Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1965-1969 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 5-4-1967 May 4, 1967 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_65-69 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons Arkansas churches looking for pastors, mm1sters of education, arid ministers of music will do well to keep in Personally close touch with our own young people coming out of this , great trainingcenter. · ·! , JIJl.U. ~ speaking ('4.4'•st ...,f...,(#M' . '"Pd-u4J IN THIS ISSUE: ' ' A lVlAN with' a purpose is the subject of a feature Visit to Ft. Worth story, page 5. He is Bob Herndon of Atlanta, a retired AN invitation to be the guest speaker for the annual 1 chaplain~ a lieutenant colonel, who· at no salary and on> banquet of the Arkansas stndents at Southwestern Semi­ nary, Ft. vVorth, on a recent Friday night gave me the a shoe-strong budget has started a one-man national cam­ paign. He seeks to do something about the critical short:, opportunity of visiting again briefly on the campus Gf age of educated Negr.o ministers. · the largest seminary in the world-a distinction formerly - * • * held for many years b.}' Southern Baptists' oldest seminary, 11 W'OULD you buy Lot's Salt, Bethany Spices, Peter• Southern, at Louisville. Paul Peanut Butter? Whatever ·your qnswer, you will en­ The meeting was held in the spacious Student Center, joy reading a Texas pastor's tongue-in-cheek letter to amid the most elegant of surroundings. The food, served the editor on page 4 about diversification of our de- by women from the seminary family, was delicious, and nominatioN .. the fellowship was what you would expect it to be when a group of Arkansans, temporarily incarcerated in the TO adults,. as well as children, who have seen the Lone Star State, have an hour or two together. magnificent Bonheur painting, "The Horse Fair," at the Metropolitan Museum -of Art in New York City, today's As a good will emisary of Governor Winthrop Rocke­ Chi-ldren's Nook will be of gr.eat interest. The page num­ feller-who, incidentally, was the speaker at the Arkansas ber is 20. / 1 students' banquet last spring-! conferred upon Doyle Smith, president of the group, . an 'Arkansas Traveler THE brutal Pulaski County slayings app<irently solved cert.ificate. (See photo elsewhere in this issue.) with a suicide bring forth editorial comment today on Attending the meeting along with the Arkansas stu­ the facing page. We also call your attention to a guest dents were Dean Trozy L. Barker, clean of men, and Mrs. editorial Jrom the Religious Herald, Richmond, Va., on Barker. Dean Barker i.s an Arkansan and Mrs. Barker an "Arbitrary Fixation." Oklahoman, but both of them are products of Ouachita University. WHEN Mr. · and Mrs. Fred Spann return to their mission field in Brazil next month, they will take with Among those present were three who are now working them a set of 25 musical bells, . purchased for them by toward their doctorates-Boo Heflin, Larry Taylor, arid Baptists across Arkansas. The news story leads off our Charles Petty-and at least one who aspires to enter the Arkan~as· news, page 6. Graduate School following his graduation this sp'ring with the standard B.D. degree-President Smith. * * * COVER story page 7. I was happy to see that the men's dormitory, Ft. Worth Hall, the original seminary administration building erect­ ed, If I am not mistaken, in l 914, had been completely remodeled, from stem to stern, since my last visit to the ArliRII~ llpfilf campus. Students who live here now have air conditioning May 4, 1967 controlled individually by room thermostats. So they no ~ Volume 6, Number 18 longer have to attain their degrees by the sweat of their brows, . so comfortable and commodious are their sur· Edit01·, ERWIN L. McDoNALD, Litt. D. roundings. (I understand that this is a fair sample of the Associate Editor, · MRS. E. F. STOKES extensive housing now available for most of the students, Managing Editor, MRS. TED WOODS including single women and married couples.) Secretm·y to EditO?', MRS. HARRY GIBERSON Thanks to the "pull" of Smith and the cooperation of Mail Clerk, MRS. WELDON TAYLOR Dean Barker, I stayed overnight in, one of the guest rooms· 401 Wat Capitol Avenue, Little Rock. Arkanaaa 72201. Published we:ekly except on July 4 and Deeember 26. Seeond-elasa postage in Ft. Worth Hall and had the privilege of sleeping in Dr. patd at Little Roek, Arkanaaa. George W. Truett's own bed, which had been donated to Individual subscription, $2.26 per year. Church budget, 14 eente per month or 11.68 per year per ehureh famHy. Club plan (10 or more the seminary by the great preacher's family following his paid annually in advance), $1.75 per year. Subeerlptiona to foreign death. address, $8.75 per Y•r. Advertising rates on requeet. Opinions expressed in editorials and signed artleli!S are those of the Arkansas is represented at Southwestern by a group writer. .Member of Southern Baptist Preea Auoeiatlon, Aaaoeiated o{ approximately 60 students. Our Southwestern trustee Chut·eh Preoa, Evangelical Prt!88 Assoeiatlon. Abbreviations uaed in eredltlnir news Items : BP Baptist Pre.& : CB from Arkansas is Wendell Berry, businessman and church Church Bulletin; ·DP Dally Preea; EP Evangelical Press : LC Local Correepondent; AB Assoelational Bulletin; EBPS European Baptist leader from Blytheville. Preea Service. Page Two ARKANSAS BAPTIST 1 ..,...------~-----------Editorials Church and murder· front with a message which has universal quality. This A WILD cl].ase on the streets and highways of Little universal quality, however, arises from authoritarianism Rock and Pulaski County and an apparent suicide have rather than from adherence tu the message of the New culminated in an official solution to the. cold-blood mur­ Testament. The authority of Rome is the vital doctrine, ders of two mothers and two children in this area in for without absolute authoritarianism the Catholic mes­ recent weeks. sage would lose its universal nature. The hierarchy is In one of the murders, Mrs. Willene Knight, a young aware that the Roman Church cannot survive in the pre­ mother and the wife of a soldier in Vietnam, had gone to sent form without the doctrine of infallibility. Resistance do her family washing, late at night, at one· of 'Little by the VatiCan to liberal elements within the church Rock's washaterias.' Her body was foimd the next clay in represents a. struggle for survival of the institution. Vati­ an abandoned residence, with-a bullet in her head. · can Council II achieved many worthy objectives towards In a tripl~ slaying just recently, Mrs. Judith Ann ·creating better understanding and relationships within Moody and her two little daughters were slain at. their the wider Christian community, but the important truth horrie near Cabot. is that the Council took no action to crack the absolute Nbw the police have 'determinecl,' with· laboratory help authority of the Omrch. from the FBI in Washington, that the bul'lets that took the lives of these f6ur 'were fired from the same .22- Herein lies the most difficult challenge whiCh the caliber magnum pistol that Irven Edward Tribble; 27, entire Christian Church, both Protestant and- Catholic, is reported to have killed himself with while driving at faces today-how to achieve cooperative action among more than 100 miles an hour in an effort to escape from local congregations without falling a prey to stifling officers who sought to question him in the killings. authoritarianism_ which demands conformity and stands Pulaski County'Sheriff Frank Mackey and Little Rock in opposition to mental renewal. Young people today Police Chief R . E. Brians are due a great deal of credit are prone to reject authoritarianism in the church be­ for the solution of th.ese crimes. Because of the clogged cause, by its very nature, an arbitrary fixation is irrelevant devotion to duty of them and of many others helping to developing life-Religious Herald, Richmond, Va. them, everybody in this vicinity can breathe a little freer. But not too free. For the man who perpetrated these W ·J Hinsley' terrible- atrocites was evidently a skk man. • . • How do you go about spotting a potential killer before After a long .and fruitful life a:s an Arkansas Baptist he strikes? And what can you do to correct the· many minister and denominational servant, W. J. Hinsley, flot conditions in our society that breed crime and criminals? Springs, has gone to his eternal reward. No one has the answers, not even the churches. But In a beautiful tribute to Dr. Hinsley, Dr. Walter all of us, and most of an, aq Christi-ans, should feel a Yeldell, his pastor for the past six years at Sec.ond moral involvement. The churches, with their emphasis. on Church, Hot Springs, recalled that Dr. Hinsley had made the proper attitudes of heart toward God and man, cer- it a practice to begin his pray~rs with thanksgiving for tainly point people in the right. direction. This spotlights "the amazing grace of God." Dr. Yeldell recalled, also the urgency of the church reaching the people. that Dr. Hinsley, for good reason, had been known · · among his fellow· Baptists as .1'Mr.' Baptist Orthodoxy." '(Arbt"trary' t•t·xatt"on' A man of rare Christian perspective, Dr. HinsJey , had a keen sense of the true values. His great perception In America each Christian denominati0n and reli- was matched by deep and a\Jiding convictions for the gious body as an institution is 11nder the influence of the right as he saw and und(;!rstood it.
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