i F. i- ;i I.. Pianist Ramsey Lewis Indiana centra I co IIege Begins Artist Series ’3 A popular pianist, an auto-safety critic, a Shakespearian comedy, a lyric soprano, and an instrumental trio will consti- tute the 11th annual Artist Series at Indiana Central College during 1DGS-GD. The nnenlnc number nil1 he the .. and advocate of increased automo- the demani for tickets exceeds the .I bile and highway safety, will speak auditorium’s seating capacity. Volume 49 Indianopolis, Indiana Wednesday, September 25, 1968 No..- 1 on Saturday, Nov. 23. His hook “Unsafe at Any Speed” became a best seller. A graduate of Prince- HOMECOMING ton University and Ilarvard Uni. ~ Central’s Epic Program IC Represented at versity Law Sehool. Nadar is an ardent and articulate exponent of applying engineering; legal and Central Becomes Besins- Next Phase Church Conference medical skills’ lo enhance motor- The approval by Indiana Central’s Board of Trustees of a . The xortll Jurisdictional ing safety. A Disnevland . $5 million capital campaign moves the college into a new C,nlerence of the United &retho. The National Shakespeare Co. of phase of its plan to raise $25 million by 1985. dist Church was held at. Peoria; New York City will appear on Fri- EPIC day, Jan. 10, in “Taming of the For Three Days At present, the announced plans Ill., July kith Indiana Cen- 25-29, Shrew.” This will he the talented Under the leadership of Senior are 13 construct four new buildings New Central tral College represented hy.Prof. troupe‘s fourth yearly visit. Prev- 97 Doretta Coddington, the annual to accumodate the increased en- Russell Rayburn and Dr. Marshall iously it had presented “Twelfth Night,” “illuch Ado About Noth- llomccoming cvents will begin on roumentand Indiana Students Granted Chamberr, director of church re- Central. Tho first building will he ing.” and “As You Like It;’ and Thursjay. Oet. 3 and culminate on lations. Prof. Rayburn rciired last each was well received. tkc dormitory now under eonstruc- Saturday, Oet. 5. $45,345 In Aid jeir. from the education faculty Berice Fraction, a talented young tion on the horseshoe adiaeent to A bonfire an3 hwtenany wiU ~i~,~t~~~~~~high school gradu- cf Indiana Central, hut is still serv- singer who now lives in Indianap- lead off the celebration at 8:W clis, will give a concert at the eol- the present u’onlcns‘ dormitories’ ntes who will enter Indiana Cen- ing on a part-time basis. p.m. on Thursday evening. Friday Also included in this expansion tral Collegc this fall have been mv0 important decisions were lege on Friday, nlarch 21. She has program are: additions to LiUy awarded scholarships an3 grants that affect Indiana. One was appeared with the Indianapolis uill see the coronation of the Symphony Orchcstra, and in other the Ilomecoming Queen who Science Hall to provide,morc space t3taling 515,345. This ‘vas an* Of Dr. James Arm- is se- nounced by Leo S. Miller, College the concerts and recitals in Indianap- lected by the vote of the student clis, St. Louis, New York, Wash- lor the science program and ‘’ business manager who is chairman strong, pastor of Broadway United body from five girls nominated by hsu~cthe Nursiug Department; a cf the Admissions and Student Aid nlethodist Church, of Indianapolis, ington, and Boston. IIer career he- swimming pool to he built onto the Committee. gan in high school and church C-Club as enndidates. This year’s to the episcopaey. Bishop Arm. choirs. Her voice teachers included queen candidatcs are: Bev. Astell, present Schwitzer Center; and in- The .Individual amounts ranged strong has acti,.; in^ affairs from $80 to $1,200 a year. based on cn the college campus and has Jennie Tourel and Boris Coldovsky. senior; Nancy Fedowik, se$w; creased Mrs. Fraction has sung in “The for the Physiyl, a ,yriety of factors, including........ mer--. spoken at.several convocation and Jane nliddlesworth, junior; Jo Vos, Education department. it and need, he stated, Ilessiah,” ’-“The Magic -Flute/’ .--. - _. chaF,el programs. The second deci- “The Great Mass in C illinor,” sochomore: and Debbie Stohler. “Indiana has Indianapolis a n d surrounding ri3n was that should he “Faust,” and other famous works. sophomo&. its present campus up lo area recipients and their high composed of and The Corcnation ccremony will he dat in many Ways;’ stated I’resi- schools are Sandra Alexander, are^. The Lyric Trio, whieh is enter- de” Eseh.’ “It is a modern Cam- Northwest Iligh School; Douglass During the Conference a dramat- followed at 7:30 by a movie in P’ ing its second year as an arlist-in- Iianshurn. “One Potato, Two Po- PUS. IIon-ver, a g*nW .student ‘Decker, Southport; Vicki ~eeson,ic was presented by and improved residence group at Indiana Cen- tato.” a<d later bv a street dance. (frcm Creenmmd) Chartrand; 5011- Christian Theological . seminaryss have resulted in a situation where nio nraun, ~~~~t~~central; Sher. tral,.will present the final program Saturday will he the final day of D rama Department. Central’s on Friday, April 18. The trio’s festivities and will he highlightcd we are literally at the ry 5ronn;Broa~ Ripple; Jon Bur- Prof. Richard Williams and former seams. members are Arthur Tabachnick, by the .~~judging of the dimlays and roughs. Tech; Cynthia professor Robert Coker played violinist, who is eoncertmasler of dormitory room decorations from ‘This next step is a nwessary ter; Manual; Lavada Carter, IIar- leading rolls, Prof. Lamber. the Indianapolis Symphony Or- 1020 to 1l:M) a.m. This year’s one if we are to meet the cbal- ry E. Wood; hlaryDalton. John F. son of the department as. chestra; Dorothy Munger, who is theme is “Disneyland.” Prizes will lenge of the immediate future. It Kennedy; 5 ren d 3 Dougherty, in the prduction. the offieial pianist for the sympho- be awarded for the best class, is part of a long-range Plan to cre Greenwood; Carol Dumm, South- The -Gen6ration ny; and Shirley Evans Tabach- club and dorm display. A football ate a college worthy of our city port: Ruth Gallitin, Speedway: of Indiana Centralcollege present. nick, principal cellist with the or- game between the Central Grey- and state.” Dennis Gibbons, Northwest; Scott cd a program. chestra. illrs. Alungcr and Tahach- kcunds and the Manchester Groff. Greenwood: Leva Ham- Tm nond, Southport; . Linda IIawes. ICC Will Bc Host To (I r o m Acton) Triton Central; Admissions Congrcss Elaine IIopwood, Ben Davis: Da- vid lioyt, Alanual: AM Beth Kratz, For Ind. Counselors Arlington; Patricia Ley, Char- ’ t. : For’ the second consecutive year trand; Dulcie nlagee. 5en.Davls; Dxtha May, Tech; Maynard ilk- Indiana Central will host the Ad- Kinky, Southport; Gary ‘Parrish, rissions Conses, a convention of lrarrv E. Wood: Daniel Pride. irontation of counselors from var- y ied~ ~ ~~ levels of education is to give~ Wcstcrn civ. Shows college representatives’the oppor- Two Films for Closscs tnnity to present their institution on ancient civilization to rehook‘ TLmely will be shovrn to IIiStory of West- speeches by weUMormed and ex- ern Civilization classes on Friday, ’. perienced speakers attempt to pre- Sept, in the Recital lIau. J , scnt the student environment in hot11 collegcs and high schools.‘ At . “Greece: ThC Colden Age*’ - the umominn- Congress.. Dr. J. D. traces the dramatic achievements 7 ?+ Dawron, former vice-president and in literature an;l,4art during the dean of Antioch College. will dis- of Cre;k civilization. A CUSS the “Student Climate.“ brief companion film, “Rivers of Last year’s Congress was nota- ble for the first’two.day con. Time;’ similarily traces the rise vention and for an outstanding at- of and influence of earlier civiliza- tendance by over 800 registered tions of the Near East. ’ eounselors. Anyone interesled‘is welcome to AlanY Central students from In- attend the film showings, whieh . diana were able to locate and talk be each class period the day with their former high school coun- Eelors and such opportunities will from 8:40 A.M. to 4:M) P.M. in the Opening the Artist Series, Ramsey Lewis will give a piano concert an. Paul K. Smith, Mrs. Horabelle Friday, Oct. 5, Homecoming eve. Wilson, and hlrs. JlcBride:.. I ..’:, . he possible again this year. Recital Ilall. ... , 78860 L. The Reflector would like to rec- Due thanks to the administra- Hi. I’m the voice of your Reflector. In the coming school ommend that YOU have an “aftair” tion for improving,and speeding UP New Beginning ’ + year you’ll probably hear my voice speak to you through with sommnc this fall. why? Be- the registratip he. Also thanks Wednesday, Sept. 25 - Honor- Bright and her co-work- able Colin Jackson - IIouse. of print. First o,f all I want to we~comeall students to Indiana plccause around there this are campus,a lot of lonelyand you’re peo- goers’for to their helpful and COUrtWuS Commons, London. Central College, especially those bewildered freshmen! The responsible for them, service that thcy Offered the stu- Mday, Sept. n - To Be An- “older” and morc “stationary” Centralites have a number Ydu*re responsible because you dents who have purchased books. norneed. one job in making the new students feel welcome at Indiana dcn’t smile at them. You’re tw notebooks. Pencils. from the Atonday, Sept. 30 - Dr. Edward ’ Central. wrapped up in your problems bookstore. The first day was made de Bono. to initiate communication with a little less hectic because of these 5 Wednesday, September 25, 1968 REFLECTOR Pose Three i k ? I i % C . Fifteen new persons joined the Conimunity Hospital of' Indianapo- IIe taught in several public school schools.
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