The Christian’s Handbook of SCIENCE and PHILOSOPHY By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman THE CHRISTIAN’S HANDBOOK OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Other Materials Available By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman: * Bible Believer’s Commentary Series * Beginning and Advanced Bible Study Material * In-Depth Apologetics * Numerous Pamphlets on Selected Topics * Variety of Gospel Tracts * Audio Cassettes * Video Cassettes Also Available: * AV 1611 Bibles * Study Helps * Concordances * Biographies * Evangelism Material * Material by Other Authors and Speakers For FREE Current Catalog write: BIBLE BAPTIST BOOKSTORE P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534 The Christian’s Handbook of SCIENCE and PHILOSOPHY By Peter S. Ruckman B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D. President and Founder of Pensacola Bible Institute BIBLE BAPTIST BOOKSTORE P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534 Copyright © 1985 by Peter S. Ruckman All rights reserved Reprinted 2000 ISBN 1-58026-077-2 PUBLISHER’S NOTE The Scripture quotations found herein are from the text of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible. Any deviations therefrom are not intentional. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo­ copying, recording, or any information storage, retrieval system, multimedia, or Internet system, without permission in writing from the publisher. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Table of Contents PHILOSOPHY Chapter Page Introduction....................................................... vii 1 The Nature of Philosophy.............................. 2 2 The Philosophies............................................. 15 3 The Terminology of the Philosophers......... 40 4 The Philosophers............................................. 59 5 The Philosophers............................................. 73 6 The Big Three.................................................. 83 7 The “Christian” Philosophers........................ 98 8 The Europeans................................................. 107 9 Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush...... 119 10 The Lull Before the Grey Mush.................... 157 11 The Great Grey M ush..................................... 177 SCIENCE 1 The Nonscientific Nature of “Science” ........... 213 2 Scientific Facts vs. Religious Traditions....... 231 3 Once Upon a Time There was a Rock............. 243 4 The Miraculous Work of Blind Chance.......... 263 5 The Dissenting M inority................................... 283 6 Man is the Measure of all Machines................ 302 7 Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Robot....................... 319 8 God’s Joke on Scientists And Philosophers....................................... 338 Afterword.................................................................. 358 Table of Contents PSYCHIATRY Introduction........................................................................ 381 1 Out o f O rd er................................................................ 387 2 W ho D a t? ...................................................................... 396 3 “. And Sometimes I Wonder About T hee!” ..................................................... 414 4 A History o f “Going Bananas” ............................ 431 5 Is the Cure W orse than the D ise a se ? ................... 446 6 The Truth, the Whole Truth, And Nothing B u t.............................................. 463 7 The Bottom Line ....................................................... 469 Introduction The following constitutes a sort of Christian “handbook” that deals with the two greatest clowns that ever put on an act for unregenerate mankind: Science and Philosophy. It is the Apostle Paul who warns the child of God about both of these de­ praved imposters (see Col. 2:8 and 1 Tim. 6:20); and it is modern “Fundamentalists,” Charismatics, Catholics, Evangelicals, and Liberals who have re­ moved the warnings so the unwary will blunder into the net. (See the lengthy comments in The Bible Believer’s Commentary on Colossians, Col. 2:8.) The word “SCIENCE” has been carefully removed from every translation of the English Bi­ ble in the twentieth century (1 Tim. 6:20), includ­ ing the New King James Version (NKJV) translated by “Fundamentalists” and Southern Baptists. Someone in the Laodicean “last days,” before the Second Coming of Christ, wants Christians to worship the gods of the heathen. The gods of the heathen are Science and Philosophy. Both of these “gods” major in materialism and humanism', both of them magnify man and humanize God; both of them ignore Heaven and Hell; neither one preaches or believes in a New Birth (or its necessity); both of them lean to international socialism; both of them posit statements and “findings” that are com­ pletely irrational and irresponsible; and both of them promise man a “Golden Age” (Third Reich, Holy Roman Empire, Great Society, etc.) apart from God or the Bible. They are the two super clowns of man’s depravity. They are Barnum and Bailey’s choicest product, presented as intellectual, pro­ found, worthy, and worthwhile individuals to be respected and honored for their honesty and integ­ rity. We will here present them in their true light, the light of superior revelation (the Holy Bible), which has a great deal to say (Isa. 28-29, 40-48; Rom. 1; 1 Cor. 1-3; Psa. 14; Prov. 18) about such circus performers who have to paint a smile on their faces. We have also included in this “handbook” a third smaller handbook which might be called A Handbook of Psychiatry. We did not include this title in the book title since the word “psychiatry” does not occur in the Bible, and the discipline, after all, is merely the product of science and phi­ losophy. Psychiatry is the result of believing the findings of “science” and the teachings of philoso­ phy. When you combine the two they produce KOOKS. “In a day of illusions and utter confu­ sions, we base our conclusions on our delusions.” It is the delusions of Philosophy and Science that cause the confusions, as will be demonstrated in no uncertain terms. Upon completing The Christ­ ian’s Handbook of Science and Philosophy, the reader will have come to the conclusion that all of the “nuts” are certainly not in “Fundamentalist” circles, all of the wimps aren’t in the ropes, all of the ding-a-lings are not in bells, and all of the boobies are not in the “hatch.” What follows is the subject matter we have taught young men and women at the Pensacola Bible Institute from 1964 to 1985. We have omit­ ted the footnotes and references to give the work a more readable style. To give exact documentation for everything mentioned here would take about 200 footnotes per chapter, and long ago the source references for many of these facts have been lost. Many of them were from books in libraries scat­ tered all over the United States to which the author had access from time to time during his evangelis­ tic tours (1949-1985). Any reader familiar with the literature on catastrophic geology and creation- ism can recognize the sources for most of the facts given. We have included the section on Psychiatry for two reasons: first of all because 90 percent of the modern philosophers and scientists are just as “nutty as a fruitcake,” and secondly, because the end result of believing the “findings of science” and the theories of philosophers is a world com­ posed of one gigantic jungle tribe gone insane in­ side an electronic net of computerized trivia. Mod­ em classical music and modem art (since about 1900 or 1910) show the “informed” all too clearly what is going on: the animals in the jungle (90 percent of all scientists are evolutionists) are los­ ing what little minds they had (Rom. 1:22; Ecc. 9:3). It is Science and Philosophy in the main that are responsible for these animals going “bonkers.” Scientific advancement and scientific achievement take credit for bringing about this age, and every leader in this age (Bismarck, Einstein, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Marx, Freud, Planck, Glasser, Menninger, Lenin, Hitler, Pope Pius XII, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, Jack Kennedy, Eisenhower, Rock­ efeller, Nixon, Castro, Mao Tse-tung, Jim Jones, Idi Amin, Margaret Thatcher, Churchill, Russell, Wells, Dewey, et al.) had a philosopher and a phi­ losophy in his background. The early evolutionists (Smith, Darwin, Haekel, Huxley, Paley, et al.) were little more than pure philosophers. They philoso­ phized on what they found and called their phi­ losophies “SCIENTIFIC FACTS.” When these so-called “facts” are assembled, they constitute a circus without a tent. The thing that marks all of the major philosophers and all of the major scientists and all of the major psychia­ trists is their ignorance of the Bible, the written revelation of God. They seem unable to quote it properly (this will be demonstrated), to interpret it properly, to apply it properly, or even to discuss the history of it properly. It is almost as though all of them had a complex about a Book that terror­ ized them when they thought about looking into it. As a little boy said (when asked by his teacher why he didn’t ask his mother to tell him about a certain subject), “Well, ma’am, I just didn’t want to know THAT MUCH about it.” Scientists, philosophers, and psychiatrists remind us of the man who read so many articles in books and magazines about the “dangers of smoking” that he gave up READING. The illusion that the passage of time (espe­ cially great passages of time [see Science, p. 246]) changes things radically is a delusion (see Psy­ chiatry, p. 388) of the most dangerous sort. Time does absolutely nothing to change basic truths af­ ter they have been tried and tested more than 40,000,000 times on five continents through 6,000 years. The precepts laid down in Job and Proverbs (from 1000 to 1800 B.C.) are just as good and just as FIXED and absolute today (1985) as they were the day they were written. No intellectual with any amount of learning has ever added ONE thing to help mankind out since A.D. 90 unless it was some­ thing already written down in THE BOOK. Tem­ porary relief from pain, intermittent peace months between war years, and lengthening life to 70-90 instead of 40-60 years does not solve ONE MA­ JOR PROBLEM MAN EVER HAD.
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