January 31, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1071 NOES—191 announces the Speaker’s appointment units of Government for fiscal year 2007, and Aderholt Frelinghuysen Myrick of the following Members of the House for other purposes, namely: Akin Gallegly Neugebauer as congressional advisers on trade pol- ‘‘TITLE I—FULL-YEAR CONTINUING Bachmann Garrett (NJ) Nunes icy and negotiations: APPROPRIATIONS Bachus Gerlach Pearce Baker Gillmor Pence Mr. RANGEL, New York ‘‘SEC. 101. (a) Such amounts as may be nec- Barrett (SC) Gingrey Peterson (PA) Mr. LEVIN, Michigan essary, at the level specified in subsection (c) Bartlett (MD) Gohmert Petri Mr. TANNER, Tennessee and under the authority and conditions pro- Barton (TX) Goode Pitts Mr. MCCRERY, Louisiana vided in the applicable appropriations Act Biggert Goodlatte Platts for fiscal year 2006, for projects or activities Bilbray Granger Mr. HERGER, California Poe (including the costs of direct loans and loan Bilirakis Graves Porter f guarantees) that are not otherwise provided Bishop (UT) Hall (TX) Price (GA) Blackburn Hastings (WA) Pryce (OH) COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIRMAN for and for which appropriations, funds, or Blunt Hayes Putnam OF COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND other authority were made available in the Boehner Heller following appropriations Acts: Radanovich MEANS Bonner Hensarling Ramstad ‘‘(1) The Agriculture, Rural Development, Bono Herger Regula The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Food and Drug Administration, and Related Boozman Hobson Rehberg Boustany Hoekstra fore the House the following commu- Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. Reichert ‘‘(2) The Energy and Water Development Brady (TX) Hooley Renzi nication from the Honorable CHARLES Appropriations Act, 2006. Brown (SC) Hulshof Rogers (AL) B. RANGEL, Chairman, Committee on Brown-Waite, Hunter ‘‘(3) The Foreign Operations, Export Fi- Rogers (KY) Ways and Means: Ginny Inglis (SC) Rogers (MI) nancing, and Related Programs Appropria- Buchanan Issa Rohrabacher COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, tions Act, 2006. Burgess Jindal Ros-Lehtinen HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ‘‘(4) The Department of the Interior, Envi- Burton (IN) Johnson (IL) Roskam Washington, DC, January 17, 2007. Calvert Johnson, Sam ronment, and Related Agencies Appropria- Royce Camp (MI) Jones (NC) Hon. NANCY PELOSI, tions Act, 2006. Ryan (WI) Campbell (CA) Jordan Speaker, House of Representatives, ‘‘(5) The Departments of Labor, Health and Sali Cannon Keller Washington, DC. Saxton Human Services, and Education, and Related Cantor King (IA) DEAR MADAM SPEAKER, I am forwarding to Schmidt Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. Capito Kingston Sensenbrenner you the Committee’s recommendations for ‘‘(6) The Legislative Branch Appropriations Carter Kirk Sessions certain positions for the 110th Congress. Act, 2006. Castle Kline (MN) First, pursuant to Section 8002 of the Inter- Chabot Knollenberg Shadegg ‘‘(7) The Military Quality of Life and Vet- Coble Kuhl (NY) Shays nal Revenue Code of 1986, the Committee des- erans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2006. Cole (OK) LaHood Shimkus ignated the following Members to serve on ‘‘(8) The Science, State, Justice, Com- Conaway Lamborn Shuster the Joint Committee on Taxation: Mr. Ran- merce, and Related Agencies Appropriations Crenshaw Latham Smith (NE) gel, Mr. Stark, Mr. Levin, Mr. McCrery, Mr. Smith (NJ) Act, 2006. Cubin LaTourette Herger. ‘‘(9) The Transportation, Treasury, Hous- Culberson Lewis (CA) Smith (TX) Souder Second, pursuant to Section 161 of the ing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, Davis (KY) Lewis (KY) Trade Act of 1974, the Committee rec- Davis, David Linder Stearns the District of Columbia, and Independent Davis, Tom LoBiondo Sullivan ommended the following Members to serve Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. Deal (GA) Lucas Tancredo as official advisors for international con- ‘‘(b) For purposes of this division, the term DeFazio Lungren, Daniel Terry ference meetings and negotiating sessions on ‘level’ means an amount. Thornberry Dent E. trade agreements: Mr. Rangel, Mr. Levin, ‘‘(c) The level referred to in subsection (a) Diaz-Balart, L. Mack Tiahrt Mr. Tanner, Mr. McCrery, Mr. Herger. shall be the amounts appropriated in the ap- Diaz-Balart, M. Manzullo Tiberi Third, pursuant to House Rule X, Clause 5 Turner propriations Acts referred to in such sub- Doolittle Marchant (2)(A)(i), the Committee designated the fol- Drake McCarthy (CA) Upton section, including transfers and obligation lowing Members to serve on the Committee Dreier McCaul (TX) Walberg limitations, except that— Duncan McCotter Walden (OR) on the Budget: Mr. Becerra, Mr. Doggett, Mr. ‘‘(1) such level shall not include any Ehlers McCrery Walsh (NY) Blumenauer, Mr. Tiberi, Mr. Porter. amount designated as an emergency require- Wamp Emerson McHenry Best regards, ment, or to be for overseas contingency oper- English (PA) McKeon Weldon (FL) CHARLES B. RANGEL, ations, pursuant to section 402 of H. Con. Everett McMorris Weller Chairman. Fallin Rodgers Westmoreland Res. 95 (109th Congress), the concurrent reso- Feeney Mica Whitfield f lution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; and Ferguson Miller (FL) Wicker FURTHER CONTINUING APPRO- ‘‘(2) such level shall be calculated without Flake Miller (MI) Wilson (NM) regard to any rescission or cancellation of Forbes Miller, Gary Wilson (SC) PRIATIONS, FISCAL YEAR 2007 funds or contract authority, other than— Fortenberry Moran (KS) Wolf ‘‘(A) the 1 percent government-wide rescis- Foxx Murphy, Tim Young (AK) Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Franks (AZ) Musgrave Young (FL) House Resolution 116, I call up the sion made by section 3801 of division B of joint resolution (H.J. Res. 20) making Public Law 109–148; NOT VOTING—19 further continuing appropriations for ‘‘(B) the 0.476 percent across-the-board re- scission made by section 439 of Public Law Alexander Hastert Melancon the fiscal year 2007, and for other pur- Buyer Higgins Norwood 109–54, relating to the Department of the In- Davis (AL) King (NY) Paul poses, and ask for its immediate con- terior, environment, and related agencies; Davis, Jo Ann Maloney (NY) Pickering sideration. and Farr McDermott Reynolds The Clerk read the title of the joint ‘‘(C) the 0.28 percent across-the-board re- Fossella McHugh Gilchrest Meek (FL) resolution. scission made by section 638 of Public Law The text of the joint resolution is as 109–108, relating to Science, State, Justice, b 1225 follows: Commerce, and related agencies. ‘‘SEC. 102. Appropriations made by section Mr. BAKER changed his vote from H.J. RES. 20 ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ 101 shall be available to the extent and in the Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- manner that would be provided by the perti- So the resolution was agreed to. resentatives of the United States of America in nent appropriations Act. The result of the vote was announced Congress assembled, That this joint resolution ‘‘SEC. 103. Appropriations provided by this as above recorded. may be cited as the ‘‘Revised Continuing Ap- division that, in the applicable appropria- A motion to reconsider was laid on propriations Resolution, 2007’’. tions Act for fiscal year 2006, carried a mul- the table. SEC. 2. The Continuing Appropriations Res- tiple-year or no-year period of availability olution, 2007 (Public Law 109–289, division B), f shall retain a comparable period of avail- as amended by Public Laws 109–369 and 109– ability. 383, is amended to read as follows: APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS AS ‘‘SEC. 104. Except as otherwise expressly CONGRESSIONAL ADVISERS ON ‘‘DIVISION B—CONTINUING provided in this division, the requirements, TRADE POLICY AND NEGOTIA- APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION, 2007 authorities, conditions, limitations, and TIONS ‘‘The following sums are hereby appro- other provisions of the appropriations Acts priated, out of any money in the Treasury referred to in section 101(a) shall continue in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- not otherwise appropriated, and out of appli- effect through the date specified in section ant to section 161(a) of the Trade Act of cable corporate or other revenues, receipts, 106. 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2211), and the order of and funds, for the several departments, agen- ‘‘SEC. 105. No appropriation or funds made the House of January 4, 2007, the Chair cies, corporations, and other organizational available or authority granted pursuant to VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:56 Feb 01, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JA7.011 H31JAPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC61 with HOUSE H1072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 31, 2007 section 101 shall be used to initiate or re- sums as may be necessary are hereby appro- ‘‘(19) General Services Administration. sume any project or activity for which ap- priated to fund, for covered employees under ‘‘(20) Office of Personnel Management. propriations, funds, or other authority were a statutory pay system (as defined by sec- ‘‘(21) National Archives and Records Ad- specifically prohibited during fiscal year tion 5302 of title 5, United States Code), 50 ministration. 2006. percent of any increase in rates of pay which ‘‘(22) Environmental Protection Agency. ‘‘SEC. 106. Unless otherwise provided for in became effective under sections 5303 through ‘‘(23) Indian Health Service. this division or in the applicable appropria- 5304a of such title 5 in January 2007. ‘‘(24) Smithsonian Institution. tions Act, appropriations and funds made ‘‘(2)(A) In addition to any amounts other- ‘‘(25) Social Security Administration. available and authority granted pursuant to wise provided by this division, such sums as ‘‘(26) Corporation
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