Employee Performance of Y Generation in Blora Regency, Central Java EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE OF Y GENERATION IN BLORA REGENCY, CENTRAL JAVA Soni Supriyanto JAM Susetyo Darmanto 16, 1 Faculty Of Economics and Business, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang Received, November 2017 December 2017 Revised, January 2018 ABSTRACT: Y Generation is a generation born between 1977 to 1994. This generation is Accepted, February 2018 often referred to as the echo boom generation and better known as the generation of technology. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Emotional intelligence and Employee Creativity on the performance of Y generation employees at the Regional Secre- tariat of Blora Regency with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The data used are primary data by taking samples of Y generation employees in the Regional Secretariat of Blora Regency as many as 46 respondents. Path analysis with SPSS 22 statistical program is used for data analysis. The overall hypothesis proposed receives Ha, which means the relationship between variables is positive and significant. In an effort to improve perfor- mance, Blora Regency Government can make efforts to increase Emotional intelligence and employee creativity. Job satisfaction is also proven to have a mediating role, so it can be a factor that plays a role in encouraging employee performance improvement. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Employee Creativity, Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction The assessment of invest- tally physically attached to their work in order to ment performance in Central deliver excellent performance (Turner, Barling, Java, based on Business Cli- &Zacharatos, 2002). One of the ways to create mate Survey, Regional Com- and maintain a good and harmonious relationship petitiveness Survey, Snap- with colleagues and customers is by doing the con- shot Survey, Investment Sur- cept of excellent service based on A3 (attitude, at- vey still do not include Blora tention, and action). The concepts of Human Re- Regency in the top five re- source Management need to be integrated into each Journal of Applied Management (JAM) gions in Central Java with the individual service provider such as creativity (abil- Volume 16 Number 1, highest score (Ekopriyono, ity to solve organizational problems) and emotional March 2018 2017). This condition neces- intelligence. Today emotional intelligence and cre- Indexed in Google Scholar sarily requires the Blora Re- ativity is a very important factor for employees gency Government to im- because it has the ability to manage emotions and prove the quality of its human creativity in an effort to improve performance and Correspondention Author: resources in an effort to im- organizational problems. When employees can im- Susetyo Darmanto, Faculty Of Economics and Business, prove the excellent service prove their creativity and emotional intelligence, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 and regional competitive- they will be able to develop commitment and per- Semarang, Email : [email protected] ness. formance in order to achieve organizational goals DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ Today, employees must (Turner, Barling, and Sacharatos, 2002). 10.21776/ub.jam.2018.016. 01.10 have emotionally and men- DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 36a/E/KPT/2016 81 ISSN: 1693-5241 81 Soni Supriyanto, Susetyo Darmanto Previous research results that discuss the rela- METHOD tionship between emotional intelligence and creativity Definition and indicators of Variable variables on employee performance showed diverse Performance of employees is defined as the results. The research conducted by (Alisyahbana, work that can be achieved by a person or group of Ismail, & Wispandono, 2015), (Dhiatmika, Dantes, people within an organization in accordance with & Yudana, 2013), (Wibowo, 2013) shows that cre- the authority and responsibility of each, in order to ativity has a significant effect on the performance achieve the objectives of the organization concerned of Employees, but similar research conducted by ( legally, not violating the law and in accordance with Lakoy, 2015) indicates that Employee creativity has the moral and ethical (Sedarmayanti, 2008). Em- no significant effect on performance. ployee performance indicators include service ac- Meanwhile, Research conducted by (Karman- curacy/task execution, service quality/task imple- dita & Subudi, 2013), (Gani, 2014), (Choiriah, 2013) mentation, employee skills to perform tasks, timely shows that emotional intelligence significantly af- employee attendance, employee performance ac- fects performance. While the same study conducted cording to defined targets, employee education re- by (Duwit, 2015) concluded that emotional intelli- lated to the main job, effective and efficient gence has no significant effect on job satisfaction. workflow (Mahsun,2006). The study of Human Resource Management Emotional Intelligence is defined as a specific in the public sector is seen as very interesting when process of information intelligence which includes associated with generational theory. (Hawkins, the ability to generate and appreciate oneself emo- Motherbaugh, & Roger), 2007) describes several tionally to others, controlling and emotionally to generations associated with the year of birth. The achieve goals (Carmichael, 2005). The indicators generation is pre-depression generation, depression are Self Regulation, Self Motivation, Empathy, So- generation, baby boom generation, also called gen- cial skills (Goleman, 2007). eration X, the echo of baby boom generation, also Employee creativity is defined by a special called Y generation and millennial generation achievement in creating something new based on Much of the research that connects emotional material, data information, or pre-existing elements intelligence, creativity, job satisfaction and perfor- into meaningful and useful things, finding problem- mance variables only focuses on the private sector, solving ways that most people can not find, new has not yet touched the public sector (Gani, 2014). ideas and see the possibilities (Ghufron and Based on the background, the research problem Risnawita, 2011). The indicators used in the re- proposed is: how are the influence of Emotional in- search are: Open to new experiences, interested in telligence and Employee Creativity on the perfor- creative activities, not running out of resource in mance of Y generation employee in the Regional solving problems, rich in initiative, having an idea Secretariat of Blora Regency with job satisfaction that is original, has an opinion of it self and is not as an intervening variable. easily influenced by others, has responsibility and Based on the research gap and research prob- commitment to the task, Glad to ask a good ques- lems, the proposed hypothesis is as follows: (H1) tion. Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant Job satisfaction is defined as an assessment of effect on employee job satisfaction; (H2) Employee the work of how far his overall job satisfies his needs creativity has a significant positive effect on em- (Hoppeck in As’ad, 2005). Indicators include satis- ployee job satisfaction; (H3) Emotional intelligence faction with salary, satisfaction towards co-work- has a positive and significant effect on employee ers, satisfaction with workplace conditions, satis- performance; (H4) Employee creativity has a posi- faction with work facilities, satisfaction with the job tive and significant effect on employee performance; itself (Hessberg in Manullang, 2004). (H5) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. 82 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MANAGEMENT VOLUME 16 NUMBER 1 MARCH 2018 Employee Performance of Y Generation in Blora Regency, Central Java Population and sample DataAnalysis The population of the research is Generation Y Path analysis model with multiple linear regres- employee in the Secretariat of Blora Regency sion approaches is used for data analysis in this re- amounting to 52. Respondents of 46 respondents search. The relationship of emotional intelligence were determined by Slovin formula with 10% error and creativity variable to employee performance margin. with the intervening variable of job satisfaction can be explained in Figure 1. P3 Emotional intelligence (X1) P5 P1 Job Satisfaction (Y1) Performance (Y2) e2 P2 P4 Creativity e1 (X2) Figure 1 Path Analysis RESULT AND DISCUSSION Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the study Descriptive of Demographics respondents were aged 31-35 years old by 43%, male gender by 65%, and undergraduate education Results of data processing research related de- by 54%. Based on the findings of this study, it can mographic respondents can be presented in Table 1. be explained that majority of respondents are in the Table 1 Profileof Respondens productive age, have the same career opportunities men and women, and have had a good education. Demografi Frekuensi Percentage Age Descriptive of StatisticsVariable 20 – 25 years 2 5 Based on the statistical calculation of the de- 26 – 30 years 7 15 scription with SPSS 22 program in Table 2, it can be 31 – 35 years 20 43 seen that the standard deviation value of research 36 – 39 years 17 37 variables is not large, ranging from 2.654 to 3.820, Total 46 100 so it is concluded there is no outlier data. Gender Male 30 65 Female 16 35 Total 46 100 Education Senior High School 11 24 Diploma 3 7 Bachelor 25 54 Post Graduate 7 15 Total 46 100 DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 36a/E/KPT/2016 ISSN: 1693-5241 83 Soni Supriyanto, Susetyo Darmanto Table
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