• 77 Times Around Earth, Lost In Baltimore WASHINGTON (UPIl - Soviet He was greeted politely but quiet­ asked the driver oC a wire-service philosophically: "You can't get lost around the earth. He told Von Asked whether his Vostok n ship Braun : "That's how confident she would be used for future Soviet Cosmonaut Gherman Titov said ly by the American steelworkers. car to lead the way. He proved no up there." He stopped several times to chat more adept than Tilov's chauffeur The cosmonaut, who was sched­ was." flights, he said it might and added Friday his live-ton space capsule with groups oC them through an and the party fmalty was rescued uled to go to the Seattle Fair Sat­ Tilov said it was difficult to say with a laugh: "It·s quite possible was big enough for him to get up interpreter. by Tony Pawlikowski, a field sup­ urday, closed out his third day in that I will take a second flight Crom his seat and move about dur­ Titov arrived at the plant 18 ervisor for the Baltimore County Washington by attending an elabo­ whether other spacemen would ex- on it." ing his 17 orbits oC the earth last minutes late when he 100t his way Elections Board. rate vodka and caviar reception at perience the "seasickness" he felt But he indicated it was more August. and had to be led to his destination The 26-year-old cosmonaut and the Soviet Embassy. during part of his voyage. He said Titov also expressed pride in by a passing mot orist. his pretty wile, Tamara, shrugged While at the reception, he told it might be a personal character­ likely that Cuture Soviet ships Russian stool mills and space cap.. The driver oC Titov'S car missed ocr their misadventure of getting U.S. rocket expert Wernher Von istic, but then nobody bas been up would be changed somewhat, or sules while touring a Bethlehem a !runoff on the outskirts of Bal­ lost on the circuitol15 Baltimore Braun that his wife, Tamara, was as long as he and nobody has adjusted to particular missions. Steel plant at Sparrows Point, Md., timore and stopped to a k direc­ suburban roads. ReC rring to his "out in the forest picking mush­ moved around in his ship as he Maybe Soviet technicians will find near Baltimore. tions at a filling station. Then they space flight last August, Tltov said rooms" during part of his trip did. something new, he added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Weather Cooler .nd cloudy today with show.rs and thundershow.rs .ll· pecttcl In the ..stem portion - highs in the lOs and lows '" the 40s tonight, Fair w.ather with oi owan temperatu ...s In the upper 60s Serving the State University of Iowa and the Peop18 of 10tDtJ CUy .nd low.r 70s Sunday. AIIoclated Press Leased Wire and W1repboto United Prell International Leased Wlrea 5 Centa per CopT Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May 5, 1962 Get Final OK In New Orleans- On SUI Union Kennedy Warns Construction Choice Remains­ Action Expected Soon On Contracts for • Women'. Dormitories 'T rode or Fade', DES MOINES (.4'1 - The State NEW ORLEANS (UPII - President Kennedy Friday urged ap­ Board of Regents received final proval oC his tariff-cutting program as a corncrstone oC a trillion-dollar legal clearance Friday to go ahead with Memorial Union construction "Atlantic partnership" to stand as a bulwark against communism. The at SUI. WELCOME nation, he said, must "trade or fade ." The Regents were notified that a In two speeches before cheering crowds in New Orleans, the Pres­ 3O-day period in which a State ident argued Cor his trade bill now embattled in Congress and expressed Supreme Court case might be reo the hope that the school Integrallon quarrel dividing this gulf port city opened had passed. wilt be settled peacerully. Iowa hotel, motel and restaurant The President spoke glowingly C f groups tried to block construction oC a Cutufe economic and trade 0 nce rt 0 of a $4.6 million addition to the market that would provide more MOM jobs for Americans and hold down SUI Union as Illegal state competi­ tion with private business. Inflation, while providing new mar­ The business grou ps' attack on kets for the goods produced in Guitar Music the law providing for non-talC fi· Welcoming 'Demonstration both America and Europe. But it nancing oC dormitories and stu­ is a two-way street, he said, and M.king sur. the Mom. Ind D.ds know they ar. Ington. They are (from I.ft) Blrbara Busby, Al, America cannot throw tarUf bar­ Here Sunday ' dent unions, failed In both Polk Waterloo Ind Sindy Schroed.r, A3, D.s Moin.s. County District Court and the Iowa welcome th." girls are hinging • sign on tha riers across it. l Supreme Courl. KapPI Kappe Gamma Sorority !1OUSl, 721 Wish- -Photo by Joe Lippincott A rew integrationists picketed By JUDY SULECKI IGone with the Wind For more than a year While the the three-hour presidential visit St.ff Writer suit was before the courts, banks with placards but there were no Workmen demolishing old City Hall were busy Friday afternoon disturbances. A lecture-reci tal of classical tearing down some of the wills of the structure. In this sequence, and insurance firms reCused to Flamenco guitar music will be make any loans for dormitory and Mother of the Year The President lelt Friday after­ presented as part oC Choregi's fiflh the first photo shows workmen securing a cable from a tow truck union projects. noon for Eglin Air Force Base in to one of the walls. The second photo shows the wall as it begins to cultural event of tbe semester in Early action to get delayed pro­ northern Florida to witness adem· the aUditorium oC the Art BuUd­ collaps., and the third photo showl the wall as the mass of bricks jects under way is expected now onstration of air firepower. Then ing Sunday a[tcrnoon at 5. and plasl.r came tumbling down. -Photo by Joe lippincott that the court case is finished. Reigns This Week-End he was to go to Palm Beach. The concert, previously scheduled Contracts for construction of the By JANET MINX She will be a guest at the Seals KeM.dy arrived by pllnt from in the Main Gallery of the Art SUI Union addition may be ready Staff Wrlt.r Club water sho , "Allee ln Won- Waallington and rocIt In on .,... Building, will be performed in the lor board approval next month. The sm Mother oC the Year is derland", at 8 p.m. in the Field top IImousln. with Gov. Jimmie auditorium since a design show is Action is also expected soon on Mrs . R. L. Gillam, a Des Ioines House Pool. Davis and Mlyor Victor Schiro Petition that Supports contracts for women's dormitoI]' on exhibit in the gallcry. construction at SUI and expansion widow who has combined the roles Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Main In a motorcad. from Moisant Air- Clark. M.tcalf, a fln.-arts of student dining facilities at State oC mother, teacher, and student. Lounge of the Union Mrs. Gillam port to the ".w $12 million Mis- gradulI. student at the Univer. Faculty in Circulation College of Iowa In Cedar Falls. She was nominated by h r son, will attend the annual University slssippi Rlv.r whlrf that sym· .ity of Nebraskl, Lineal", will Bids will be opened in Ames Lynn, A4, Des Momes. Sing, 'Shower oC Songs." bolilts N.w Orlelns' links with pre"nt "Tha Psychic Size of tho BV STEVE SANGER Tuesday on a 430-bed men's dor­ A native of Armour, S. D., Mrs. A preview of University Sing can world trR.. Police .stlmated Guit.,," a program In three sec­ Gillam attended State College of be heard today on the program there w.re 100,000 churlng Staff Writer mitory addition for Iowa Stale tion •• University. The Regents expect Iowa, Cedar Falls, for two ycars CUE on WSUI. Alpha Phi social peopl. along the plIIth. Metcalf, who gave informal con­ A petition supporting the facully petition, which asks for a new in· contracts for that project will be and taught in a rural school near sorority and Delta Chi social fra- At the wharf, Kennedy delivered certs at SUI two years ago, teach­ quiry by President Hancher into the Andy Hankins-Delta Chi depledging awarded at the meeting later next Galt and Dows until her marriage. ternily will perform "Hosanna to a major foreign trade address. es in his own studio in Lincoln. inCident, began circulating among the student body Friday . week. Slit return.d to tllchlng in the Son of David" and "These are "We stand at a great divide," he He studied in San Francisco and • I also plays the cloas ieal guitar. Hankins is a Negro student. 1949 after the death of IMr hus· the Times." at 10:30 a.m. Kappa said, "deciding whether to go band. Combi"ing her work with Alpha Theta social sorority and forward or Call back - whether WI The lecture-recital is intended to The student petition, written by GOP CanCiidates .v.ning classes It Drlke Unlvtr- Delta Tau Delta social fraternity are to trade or fade." demonstrate the capabilitles or the Donald Kash, G, Macedonia, and Last Appearance slty, she recelv.d a B.A. degr.. wiU perform "Zip-a-de-doo-dah", S~r~o~ ~ ~~~L~r The trade bill before Congress, guitar. If time permits there will Richard Wells, G, Charlotte, N.
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