Roosevelt, Franklin D. NAVAL AND MARINE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION 1731-1942 Accession Numbers: 42-134, 42-357, 43-95, 43-117, 47-15, 47-1~5, 53-3 The papers were presented to the Library by Franklin D. Roosevelt and several other donors. This material is subject to copyright res·trictions under Title 17 of the u.s. Code. Quantity: 36 feet (approximately 72,~~~ pages) Restrictions: None Related Materials: Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers pertaining to Family, Business and Personal Affairs Naval Book Collection .Naval Photograph and Print Collection \. • .... ' • . a/ 1 't.E.. , 0 e..rs X+e.~ - C.<:t.b. +'l- rt-.:Co -0-J.~ /fN-A-. ]),-.,._; r- f Group 7 Naval History Manuscripts A Abbott, Francis (Revolutionary patriot) 1 item [1784?] Adams, Henry A. (Commander, U.S.N.) 1 item (1848) Adams , John (President) (SOME OVERSIZE) 5 items (1775-1813) Albert, Johns. (Chief Engineer, USN) 1 item (1870) Alden, James (Rear Admiral) 2 items (1869, 1870) Alexander, Charles (Capt. in Continental Navy) 1 item (1765) Allen , Charles H. (Asst. Secy. of Navy) 1 item (1898) Allen, William H. (Comdg. U.S.S. Congress) 1 item (1818) Almy, John J. (Rear Admiral) 149 items (1862-73) America, u.s.s. 1 item 18 pp. (1813) American Insurance Company 3 items (1833-34) Ammen , Daniel (Rear Admiral) 2 items (1891, 1897) Anderson, P.T. (Navy Dept.) 1 item (1805) Anderson, William (Captain) 2 ~terns (1816, 1821) Andrews, Philip (Commander) 1 item (1909) Angus , Samuel (Lt.) 2 items (1813-15) (SOME OVERSIZE) Appleton, Nathaniel (Mass. patriot) 1 item (1778) Appleton, John (Actg. Secy. Navy) 1 item (1847) Archer , Samuel (his son served under 1 item (1783 ) J o h n B a r r y ) -.'. · Armstrong, James (Comdg. u.s. Naval Forces, 2 items (1856 1 1857) East India & China Seas) Austin, Samuel (Merchant) 1 item (1836) B Badger, George E. (Secy. Navy) 2 it ems ( 18 4 6 , 18 55) Bainbridge, Joseph 1 item (17 ) Bainbridge, William (Commodore) 11 items (1800-32) Baker, D. D. (Captain, Marines) 1 item (1848) Baker, T. Harr i son 1 item (1861) (Comdr., C.S. Privateer Savannah) B a 1 i sa r i us ( a ship) (OVERS I Z E) 1 item (17 Ballard, Henry E . (Commodore) 1 item (1851} Bancroft , George (Secy. Navy) 3 items (1845-46) Barbour , James 1 item (1813) Barclay, Alex 1 item (1834 ) Barker, Albert Smith (Captain) 1 item (1899) Barker , John 1 item (1813 ) Barney, Joshua (Commodore) 1 item (1818) Barrington, Samuel (Surgeon, u.s. Naval 1 item (1859) Hospital) Barron , James (Commodore) 8 items (1825-49) Barron, Samuel (C o mmodore) 1 item (1801) Barry, John (Commodore) 10 items & 1 account (SOME OVERSIZE ) book (1761-18 ) - 1 - Bartlett, Washington A. (Colonel, Naval 1 item (1863) Brigade of 1861) Bassett, Henry Willis 1 item (1823) (Surgeon, Schoonaker Jackall) Bates, John A. (Purser, frigate 1 item (1824) United States) Bayly, Admiral Sir Lewis (British Admiral) 1 item (1918) Beagle (a schooner) 1 item (1824) Beale, Edward F. (U.S.N.) 1 item (1850) Beale, Joseph (Surgeon General, USN) 3 items (18 -1876) Beaumont, John C. (Commodore) 2 items (1878, 1880) Beekman, Gerard G. 3 items (1746-67) Belknap, George E. (Admiral) 1 item (1886) Belt, William (Surgeon Asst., USN) 2 items (1813) Benham, Andrew E.K. (USN) 1 item (1868) Benjamin, J. P. (Actg. Secy. War. C.S.A.) 1 item (1861) Benson , Robert (Secy. of Camp at White 1 item (1778) Plains) Berry, Admiral Sir Edward 1 item (1808) Berry , S. G. (USN) (OVERSIZE) · 1 item (19 ) Biddle, James (Commodore) 3 ftems (1815-42) Biddle, Nicholas (Captain) 3 items (1777, 1938) Birch, Thomas 2 items (1813, 1814) Bishop, Joshua (Lt. Comdr.) 1 item (1 880) B i spham, John E. (Lt.) 1 item (1836) Bixby, N. A. .... 1 item (1869) B 1a k e , F • B • ( L t . Comd r • ) ., ~ 1 item (1868) B 1ake, George S. (Commodore) 1 item (18 ) Bleecker, John Van B. 1 item (1858) (Purser, USS Macedonian) Bleecker, William w. (Lt.) 1 item (1845) Boggs, Charles Stuart (Rear Admiral) 3 items (1873-86) Bolton, William c. (Captain) 1 item (1831) Bon (?) (Mss. in French) 1 item (1780) Bopp, Morrie B. - 1 volume "Index to Pictures of War Vessels of the U.s. Navy" (c. 1909) (BOXED SEPARATELY) Borie, Adolph E. (Secy. of War?) 1 item (1871) Bourmant, Lt. Col. (WITH SHIP'S LOGS) 1 item (1830) (Diary) Bourne, Ben F. (Purser, USS Guerriere) 1 item (1819) Boutwell, E. B. (Comdg. Navy Yard, Wash.) 2 items (1843, 1852) Bowen, Jabez 1 item (1798) Bower, Samuel (ship builder) 1 item (1797) (OVERSIZE) Boyle, John (Actg. Secy. Navy) 2 i terns (1831 , 1838) Boyle , Junius (Actg. Comdr., USS Preble) 1 item (1842) Braddick, John 1 item (1778) Bradford, John (OVERSIZE) 1 item (1777) Bradford, J ohn 0 . (Paymaster General, USN) 1 item (1873) Bradford, Richard H. (Actg. Secy. Navy) 12 items (1829-32) Bradford, Royal Bird (Admiral) 1 item (1899) Braine, Daniel L. (Rear Admiral?) 5 items (1880-94) Branch, John (Secy. Navy) 7 items (1829-3 3 ) - 2 - Brandt , John D. (Chief Clerk, Ordnance) 1 item (1871) Breasley, D. (Navy Storekeeper) 1 item (1825) Breese, Samuel L. (Admiral) 3 items (1846-55) Bridge , Horatio (Chief, Bur. Provisions 1 item (1856) & Clothing) Briggs, J. (Master of Schooner Logan) 1 item (1821} Brigham, Levi L. (Paymasters Office) 1 item .(1872) Broke, Sir Philip 1 item (1839} Brooks, James 1 item (1887) Broom, C. R. (Lt.) 1 item (1820) Broome, John 2 items (1777) Brown , A. 1 item (1813) Brown, George (Captain ) 1 item (1881) Brown, James (Senator) 3 items (1814-21) Brown , Moses (Captain of Merrimack) 1 item (1800) Bruere, George James (Gov. of Bermuda) 1 item (1780) (OVERSIZE} Buchanan, Franklin 1 item (1841) (Rear Admiral, Confederate Navy} Buchanan, McKean 2 items (1852-53) Bullus, Edward (M.D.) 1 item (1842) Bullus, John (Navy Agent, N.Y.) 1 item (1814) Burny (?),George (Captain} 1 item (1886) Burrows, Paul, Jr. (Captain} 1 item (1 7 ) Burrows, William (ht.} 1 item (180"9) Burrows , William W. (Major Commandant of 1 item (1798) Marine Corps) -.. c Calhoun, James Edmund (Lt. or Capt. ?) 1 item (1828) Callaghan , David 1 item (1793) Campbell , Hugh G. (Captain} 2 items (180 5 , 1814) Carnes, w. w. 1 item (1 890) Carpender , Edward \'1. (Comdr.} 2 items (1843, 1873) Carr,JohnA. (Lt.} 2 items (1823, 1835) Case, A. Ludlow (Commodore) 1 item (1870) Cervera , Pascual (Spanish Admiral) 1 item (c. 1898) Chadwick, French Eusor (Admiral) 5 items (1899-1906) Champlin, Stephen (Commodore?} 1 item (1 860) Champmart i n, 1 item (1779) Chandler, William E . (Secy. Navy) 4 items (1869-83) Char 1 es Town Insurance Co . ( OVERSIZE) 2 items (1778) Chase , Allen 1 item (1831) Chase, Richard M. (Secy. Naval Academy} 3 items (1868-71) Chauncey, Charles W. 1 item (1839) Chauncey , Isaac (Commodore) 7 items (1815-39) Chauncey , JohnS. (Captain} 1 item (1864) Chauncey , Wolcott (Captain} 1 ite m (1834) Chester , Colby Mitchel (Captain) 1 item (1899) Chester , L. R. 1 item (1872) Childers, Hugh c . E. (1st Lord Admiralty) 1 item (1886) Christian, William A. 1 item (1845) (Purse r, USS Princeton} - 3 - Christopher, Charles H. 1 item (1864) (Engineer, USS Great Western) Cilley, Greenleaf (Commander) 1 item (1878) Cipieres, Chevalier de (OVERSIZE) 1 item (178~) Clack, John H. (Captain) 1 item (1844) Claiborne, William c. 1 item (1 813 ) (Governor, New Orleans) Clark, James H. 2 items (1826, 1828) Clark & Kellogg 1 item (1 837) Clendaniel, J. H. 1 item (1862) Cocke, Samuel B. (Lt.) 1 item (183~) Coffin, George W. (Comdr.) 1 item (1883) Coghlan, J oseph Bullock (Captain) 2 items (1893, 1899) Colhoun, John (Lt.) 1 item (1847) Collins, Napoleon (Commodore) 1 item (1874) Col vocor esses, George P. (Rear Admiral) 1 item (1915) Congress of the United State 3 items (17 __-1886) (.SOME OVERSIZE) Conklin, Azel 1 item (1814) Conner, A. (Captain) 1 .item (1863) Conner, David (Rear Adm iral) 9 boxes, 4 volumes (SOME WITH SHIP'S LOGS) (1808- 56) Conrad, Charles M. 1 item (1851) Constitution, u.s.s. 2 i t ems ( 1 7 9 8 ) Conthony, Jos. P • . (Lt.) 1 item (1863) .. 28 items (1775-82) Continental Congress . (SOME OVERSIZE ) ..~ ... Conway, William D. (Lt.) 1 item (1824) Cook, Nathan H. (Whaling ship master) 1 volume (1835) (not found) Cooper, Peter H. 1 volume (1864-7~) Corbin, Thomas Grosvenor (Captain) 1 item (1897) Council of Safety i item (1777) Cox , WilliamS. (Lt.) 1 binder (1814-1941) (appeal on his behalf) Coy 1 e, Joseph C. (Actg. Master) 2 i tems (1863) Crabbe, H. S. 1 item (1836) Crabbe, Thomas (Rear Admiral) 2 i tems (1852, 1863) Crane, W.M. (Captain) 3 items (1819-42) (SOME OVERSIZE) Craven , Thomas T. (Rear Admiral) 3 items (1857-8~) Craven , T uni s (Captain) 1 item (1826) Crawford , Wm. H. 1 ite m (1823) Creighton, Harriot H. 1 item (1840) Creighton , James, Jr . (Commodore) 1 item (18~9) Creighton, J. Blakeley (Commander) 2 items (1868, 1877) Creighton, John Orde (Captain) 2 items (1818, 1831) Cromwell, w. A. ( Audi tor, Treas. Dept.) 1 item (1865) Cronk , Charles W. (USN) 1 item (1872) Crosby , Pierce 1 item (1892) Crosl ey, W. S . (Lt., USN) 1 item (190~) Crowninshield , Arrant Schuyler (Commodore) 8 i tems (1897-1901) Crowninshield, Benjamin W. (Secy. of Navy) 7 items , 1 folder (1814-27) - 4 - Cunningham, John s . (Navy Pay Officer) 1 item (1877) Cunningham, Joseph 2 items (1777) Cushing , Thomas 1 item (1776) Cust , Peregrine 1 item (1774?) D Dade (and others) 2 items (1884) Dahlgren, John A. (Rear Admiral) 5 items (1847 -66) Dale , Richard (Commodore) 9 items (17913-18131) (SOME OVERSIZE) Dallas , Alexander James (Commodore) 3 items (1829-33) Daniels , H.
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