>3iim iiim iniiiM im iiniim iiM iioiiiiiiim oim iiiiiiiuiii* EXECUTIVE STAFF AND ■falL Qwt^el I DIRECTORS President DEMOS SHAKARIAN VoicE i 8413 Lexington Road, Downey, California •>iiiC ]iiiim m iiN inm iiiiii(]m im iiiii[]iiiiiiim iic]iiiiuiiiiiic$ Vice-Presidents Published Monthly by LEE BRAXTON Full Gospel Business Men’s Box 507, Whiteville, North Carolina Fellowship International GEORGE D. GARDNER 35 Collier Street, Binghamton, New York Incorporated January 2, 1953 as a Non- Profit Religious, Charitable and Educa­ MINER ARGANBRIGHT tional Corporation. Box 367, La Crescenta, California EARL DRAPER Editor and Publisher 1609 Belmont Avenue, Fresno, California T h o m a s R . N ickel Secretary and Treasurer HAROLD G. KABISCH EDITORIAL AND PUBLICATION OFFICE 1059 S. Hope, Los Angeles 15, California 210 WHEELOCK ROAD Editor and Publisher WATSONVILLE. CALIFORNIA THOMAS R. NICKEL 210 Wheelock Road, Watsonville, California Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office at Watsonville. California. HENRY F. CARLSON 644 Echo Lane, Glenview, Illinois Subscription Rate, Domestic and Foreign: C. C. FORD PER YEAR ONE DOLLAR 715 Crescent Drive, Denver, Colorado AL KONSMO Printed in U.S.A. By Monte Vista Press 2717 Locust Avenue, Tacoma, Washington Watsonville, California HENRY KRAUSE 305 South Monroe St., Hutchinson, Kansas JULY-AUGUST, 1954 JACK T. MOORE 6135 Dillingham St., Shreveport, Louisiana REGARDING CORRESPONDENCE JEWEL W. ROSE All manuscripts, photographs and letters Box 313, Shatter, California intended for the Editor and Publisher should be sent to the address shown above. LINWOOD P. SAFFORD All subscriptions and letters regarding sub­ 8507 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring, Maryland scriptions should be sent to the following W. E. SHAW address: 611 E. North St., Greenville, South Carolina FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN'S NOBLE THORMODSGAARD FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL 201 East 20th St., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 1059 South Hope St., Los Angeles 15, Calif. HOWARD C. TOY 35 Collier Street, Binghamton, New York "U nto you, O men, I call; and my voice ART WILSON is to the sons of man.” Proverbs 9 :4 P. O. Box 150, Compton, California OUR GOD IS MOVING! By Demos Shakarian President Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International We have witnessed, in our na­ and the world to benefit from it. tion’s capital, probably the great­ Raymond W. Bellamy, a high est convention ever known in the official in our government, writes history of Pentecost. People came that in his 30 years’ experience from all over the United States in the nation’s capital, he knows and other parts of the world, in­ of no convention that had the pro­ cluding Canada, Chile, Argentina, found effect this convention had. Brazil, and Italy. He said he went back to the Sen­ Letters have been coming from ate Prayer Group and prayed like individuals and officials of many an old-time Pentecostal man with organizations stating the mighty fire in his soul. Everyone knew effect this convention had. These something had happened to him. are from Full Gospel people and Doctor Braskamp, a Chaplain also from people of many denom­ of the House of Representatives, inations who have never known when he saw the supernatural of this power of God who want gifts operating through William to receive the Holy Ghost, that Branham, was shaken and moved they, too, may have the reality in his soul. He declared he had and blessing seen at the Conven­ never seen its equal in his life. tion. Congressman Thor Tollefson, of Many of the letters ask: “Is it the State of Washington, cancel­ possible to have a convention in ed engagements because he be­ Washington each year?” They lieved it more important that he say this is a great need, due to be at the convention in the midst the fact that the limelight of the of the children of God. He knelt whole world is upon this nation’s for prayer that God would fill capital. They ask: “Why can’t a him with the Holy Ghost. convention be held in Washinton, Congressman Clyde Doyle, of and one in another city, having California, stood at the banquet two conventions a year?” These with tears in his eyes and joy in people know the reality and the his heart, beholding the marvel­ power of God and want America ous demonstration of the love and CONCERNING PHOTOGRAPH ON FRONT COVER Shown in the photo, listening to Vice-President Richard Nixon are, left to right: R. W. Culpepper, Lee Braxton, Earl Draper and Harold G. Kabisch. The Vice-President’s Message will appear in the next issue of Full Gospel Men’s Voice. Clockwise, beginning left forground: Tommy Hicks, David J. du Plessis, Bill Lewis, Steve Cummings, Noble Thormodsgaard, Joseph De Costa, A. G. Canada, William Branham, Jack T. Moore, Thomas B. Nickel. power of God. had gone into Atheism and then Vice President of the United Communism. States Richard Nixon rearranged At the Breakfast meetings each his busy schedule to address the morning at Shoreham Hotel, Fhill convention. He stirred everyone Gospel Business Men and Ministers, with the importance and value he brought messages and testimonies. placed upon the contribution to Among the many were Henry America and the world of the Pull Krause, L e e Braxton, George Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Gardner, and all the other mem­ International. He stated that he bers of the Executive Staff and had made a careful research as to Directors of the Fellowship except why the communist leaders had C. C. Ford, who was overseas on become such, being intelligent and a Missionary trip. His airplane having all the money they needed. pilot, Steve Cummings, gave a He found that somwhere in their stirring message of God’s good­ life they had lost faith in God, ness to him. Miner Arganbright Left to right. Art Wilson, Henry Krause, W. E. Shaw, Congressman Clyde Doyle, Jewel W. Rose, Paul B. Fischer. flew back from an extended trip ter. The convention next year will to the Holy Land, Egypt, Italy be held the latter part of June and Germany, to take an active at Denver, but a Western States part in the convention. Tommy Convention will be held at San Hicks flew from Argentina to Francisco in October of this year. Washington and told of the amaz­ Each night at Constitution Hall ing revival the Lord is bringing marvelous messages were delivered to Argentina. Giacomo Rosapepe by A. C. Valdez, Jr., Jack Coe, flew from Rome to report on the William Branham and other Deliv­ advance of the Full Gospel Move­ erance Ministers and Full Gospel ment in Italy. Dr. A. G. Canada, Business Men. Many miracles of President of the Golden Gate healing were witnessed. Valdez Pentecostal Fellowship of the San gripped the great audience with Francisco - Oakland area, spoke his sincerety and eloquence; Coe’s and presented an invitation to reckless faith amazed many and hold the next convention at San was rewarded by dramatic heal­ Francisco, where they want to ings; Branham’s gifts of discern­ cooperate in establishing a Chap­ ment and healing were manifested Seated, clockwise, beginning left foreground: Charles Weston, R. W. Culpepper, Earl Draper, Unidentified, Howard Toy, Congressman Thor Tollefson, A1 Konsmo, Finn Konsmo, Giacomo Rosapeipe; standing, left to right: Demos Shakarian, Dick Bassett. to an almost incredible, but never­ In addition to all those prev­ theless thrilling, degree. iously mentioned in this article, Approximately a thousand at­ I wish to thank: L. P. Safford, tended the closing banquet. Oral the four Robinson Brothers, Dick Roberts gave one of the greatest Bassett, Charles R. Wellons, and messages I have ever heard him all the other Business Men; Ben deliver. At the conclusion, about Hardin, H. Ray Stewart, Leonard 500 men joined hands and marched M. Campbell, and all the other to “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Ministers; L. Gardner Moore and Two years ago, when the Fellow­ his Shoreham Staff; Judge Frank ship was just starting, Oral Rob­ Cook for his fine talk; John Ray erts and 23 business men took Hinkel, whose Christian Adver­ part in this same demonstration. tising Service, Dayton, Virginia, What will the next two years provided thousands of the souv­ bring forth through our Fellow­ enir Little Bibles for the convent­ ship ? ion; Anthony Caprino, Rosapepe’s Typical of the wonderful messages delivered by Full Gospel Business Men during the Convention was the one being delivered above by Lee Braxton. Everone present enjoyed these messages as is evident by the faces of Jack T. Moore, left, Demos Shakarian, center, and George D. Gardner, right. Interpreter ; singers, musicians began there August 6th, under and everyone who had any part the Ministry of William Branham, in helping make the convention This film record will be available a success. Our greatest thanks go for showing throughout the coun­ to our Lord Jesus Christ for His try. Harry William Johnson, a Presence and blessings! Presbyterian layman of Los Ange­ * • • les, who has been greatly moved Art Wilson initiated a move to and blessed by the convention, make a sound film record of the is resigning his job as an engineer convention. This was done and at Douglas Aircraft to travel the premiere showing will be with this film record. August 16, 8 p. m„ at the Live­ At this writing, Brother Johnson stock Exhibit Bldg., Atlantic Blvd. is still enroute to California from and Santa Ana Freeway, Los the Convention, letting Presby­ Angles, Calif. A great campaign terian , Baptist, Methodist a n d Night after night in the massive Constitution Hall, people who had gathered from all parts of the nation and from other parts of the world, praised God for his goodness.
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