Hiroshima: Paeans to Peace -~-w-~-al-~~~-V-~-.~-~-.2~~~-"-m AreNotEnough "The manna ofliberty must be gathered every day. "-'Wendell Phillips o "Voila logic!" -fJ. 0' ROURKE "A "A serious splendid blueprint collection for change." of -GEORGE E WILL informed analyses ... mustreading." "A futuristic -MILTON FRIEDMAN •• VISIon ••• charts ne-w­ territory for "Bristles the decades .with ahead." uncomfortable -Gov. WILLIAM E WELD ideas." -PETE DU PONT "Provocative new "Should be ideas ... a road the principal map for our "Facts, compass new president." reason, for -Go\!. L. DOUGLAS WILDER clear-eyed policymakers and and " Should be read disinterested public servants." andre-read analysis ... -MALCOLM s. FORBES, JR. by every member voila logic!" of Congress." -EJ. O'ROURKE -JACK KEMP THE CATO INSTITUTE'S PRIMER FOR THE '90s! 404 pp.l$25.95 cloth/$15.95 paper Available at bookstores or call toll-free 1·800·767·1241 (noon-9:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday-Friday) 1000 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 • (202) 842-0200 November 1995 Inside Liberty Volume 9, Number 2 4 Letters Liberty's readers have their say. 7 Reflections Liberty's editors remember Jerry, revive the '70s, read the Unabomber, berate Bill Bradley, weep for Waco, and cerebrate Newtonian logic. Features 15 The Randy Weaver Show R. W. Bradford examines the prime-time police state. 23 A Warm Day in Peace Park Michael Oakes visits Hiroshima and learns that paeans to peace are not enough. 30 A Week in Bosnia and Points West Bryan Alexander journeys through the Bosnian interzone. 33 The Money Laundromat J. Orlin Grabbe explores the nooks and crannies of the international monetary system, explaining money-laundering, privacy, and surveillance. 45 Obscenity at the National Endowment for the Arts Richard Kostelanetz uncovers what's really obscene. 47 High Noon for the Feds? David J. Owsiany wonders whether the Supreme Court is finally reining in federal power. 49 Economical Cogitations Daniel Klein on licorice, liberty, etc. 50 Undercover Economist Matt Asher learns a lesson in real-life Chicago economics. 53 When Will It All End? David Ramsay Steele confronts the approach­ ing millennium. Reviews 55 I Left My Heart in Tenochtitlan Stephen Cox explores the ancient Aztec culture of ritual cannibalism and the bizarre Spaniards who penetrated it. 57 The Libertarian Iconoclast Max Schulz celebrates the latest legacy of H.L. Mencken. 59 Cosmetic Surgery Mark Rembert wades through Joe Califano's latest tome, searching in vain for a heterodox thought. 61 How the Ether Was Won Jesse Walker looks back on the cyberspace wars of 1928-1935. 63 Triumph of the Image Richard Kostelanetz recalls the life and work of Edmund Wilson. 64 Booknotes on spies, feds, coins, and Koontz. 68 Filmnotes We're all thumbs. 64 Classified Advertisements The Whole Libertarian Catalog. 69 Notes on Contributors You can't tell the score without a program. 70 Terra Incognita The sound of one finger snapping. November 1995 his courses. She may have learned of the celebrated Lossky from her earlier atten­ [ Letters dance at the Stoiunin gymnasium, a J school for young women at which Lossky taught, and which was founded An Old-Fashioned Home letter in the September Liberty for all of and administered by his in-laws. I disagree with Randal O'Toole ten seconds before my laugh reflex While it is accurate to note that the ("The Battle of Oak Grove," September kicked in. What happens to those "liber­ folly of Randian "self-creation" often 1995) about the "new urbanism." At tarian ideas" he claims he sneaks into stands in the way of a serious discussion bottom, neotraditional town planning is Star Trek? Surely they aren't on the of her thought, this is not the scholar's a return to the small lots, garages on screen. All I ever see is advertising for greatest obstacle. Take from one who alleys, and neighborhood shops of the big government in the form of the knows - the greatest myth that scholars 1910s and 1920s - about like the neigh­ United Federation of Planets and its like myself have faced is the belief that borhood I live in, which was developed military arm, Star Fleet. Ayn Rand was merely a "pop philoso­ pre-zoning. After 50 years of building Question: Does anyone ever do any­ pher" or a "dime novelist." It is through on big lots, tying homeowners to these thing for profit on the show? Well, yes, such characterizations that many aca­ goddamned lawns, and chewing up the but then they're polluters or stereotypes demics and publishers have thwarted countryside, a way emerges to conserve so old that dust visibly falls off (the any serious consideration of her pro­ land while still preserving the single­ Farengi are just medieval Jews with big found intellectual legacy. Their time is family house. The garages on alleys are ears and bad teeth). up. Ayn Rand is here to stay. a way to move the garage out of the John Bergstrom got it right. Keep Chris Matthew Sciabarra front of the house, so they can bring paying him. Brooklyn, N.Y. back the old-fashioned porch, built Robert McMillin Constructive Criticism within talking distance of the sidewalk. Garden Grove, Calif. Whether or not the many negative Streets are narrower to save on land, In Rand's Way "facts" R.W. Bradford quoted about Ayn and a grid system of streets takes traffic R.W. Bradford's discussion ("Rand: Rand are true, her contribution to the off the arterials. Allowing small shops Behind the Self-Mythology," September philosophy of freedom remains untar­ nearby ends the 100% reliance on cars. 1995) of the relationship between Rand nished. Furthermore, such a vicious per­ I live in a neighborhood like that, and N.O. Lossky, her most memorable sonal attack against someone who is no and I like it. Such neighborhoods have philosophy professor at the University longer alive to defend herself ought to not been built since the 1940s, I think. of Petrograd, raises significant historical be beneath a person of Bradford's stat­ My house was built in 1921. questions. Bradford states that, contrary ure. His time would be better spent O'Toole's story has to do with the to Rand's reminiscences, "Lossky was dealing with more constructive issues. retroactive application of "new urban­ not a Platonist, gave reasonably easy Christopher B. Heward ist" zoning on an already-built neigh­ examinations, in no way treated woman Torrance, Calif. borhood, which is something I'd never· students poorly, and was not even at heard of. New urbanism was explained Petrograd University when Rand stud­ Occam's Razorbacks to me as a way to build a type of new ied there." This is not entirely correct. R.W. Bradford ("I'm not a real presi­ development that is disallowed by tradi­ While in Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical I dent, I just play one on TV," September tional zoning. dispute Lossky's reputation as an 1995) imputes Bill Clinton's ignorance of Bruce Ramsey "authority on Plato," it is certainly con­ the Constitution to all of us who choose Seattle, Wash. ceivable that Rand would have viewed to live in Arkansas. ("Yale is an equal­ the mystic-collectivist content of opportunity, affirmative-action institu­ C'mere - Scratch My Back Lossky's philosophy as thoroughly Pla­ tion and it must be hard for Eli to find I know that my publisher, some time tonic, even if his dialectical methodolo­ enough Arkansans to fill its quota.") He ago, sent you a review copy of my gy owed more to both Aristotle and then resorted to self-satisfied, smug elit­ recent book, The Decline and Fall ofthe Hegel. Students of Lossky didn't con­ ism by noting ,that, although Clinton, a Supreme Court. I have heard nothing sider his exams especially difficult; the former instructor in constitutional law, about any impending review from your exams were described as forthright and was apparently ignorant of the Constitu­ quarter. fair. And though Bradford is correct to tion, it was understandable because "his The facts suggest a quid pro quo. IfI note that Lossky was not a misogynist, law professorship was at the University learn in a timely manner that my book it is incorrect to suggest that Lossky of Arkansas Law School." has been assigned to a reviewer, I will was totally absent from Petrograd While I, like many others in Arkan­ renew my subscription. Ifnot,not. That University. sas, share Bradford's opinion of Clinton, is probably somewhat too starkly put. Lossky had been barred from teach­ neither your disapproval of his politics But you cannot with any show of rea­ ing in the university proper due to his nor his lack of respect for his learning in son accuse me of obfuscation. religious convictions, but he retained an the law (received at Yale) justifies his Christopher Faille appointment to the University of suggestions that Arkansans are in need Enfield, Conn. Petrograd annex, the Institute of Scien­ of affirmative action in order to be tific Research. Rand would have had to We Would, But He accepted at institutions such as Yale and make a conscious decision to study with that, even at that, we poor, inbred Works for Free Lossky, to seek him out, and to gain I pondered Ronald Wilkerson's permission from the university to take continued on page 6 4 Liberty TliE QADICAL QOMANTIC is: People you've never met... Who do things that have never been done. Andsay things that have never been said. • Tired ofso-called Romantics whose only trace ofRomanticism is a character who says, "Capitalism is good"? .
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