SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.i/l! "Commonwealth Service'' Airspeed Oxford AS.10 was designed according to the T.23/36 specifications that called for twin-engined trainer and light transport aircraft. When designing this aircraft the company resulted from its AS.6 Envoy transport aircraft. The first prototype flew in June 19,1937. The mass production lasted until 1945 and 4411 machines of several versions were produced in total. The main versions were Mk.l without turret and Mk.ll with gun turret for gunners' training. Versions Mk.lil and Mk.IV were not mass produced. Version Mk.V powered by P&W R-985 engines was license produced in Canada. Airspeed Oxford was cantilever low-wing monoplane with semi- monocoque fuselage and wooden tail planes.The trainer should serve for gunners, navigators, radio operators and bombardiers training. Except of these roles it also served for maritime patrols, ambulance, light transport or light bomber aircraft. Called "Ox-Box" by ground personnel became the main twin-engined trainertype for Empire Air Training Scheme (EATS) and British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP). Thanks to this the airmen from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth states were trained on this aircraft. The type also served as liaison in US Air Force based in Great Britain. Oxford was successfully exported before, during and especially after the war. Therefore the list of the states that purchased this aircraft very long. Randomly, France, Netherlands. Denmark. Turkey, Israel, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Norway, Finland or India. When the war has ended the Oxfords were modified to AS.65 Consul version intended for civil users. Wingspan: 16.26m, Length: 10.52 m, Max. Speed: 309kmhat2,500 m, Range: 1,454km, Service Ceiling: 7,180 m. Airspeed Airspeed AS. 10 Oxford byl navrzen podle specifikaci T.23/36, Mere pozadovaly dvoumotorovy cvicny a lehky dopravni letoun. Pfi jeho navrhu vysla firma ze sveho dopravniho stroje AS.6 Envoy. Prvni prototyp vzletl 19. cervna 1937. Seriova vyroba bezela az do roku 1945 a dala celkem 4411 ks v nekolika verzich. Hiavnimi verzemi byla MK.I bez veze a MK.ll se streleckou vezi pro vycvik stfelcu. Verze Mk.lil a Mklv nebyiy seriove vyrabeny. Verze Mk.V byla licencne se vyrabena v Kanade s motory P&W R-985. Konstrukcne byl Oxford samonosny dolnoplosnik s poloskofepinovym trupem a dfevenymi kffdly. Ve cvicne roll mel slouzit k vycviku stfelcu, navigatoru, radistu a bombometciku. Krome toho slouzil i jako namorni hlidkovy, sanitni nebo lehky dopravni ci bombardovaci letoun. Ox-box, jak jej nazyvali pfislusnici leteckeho personalu se stal hlavnim typem dvoumotoroveho cvicneho stroje pro Empire Air Training Scheme (EATS) a British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP). Diky tomu se na Oxfordu ucili letat letci ve Velke Britanii, Kanade, Australii, Novem Zelandu a dalsich statu Commonwealthu. Ve Velke Britanii slouzily Oxfordy jako spojovaci u letectva USA. Oxford byl uspesne exportovan, jak pfed valkou, tak behem ni a zejmena po valce. Proto je vycet statu, kde slouzil, velmi dlouhy, namatkou Francie, Nizozemi, Dansko. Turecko, Izrael, Ceskoslovensko, Svedsko, Norsko, Finsko nebo Indie. Po valce byly Oxfordy prestavovany pro civilni uzivatele na verzi AS.65 Consul. rozpeti: 16,26 m, delka: 10,52 m, max. rychlost: 309 km/h ve 2500 m, dolet: 1454 km, dostup: 7180 m, ® Spray masks for painting canopy ^^, Bam COM/GttHll Colour Ho. and yellow rims of national roundels 111 Cerna (£} Sve'le hneda ujjifM into ^UGHTBROWN ""'^ (flCemapneu H77/C137 (G\ zeleni H364,C364 ^3TIRE BLACK ^INTERIOR GREEN SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/ll "Commonwealth Service" 15 \CJ 20 SYMBOLS POUZl'T KYANOAKRYLATOVE LEPIDLO • OhlNOLiT ZHOTOVIT NOVE REZAT/VRTAT ('Xl NAT^tfT I OPTIONAL INSTANT CYANOACRYLATE GLUE BEND SCRATCH BUILD CUTOFF/DRILL GSI ^ COLOUR NACH BELIEBEN ZYArv^-KRYLATKl EEER BiEGEN F&RFIGSTELLEN ENTFfRNEN | ^ FARBEN ' OPTION ADHESIF CYANOACRYLAT I COURBER ACI-iEVtrR DETACHER C°IOUrS C™e PEINDRfc SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.!/l! "Commonwealth Service" SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/ll "Commonwealth Service' SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/ll "Commonwealth Service" B3 SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/ll "Commonwealth Sen-ice' CP6 CLEAR GREEN SH4S104-*lAirspeed Oxford Mk.lfll "Commonwealth Sen/ice" V_x SH48104 Airspeed Oxford A/Mr.,'/// "Commonwealth Service' For yellow rims of national insigmas used on Camo A and B that are in seme colour as the rest of the aircraft, firstly paint whole aircraft with yellow color Then apply the masks (green foil, whole orcies for fuselage - both camouflages, cut circles for lower wing roundels-only Camo A) on the positions of the national roundels and only then paint the aircraft with rest of the used camouflage colors. You car, use canopy masks (black foil) for all the included camouflages. Pro ferny znaku u kamuflazi A a B stejneho odstlnu z!ut&, jakoje zbarveni osiatnich cast! modeht, model nejprve nsbar^ete zluiou. A/a pozice znakti aplikujte masky (zeiend folie, cele kruhy trup - obe kamuflaze, -\ kruh kridlo zespoda - pouze kamuflaz A) a pak -\ daisf kamuf'azni bawy. Pro vsechny com, A -J kemuflaze muzete pouzt't masky na kabiny (cerna \foiie). —\—\ Airspeed Oxford Mk.//ll "Commonwedlth Service"^ Airspeed Oxford Mk.l NZ1376 (Britsky serial NH328), vyrobeny Airspeed Oxford Mk I NZ1376 (British serial NH328), produced by firmou Airspeed byldodan na NovyZelandvdubnu 1943. Pride/en Airspeed Company was delivered to New Zealand in April 1943. It bylkAirHeadquarters Calibration Flightu na zakladne Rongotai. was assigned to Air Headquarters Calibration Flight at Rongotai air base. CAM. A I +4 MASK Zluta tervenst Matni Cerna ' Yellow Red I Fist Black H329/C329 K3/C3 H1Z/C33 SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/l! Commonwealth Service OxfordMk.l, NZ1222/102 (BritskyserialN4656),vyrobeny Airspeed Oxford MkJ, NZ1222/102 (Britsky serial N4eS6). Cij de Havilland byl dodan na NovyZeland v dubnu 1940. produced by de Havilland Company was delivered to New Zealand in April 1940. - Zluti Matna Cerna Jfta,&m^ Tmava zslena _^f^n,^ Tmav6 hneda ...^rmr^ Nebeska modra ^-^-^ LeStdny kov ) Yellow ( \ Black J Dark Green Sky ( ) Polished metal H329/C329 H12/ C33 H73/C23 H74/C26 ^-±~^ MC21S SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/ll Commonwealth Service Airspeed Oxford Mk- I, 926/LW926, 1. SFTS RAAF. Poit Cook, Airspeed Oxford Mk. I, 926/LW926, 1. SFTS RAAF, Poit Cook, Victoria, Australie. Victoria. Australia. CAM. C C H I Zluts ^^__ Mains Cema .^a,™,,^ Listova zetena ^mm^_ Zemrte Hnedi Yellow < ) Flat Black Foliage Green flpMp Earth Brown H329/C329 m% C33 H302/C302 ^Kml^ H72/C2290%+ +H47/C41 SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/ll ..Commonwealth Service --speed Oxford Mk.I, 1510, RCAF, Central Flying School, Trenton, Airspeed Oxford Mk.l, 1510, RCAF, Central Flying School. • a-ada. 1942. Trenton, Canada. 1942. CAM. D 22 28 1 + 4 Zluta MafnaCe™ —ST3^, Leitinykov Yellow Flat Black ( :) Polished metal H32S/ C329 H12/C33 **Z*o&~ MC21S SH48104 Airspeed Oxford Mk.l/ll Commonwealth Service 1/48 scale plastic model kits by MPM Production j Production in the Commonwealth colours li <awk Trainer* ' ; I !i«48i057: mode/ 339-23 Buffalo "RAAF & USAAF" Spitfire m.VC "RAAF S USE CMK TOOLS AND WEATHERING PIGMENTS FOR YOU KITS H10IO HANDLE FOR OW SAWS - PRICELESS TOOL FOR R£SIN PARTS ADJUSTMENT fM01t CMK SANDING STICK •FOUR OIFFCSSHT GRIT ' Of SANSING PAPERS ON ONE SANOING STICK. weathering pigments ALL Of THS ABOVE ITEMS CAN SS FOUND AND OKDSRSD VIA OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE AND E-SHOP.........
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