1874. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 535 occasion. We have these reminders repeatedly brought before us, to By ~Ir. LAMPORT: The petition of the Social Union of the Soci­ convince us that we too "are pa sing away;" but how readily we ety of Friends, of Ghent; Now York, and other , asking for the appoint­ forget them-how little do they impress upon us the lesson of our ment of a commission of inquiry concerning the liquor traffic. mortality ancl the necessity of our being "also ready." l\fay this Also, the petition of the Methodist Episcopal church of Whitestone, occasion not be Sl) easily forgotten ; and may we be able to so fill up the N~w York,. for the appointment of same commission. • time allotted to us here that when we are calle<J_ to go down into the By 1\Ir. LYNCH : The petition of the mayor of Enterprise, 1\Ii is­ dark valley we may receive from the hearts of our neighbors, friends, sippi, and 49 other citizens of Clark County, 1\fissi ippi, for the and constituents the same unanimous verdict received by the lamented early settlement of the claims of the Southern Methodist publishing­ FOSTER, "Well done, good and faithful servant." With such aver­ house, of Nashville, Tennessee. dicthere,may we not have the strongest reason to hope, when we shall Also, the petition of the president and faculty of Whitworth F e­ have crossed the cold river of death, we will also receive the welcome male College, of Missi ·ippi, for the payment of the claim of the judgment, "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord¥" Southern fethodist publishing hou e. The resolutions submitted by Mr. WALDRON were unanimously By 1\Ir. NILES: The petition of G. B. Perkins and others, asking for adopted; and in accordance therewith (at four o'clock and fifteen min­ the prepayment of all mail matter. utes p.m.) the House adjourned. By l\lr. PACKARD: The petition of H. C. Beckman and many other citizens of Lake County, Indiana, a king for the prepayment of news- _ paper postage and a change in the manner of adjusting the salaries PETITIONS, ETC. of postmasters. The following petitions, &c., were presented under the rule, and By Mr. PARKER, of Missouri: The memorial of the Improvement referred to the appropriate committees: and Manufacturing Aid As ociati6n, of Saint Jo eph, :Missouri, asking By 1\Ir. ADAMS: 'I he petition of Mrs. :Mary Baley, of Magoffin for an appropriation for the erection of a public building for the u~e County, Kentucky, for restoration to pension-rolls. of the post-office, United States court , and custom-house in said city. By Mr. AVERILL : A remonstrance of business men of Saint Paul, By Mr. POLAND: The petition of Emerick W. Hansell, prayin,.,. Minnesota, ao-ainst the repeal of the bankrupt law. compensation for injuries received in defense of Ron. William If. By Mr. BASS: The memorinJ. of Buffalo Board of Trade, that canal­ Seward, Secretary of State, on the 14th April, 1 65. boats be declared exempt from the provisions of the act of February By Mr. E. H. ROBERTS: The petition o.£ W. P. Bartlett, of Cam- 18, 1793, providing for enrolling and licensing ships and ve sels engaged den, New York, for a pension. _ in the coasting-trade. By :l'tlr. SCUDDER, of New J ersey: The petition of the American AI o, the petition of Judge James, Charles- G. Myers, and other mem­ Institut e of Homeopathy, that the signal service be so extended all to bers of the bar of Saint Lawrence County, New York, that the north­ make known the existence and spread of epidemic diseases in such ern judicial district of said State be divided. parts of the country as are embraced in their opemtions. By Mr. BOWEN: A petition of sundry citizens of Craig County, By l\lr. SMITH, of Virginia : The petition of John 1\1. Botts, ad- Virginia, praying prompt action on theNashville Southern Methodist ministrator, for property sold during the rebellion. :publishing-house affairs. By 1\Ir. TOWNSEI\T]): The petitions of Samuel Pennock, Samuel By 1\Ir. BROMBERG: The petition of Price Williams, and other Whitson and 237 other citizens of Che tor County, Pennsylvania, citizens of Mobile, Alabama, in behalf of the Southern Methodist pub­ asking for the appointment of a commis ion of inquiry concerning lishing house of N n.shville, Tennessee. the results of the liquor traffic. lly .Mr. BUNDY: The petition of Stephen Wilcox, and 13 others, By 1\Ir. WHITE: The petition of the Alabama Conference of the citizens of Gallia County, Ohio, for an act to compel the prepayment Methoilist Episcopal Church Soutu, fOT relief of the Southern Method­ of postage on printed matter going through the mails, and that rates ist publishing house of Na hville, Tennes ee. be fixed by weight. By Mr. \WILLIAMS, of 11a sachusetts: The petition, with accom­ Dy 1\Ir. CHIPMAN: The petition of Susannah Espiuta, for a pension. panying papers, of John R. Heath, of Brookline, Massachusetts, a By :.Mr. CLAYTON: Memorials of the California Mutual Marine In­ soldier in the war of 1812, praying for relief. surance Company the Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company, the Union Insurance Company, the State Investment Insurance Company, and the Firemen's Fund InsuTance Company, all of San Francisco, in POST·ROUTE BILLS. relation to distribution of the Alabama award. By Ir. COBURN: A petition of citizens of l\forgan County, Indiana, The following bills were introduced rinder the rule, and referred to asking for a law providing for a reserve of currency in the Treasrn·y the Committee on the Post-Office and Po t-Roads: which may be drawn upon by persons depositing therefor United By ~Ir. DURHAM: A bill to establish a pot-road and post-route States bonds, the same to be interchangeable. from Waco.J in ~fadison County, Kentucky, to College Hill, in the same By 1\Ir. DURHAM: The petition of Ira Sanders, praying for a-pen- county ana. State. ~o~ . Also, a bill to establish a post-road and post-route from -Liberty, . Also, the petition of William Hancock, of Adair County, Kentucky, Casey County, Kentucky, to Casey' Creek post-office, in Adair Conn· praying for a pension. ty, Kentucky, to run by the way ~f Hall's store and the Chapel, in By 1\lr. FRYE: A petition of the N a.tional Division of Sons of Tem­ Casey County. perance-Oscar D. Wetmore, Most Worthy Patriarch, Samuel W. By 1\Ir. ROBBINS: A bill for a post-route from Boone, North Caro­ Hodges, Most Worthy Scribe-repre enting 93,252 men and women, lina, to Cranberry, North C:u-olina. asking for the appointment of a commission of inquiry concerning the By 1\Ir. THORNBURGH: A bill to establish a post-route from Mor­ alcoholic liquor traffic. rowville, in the county of Campbell, State of Tennessee, to Pine Knot, By Mr. GARFIELD : Petitions of soldiers of the Trumbull Guards, in said county. of Ohio, asking to be placed on the same footing as other volunteers of the late Wal' in relation to pay and bounty. By 1\Ir. GUNCKEL: The petition of James Livingslion, of Dayton, Ohio, fo~ a. pension for military service rendered in the war for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. suppression of the rebellion. Also, the petition of Margaret A. Willis, widow of William Willis, SATURDAY, JanttarJJ 10, 1874. late of Darke County, Ohio, for pension. Also, the petition of John Donney, late of Company D, One hun­ The House met at twelve o'clockm. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. dred and forty-fifth New York Volunteers, now of the National Sol­ J. G. BUTLER, D. D. diers' Home, Da.yton, Ohio, for a pension. The Journal of yesterday was partly read, when Also, the petition of AndrewS. Ball, late of Company F, New York 1\Ir. MAYNARD said: It :is manifest, ~Ir. Speaker, that the reading Artillery, for a pension. of the Journal to-day is a merely perfunctory matter. It is, I be­ Also, the petition of Lewis 1\larkgrass, late captain Eighth Ohio lieve, desired by the gentlemen pre ent that the day shall be occupied Ill(lependent Battery, for a pension. · in the delivery of speeches. In order to allow as much time as pos­ Also, petition of James 1\Icl\fullen, late of Company I, One hundred sible for that purpo e, I move that the .further reading of the Journal a111l eighteenth New York Volunteers, for a pension. be dispensed with. Also, the petition of John W . Wright, late of Company E, Seven­ There being no objection, tho motion wa agreecl to. iet•uth Kentucky Volunteers, for a pension. :l'tlr. FIELD obtained tho :floor, and yielded to ~Ir. ARTHUR. Dy Mr. HARRIS of Ma achu etts: Amemorialof the town of Hing­ THE LOUISIANA QUESTION. ham, Massachusetts, praying for an appropriation for the removal of [See Executive Document No. 91, Forty-second Congre s, third ses­ obstructions in Hingham Harbor. sion, House of Representative , and Senate Report No. 457, Forty­ Dy :l'tlr. HARRIS, of Virginia: The petition of John Wilson and 50 others, of Greenville, Augusta County, Virginia, praying the payment second Congress, third session.] of the claim of the Southern Methodist publishing house of Nash­ 1\Ir. ARTHUR. Mr. Speaker, as preliminary to the views to be vi He, Tennessee. su_bmitted, I invite the consideration of tho Honse to th.e- following By Thlr. HA\VLEY, of Connecticut: The petition ef Alphens Water authorities: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Uui.on are-publican form and other officers of the Grand Lodge of Good Templa1·s of Connec­ of government, and sh:l;U p-rotect each of thorn against.
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