DIRECTORY.] 155 HARMSTON •. [LINCOLN,] belfry containa 1 bell : the church, standing 0:11. rising Clarke, of Cambridge, and A. Howard, Esq., of Long ground in the midst of the surrounding flat country, is Sutton. The soil is heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The chief rather a conspicuous object. The register dates from crops are wheat and beans. The area is 1,010 acres, and the the year 1559. The living is a perpetual cnracy, conso­ population in 1861 was 140. lidated with that of Mark by, in the gift of the deviseCji of the HAGNABY is a hamlet in the parish, about one JDile from late Rev. M. B. Dorrington, and the Massingberd family the church. alternately, and held by ~he Rev. Alfred Hod,ington, B.A., Parish Clerk, Edmund Alison. of Trinity College, Dublin. The charities amount to £1 2s. per annum. 'fhe devisees of the late Thomas Alcock are Letters through Alford1 which is the nearest money order ladietl of the manor. The principal landowners are Dr, W. office Hannah. Hagnaby. Briggs Geo. beer retlr. &. frmr IKealey -Chri'ltopher, farmer Brown J ames, farmer I Carter Samuel, farmer Wright Lewis, farmer Davr Edmund, farmer Scargall Thomas; shoe maker HAREBY is a small parish, in the Mid division of the joint annual value of £600, in the gift of Sir W. H. Smith­ county, parts of Lindsey, West division of Bolingbroke Marriott, Bart., and held by the Rev. Edward Stanley soke, union, petty sessional division and county court Bosanquet, B.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge. Sir W. H. district of Spilsby, rural deanery of Bolingbroke, and arch- Smith-Marriott, Bart., is lord of the manor s.nd owner of deaconry and diocese of Lincoln, distant 4~ miles west from the soil. The soil is 11andy and loam; subsoil, various. 'fhe Spilsby railway station. The church of SS. Peter and chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips, and green erop!$ Paul is a neat structure, with nave and chancel, and a generally. The area is 750 acres, and the population in 1861 belfry with l bell: it was rebuilt in 1858 by Sir John W. was 93. Smith, Hart., with the exception of the chancel, which was Pamh Clerk, John Holmes. done by the Rector. The register dates from 1567. The Letters through Spilsby, which is the nearest JllOney orde.t living is a rectory, consolidated with Bolingbroke, of the office Desforges -,farmer, Fen I WingateThomas,farmer, Harebyhouse HARLAXTON is R parish, in t-Ile Southern division of posed to have been worn by J ohu of Gaunt, who had a the county, parts of Kesteven, Loveden h11ndred, soke, bunting seat here: it is stated that it now occupies a. place union, petty sessional division and county court district of in the Madrid Museum. Harlaxton manor, the -"eatof John Grantham, rural deanery of Grantham, and archdeacqnry Sherwin Gregory, Esq., J' .P., is a noble and elegan~ mansion, and diocese of Lincoln, 3 miles south-west-by-south from· ip the style of Jamcs I., lately completed from a design by Grantham station, and 108~ from London. The church of 8alvin. The old manor-ho11se pf Harlaxton hai not been St. Mary and St. Peter is an ancient building, with nave, occupied hy the family for many years: it is of great anti­ chancel, aisles, square embattled tower surmounted by a quity, and stands near the village church; it was considerably stone spire, and containing 5 bells: in the chancel is a enlarged by the De Ligne family, in the reign of James I.: canopied monument, with two recumbent alabaster figures l the manor passed from tbe De Lignes to the late George de there is also a very handsome Perpendicular font: the Ligne Gregory, Esq. Here are stone quarries. The area chancel has been restored, and a i!OUth porch added. The re. is 2,530 acres, and the population in 1861 was 488. 1 gister dates from 1558. The living is a ;rectorl1 yearly Pari.Eh Clerk, J arnes Pullen. value £580, in the gift of the Bishop of tincoln, and held by tbe Rev. Edward Garfit1 ,M.!.., Prebendary of Lincoln. • Here is a Wesleyan chapel. · In 1740, an urn, pont.aining PosT OFFI{JE.-William Shelbourn, postmaster. Letterlt burnt bones and Roman coins1 was found here. In a field from Grantham, arrive at 8.10 a.m.; depart 5.15 p.m. near the village a brass pot was turned up by the plough, Grantham is the nearest money order office and found to contain a helmet of gold set with jewels, sup- Parochial School, Miss Lucy Teague, mi.<otres~ Garfit Rev. Edward, M.A. [prebendary Dolby John, market gardener Sidney Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper of Lincoln], Rectory Fyfe William, shopkeeper Summertield John, mason Gregory John Sherwin, esq ..J.P. Har• Hardwick Henry, farmer Towers Michael, coal dealer laxton manor Hemsley Henry, farmer Vincent Thomas, farmer Palethorpe Mrs Hewerdine Job, tailor Weston Daniel, shoe maker Bailey John, joiner J ackson William, shoe maker Weston Thomas, shopkeeper Bishop Joshua, Golden Lion inn Paletborpe John, farmer Whittle J ames, butcher Challings Lewis, joiner&. wheelwright Rose J obn, JDiller &. baker Woodruff Richard, shoe maker Challinga William, joiner Schrimshire Tbom~, thrmer Wyer Ambrose, blacksmith HARMSTON is a village and parish, in the Mid division Waddington, purchased upwards of 150 years ago by bene­ of the county, parts of Kesteven, higher division of the factions left to the poor of ~Iarmston for ever, by Bryan and wapentake of Boothby Graffo, union and county court dis- William .Middlebrooke, Esqrs., Thomas Thorold Esq. trict of Lincoln, rural deanery of Longoboby, archdeaconry Alderman of the City of London, and Sir Christopher Nevile. and diocese of Lincoln, distant from it 6 miles south. The Knt. of Aubourn Hall, now produce an income of £36 per Great Northern line from Lincoln to Grantham has ~ very annum. Harms ton Hall, a handsome stone mansion, is the neat station about half a mile from the village. 'the residence of Thomru; Erook, Esq. B. H. Thorold, Esq., i~ village is on an eminence, situated ,n.e;:J.r the CJ:>nfluence pf lord of the manor and lay impropriator. The soil is sandy the Brant and the Witham, and comrpands an extensiy~ view loam; subsoil, limestone or sand. The chief crops are wheat~ • of the western valley. The church of St. Peter's has~ fine Larley, cloTeriand turnips. The area is 2:690 acres, and the Norman tower, with a perfect peal of 8 bells: the nave and population in 861 was 414. chancel, built in 1717, are very plain, and much out of repair: it contains several monuments to the ThoroId family. The register dates from the year 1563. The living is a vieara~e.., PosT OPFICE.-William Dean, sub-postmaster. Letters yearly value £108, now increased to about £210, by the received from Lincoln, at 9.15 a.m.; dispatched at 4.20 sale of Queen Anne's Bounty lands situate at Billinghay, p.m. The nearest money order office is at Lincoln ~ith IS acrP.S oi glebe, in the gift of R. H. Tborold, Esl{., TNSURANCE A...GENT.-Hand-in-Hanti, Robert c~ Moore anci held by the Rev. Edward Keifurd Lutt, M.A.,of Si4ney National School, Henry Ilencl1er, ,master ::lussex College, Cambridge. Rere is a N11tiooal sclwol fur Railway Station, John Atterbury, station ma~>t~r boys and girls. 'fhe Retormed and Primitive .Metlurlists CARRIERS THROUGH TO LINCOLN:.-iohll$011, Pellrson have chapela here. The charities consist of an estate at & Brown, daily, sundays excepted Brook Thomas, esq. Harmston hP.ll Dalton ~rge, farmer & butcher Moore Robert Coddington, }and agent COMMERCIAL. Day Samuel Thomas-, baker & surveyor, & registrar of births & Barnes Henry farmer Dixon John, farmer deaths for the south-west district of Bastin John, farmer & landowner Elkington Henry, pig Jobber Lincoln, & agent to the Hand-in- Bee Amelia (Mrs.), beer retailer Fox Francis, farmer Hand Insurance Society Bush Joseph, farmer Gant Charie-, blncksm~th Rippon John, farmPF &: -eattle sales- C'hamberlin Edwanl coal merebant Long Robert, wheeJwr1ght man Clark John boot & ;hoe maker Maxted Charles, ~oer Taylor Williaw, 1'/un·ald -ilrms Clay Joseph, shoe maker M~xted Dennis, tailor Waynor Jarnes, t~hopkoopt% Cooling Jooa.tha11, farm bailiff Mills Thomas, tarm61" Wilson Willi!l.IJA~ tuwer .
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