSrffiiii' for •reported. llnritations imposed on the and state-poqple will work! to- years for completion-of jhe.^'jjulthe group, Mr. Woodall pre- board-^told the group it bridge, but wantgd_a_SEgefe ^ethe^r tn nchieve this.---- —— Suggestions Vary On Greece Resigns Post. Use Of Public Lands In European Councir Members of the Idaho Com­ the Federal Land Law Review PARIS (UPI)—Greece re­ regime violated the principles mission on Federal Land laws Commission. signed today from the Council of democracy the council -is ■Kworo-to-uph<>ld;-€ouMell sources----- visited Twin Falls Thursday The' purpose of the meeting of__Eutopo—hefote— the— group night andlieard testimony from was (fa gather information that could expel it on grounds its said the move to oust Greece; .several. ^Qpemed with will eventually update land laws military regime had suppressed was On the verge of.rgetting - necessary support when Greece th«r uses of puSIIc lands. in the United States, and specifi­ democratic principles. Greece's The executive dlre<;tor^f the cally in Idaho. ' T6slgnati(Ui_ was accompanied nnounced its Intention to a veiled threat to withdraw withdraw. commission, John Martin.- said -Heatings have been held In at the meetii ____r o or c urtail its NATO other parts the state. The activitlM. nex, "W e are acting as a clear- The Council ai t;urope is an slate of hearings In Payette to- international deliberative body jng-houg»- for rPcnmmend:ations. niphf| .thpn rnn.:(i||date its data to be made from the state to for ;the promotion of European and make its recommendations 'ifnity. It Hiclu'diis most later, it was reported. Europeian mehibers of NATO Jet- -wVTTi • Commission members a r e plus Aintria, fTyprm,-Irelan d . S f i H T YI W n l T F S — Wait utile. Bob Doolfftle; Ru.^ WOODY T. SEAL Malta, Sweden,^wltzerland sell Bishop and Gordon Trom- A 8a-YEAR.OU>- _K Ij^ E M ,Y WOMAN, ’P jiuw Bakery v m trapped Imlde the wr«cin»ip»_«>* .Turkey^ °""ForJan.5 bteii . _ThB__ Scandinavian__ countries A repi«seniailve orthe^OiiBlda 'which have led the fight for EDGARTOWN, Mas*. (UPI) Magic Valley MemorlainHM^tairshe Is lin fairly good coadUlon. The car she was driving Death T a k ^ „ went, out of control on an Icy road four and three quarters miles east of Twin Falls on Falls Coast With County Chamber of Commerce ouster of Greece from the —Distrjct Judge James_ A, , Avenue. The accident happened at 4:55 p.m. and Twin Falls County Sheriff’s officers Investl- was the first to speak. He told Council of EuroM have strong bbyle, acting 24 hours after an gated. The car was demolished In the wreck, officers said._______ ______________________________ the commission there should be connections with the Greek autopsy on Mary Jo Kopechne Gale Winds no sale of public land to private T. F. Pioneer royal family and Denmark's was denied, Thursday set Jan. 5 individuals for private owner­ Queen Anne-Marie is the wife for the long-delayed inquest into By United Press International ship. of King Constantine of Greecei. her death in Sen. Edward M. A violent storin over the Citing the growth in the Unit­ Woody Seal The Scandinavians charged Kctmedy’s car. Senate Shuns Threat Of Veto, Pacific sent 100-mlle-an-hour ed States and Idaho, and out­ that the military backed GreeF •pt.. ,.|nitn,l ilnm, liuji.w t Blttt : winds, rain, high tides and deep lining the need for added recrea-. Voody T . Seat, m Addison (»pea at 10 a.m., Cletk Ihem M - • snow against Oiregon, Washin tion areas, the flnelda official Ave, W^, prominent Falls A. Teller anflounced. It was not ' ton ___ ^____ land____ shotild remain pioneer resident and the last known If a list of the witnesses again today. in the hands of the public. charier member of the Twin Philippine subpoenaed for the inquest Refo] A crewman_______________ from the_ French_______ Noy Brackett a.Magic Valley Falls Lodge 45, AF St AM,jdied would be made public, he said.' ghtrt— M iehigaiv-foll—oveir atga rancher, speaking on be Friday momlng The date was set—for the ■ ■ " •• - half of the Ittaho Farm BxnrcatJi WASHINGTON (U P I) —The Income tax in 1913 was sarcastic language—expressed board about 35 miles northwest ralTsClinic------ second time—after Judge Ber- ' of Newport, » r e . , Thursday but took the opposite view, saying ?V^rii^r€>ops-Lea:i^e Senate, brushed aside a veto apprbved by a vote of 69 to 22 4 nard~C: BefmlnskI,— preiMlng'---- certainty that a House-Senate illness. threat and a last-ditch Republi­ with most Republicans voting conference committee, which other crewmen had to abandon public land should' be . made Mr. Seal was born In Sneeds Judge of the Luzerne County' available for disposal to private can plea for economy Thursday against It and most Democrats now receives the. bill, would rescue at’tempts because of vnie, Tenn., Oct." 18, I87», and Court at Wilkes-Barre, P *„. ownership. and passed a massive tax bill for ' it. Only two Democrats tone down ’ its tax Cuts , and high seai even though they as a small boy moved to Sanger, Viet Cpiiflict lunied doWHi ajequ est Wednes- - He said with private owiier- which will touch the life of voted no. make its . tax reforhis more could see the man's Ixjdy 20 Tex. He-marrledj'Maud Hu^es day by District Atfomey" -every. America ntaxpaye£. Both those who supported it yards from the ship.. shlp, the land.Q in question, for­ SAIGON (UPI)—The Philip­ Edmui^ S. Dinls , for exhumar severe. on May 23, 1901,- in Sanger, and pines’ . 1,350-man commitment to The biggest'"tax-* measure and those who opposed it— Two'persons were missing In est and bureau, of Land Manage­ they m o v ^ to Twin Falls i«i tMrt-dl'.the body o f the 28-yeat- ’ After the vote, . economy- ment land.. could be Improved ill?. Yletnajn Wflr.,.paclttd giln(iad-8aa,-J»lm Jr .WUIiatw "ght plane ‘ IflOi. M Mrr-Ctal Uled- * ttg. eW- 'W «glT<iigtuii geuieuilii. i llg '... "" pi nes knd with the" improvement the and left fdr home todayi was burled July 23 In lark- R-Del., rose from his seat and tiiil 1862. .. first Allledr military ^ntlngent could not take to- the a ir local economy would" be aided: After coming to 1>rln Fallflf, svllle.. Pa. - i n ’ a move that shocked his Thursday because of the storm "Land losses, or land held by to withdraw completely, colleagues—refused' to serve on Mr. Sea] farmed for a time and and hoped to begin a search See PUBUC LAND, Fg. 2, C. S Manila decided to pull out the -PesMeides^roblenL the House-Senate committee later opened an aiutomobile ag- group — nbncombatant enr. pjiry H e . al.s<v..aold==teaiiciMiBUfir which ^'i«u srr’"r5 .Snow, BarSEeSTTpjTXlXtT gineers^-TTpacif (cauon - workers Senator Chairtr Senate's bill with one p ass^ by MrrfSeat^olnjKtUhn ■ Magofllc, and—rfamniHlr—W around: the Great Xakes and Ijodge in Texas in 1901 and when {h i House 'lart^summer.--- ApMltehians. _ move after . Seh.“ J. Wir" "I could— not— fn ^good he—miwed fo T w in' Falls was ht. i?-Ark.. afleced that Heai^ snowfall continued In one of the first men%ers o( the Is Said Overrated conscience serve ^s a conferee the mountains of the Northwest rte -UniteOtates^fiad-paia-jil — ?L-.bilLJ«JiIi!h-aifeeI_iA_so?ubilLJ«JiIi!h-a,^ieel_i3-^o and—ptlahed-^nIahd—* 9—fs fr^ s FocusesJCIn iQCiLledgfe.
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