Research Article An integrated approach to identify suitable areas for built‑up development using GIS‑based multi‑criteria analysis and AHP in Siliguri planning area, India Arjun Saha1 · Ranjan Roy1 Received: 30 October 2020 / Accepted: 9 February 2021 © The Author(s) 2021 OPEN Abstract Unplanned and haphazard built-up growth due to immense pressure of population is a common problem for maximum cities of developing countries which paves to create urban sprawl by capturing spacious areas of natural environment. For this, selection of suitable places for built-up development by maintaining ecological balance has become inevitable part for proper urban planning. Siliguri planning area, which has witnessed a tremendous growth in built-up features after the 1990, has been chosen for this work to fnd out best places for future built-up development with minimum efects on diferent natural features and also calculates the amount of diferent types of suitability which will be transferred from diferent land use and land cover categories in near future which is a novelty of this work. The work has been executed through GIS-based multi-criteria analysis, and a total of nine criteria have been taken to locate best places for built-up development. Analytic hierarchy process or AHP has been used to calculate weights of each criterion by using pair wise comparison matrix. Final site suitability map has been prepared with four diferent classes: high suitable, moderate suit- able, less suitable and restricted area and the percentage of land is high in moderate suitable category that is 52.33% which covers the intermediary portion, mainly wastelands and agricultural land of the study area with higher facility of accessibility. Results from this work would be helpful for the planners, stakeholders, policy makers by identifying best locations for the intensive developmental projects in near future. Keywords Urban sprawl · Built up · Site suitability · Multi-criteria · Analytic hierarchy process · Pair wise comparison matrix 1 Introduction urban population and economic growth which stimulates people to migrate from neighbouring rural areas to settle Urban growth is a serious and alarming issue which can there and simultaneously increases households and other be defned by change of spatial features as well as demo- impervious surfaces which in a single term built up mostly graphic structures and also refers to the increase impor- in an unplanned way and leads to decrease the spacious tance of towns and cities for the concentration of popu- areas of natural environment like, forests, agricultural land lation [1, 2]. Simply, it is an expansion of urbanized land and also rural lands [7, 8]. These unplanned, unorganized category that is built up by urban extension [3]. Most of and haphazard patches of built-up growth pave the way the cities around the world have been facing this problem to create urban sprawl [9]. of urban growth [4] though it is more severe in developing Due to this unplanned growth of built up or urban countries like India [5, 6] due to the excessive growth of sprawling and unprecedented population growth and also * Arjun Saha, [email protected]; Ranjan Roy, [email protected] | 1Department of Geography and Applied Geography, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling 734013, India. SN Applied Sciences (2021) 3:395 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-021-04354-5 Vol.:(0123456789) Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2021) 3:395 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-021-04354-5 to sustain ecological balance, it is necessary to fnd out AHP. DEMATEL has been used in diferent kinds of studies suitable areas for the new built-up development [10] and [24, 25], but its main disadvantage is unable to validate the proper use of diferent land categories. Suitability analy- result, i.e. the measurement of inconsistency and for this sis by the help of GIS platform is a process which aims to DEMATEL method is often used to fnd out the weights of fnd out the best locations or areas for the proposed work criteria with combination of Analytic Network Process or while considering the ecological sustainability [4] and ANP [26] which can slightly reduce its weakness. SWARA works according to the need of stakeholders [11]. Land method has also simplicity of calculation with few num- suitability analysis for future urban growth is considered bers of steps, but like the DEMATEL method, it also does to be the best and efective method to fnd out suitable not have the ability to determine the degree of consist- areas which works with diferent parameters or criteria ency of the pair wise comparison [23]. In recent, AHP, BWM, that infuence on one to settle in a place and which have LBWA and FUCOM have been increasingly applied in dif- some certain weightage [12]. It has become signifcant ferent works because of the ability of determining the because this technique helps to reduce the time as well degree of consistency. Among these methods, required as efort to manually fnd out a suitable place and also fl- number of pair wise comparison in FUCOM is minimum, tering out the least suitable or not suitable places for the because it requires only (n-1) of criteria, whereas AHP construction of new built up [13]. As this analysis is based requires (n(n−1)/2) criteria. But the further process of cal- on diferent criteria or alternatives and selection of criteria culation in FUCOM method is complicated. BWM method is based on human judgement, so it is called multi-criteria requires only (2n−3) number of pairwise comparison decision-making (MCDM) analysis and this MCDM analysis which is more than the half number of pairwise compari- is capable of providing diferent tools for complex plan- son that requires in AHP and also more than the FUCOM. ning in terms of strutting priorities, weighing and selecting However, a large number of comparisons in the pairs of alternatives and also allocate resources across competing criteria defne the limitations for solving nonlinear model activities [14]. This MCDM can be classifed into two cat- make the application of the BWM signifcantly more com- egories, based on the number of alternatives under con- plex [27]. Level-Based Weight Assessment or LBWA model sideration and these are, Multi-Attribute Decision Making also allows for the calculation of weight coefcients with a or MADM and Multi-Objective Decision Making or MODM minimum number of criteria in pairwise comparison, that [15–17]. MADM is mainly used for suitability analysis of is (n−1) as FUCOM method [27]. Another advantages of a particular facility, and alternatives are predefned and LBWA method are the algorithm does not become more limited in number [18] like, to fnd out a place for solid complex when criteria increases and weightage values waste disposal [19, 20], for locating new hospitals [21], etc. are obtained by simple mathematical calculations which But in the MODM technique, alternatives are not prede- eliminates inconsistencies of expert preferences, which are fned and are numerous in number [18]. In multi-criteria tolerated in BWM method [27]. Beside these advantages, decision-making technique, weight or scoring of a par- this method needs to emphasize the fexibility in terms ticular criterion plays a signifcant role as they provide the of additional corrections of weight coefcient values by importance of a particular criterion [22]. To determine the the elasticity coefcient which allows decision makers to weights of criteria, diferent models can be grouped into further adjustment in weight coefcient values in accord- two and these are subjective model and objective model. ance with their own preferences. Saaty [28] proposed the In subjective approaches, decision makers or experts on Analytic Hierarchy Process or AHP to fnd out the weights that respective feld give their opinion on the signifcance of a particular criterion in multi-criteria analysis by pair of criteria and the weights of criteria are calculated based wise comparison matrix table, and it is based on hierarchi- on the information gathered from the experts or decision cal structure, and for this each and every criterion can be makers, whereas in objective methods, weights of criteria focussed in a better and transparent way [16]. It is a widely are determined based on the information contained in a used method along with GPS and remote sensing in GIS- decision-making matrix by applying certain mathemati- based MCA technique for proper urban land use planning cal models and it neglects diferent opinions of experts and management [18, 29]. AHP can set the criteria of land or decision makers [23]. Some well-known objective use suitability planning in a structured way based on avail- approaches are, Entropy method, Criteria Importance able data, and it can standardize the criteria with simple Through Interaction Correlation or CRITIC method, FANMA mathematical calculations [18], and it is much easier for method, etc., and some best subjective methods are Deci- the social science researchers as it follows few numbers sion-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory or DEMATEL of steps to calculate weights of a criterion and does not method, Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis or involve any complex mathematical calculation [16]. Finally, SWARA method, Best Worst Method or BWM, Full Consist- GIS-based AHP can overlay all the standardized criteria ency Method or FUCOM, Analytic Hierarchy Method or that help to make rankings on a locational basis [18]. Based Vol:.(1234567890) SN Applied Sciences (2021) 3:395 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-021-04354-5 Research Article on these considerations, this AHP method has been cho- been carried out for this area. So, for the sustainable urban sen for this work to calculate weights of diferent criterion. development or built-up growth, it is needed to improve In recent years, Multi-Attribute Decision-Making the current pattern and for this reason, and major thrust (MADM) analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process or AHP or aim of this work has been given to fnd out best places have been used in various literatures for the demarca- for the built-up development with the minimum efects tion of suitable places for new built-up development.
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