le journal bilingue de Glendon | Glendon’s bilingual newspaper Issue One - Volume 55 - October 12, 2016 In This Issue: Campus Life: a recap of Frosh Week and a massive Glendon Club Spread! Arts and Entertainment: reviews of Bridget Jones and C’est la vie Metropolis: film nights at Al- liance Française Toronto Issues and Ideas: inter- national student fees, US presidential debate, and BLM-Toronto Health and Wellness: the importance of wearing a hel- met Expressions: horoscopes, Black Lives Matter Toronto, and hydrophobia, haiku on healthcare, and more! Its Cold, Uncomfortable Truths Sabrina Sukhdeo self-righteousness over Canada’s superiority use of force by police and lack of transparen- Issues and Ideas Editor as a multicultural haven. Regardless, it seems cy regarding Carby’s murder investigation. Les prochaines dates limites: as though we’ve been content with thinking of But their demands for stricter pen- le 14 octobre Black Lives Matter (BLM) is the hashtag, the Black Lives Matter as a distant, American affair. alties and clearer investigations for cases of le 28 octobre organization, and the rally cry at the center That is, until BLM inched its way up police violence are perhaps most productive of this generation’s fight for social justice. It north, turned our self-satisfaction on its head at illuminating a larger theme of police brutality broke through the seams of racism’s taboo and and acquainted us with some cold, uncom- against Black Canadians. Since Carby, BLM- forced problems regarding Black Americans fortable truths. The first truth materialised from TO has become a mouthpiece for a number of into mainstream consciousness. The outpour of the very foundations of BLM in Canada. As Black men killed by Toronto-area police. The grief, anger, and frustration was a discomfiting BLM’s first and only official international chap- shooting deaths of Marc Ekamba-Boekwa, Alex scene for many Americans. Today, the con- ter, BLM-Toronto (BLM-TO) was initially driven Wettlaufer, Andrew Loku, and most recently, tinued trend of Black men killed by police has by solidarity over the death of Michael Brown Ottawan Abdirahman Abdi have each been become just a thread in a larger patchwork of in Ferguson, Missouri. However, the murder of met with calls for justice. In addition, BLM-TO issues surrounding systemic anti-Black racism. Black Torontonian Jermaine Carby inspired a has drawn attention toward the racist nature of But while Americans have been distinctly Canadian vision for BLM-TO. Carby ‘carding’, a practice whereby police arbitrari- compelled to confront and reassess their un- died at the hands of Peel police during a rou- ly stop, question, and document people — a derstanding of race relations, Canadians have tine traffic stop in September 2014 — a tragic practice that disproportionately targets people been allowed to watch this contentious dialogue sequence of events known all too well — and of colour. Racism in policing, a concept once play out with fleeting interest. Sometimes that the police’s tampering of the crime scene only confined to being “an American issue” in the interest is sympathetic, laced with pity for a deepened the air of injustice following his Canadian imagination, has suddenly been re- www.protemgl.com nation whose history is so marred by inequal- death. This began a series of protests led by constructed by BLM-TO as a valid Canadian ity and sometimes it’s prideful, bloated with BLM-TO, condemning the perceived excessive issue as well. (Continued on page 12) Pro Tem Letter from The Editor Editor in Chief | Rédactrice en chef Hello Glendonites! mit an article? Simply send it to me at editor@ It is often something that we do not make the Camille Slaght protemglendon.com. If you have an idea for an time for as busy university students, so it is very [email protected] My name is Camille Slaght, and I’m the Editor article you’d like to write but aren’t sure about important to encourage and inspire your fellow Assistant English Editor | Rédactrice adjointe (anglais) In Chief of Pro Tem for the 2016-2017 school how to go about it, don’t hesitate to send me an writers. Our next deadlines to submit are Friday th th Effie Barbalias year. I’m a fourth year student double majoring email. Most submissions we receive average October 14 and Friday October 28 . [email protected] in French Studies and Political Science, and around 500-800 words. You can check us out online at www. this year I hope to connect with all of the won- Pro Tem would like to invite you to our protemgl.com and follow us on Facebook and Assistant French Editor | Rédactrice adjointe (français) Launch Party! We will be celebrating the publi- twitter @protemgl, I look forward to meeting Gabriella Giordan derful writers, photographers, illustrators, and cation of our first issue of the 16-17 year Octo- you at our Launch Party! [email protected] readers here at Glendon. I grew up in Toronto but did all my schooling in the French system, ber 12th at 7:30pm in Lunik Co-op, located in Communications Officer | Agente de communications so I am fluent in both French and English. As a the manor. The event will be in cooperation with With love, Sarah Mullins Francophone, I love to receive French submis- Late Night Lunik. I will be giving a brief speech, [email protected] sions; Pro Tem is a great platform to develop followed by Glendon Prof and Ted Talk Speaker, Camille Slaght Jennifer Sipos-Smith. Speeches will be followed Editor in Chief Photography Editor | Rédactrice de photographie your writing skills in French and in English and I Lauren Clewes can’t wait to read what you all have to say. by a musical performance by Glendon student, [email protected] Seeing as this is the first issue of the Ali Khan, during which guests will be invited to year, I will tell you a little bit about this newspa- mingle and meet the Pro Tem team. We will be Design and Layout | Maquettiste per. First and foremost, this is your newspaper. serving complimentary snacks, and alcoholic Sienna Warecki Pro Tem is a student-run bilingual publication beverages will be available for purchase at the that accepts contributions from all York stu- bar throughout the evening. Section Editors | Chroniqueurs dents, faculty and Alumni. We are interested I hope your first few weeks of classes in all kinds of submissions, from movie reviews have you feeling excited about what the year Campus Life | Vie étudiante and opinion pieces to poetry and illustrations. holds! Embrace the fact that you are in a lib- Reeda Tariq Pro Tem includes the following sections: Cam- eral arts college full of writers. When the as- [email protected] pus Life, Issues & Ideas, Arts & Entertainment, signments pile up and the weather gets colder, don’t forget that you can find refuge in writing. Arts and Entertainment | Arts et divertissement Metropolis, and Expressions. How do you sub- Bruno Da Costa [email protected] Metropolis | Métropole Andrew Thies [email protected] Issues and Ideas | Actualité et opinions Sabrina Sukhdeo [email protected] Vous avez des opinions? Vous aimez écrire? Vous faites de la photographie? Vous adorez dessiner? Health and Wellness | Santé et bien-être Emilia Nowicki Pro Tem vous veut! [email protected] Envoyez-nous un courriel à [email protected] Expressions Kaitlin Fenton pour apprendre comment vous pouvez vous impliquer! [email protected] Online Content | Contenu en ligne Sam Kacaba [email protected] pro~tem est le journal étudiant du collège Glendon. Publié pour la première fois en 1962, c’est la plus ancienne publication de l’Université York. We strive to act as an agent of social change, and will not print copy deemed racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise oppressive. Camille Slaght - Editor in Chief Effie Barbalias - Assistant English Gabriella Giordan - Assistant French Sarah Mullins - Communications Please respond to what you read in the pages of Pro Tem/ n’hésitez pas à réagir à ce que vouz avez lu dans Pro Tem. Contact us/ Contactez-nous: www.protemgl.com The Pro Tem Office D114 Hilliard Residence, Glendon College 2275 Bayview Avenue North York, ON M4N 3M6 Lauren Clewes - Photography Sienna Warecki - Designer Reeda Tariq - Campus Life Bruno Da Costa - Arts Andrew Thies - Metropolis The office is open by appointment only. Le bureau est ouvert sur rendez-vous seulement. Les lettres adressées au journal peuvent être éditées au niveau de la clarté ou de contenu. All copy appearing in Pro Tem is at the discretion of the editorial team. Opinions published in Pro Tem are the thoughts of individual writers, and not the publication as a whole. 2 Sabrina Sukhdeo - Issues and Ideas Emilia Nowicki - Health and Wellness Kaitlin Kenny - Expressions Sam Kacaba - Online Content Vie étudiante eAmbassador team, and to become a D-Frosh. Destination This community has truly become my family. Of course, I am at Glendon for ac- Graduation: ademics above all else. My first class of uni- versity was International Society (ILST 2644). How Glendon Has From the first day of class, I was excited to learn about the international system, and to Brought Me to The analyze issues from different viewpoints. Le français est aussi important pour moi. I decid- Place I Am Today ed to participate in the Explore program after completing my first year so that I could improve Asha Collins my French skills by being immersed in a com- Contributor pletely French atmosphere. Explore was one of the best experiences of my academic career. I am beginning my fourth and final year of In- I became far more confident in my language ternational Studies, and it’s already bittersweet.
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