'SV-**•V- 1'^'"jr• '^*3:*-?r-:\-V\-y/j;'-;.-:M:'-. W'/'VVfsT •••'"••''•' .•• -i' .. ;•: 1 •' ' '• ; • • v -;••?'>" ®OjB J, ^ " ,><•;<• _^r , j^0 ^ I jj^. *MtogrioffObABl) . l'j,'v"! ' ~ ' * ' * ' 1 , '• |j|j^ ^ The Only WmWww Newspaper The Beat Advertising * -* . v-Medium in the % Town of I in V^bWf ,• ^ .., p,. Ct. - - - % -: Northern Connecticut • '/'£# * % r - , " " - t . COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE • . ;Vf Fifty-Sixth Year—No. 22. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1936 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. ^ , Only One Contest For Will Leave For Denver Tonight Democratic Caucus 1 To See Many Contests U ' CUV . Assessor's Place Furnishing the One Bone of All the Principal Offices Will Be Battled For At Contention At the Meeting Monday Evening— sisste the Gathering Monday Night—Town Commit­ The Rest of the Ticket Is Agreed Upon by the tee to Hear Claims of Candidates at Meeting Town Committee at Meeting Last Friday. Tomorrow Evening. • •—— ; That former Tax Collector Edward ENROLLMENT OF J. O'Donnell will be the choice of the While any positive assurance of the MOiVP'MP'lVfT 17fYP Republican caucus for the office of make-up of the Democratic ticket for 1*1"1 JjiTlEiil 1 1 V/li First Selectman by acclamation was the town election will be impossible, - Tr._. _TT SCHOOL PUPILS foreshadowed at the meeting of the accurate prediction right afttr the KK AMI h I IRR APV Republican Town Committee last Fri­ the town election will be impossible IjB I 111,rill, I day evening in the Enfield High until after the committee meeting to T.T TT . „ . SHOWS DECREASE School. At the meeting it develop­ be held tomorrow night, it is known ||\f UAy AUn\/TT T 1? ed that former Selectman Ira S. at this stage that First Selectman 111 lliltiiilli/ ? ILLEi Bushnell was not a candidate and Hughes and Selectman Andrew Kor­ Total Up to This Morn­ Louis Burns, veteran member of the ona are definitely candidates for re- Board of Finance, who was present nomination at the party caucus to be Establishment of Read­ ing Shows Consider­ held next Monday evening in the En­ at the meeting, declared that he field High School Auditorium. Op­ ing Facilities for Chil­ able Drop—Total of 2,- would not seek the office, although his posing Mr. Hughes for first place on nomination was urged by former the ticket will be Clement V. Dowd of dren Sought in Petition 571 Is 121 Less Than a Representative Attorney A. Storrs Church street. John Higgins of Main Campbell. Mr. O'Donnell was an­ street will oppose Selectman Korona. Filed With Board of Year Ago. nounced as a candidate, and after a Mr. Higgins, who is a well known Library Directors. thorough discussion was the unani PATRICK F. TRIGGS POST, V. F. W. DRUM CORPS figure in the Democratic party, and Principal Karl D. Lee announced mous choice of the town committee. an active member of the American this morning that the total registra­ As his running mate, Mr. O'Don­ Legion, has been making an inten­ Residents of Hazardville this week tion at the High School to date is nell will have selectman Henry E. sive campaign, as has likewise Mr. petitioned the board of directors of 737. Superintendent of Schools Ed­ Smith who has served a number of Heads Connecticut Dowd. Political leaders generally the Enfield Public Library for the es­ gar H. Parkman, figured the total terms on the board. STATE LEADERS TO PROGRAM PLANNED consider that Mr. Hughes will be re­ tablishment of a children's branch li­ enrollment in the public schools of At the Republican caucus it is ex­ Delegation to V. F. W. nominated by a heavy majority, and brary in that village. This move­ the town, including the high school, pected that there will be a contest while they predict Mr. Korona's re- ment, which has been underway for to be 2,571. Both figures indicate a,---for the—~ post of Assessor between ATTEND MEETING National Convention IN OBSERVANCE OF nomination, they indicate that it will some time, came to a head this week considerable falling off in the total!Henry J. Bridge, whose term expires be by a smaller figure. with the filing of a petition with Miss enrollment at the local schools which this year, and Herbert M. Marks, a For the past two weeks there has Julia H. Doyle, president of the board opened for the fall and winter term former member of the board. This OF Y. D. VETERANS Champions in 1934 Determined CONSTITUTION DAY been considerable discussion of the of directors of the public library. last Tuesday. Mr. Lee's figures show contest should prove an interesting use of the check list in the Democrat­ In the memorandum submitted, the one as have previous contests be­ to Regain Title in Competitive petitioners point out that in the Haz­ a decrease of 43 as compared with Events—History of Corps Is ic caucus next Monday evening. This a year ago when 770 were registered, tween these two veteran members of Formal Organization of Public Meeting of Pa­ move to use the check list, which it ardville and Scitico schools there is a while Mr. Parkman's total indicates the Republican party. For Board of Local Post Will Get Un­ One of Unusual Achievement. triotic Character Will is understood is backed by Messrs. total registration of 330 pupils. They a net drop of 121 from last year's to­ Relief, Edward J. Locke of Hazard- Dowd and Higgins, has resulted in a state that the reading facilities in tal of 2,692. Both officials, however, ville, whose term expires this year, derway at Meeting in with 25 men and several members Be Held Thursday, the feeling both pro and con in the party the homes are not sufficient and that are confident that the present figures will probably be nominated without ranks, some stating that the check the children in the eastern part of will be considerably increased during opposition, as likewise will Mrs. Em­ Legion Hall Next Sat- of the Patrick F. Triggs Post, the V. 17th, in Enfield High list should always be used in every the town find it impossible to attend the next week. ma B. Ganner for Auditor and Al­ F Drum c ed b y Ma r H contest, others being opposed to the the children's room in the Thompson- The following changes have been bert F. McAuley for Registrar of urday* Evening. ry- *Frigon, national°r • ! champion,. ?° will": School Auditorium. use of it on the ground that it will ville library. The petition points out found necessary to be made in the Voters. work havoc at the polls on election that there has been an attendance of For the Board of Finance, Louis Joseph D. Keeney, who is promot- ^us this evening for Denver, National Constitution Day will be 1000 per month at the children's room -teaching staff by the instruction com­ Colorado, where they will compete in day. The use, or failure to use, the mittee of the Board of Education: Burns and Frank A. Stuart, retiring ing the organization of a local post observed on Thursday evening, Sep­ check list should be one of the most in Thompsonville and this would indi­ Republican members, are expected to of the veterans of the Yankee Divi­ the various field day contests to be tember 17, with a public meeting of a cate that the Hazardville children Harry Tatoian of Pearl street will held in conjunction with the National interesting phases of the caucus. substitute for Harold A. Gleason in be renominated. The two retiring sion, was notified today that a large patriotic character to be held in the For the office of Assessor, Frank would be in good attendance at a members of the Board of Finance this delegation of state leaders in the V. F. W. Convention which will take auditorium of Enfield High School. branch to be established there. the Enfield High School. Mr. Glea­ place in that city beginning next Barrila of North Main street is a son has been granted a leave of ab­ year are Republican, both having Yankee Division movement would be At the same time special programs candidate and will be opposed by The suggestion of the committee been elected in the Republican land­ present at the meeting which is to be Monday and continuing to and in­ will be carried out in the various which is back of this movement, is sence due to illness. The position of cluding the 22nd. Michael Mullen of King street, for­ vice-principal held by Mr. Gleason slide of 1933. For the Board of Ed­ held Saturday evening in the Ameri­ schools of the town during the day. mer member of this board, and that a branch be opened in Hazard­ ucation, James D. Burgess, whose can Legion hall, High street, at 8:30. The local group will arrive in Den­ Arrangements for the meeting were ville to function three days a week will remain vacant, but in case of ver on Monday and the mammoth Thomas M. Fahey. No Democratic necessity will be filled by Assistantterm expires this year, is not expect Among those who are certain to be made by the committee appointed for candidate has as yet come for­ from 3:30 to 6 P. M. The committee Superintendent John A. Langford. ed to be a candidate for re-nomina- here are Col. John Parker, known parade in which the foremost drum the observance by First Selectman believes that it would be possible on corps of the country will participate ward for a place on the Board of Re­ To fill a vacancy in Grade 8 of the tion.
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