Brother rrAndy" Schroder and two daughters. Both sons are Past Masters, THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON and both sons-in-law are Masons. Issued Every Th ree Months By Succeeded by Brother Brother Grimm served as an Assistant In­ The Right Worshipful Grand Ledge of The Most Ancient structor for the North Side Pittsburgh School and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons Raymond H. Grimm as of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto of Instruction and Instructor for Chapel School Belonging, through its Instructor of Ritualistic Work of Instruction. His other Masonic affiliations include: COMMITTEE ON MASON IC CULTURE - William E. Brother Andrew J. Schroder, 85, has reti red Yeager, Past Grand Master, Chairman; Willia m E. Past High Priest of St. Clair Chapter No. Montgomery, G. Edward Elwell, Jr., Frank R. Le ech, after 15 years as Instructor of Ritualistic Work. William A. Carpenter, Charles A. Young and Ashby Brother Raymond H. Grimm, of Pittsburgh, 305; Deputy Illustrious Master, Mt. Moriah B. Paul, Grand Secreta ry. District Deputy Grand Master of the Fifty­ Council No. 2, Royal and Select Masters; Emi­ Seventh Masonic District, was appointed by nent Commander, Pittsburgh Commandery APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED TO BE PRINTED BY Brother Max F. Balcom, Right Worshipful No . 1; Past Thrice Potent Master, Gom·gas MAX F. BAlCOM Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Pittsburgh; Right Worshipful Grand Master Grand Master, to succeed Brother Schroder. In announcing Brother Schroder's retire­ Member of the Red Cross of Constantine; and FREEMASON Honorary Member, Supreme Council, 33rd Moiling Address: ment at the Annual Grand Communication on Degree, in 1958. P.O. BOX 688, WARREN, PA. December 28, 1959, Brother Sanford M. Chil­ AN OFFICIA L PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHI P FUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND A CCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA cote, then Right Worshipful Grand Master, VOLUME VII FEBRUARY · 1 960 NUMBER 1 WILLIAM A. CARPENTER, Editor said : "We know that he will be ready and willing Change of Address: Question and Answer Notify above address. Your lodge number must be include d. to be of help and assistance to us and to his successor as long as he can." Pamphlet Being Prepared A Messatj·e from Our Grand Master Vol. VII February, 1960 No. 1 Brother Schroder has agreed to continue as In discussing the matter of Lodge programs Princi pal of the Temple School of Instruction I wish to express to all my Brethren in P ennsylvania a sincere grams well, and don't use the " hit-and-miss" system for on page 13 of the new pamphlet "Facing the feeling of gratitude for elevating me to this highest Masonic Stated Meetings. in Philadelphia. He joined the Temple School East" (recently distributed to all Senior Ward­ honor- Right Worshipful Gr and Master of Masons in Penn­ Two New Color and Sound in 1915. ens) , the statement was made that "The Grand 3. Inspire a greater pride and understanding among Members. Brother Schroder is a member of Orient Lodge Committee on Masonic Culture will sylvania-at high noon on December 28, 1959. Films Available for Use Masonry has a great deal to offer the world in its idealism. Lodge No. 289, and served as Master in 1914-, supply a pamphlet containing questions and It has been a rare privilege to have served the past six years of Blue Lodges and representative to Grand Lodge since 1922. answers which can form the basis for an in the Grand Lodge with such dedicated Masons as Past Grand Unfortunately, for many of us, our " Labor" has become listen­ He was Senior Grand Deacon of Grand Lodge "open forum" program. Masters Ralph M. Lehr, Charles H. Nitsch and Sanford M. ing-our " refreshments" free-loading. I believe we should Two films-"Masonic Homes at Elizabeth­ from 1922 to 1938 and then served two years Numerous requests have been received for Chilcote. pr omote our high standards with passionate dedication in every town" and "Masonic Youth Program" have as a District Deputy Grand Master. this Question and Answer publication. Un­ I am strengthened in assuming the duties of this high office area and category of our Fraternity. been professionally produced for The Right In 1944, Brother ScottS. Leiby, then Right fortunately it does not yet exist!! Considerable in knowing that I wi ll be surrounded- and supported-by dedi­ Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted 4. Educate P ennsylvania Masons 111 benevolent projects of work upon it has been done, and the hope Masons of Pennsylvania. Worshipful Grand Master, appointed Brother cated and capable Grand Lodge Officers and Past Grand Masters. the Fraternity. Schroder Assistant Instructor. A short time had been expressed that it would be available I was greatly pleased on December 28, 1959, when approxi­ They are 16mm. films in color and sound. The complete story on these projects would take pages to later, he was appointed Instructor of the Ritu­ about this time. However, the task of prepar­ mately 50 Members of my Lodge, Emporium Lodge No. 382, "Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown" (30 ing such a pamphlet has proven to be more alisti c Work. wer e present in Corinthian Hall, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, tell. To help tell this story, Grand Lodge has completed two minutes) features the Guests at The Homes, tedious and ti me-consuming than had been movies- " Masonic H omes at Elizabethtown (30 minutes), and while "Masonic Youth Program" (15 minutes) Brother Schroder's other Masonic affilia­ when I was installed. I t was the first time many of these Bret hren anticipated. Progress is being made and it is " Masonic Youth Program" (15 minutes) . These 16 mm. films, features th e youth at The Masonic Homes and tions include: attended a Communication of the Grand Lodge. expected that a rough draft can be submitted in color and sound, are now available to Blue Lodges. A colorful the Thomas Ranken Patton Masonic Insti tu­ Past High Pries t of Melita Royal Arch in the not- too-distant future to those in au­ It was my privilege to visit my own Lodge on my firs t official brochure on The H omes and Patton School is now available at tion for Boys. Chapter No. 284, and past President of the thority for comment and criticism. visitation as Grand Master on January 9, 1960. I was accom­ a nominal cost . I hope every Lodge in Pennsylvania will schedule In announcing to the Lodges the completion Joshua Association; member of Joppa Council panied by many Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters and In the meantime, your patience and indul­ these films arid make the brochure available to the Brethren. of the films, Brother Max F. Balcom, R. W. No. 46, and Past Thrice Illustrious Master of gence are sol icited. District Deputy Grand Masters. Near! y 300 Masons were present. Grand Master said: Royal and Select Masters of Philadelphia; and After my installation as Grand Mas ter, I urged P ennsylvania 5. Improve the physical condition of Blue Lodge meeting "The presentation of these film s will make the Philadelphia Conclave No. 8, Red Cross Masons to embark enthusiastically on an eight-point program, rooms. every Mason better informed and result in a of Constantine. We must live our Freemasonry in our daily to assure the continued growth of Freemasonry. We should have pride in the appearance of all Masonic meet­ better appreciation of membership in the Brother Schroder said that when his ti me Fraternity. lives and actions if we want to get the most In advocating this program, I emphasized that we must never ing places. We also must modernize our architecture to be in isn't needed in Masonic Work, he will vaca­ from it. The general desire and aim of the Craft stray from the Landmarks of Freemasonry. We must be faithful "I urge Lodges to schedule these films at tion in St. Petersburg, Florida, and continue is to propagate tru th, thereby making its votaries gear with modern construction thinking. There are many the convenience of the Worshipful Master." his hobby of furni ture refinishing at ho me. better and wiser. As Freemasons are ever to search at all times to this great heritage. s ugges tions' on how to solve this problem. T he Grand Lodge's For the present, these fi lms are confined to for further light, they should be zealous readers, The program, which I like to think of as the " Twentieth Committee 'on Masonic Temples, Halls and Lodge Rooms will Brother and Mrs. Schroder have two sons s tudents, thinkers and teachers.-V. M. BURROWS the use of the Masonic Blue Lodges in Penn ­ Century Approach," includes the following: give you the suggestions, but you must furnish the leadership. sylvania. The films can be scheduled by writing l. Increase the attendance at Masonic Lodge meetings. 6. Constitute Blue Lodges in new and growing communities. Brother Arthur T. Moore, Office of the Grand If, at any time, your mailing address changes, T his is probably the greatest problem. We mus t do some­ Pennsylvania is urbanizing faster than we have recognized YOUR CORRECT MAiliNG ADDRESS please notify The Aide to the Grand Lodge Master, Broad and Filbert Streets, Philadel­ thing about it. I sugges t that every Lodge form an Attendance in our Fraternity. New communities ar e springing up all over phia 7, Pennsylvania. Please give second and IS MOST IMPORTANT Committee on Masonic C ultm·e a ppointed Committee, and" that the Committee keep close attendance the state. These new Lodges should be in new or expanded third alternate dates. within your Lodge.
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