Member5>348 of the Audit BoreMi of CXrooletloiie. (Claaeifled AdvertUtiig oo Page 10.) (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE TH B l»G SB i« VOL. U I I m n o . 96. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1634. Worth H alf Million, Sues for Support HEAD OF HOME BRITAIN HOLDS ANTI-WAR SPIRIT 4- FOR CRIPPLES SECRET TALK IN JAPANESE DIET PRAKBALL O V E R j^E A S T FAVORS MONETARY Goyemment Criticized By WORKERS IN MINES Superintendent Of Newing­ Nayal Commanders In Coih BILL BY 12-2 VOTE Speakers For Mowing TO AID PRESIDENT ton Institution Heartily ference On Board Battle­ EXPLOSION iHKXS Several Modificatioiis Voteff W ar Talk To Be Circnlal- Endorses Idea ~ Lands ship Off Singapore, Take Indnding Provisioa Mak­ ed— Coimtry For Peace. Report That Earnest Endeav­ M O D E JANEIRO Warm Springs Work. Naval Policies. ing StaUrnffion Find or Will Be Made To Assist Tokyo, Jan. 23.— (A P )— An Antl- Temporary— Tm e Limit milltariat tenor marked the first In­ Miss Constance Leigh, superin­ Singapore, Straita Settlements, Two little Girls KiDed, Eght terpellation in Japan’s Imperial Diet The New Deal tendent of toe Newington Home for Jan. 23k — (A P ) — BriUsb, Aus­ today when members of the Cabinet Crippled (Children, whose work has tralian, atad New Zealand luival Persons Injnred; Many Pbced On PremdeBps completed their statements of policy attracted attention of eminent physi­ commajDders were called together in Indianapolis, Jan. 23.— (A P )— An iwH declared questioning in order. cians and surgeons through toe strictest m em cj aboard toe cruiser Power To Devahe Tke “earnest determination” to co-oper­ Buildings Damaged. It was a spirit in tune with the country, even winning commenda­ Kent todagr to discuss Great Brit­ plea for peace and “understanding" ate with President Roosevelt In tion from President Roosevelt, today ain's naval pedttey in the Far East. making effective the New Deal was Dollar. voiced by Foreign Minister Koki expressed to The Herald a hearty Their deUberatioos were expected Rio De Janeiro, Jan. 23.— (A P )— Hlrota upon which greatest atten- the keynote of the Joint report of endorsement of toe work that is be­ to have far-reaching effects of Great ’Two little girls, aged 9 and 12, ttoo was focused as the Diet was the international officers of the ing done here in raising money for Britain’s Fai Elastem attitude. The were killed and eight other persons, reconvened today. United Mine Workers of America toe Warm Springs, Georgia, infan­ conferees were gathered in an at­ Wellington, Jan. 23.— (A P )—^Ths Count Yoshinori Futaara opened submitted to the 33rd constitutional tile paralysis fund through the mosphere made tense with ir '>rest including toe girls’ father, were ee- administration money hOl was by criticizing the government for convention here today. Birthday Ball for toe President. in Japaz ’f naval-building moves and riously injured last night when rive speedily approved today by tbs permitting publication of inflama- "W e are perhaps too closely asso­ tons of dynamite exploded tn a fac­ Manchester’s Birthday Ball will be a bill in the Unltod States Congress Senate banking committee after.it tory articles and predictions of war, ciated with the manifold details of held In toe State Arm ory on 'Tues­ proposing 120 new warships. tory on toe Island do (Jovernador in without specificity mentioning a our daily problems to be able ade­ day, January 30. Rio T>e Janeiro harbor. had voted several modifications. In­ recent magazine interview with Vice quately to appraise the true value of The city was shaken as though cluding a provision m^kiiig the pro­ Whole Nation Represented She’s worth half a million, but that didn’t deter Mrs. Houston Dunn, British naval forces in toe Far Admiral Nobumasa Suetsugu or a the great progress which has been struck by an earthquake. posed $2,000,000,000 staUUzatfon Miss Leigh, in a visit to Warm Philadelphia social reglsterlte, from going to Domestic Relations Court East, including those of Australia ficticmal account of a Japanese- by our union since the last Buildings Damaged rimd temporary. Springs, has bad opportunities ot to demand that her husband contribute to her support She said It was and New Zealand, are made up of American war recently widely pub­ convention in 1932,” the report set Practically every building on the The important monetary legisla­ observing the work and care car­ her mate’s duty to provide for bis seven children, two of whom, Elizabeth seven first-class cruisers armed with licized in the United States. forth, "It is a far cry from the island waa damaged and the in­ tion was approved 16 te 3. Not Nippon Spirit ried on In that splendid institution and Newbold, are here shown with her. 8-lncb guns, toe 7-5 inch gun Haw­ decimated Industry of that year, habitants of Rio De Janeiro were A time limit of two years on tiM “The so-called .national spirit fos­ with its persecuted and harried and was impressed too, with the fact kins, and seven smaller cruisers frightened. Many persons in the operation of the stabilization fund tered by such incitatlons is not the workers, to the organized coal indus­ of toe large number of States In toe armed with 6-inch gims. In addition city suffered minor injuries. was toe most important true spirit of Nippon, in which an try of 1934, with the mine workers Union represented in toe patients’ to toe aircraft carrier Hermes of ’The girls who were killed were tion. intematioxial outlook is inherent. of the coimtry breathing the air of a roll-call; many of them coming the China station, destroyers, sub­ the daughters of the watchman in Another amendmmt would place The true Samurai spirit seeks to new freedom,” from centers where there were no marines, gimboats and stoops. toe dynamite factory. prevail without fighting, Count Express Gratitude facilities for their treatment or care. PROBE G tA F T CHARGES Vlce-Adihlral Sir Frederick Drey- toe stabilization fund under a board Seven hundred orphan boys, living of five instead of vesting complatiS: Futaara declared. The international officers state<! Another of toe very fine features er, one of Britain’s most distin in the Island do Gkwernador oirphaa- control in the secretary of tNk “ I quite agree" said Premier that “our people feel an intense of the place, Miss Leigb feels, is toe guisbed naval officers, took over age, escaped serious injury. Makoto Saito. gratitude to our able and cotira- fact that they have tacilltles at the command of the Clhina station Just ’Treasxiry. Home Minister Baron Tatsuo IN eW A MANAGEMENT 'The administration waa upheld in geous President Roosevelt who is the Warm Springs Foundation for the a year ago. Yamamoto, in charge of censorship only President during the lifetime care and treatment of the more a Tote to leave little to tos gold with said the government is acting to of us who has lent a helping hand mature and older patients. 'This is LONDON REPORTS the Federal Rsaerre tyatem and control such publications. CUBA RECOGNIZED to the oppressed and impoverished very significant owing to the fact of take the profits from devaluation Ground work for this anti-mili­ Justice Department Agents London, Jan. 28. — (A P ) — 'Hie mine worker,” limited opportunities for the care KINGFISH’S POWER through a franchise tax <m the sys­ tarist expression was laid earlier to­ Laborite Dally Heral<f s^d in a dis­ ’The report stated that when the ot the adult pertaining in so many tem. day in the proclamation issued by National industrial recovery bill was patch from Singapore today that It States. BY UNITED STATES Debate beaks Oat Premier Hlrota on the empire’s deli­ introduced in 1983 toe United Mine Look Up Reports Received was rumored Field Marshal Vis­ Nntural Advantages IS BEING TESTED count Allsnby, after a seerht dash Meanwhile, debate over the meas­ cate relations with Soviet Russia Workers abandoned their own eoa. ure broke out in the Senate with and China and improving contacts The tremendous natural resources from Java, birt been placed aboard measures and “ made a vigorous From VarioBS Cffies And Senator Fess of OMo Mtrg it sad between Japan and the United contribution to tiys National Indus of Warm Springs such as climate the cruiser Kent for the British and unlimited supply at water avail­ naval conference. New Government Of Presi­ Senator Rofatnaon of-Arkansas, tos trial Act.” Democratle leader, speaking in ds- „ “No question," exists between able in the pools for the wonderful­ He had been in Java, toe newspa­ Workers Organized Towns Of Nation. New Orleans Votmg Today; fense. ^ ’ Japan and the United States, Hlrota In ly beneficial under-water treatment per sail, reputedly to discuss with Referring to the law as equal 'The eommittse also ^aesd a told the Diet, “that is intrinsically importance to Lincoln’s emancipa­ in the case o f infantile paralyfis Dutch authorities toe problem of dent Mendieta. Approved; Itodtatian at tworysars on President difficult of solution x x x x I am tion proclamation, the report related make this place one of great strate­ Polling Places Heavily the defense of Duteh East Indian Washington, Jan. 23.— (A P ) — RpifiiWriPs power to devalue toe confident that the United States that toe international ins gic value in toe care of the handi­ possesstona In $h< event of a Far otR otn New Envt^ Chosen. dollar. will not fail to appraise correctly mediately began a vigorous organ' capped. Agents for toe Clivil Works Admin­ Eastern attack, Japan's position in east Asia." izlng campai^ Local tmioA ware ’Ilie benefit obtained by President istration and the Department of Jus- Guarded By PoEce, f e e m S S l d strict roles were ttmk lla rita to w wsra ^mtsd Evan after ^ crMtkm of established tbrouj^liei^ the CQt^ry FraAkllQ^ D.
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