C M Y K PAGE B2 B2 WINNIPEG FREE PRESS, FRIDAY,MARCH 16,2012 CITY winnipegfreepress.com HOMELESSNESS THEINSIDER by Maureen Scurfield City’s Filmmaker dreaming high of awhite rents Christmas blamed NEWSPRINTTOTHE RESCUE: The Home Alone5Christmas movie startedshootinginWinnipegthis Welfarenot enough, week,without thenatural snow Cali- fornia moviemakersexpected here in March.But neverfear! California advocatessay crewshavebeenfaking snow scenes foryears, By RandyTurner usingnewsprint.“Yes, we candothis, but it’s very,veryexpensive,” INNIPEG’S festeringhomeless said co-executive pro- RUTH BONNEVILLE /WINNIPEG FREE PRESS problemstems from no short- ducer DennisMurphy, Wages of contributingfactors, Home Alone5workerslay outnewsprint to create asnowy sceneinThe Gates. surveyingtheir snow- INSET: Dayle Goertzen is excitedtobecreatingspecial jewelryfor the‘badguys’ in themovie. but theoverridingissue is at theheart making effort.They of thematter: notenough affordable need sevendaysofsnow homes. shoots before they film at theGoldenGlobes four hoursanight watching CSI and “Andrewwas asuper-hardwork- That wasjustone of thethemesofa indoorsatthe Mani- in 2010.” Some stars fillingorders.” er,” says AuntyVicki.“Hisnick- wide-ranging paneldiscussionThurs- toba Production Centre wore them on the name wasWoodtickatworkbecause daymorning,which wassponsored by soundstage on Pacific redcarpet. Ironic- STEPSFOR LIFE:Mostofuscan’t he wassointerested, always around. theWinnipegChamber of Commerce Avenue.Yours trulysaw ally,whenthe word runamarathon.But most of us can Work washis life... He wasavery in supportofthe Five Days For the huge lawnsinThe Gates got out, it launched walk five kilometres with friends loving boyand is horribly,terribly Homeless Campaign. mansionareabeing herbackherein around Kildonan Park on alovely missed.” “Let’sdothe math,” KellyHolmes, coveredwithhumongous Canada. “Inanideal spring day. TheSteps forLifeWin- As areall theotherswho die thedirector of Resource Assistance for white blanketunder- world, Hollywoodis nipeggangisstartingtogatherthe tragically in theworkplace year Youth(RaY),toldajam-packedaudi- cloths, to be sprayedwithheaps of my target market,but famous jewel- walkerstheyneedtoraise money afteryear—morethan1,000 ayear ence at theFreePress News Café.“The bleached andshreddednewsprint. lers lend outtheir expensivedesigns forsurvivors of workplaceinjuries across Canada. ThefamilyisTeam averagerentinthe city $450 (a month). Sophisticatedneighbours in the forred-carpetmentions.”After a andtheir families,withearly-bird Woodtick andincludes Andrew’s Welfareis$285. This is whywehave area aretakingasuspiciousnumber red-carpetevent ElenaLevon from registrationtoday untilApril 1. Many parents Roberta and Rick James and homelessness. It’s ahugepiece.” of “healthwalks”tosee Tinsel- Oceans 13 sent hernecklaceback people involvedinorganizingthe hissiblings Tiffany and Matthew, Holmes wasjoinedfor thepanel dis- town types decorate forChristmas againwithathank youand an auto- May6event (10a.m.to2p.m.) are pluscousin DustiRichardson andher cussionbyRossMcGowan,president Hollywood-style. Yourstruly saw graphedpicturesaying, “You might walkinginmemoryof15-year-old son Kyle Richardson with hisfamous andCEO of CentreVenture, andIan oneguy on aladder up an evergreen as well sell it.I’llnever wear it again Andrew James whodiedinawork- autism workingdog,Bella.For more Gerbrandtofthe Winnipeg PovertyRe- tree,hanging two-foot shinycoloured because it’s been photographed.” placeaccidentwhile at asummerjob information, sendanemail to:gram_ ductionCouncil. ballsoveragreen lawn.Surreal! Goertzen’s glamorousonlinestore is threeyears ago. [email protected]. Holmes offeredanother messagein DayleGoertzen,owner of Vin- at www.vintagebling.ca.She works “The moneyraisedgoestothe arithmetic;criticizing thecutbacksin tage Bling, is excitedtobecreating as an educationalassistant forRiver Threadsfor Life group, whichhelps Gottips,events, sightings, unusual federalprogramsthatimpactgrass- specialjewelryfor the“badguys” East TransconaSchoolDivisionby thefamilieswho have lost lovedones things going on?CallMaureen’s tipline rootsagenciessuchasRaY,which is de- in themovie.Her dramatic designs dayand as ajeweller by night. She duetoworkplace accidentsorpeople at 474-1116, emailMaureen.Scurfield@ signed to assist homelessand poverty- becameknown to thestars,thanks startedbytakingapart sparklyvin- whose liveshavebeenaltered,and Winnipegfreepress.comorsendmail stricken up to age29. to giftingsuitesatthe Golden Globes tage jewelryseven yearsago —and need supports likecounselling,” says to TheInsider c/oThe Winnipeg Free “The government isn’tdoing enough,” andThe OscarsinLos Angeles. “I making scintillating newpieces. “I Andrew’s aunt, VickiEllisonAnder- Pressat1355MountainAve.Winnipeg Holmes said.“Is it ahighpriorityfor gave away thousandsofdollars worth got so many requestsitturnedinto son. R2X3B6. thefeds? Notsomuch. If thepolitical will changes, we’rethe firsttoget flushed. We cantakefivesteps forward and10steps back.” However, McGowancountered that availablepublicfunds aren’t as much of adeterrentashow andwhere they PRIME TIME TV FRIDAY MOVIES arespent. “I’m notconvinced there’snot enough S ll (public) money,”hesaid, addingthata rect 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Be MT Shaw Shaw Di prioritywould be to provetothe gen- 2 CBC (6) 2226 332 NHL Hockey Montréal Canadiens vs. Ottawa Senators Scotiabank Place--Ottawa, Ont. the fifthestate CBC News:The National CBC News:LN/George S. (N) eral public andprivate business that 3 PBS 3-388 NewsHr Outnumbered Wash.Week Ed Sullivan's '60s Rock 'n Roll Over Hawaii Charlie Rose fundsspent on servicingthe homeless 4 CBS 4387 NCAA BasketballDivisionITournament Duke vs. Lehigh NCAA BasketballDivisionITournament Notre Dame vs. Xavier WCCO 4News Letterman represent long-termsavings in emer- gencyand health-careservicesalone. 5 CTV (7) 5225 316 CTV NewsShark Tank (N) Grimm "Let Your HairDown" Blue Bloods "Family Ties" The BigBang eTalkCTV National CTVNews “Weneedtoquantifythat,”McGowan 6 NBC 6-385 NewsEnt. Tonight Think You Are "MartinSheen" Grimm "Let Your Hair Down" DatelineNBC KARE NewsTonight Show J. Leno (N) LateNight said.“We need to show them howyou 7 ABC 13 -386 WDAZ Ent. Tonight H.S. Basketball20/20 WDAZ News NightlineThe Insider Paid save money. That’s thesoftspot. Busi- 8 CITY (13) 8228 329 Met-Mother Met-Mother Tough Choices "Labour Pains"The Murdoch MysteriesMantracker EP Daily Reviews CityLine "Fashion Friday" ness people do have asocialconscience. 10 CBWFT 10 118 703 Le Téléjournal KAMPAÏ! "Les entrées" (N) Paquet voleur (N) Une heure sur terre (N) Le TéléjournalNouv. sports Le Téléjournal Butatthe endofthe daytheyneeda 11 JOYTV 11 --Cheers Name Is Earl Numb3rs Numb3rs 20/20 The Harpreet Singh ShowIt's aNew Day Foundations returnoninvestment.” 12 GLOB (9) 12 227 335 Evening NewsEnt. Tonight 16:9 The Bigger Picture Harry's Law (N)Ringer (N) Prime NewsE.T. Canada NewsFinal Happened Gerbrandt, meanwhile, reiteratedthe need to invest in private/public part- 13 TSN 22 400 400 NCAA BasketballSecond Round Division ITournament SportsCentre nerships with affordable housingasthe 14 DISC 104 520 505 Daily Planet (N) Canada's Greatest Know it All Deaths (N) Deaths(N) Mayday"SplitDecision" Daily Planet "Gigantic Week" UnusualDeath UnusualDeath focus. 15 CNN 103 500 500 OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper 36072Hours Under Fire Piers Morgan Tonight “The conceptissimple,”henoted. 16 SPIKE 125 628 584 The Ultimate Fighter 14: Team Bispingvs. Team Miller "Scrappers"Ultimate Fighter "No Poseurs"Ultimate Fighter 7Ultimate Fighter 12 "Go For It" “Let’sfirst give people ahome.” 17 HIST 105 522 506 Museum Secrets Death or Canada Hangman's Graveyard Canadian PickersMeltzer's Decoded "Vatican" Holmes made apleafor thechamber 18 HN 108 508 502 Jane Velez-MitchellNancy Grace Dr. Drew Nancy Grace ShowbizTonight Dr. Drew to politicize theissue.“Youdon’t know howmuchyou candotosway(political 19 TROP 106 618 524 Canadian Pickers '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show King-Queens King-Queens King-Queens Instant Cash E.T. CanadaRoseanne Loves Ray agendas),” shesaid. “You need to be at 20 A&E 101 615 520 Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage thetable.” 21 W 132 602 567 Undercover Boss Canada The Closer "OldMoney" "You, Me and Dupree" ('06, Com) Matt Dillon, Owen Wilson. NecessaryRoughness Cold Case However, at leastone businessman 22 YTV 18 552 543 iCarly "iStart aFan War" iCarly "iPsycho" iCarly "iStill Psycho" Victorious Big Time R. "Hairspray" ('07, Mus) John Travolta, Nikki Blonsky. took to themicrophonetochallenge that 23 TLC 102 521 560 Four Weddings Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Four Weddings Say Yes to Say Yes to Four Weddings agencies such as Holmes’s aren’t doing 24 HGTV 134 600 564 HouseHunter Prop. Virgins HouseHuntersSellingLASellingLASellingLASellingLAHouseHunter HouseHunter SellingLASellingLA enough to campaignfor public support. 25 CMT 109 575 583 ER Vets Pet Heroes Accord.Jim Melissa Sweet Home Alabama "A Friend in Need"ERVets Pet Heroes Sweet Home Alabama When Holmes begantocite thechallen- gesinaddressingthe centre’s clients 26 MMM 117 571 581 MMM Countdown "Starsky andHutch"('04) Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller. Late Night With Jimmy FallonForget-Lyrics Saturday NightLiveForget-Lyrics —while fundraisingand workingpart- 27 BRAVO 123 620 523 Concert Hall
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