10066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE May 4, 1992 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, May 4, 1992 The House met at 12 noon. Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT. Mr. Speak­ nouncement about my future in the er, I deeply regret to inform my col­ House of Representatives. I am not re­ leagues of the passing of one of the tiring. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO great former Members of Congress-the Mr. Speaker, I say this because great TEMPORE Honorable Wilbur Daigh Mills. play has been given to many of our col­ The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Chairman Mills died this past Satur­ leagues who are leaving the Congress, MONTGOMERY) laid before the House the day in Searcy, AR, after suffering an creating frustration, despair. following communication from the apparent heart attack at his home. Two great Members retired last Speaker: He is remembered as one of the most week, the gentleman from Florida, WASHINGTON, DC, influential congressional leaders of the LARRY SMITH, and the gentleman from May 4, 1992. 20th century. As chairman of the Ways Michigan, BOB TRAXLER. I think those I hereby designate the Honorable G.V. and Means Committee for almost 20 of us that are staying deserve a slight (SONNY) MONTGOMERY to act as Speaker pro years, his imprint has been indelibly pat on the back. I was in Taos, NM, re­ tempore on this day. placed on our Nation's Tax Code. There cently. And I had a constituent say, THOMAS S. FOLEY, are many who considered Chairman "Congressman RICHARDSON, don't let Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mills the most knowledgeable individ­ the negativism in Washington cramp ual in the country when it came to your style. Only the Congress can PRAYER matters of tax, Medicare, Social Secu­ make things better, and take credit for rity, and trade. People from around the being in Congress." The Chaplain, Rev. James David world sought his counsel and expertise Mr. Speaker, I am here to say that I Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ long after he retired from Congress. am proud to be a Member of Congress. er: Chairman Mills represented the peo­ This is a good institution with a lot of As we bow our heads in prayer, 0 ple of the Second District of Arkansas good people, staff and Members, and we God, we pause to admit our weaknesses for 38 years. It was my privilege to have got a job to do. and confess our faults as individuals serve with him from January 1967 to Yes, there are frustrating moments, and as a people. We know that we have 1977. It was also my privilege to know but on the whole there is no job in the not lived with respect and understand­ him as a close friend. I'm sure many world where one can make a greater ing toward each other or with the Members will want to remember and difference to help people. unity of spirit that is Your will for us. honor Chairman Mills at a later time Mr. Speaker, last week came and went with We affirm that we are armed with the for his prominent contribution to our two more of our colleagues announcing they grace of forgiveness and the renewal of Nation. would be calling it quits after this current Con­ hope, and we seek to be good stewards A memorial service will be held on gress. Florida's LARRY SMITH and Michigan's of the responsibilities that have been Tuesday at 2 p.m. in Kensett, AR. Boa TRAXLER adding their names to the grow­ given us. For Your good grace and I extend my deepest sympathies to ing list of Members who have decided to part promise of renewed hope, 0 God, we his wife, Clarine "Polly" Billingsley ways with this House-52 so far, and the offer this prayer of thanksgiving and Mills; two daughters, Martha Sue number is sure to grow. praise. Amen. Dixon of West Simsbury, CT, and Re­ I had the great fortune of working closely becca Ann Yates of Wayne, NJ; his with both Congressman SMITH and Chairman brother, Rogers Mills of Kensett, AR; TRAXLER-both men devoted to the public THE JOURNAL his sister, Emma Gene Yancy of good truly interested in trying to make a dif­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Marianna, AR; six grandchildren and ference. Their departure is a great loss for this Chair has examined the Journal of the two great-grandchildren. institution. last day's proceedings and announces It is unclear how many more of our col­ to the House his approval thereof. leagues will step down into this well and an­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER nounce they too are going home for good. I, nal stands approved. PRO TEMPORE for one, will not join the parade of Members The SPEAKER pro tempore. The who are making the trek to this spot to say Chair desires to announce that pursu­ their goodbyes. My name will be on the ballot PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ant to clause 4 of rule I, the Speaker this November. God willing and with a few The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the signed the following enrolled joint res­ votes of support from my constituents, I will gentleman from Wyoming [Mr. THOM­ olutions on Friday, May 1, 1992: return to this House as a proud Member of the AS] please come forward and lead the S.J. Res. 174. Joint resolution designating 103d Congress. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. the month of May 1992, as "National Despite the harsh criticisms that are thrust Mr. THOMAS of Wyoming led the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness upon us, despite the efforts of some partisan Month"; and Pledge of Allegiance as follows: S.J. Res. 222. Joint resolution to designate thugs who attempt to destroy this institution, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unit­ 1992 as the "Year of Reconciliation Between and despite the terribly nasty smell and taste ed States of America, and to the Republic for American Indians and Non-Indians." of modern-day politics, I believe there is no which it stands, one nation under God, indi­ higher calling than public service. Serving in visible, with liberty and justice for all. this House, working together, we have the PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF unique ability to make a positive difference in CONGRESS the lives of 250 million Americans and millions THE HONORABLE WILBUR D. (Mr. RICHARDSON asked and was of our neighbors abroad. MILLS given permission to address the House I am not embarrassed to be here; I'm not (Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT asked and for 1 minute and to revise and extend ashamed to be a Member of the House. I am was given permission to address the his remarks.) proud of the work we do and hope to return House for 1 minute and to revise and Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, to this great institution to serve in the 103d extend his remarks.) today I am making a political an- Congress. DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. May 4, 1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 10067 DEALING WITH THE CRISIS IN LOS with the American political system, a Before I go into that I want to sum ANGELES system today driven by big money, by up, for the sake of understanding and (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per­ big special interests, by big political clarity, the limitations as well as the mission to address the House for 1 action committees, but not by the peo­ jurisdiction of the Committee on Bank­ minute and to revise and extend his re­ ple who are meant to drive that sys­ ing, Finance and Urban Affairs. I also marks.) tem. happen to be the chairman of the Sub­ Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I have sent The President can take that sad and committee on Housing and Community today a letter to the President about painful situation, Mr. Speaker, and Development. the crisis in Los Angeles which I would make it better by signing the campaign 'rhe average citizen, and I would al­ like to share with the Congress. finance reform bill that has been just most hazard to say the average Mem­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, sent to him this week by the other ber of Congress, and not members of Washington, DC, May 4, 1992. body, having first been passed in this these committees in either the House Hon. GEORGE BUSH, body some weeks ago. I urge the Presi­ or the Senate, would conclude that the The White House, dent to make constructive situations Committee on Banking, Finance and Washington, DC. from these two sad and painful si tua­ Urban Affairs has jurisdiction on mat­ DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: Having watched with tions, the situation in Los Angeles and ters that would seem obvious and com­ horror at the events in Los Angeles last the situation in the American political monsense to have jurisdiction, but we week, I want to urge in the strongest pos­ sible way that Jack Kemp be delegated to system. do not. As a matter of fact, there are aggressively represent the Administration in areas of activity that I think the aver­ helping to rebuild the city and in dealing age citizen who reads his Constitution THE NATIONAL GUARD IN LOS would absolutely conclude that the with similar problems facing the inner cities ANGELES throughout the United States.
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