T H E C O S S A C KS N THEIR HISTORY AND COUNTRY B Y “ RE SON W? P . C S A E A A N A . E . F. FORNIERLY S ECRETARY O L T C PT I , F THE AMERICAN EMB AS S Y A T PE TROGRA D ” AU TH O R O F PERS IA NEW YORK B R E N T A N O S 1 919 TED 1 1 BY COPYRIGH , 9 9 , B R E N T A N o S All nght s reserved To MY B ROTHER EMLEN VAUX CRESSON mO O Y L E -HAGDAD A m F UR JOU RNE A ONG THE TEH RAN C R 190 V N A L 0 . ARA A T I , CONTENTS C HAP TER “ I T H E R F R OP L . O IGIN O THE F EE PE E II O O OSS C S T H . E ZAP R GIAN C A K YERMAK A N D THE COSSAC K CON " U EST O F SIB ERIA B OGD AN H ME LN IC KY : A COSSAC K NATIONAL HERO T H E STRU GGLE F O R THE U KRAI NE . VI . II T H E E N D O F R U R N : L L V . THE F EE K AI E ITT E RU SSIA VIII . X I . X T H E O S S C S O F - DAY : R Z O . C A K To O GANI ATI N XI T H E OSS C S OF T o- DA Y : T H E D O N . C A K XII T H E RON E RS O F U ROP . F TI E E ILLUSTRATIONS i n ss ks Fronti ece Zaporog a Co ac . spi T h e old de f e nde rs Of t h e P olish and Russi an f ron t ie rs ag ainst t h e Tar t ars w ri ting a l e t te r of defiance t o t h e S ult an. A Zaporogian Cossack ’ mk s r in i ri Yer a Ma ch S be a S t at u e of Bogdan T h H t mn Pl t v e e a a o Sketc h Map of t h e "principal Cossack T errit ories of t h e Pr esent D ay . Kouban Cossacks “ ” of i i A nd Cossacks t h e Wil d D vis on. FOREWORD O weave a connected narrative fr om the known episodes of Cossack histor y woul d be a diffi cult and , in many ways , an impossible task . Such r r a work would , mo eover , involve yea s of patient prepar ation and resear ch f or authentic records concerni ng the subj ect are onl y to be f O Lmd scat t e r e d as isolated chapters or par agraphs among the hi ; pages of Russian , Polish and Turkish story r Poets and native ba ds were , generally Speaking, “ the chief histor ians of the Cossacks or Free ” of People . The guiding traditions their race , like r ar e un those Of all pasto al peoples , to be fo d in olkst orie s songs , ballads and f , rather than in written records . Yet the national ideals thus orally main t aine d have lost nothing thereby in strength or khor ov of influence . The Cossack ballads and od r the p esent day, like those of earlier times, teach r h e tman love of f eedom , loyalty to comrades and , and a sturdy devotion to the privileges which the courage of their forefathers obtained for them in the past . Cossack folktales differ in many respects from the heroic legends and peasant by- lines of the North . They possess , moreover, a characteristic vi FOREWORD strain praise of j oyous adventure and glad living all their own . Filled with the spirit of “ ” of n the Free Steppes , they tell hard k ocks given and taken for the sheer love of fight ; of struggles desperate and bloody, followed by Gargantuan feasting and debauch . Doughty feats with the wine - cup are honoured almost equally with deeds of war . In all these romances the dominant note is the praise of personal liberty and of a freedom often degenerating into license . h did or - W ile the Cossack , ballad mongers , frankly celebrate the deeds of their heroes in a measure of exaggeration permitted by patriotism l and and poetic icense, the more ambitious labored “ histor ical works of cer tain Polish and Russian writers onl y furnish an account SO mani festly par tial and pr e j u dice d that they have little more schol arly authority than the Cossack folklore tales . A g reat hi storical romance has added to this con All con fusion . that is generally known abroad cerning the most glorious epoch of Cossack history is contained in the heroic pages of the late Henryk o Sienkiewicz . In these masterpieces f fiction the part played by the tyrannical oppressors of the Cossack patriot Bogdan is lauded to the skies , and “ ” every act of his base - b omfoll owers t oo often tr eated with a fine if unconvincingly nobiliary con tempt . S alvand To French historical authorities , y, Ram baud and notably Lesur (to whose H istoire des FOREWORD vn K osa ues 1 8 1 4 acknowl q , published in , the author edges himself especially indebted ) we Owe a more ’ r obj ective t eatment of the Cossack s story . Fol lowing their lead the writer will attempt in his work to dispel something of the ig norance so strangely per sistent outside of Russia with respect to the origin and Significance of this military caste “ or . r people The te m Cossack , while generally applied to a char acte ristic branch of the old Russian om cavalry service more properly designates a c r munity of wa like clans loosely bound together by \ r r r the common tradition of a long and sti ing histo y . If dur ing the closing decades of the imperial system “ ” the Cossack nations became more or less ide nt i fie d w of ith the other peoples the Russian empire , they wer e nevertheless permitted through the strength of their free traditions and the importance t o r r of of their services the state , to etain the ma ks an outstanding individuality a policy wholly in opposition to the great unifying aim of Russian imperialism . It is the proudest boast of the Cossacks of t o day as of their forbears of the Ukraine that they have never been classed as serfs nor for a mo ment lost their freeman ’ s instinct for the principles of r of a libe ty . While the peasants North Russi - were bowed in shameful sil hmission t o the Great “ ” Princes of Moscow and later to the dark forces ’ of the Tsar s court and the Baltic - Ger man official d m t he s r the o of the capital on the Neva, hi to y of viii FOREWORD Cossack inhabitants of the southern steppes was ( as we shall later see) a long epic of heroic resistance to r the encroachments of autocracy. If thei distrust mu k of the infinite docility of the o j i class has often made them in the past the blind instruments of im reaction , their loyalty to Tsardom has never pli ed any abdication of the privileges guaranteed their own caste . While the organization of the present Cossack armies is the outcome of a system which may gen " ” - e r all I . E . y be termed Democratic Feudalism , a popular system of land tenure in return for mil itary ’ r me service to the Old eg i their basic traditions r we e essentially free and republican . In spite of r - thei old time loyalty to the Tsar , the Cossack tr oops of the army and notably those about the imperial court were among the first to raise the standard of revolt during the constructive changes of 1 9 1 7 . March, The return of the Cossacks to the side of popul ar government was but the logical out of come the whole trend of their history . In order to understand the significance of the p r esent Cossack movement in Southern Russia and “ ” the diff er ence separating the former Free People of mu iki the Russian Empire from the o j or peas ant r of r y the north , some knowledge of their histo y and origin is essential . The following pages onl y attempt to sketch sub the outlines of their Ject , yet so far as the author is aware no more comprehensive study of Cossack FOREWORD ix l a ife and history has ppeared in English . T h e chapter which traces the early history and develop ment of the Cossack race is little more than a syn opsis of facts forming part of a much broader subj ect : the history of the growth and expansion of . r i Modern Russia Elsewhe e in th s narrative , ff os an e ort has been made to follow, whenever p of n sible , the colourful style the origi al Cossack r legends and sou ces . These latter are almost always biographical and fragmentary yet they give a vivid picture of their time and subj ect . The story Of ’ Y e rmak s heroic march through the twilight of the northern forests and his discovery and conquest of ’ Siberia ; of B og dan s fight for the Cossack liberties ’ against the proud nobles of Poland ; of Mazeppa s almost forgotten part in the epic struggle between Charles XII of Sweden and Peter the Great for the Empire of the North ; of the strange outbreak of “ ” savagery led by the False Tsar P oug at ch ev the eighteenth century forerunner of the mob leaders of our own day are matters of interest to h t e general reader .
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