31antaira VOLUME XIII KINGSTON, JAMAICA, SEPTEMBER, 1938 NUMBER 8 "GIVE FOLLOW ME" J'As it ever occurred to you, as you that Jesus bade him give. The result 1.1.ave taken your part in the annual BY C: E. ANDROSS he promised was to be, "Thou shalt Harvest Ingathering work from year to have treasure in heaven." On another year that Jesus, Himself, left an exam- acknowledged as sons and daughters of occasion Jesus stated this truth thus ple of asking a contribution toward the God." D. A., p. 523. ,`Where the treasure is, there will the needs of the people? Jesus Was in con- But it was not only the needs of people heart be also." Jesus longed to make versation with a young man who had that prompted Christ's appeal to the the young man like Himself—"a mirror wealth and He called upon him. to make young ruler to "Give." "Christ looked in which the likeness of God would be a very substantial gift. His motive in into the face of the young man, as if reflected and if he had made this calling on this young man for this con- readinghis life and searching his charac- choice, how different would have been tribution for those in need was at least ter. He loved him, and he hungered to his future." Today we are called upon two-fold. That there were those in real give him that peace and grace and by our divine captain to unite with him poverty was evident from the fact that joy which would materially change his in the same labour for souls. By the Jesus Himself said, "Ye have the poor character. 'One thing thou lackest,' He same methods that He used we are to always with you." Funds were from time said. D. A. p. 519. It was for the sake seek to win the hearts of men to the to time distributed by the little band -of of the salvation of the young man himself kingdom of heaven We may invite followers of Christ to their gifts for the uplift meet the needs of of mankind and the fur- those about them. Judas therance of the gospel was the treasurer who work in the hope that handled and disbursed interest will be drawn the funds. Jesus recog- toward the objective to nized the needs and took which they contribute of an interest in helping to their funds. It is true provide for the same. that often a sympathetic Likewise today there are hearing can be obtained needs all about us. There better than by an intro- are those who are pover- duction in the form of a ty-stricken both physical- request rather than in ly and spiritually. There the form of an offer of are those who though something. Jesus used having sufficient for their this method of approach needs in the world's goods when He said to one He are nevertheless hungry met, "Give me to drink." for the bread of life and This request for His who are spiritually clothed hearer to give Him some- only in garments of self- thing led first to an righteousness, completely aroused interest, second ladting the white robes a sympathetic hearing of Christ's righteousness. and finally a counter re- In asking for the means quest for that which to,provide for the needs Jesus had to give. Our .of the people, we are opportunity to request of following an example set those who have, in be- by Christ. The Harvest half of the evident needs Ingathering funds are ex- of people today, provides pended for medical, for us with a chance to make educational and for evan- the same kind of ap- gelisticupliftof the people proach to people as Jesus about us. made centuries ago.Many The call is likewise to who would refuse to hear us to give, not only of our about the Advent Move- means, but of our strength. ment, were we to approach "Only those who will them to tell them about become co-workers with it for their own sake, Christ, only those who lloyirLIATATLIVR\LAWANTALIALTOW i&V/k7" gladly hear when ap- will say, Lord, all I have proached from the stand- and I am is thine, will be (Con. on page 4 ) PAGE TWO THE JAMAICA VISITOR INGATHE ING CAMPAIGN SEPTEM): E 3 TO OCTO E11; 29 THE HARVEST INGATHERING had a Friend, omniscient and omnipotent, HARVEST INGATHERING CAM- CAMPAIGN IS ON to work in his behalf, the man of God PAIGN LAUNCHED IN CLARENDON We are happy for the wise step taken At Allis time a united movement is made known to the King his desire for by our conference this year, in calling under way for the accomplishment of the release for a time from his office at our church elders and leaders together in great things for God. In His provi- the court, and for authority to build up various groups for instruction before dence God has allowed heavy losses to the waste places of Jerusalem, and make launching out in the Harvest Ingathering come to our mission work in various it once more a strong and defensed city. campaign. countries. Ethiopia, Spain, and China Momentous results to the Jewish city and The first group met at May Pen on have suffered. These experiences can be nation hung upon this request. 'And,' Thursday, the 11th of August. Owing to for no other purpose than to test our says Nehemiah, 'the king granted me the convenience of modern transportation faith and confidence in the message. according to the good hand of my God almost all the leaders of the district of Will we permit the trials, the onslaughts upon me.' Christian Service 171. 172. Clarendon were here by 9 o'clock in the of the enemy, to dishearten us for the We are to take the experience of Ne- finishing of the work God has assigned hemiah as our lesson and move forward morning. Under the leadership of Pastor Meeker, us to do? As long as the great commission in the fear of God. Again we quote from our veteran Harvest I ngatheri ng promoter, stands, "Go ye therefore and teach all "Christian Service" page 177 last para- we started the day's meeting at 9:30. nations," Matt. 28: 19; so long are we to graph:— Many and varied were the different top- draw new life and courage from Christ, The Call For Modern Nehemiahs ics discussed, as to how we can make this the mighty Captain of our salvation. "There is need of Nehemiahs in the year's campaign a success. With the loss of life and property, in church today,—not men who can pray Nehemiah's method of leadership was the face of many perplexities, we are to and preach only, but men whose prayers discussed and adopted by all. His "holy go forward. It is our duty, under God's and sermons are braced with firm and energy and high hope" is to be commu- guidance, to arise and rebuild the waste eager purpose. The course pursued by icated by the elders and leaders to all the places. Read carefully the following ex- this Hebrew patriot in the accomplish- people and as they catch the spirit they tracts from the pen of inspiration:— ment of his plans is one that should still will rise to the occasion. Lessons From The Life of Nehemiah be adopted by ministers and leading men. Much stress was laid upon that beau- "In years past, I have spoken in favour When they have laid their plans, they tiful Harvest Ingathering text found in of the plan of presenting our mission should present them to the church in work and its progress before our friends such a manner as to win their interest Eccl. 2:26. As if to crown the day's blessings, the and neighbours, and have referred to and co-operation. Let the people under- Lord sent good showers of rain. All went the example of Nehemiah. And now I stand the plans and share its prosperity. away with renewed determination to make desire to urge our brethren and sisters The success attending Nehemiah's efforts this a banner year in Harvest Ingathering. to study anew the experience of this shows what prayer, faith, and wise, ener- The following morning, before Pastor man of prayer and faith and sound judg- getic action will accomplish. Living faith Meeker left, we decided to call upon a ment, who made bold to ask his friend, will prompt to energetic action. The few individuals around May Pen and see King Artaxerxes, for help with which to spirit manifested by the leader will be, to what could be done. We set our goal for advance the interests of God's cause." a great extent, reflected by the people. two pounds, and in less than one and a "Men of prayer should be men of If the leaders professing to believe the half hours we reached our goal with one action. Those who are ready and will- solemn, important truths that are to test ing, will find ways and means -of work- the world at this time, manifest no ardent shilling extra. zeal to prepare a people to stand in the Look out, Petersfield, May Pen is mo- ing. Nehemiah did not depend upon.un- day of God, we must expect the church bilizing! certainties. The means which he lacked W. S. NATION. he solicited from those who were able to to be careless, indolent, and pleasure- bestow." loving." will arise and build." Yes, we will arise "Courage for the Task Came Through We believe that a careful study of the and do our Harvest Ingathering assign- Prayer.—Nehemiah and Artaxerxes stood first six chapters of Nehemiah will inspire ments in our various fields.
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