The Keremeos Chronicle VOL. II. KERKMEOS, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909. No. 16 GEO. KIRBY, Dominion Day Sports. Progress on the Road. Richter-Sinclair. Notary Public. RKAI. ESTATE, MINES. A fairly {food attendance is re­ The railway builders got their A quiet wedding was celebrated Agenl for : ported at the Dominion Day cele­ track-laving machinery started on on Wednesday, the 7th inst., at 3 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Ocean Accident and Guarantee Co. bration at Princeton, Including Monday morning. As yet the crew- o'clock p. m., at the residence of KKRKMKOS, Ft. C. quite a few from Keremeos, and the has been short-handed, comprising Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richter, when program vvas very similar to those about 40 men where 55 are requir­ their son, John Richter, was united EZRA MILLS, of former years. An item not on ed, and the full track-laving equip­ to Florence Sinclair of Chopaka, in Contractor and Builder, the printed program, but which fur­ ment has not been put into use, so the presence of a small assemblage nished a vast amount of entertain­ that the average day's work has of immediate friends ofthe contract­ KEREMEOS, B.C. ment to the spectators, was a spirit­ been about three-quarters of a mile, ing parties. Lome Coleman acted C. A. STOESS, ed fight in which a couple of ranch­ instead of the mile-and-a-half or two as groomsman, while the bride was H. C. LAND SURVEYOR. ers and several navvies engaged, miles of which the plant is capable. assisted by her sister, Miss Ruth the latter getting decidedly the However, requisitions have been Sinclair. The happy couple left IRRIGATION WORKS. worst of it. Following were the sent in for more men and more soon afterwards for Penticton, Resilience at Old Townsite, or inquire principal sporting events: whence they will make a tour of the at this olliee. equipment, and full-speed laving Boys' race—1st Chas. Allison, 2d may be expected soon. Additional coast cities, including Vancouver, JOHN KNUDSON, Prest. men are arriving by each train; Victoria and Seattle. Returning, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. 3-legged race—1st V. Ryder and about twenty came in on Wednes­ they vvill take up their residence at Geo. Good, 2d Hans Richter and day. By Sunday it is expected the Keremeos. The CHRONICLE unites Estimates Furniihad. Lome Coleman. raits will have reached Ashnola. with their many friends in extend­ Workmanship liuanuiW-ril. Girls' race—1st M. Norman 2d Here there will be a stop of perhaps ing congratulations. Mary Timmrod. ten days until the 800 feet or B0 of SIMILKAMEEN Sack race—Tom Terabasket. pile-driving in the Ashnola is com­ Local Notes. L.O.L. No. 1770 Married men's race—1st Alfred pleted. Pile-driving will be going Harold B. Parsons of Horten- Meets Tuesday on or before Allison, 2d VV. Martin. on at the same time at the next lhe full moon in each month bui ;, Alta., in company with Levi in Keremeos Town Hall Free-for-all horse race -1st VV. crossing of the Similkameen, this Stickley of Dedsbury, Alta., arrived Visiting memhers cordially invited. Garrison's, 2nd Hans Riehter's side of Bradshaw's, so that there C. L. CCMMIMIS, W. M. here Friday and after looking care­ McGinty. will be little or no delay at that fully over the vallev with C. A. Mc­ Pony race—1st Riehter's Black point. G. F. Votaw, who has been D. MeCvanr.lt s. Donald ofthe B.C. Fruit Land Co., Beauty; 2nd, Geo. Allison's Tenny. appointed trainmaster ON the work, have each purchased a plot of fruit Stage Lines. Cowboys' race —1st Frank Gar­ arrived in Keremeos on Tuesdav. land. Mr. Stickling, with his wife KI.IKR ST.VUK. rison's, 2nd VVichie Allison's. Leave. Keremeos daily, exeept Sunday, and family, has been located at Saddle race -Luke Gibson. at noon, arrives al lledlev d p.m. Change at the Station. Kelow na for some time, but after Leaves lledlev daily, exeept Sunday, The baseball match announced looking over the Similkameen valley at 8 a.m., arrives al Keremeos II a.m. vvas not played. J. S. Chinn, who has been here Ol ll through cornecting at****, between at once appreciated the great ad­ Penticton, Keiemeos, Hedley & Princeton. In the cowboys' race George for some months as G.N.R. reliev­ D. GlI.l.KSPIK, Proprietor. vantages of the Keremeos district Allison's horse stumbled through ing station agent, has been himself on account of the variety of its pro­ KKKKMKOS-HKni.KV MAll. STAOK. the interference of a dog, and relieved of the arduous duties now Leaves Keremeos daily, exeepl Sunday, ducts, facilities for transportation, though he kept his seat he was attached to the post here, and went at 1 p.m.; connecting with all stages east and the excellent market for our obliged to pull out. Believing that on Wednesday to Chopaka, where and west, arrives in Hedley at 5 p.m. produce in the mining towns ot Leaves Hedley daily, except Sunday, al he would have come in ahead, he he takes charge of the office while- 8 a.m., arrives in Keiemeos at It a.m. Hedley, Princeton and the boundary D. J. INNIS, Proprietor. challenged the winner, and in the Mr. Oly is taking a holiday trip to country. Mr. Parsons is returning matched race that ensued won with­ the east. Mr. Chirm's successor, KKRKMKOS PKNTICTON MAIL STAI;K. to Alberta and vvill move in this out much difficulty. II. A. Cook of Springdale, Wash., Leaves Keremeos for Penticton on Mon fall, while Mr. Stickley will in all d.ivs, Wednesdays and Fridays, at noon. I arrived on Saturday with C. C. In the trap shoot there were only probability move to Keremeos in Leaves Penticton on Tuesdays, Thurs- | Thome, the company's auditor, aud d.ivs and Saturdays at b a. in., arriving in two teams entered, Hedley and the next ten days. Keremeos al noon. Princeton, and the visitors won by two days were spent in making an \V. E. WKI.BV, Proprietor. a rather close score. The score- audit of Ihe station records. Jas. Beck of Vancouver, a mem­ Keremeos Directory. was : The business at the station has ber of the Royal Medicated Stock PKINCETON. HKPI.EV. been greatly increased of late,especi­ Food Co., was in town on Monday ally since the resumption of con­ and made arrangements with J. R. Board of Trade George Kirby, Presi­ Waterman . .23 Harris 19 dent; R. H. Carmichael, Secretary. Irving 16 Rose 17 struction work, so that Mr. Chinn Shaw for handling thc firm's goods Similkameen Farmers' Exchange—J. J. Lazier 12 Whillans ...15 has heen obliged at times to put in in this district. The company's an­ Armstrong, President; W. M. Frith, Secy. Lumsden .... 12 French IS two days' work in one. Conse­ nouncement in another column of Public School Board George Kirby, R. Elmhirst, D. J. Innis Secretary. 63 66 quently he is not unwilling to make this issue vvill be of interest to own­ Customs' Olliee \V. M. Frith, Sub-Col­ The ball in the evening is report­ a change, though otherwise well ers pf horses and other live stock. lector. pleased with Keremeos as a place of The special foods and remedies they Presbyterian Church Rev. A. II. Cam­ ed as an exceptionally good one, eron, I'astor. vvith excellent music. residence. A few weeks ago it was manufacture are those that have Constable and Deputy Game Warden found imperative to put on an assis­ been standard in the British army M. B. Ewart. tant in the person of Roy Miller, who I for upwards of 65 years, having Coroner Dr. M. D. McEwen. Ollicials of the Interior Depart­ Justices of Ihe Peace T. W. Coleman, ment at Ottawa have been in the in­ will remain on with Mr. Cook. hem adopted on thc advice of Dr. Frank Richter. terior of British Columbia lately Moodie, consulting veterinary offic­ Postmaster and Telephone Agent—Geo. Miss Fergusson, teacher of the er of the army, and may now be Kirby. making enquiries as to the advisa­ Member of Parliament —Martin Burrell, bility of making homesteads on public school, leavea to-day for Ver­ said to be standard throughout the Grand Forks, P. O. Dominion lands only 40 acres in ex­ non, where she will spend the world, under patent rights held in Member Provincial Assembly I.. W. tent, and reserving a portion that it vacation. Britain, Canada and the l'nited Shatford, Penticton P. O. Town Hall J. J. Armstrong, Mgr. in.iv be considered advisable to re­ Among recent specimens of fine States. The company holding the Kereineos Hall -Geo. Loudon, Mgr, tain for forest reserves and the con­ fruit brought to our notice were rights for B. C. have I manufactory Greal Northern R)—Daily train, arrives servation of water supply. The de­ some cherries grown on W. H. in Vancouver where the different I0:.W a. in., leaves at 2 p.m., J. S. I hinn, Agenl. partment has also withdrawn from Armstrong's ranch, left on our desk articles are produced strictly accord­ Mails Daily from the wesi via lledlev entry all lands in the railway belt hv Wm. Ring. For si/e, appear­ ing to the registered formula;, and Stage; from easl via G. N. Ry.; Tri-week­ east of Range 13, which is about ance and full-flavored soundness it confidently expect their goods to be ly via IVnticlon Stage from the north.
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