ANCESTRY and DESCENDANTS of AMAZIAH HALL and BETSEY BALDWIN Compiled by EDITH BARTLETT SUMNER 960 South Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles 6, California 1954 Lithoprinted from Author's Typescript, By American Offset Printers, Los Angeles, Calif. FOREWORD The Ancestry and Descendants of Samuel Bartlett and Lucy Jenkins, published in 1951, set forth the first half of the lineage of Henry6 Baker Bartlett (1856-1920), This present work constitutes the second half. Consequently, only an out­ line of this Bartlett family is included here for the sake of clarity of reference. The Bartlett-Jenkins Ancestry consisted principally of Plymouth Colony families and contained several lines to the Kayflower. This Baldwin-Hall Ancestry consists primarily of Connecticut families, although a few from Rhode Island are included. It contains no Kayflower lines but does include a number of important families. These have been traced back to ancient English lines; for example, the Bruen family is given in detail to 1209,with full documentation. Several of Governor William Leete's royal lines are also given. Two articles of general interest have been placed after the lineages-there is a sketch of the town of Guilford, in or near which many of these families settled; also informa­ tive selections from the voluminous manuscript left by Hannah Hall Bartlett (1817-1906), The illustrations include properly authenticized coats­ of-arms for eleven families; also reproductions of two state­ ments in Hannah Hall Bartlett's own hand-writing, which are of value to descendants for proof of lineage. Abbreviations are obvious: b.,born; m.,married; d,,died; dau.,daughter; c before a year (cl847), circa, about. Baldwin or Hall ancestors occurring in other families are in capitals (upper case). DATES. The calendar correction by Gregory XIII in 1582 was immediately adopted by all Catholic countries, but not by England or her colonies until 1752, Before then the new year began on Karch 25, causing the confusing double-dating, as January 14, 1722/3. After 1752 this became JAnuary 14, 1723, "new style," In this compilation the double dates have been given when possible. CONTENTS Family sketches: Alcock, 1 Baldwin, 3 Barnes, 16 Bartlett, 18 Bishop, 21 Bowers, 27 Bradfield, 33 Bruen, 35 Butler, 49 Chittenden 51 Cook, 54 Cruttenden, Crittenden, 56 Dimmock, 58 Downs, 60 Edwards, 62 Evarts, 65 Frisbie, 69 Goldham, 72 Goodrich, 73 Gregson, 75 Hall, John, - 80 Hall, William, 93 Harrison, 95 Hazard, 101 Hull, 103 Hyland, Highland, 105 Ives, 107 Johnson, 109 Kimberly, 112 Lawton, 120 Leete, 126 Mowry, 136 Munger, 139 Paine, 143 Parmelee, 145 Rogers, 150 Rose, 156 Sheafe, 161 Shelley, 167 Shearman, Sherman, 173 Shute, 185 Family sketches, continued: Smith, George, 188 Smith, Henry, 190 Stent, 192 Taintor, 195 Tripp, 199 Tyler, 202 Wardwell, Wardell, Waddell, 205 Whitehead, 210 Wilkinson, 214 Guilford, sketch of, 216 Grandma's Story, 218 ILLUSTRATIONS Chart, ancestry of Betsey Baldwin, before page 1 Chart, ancestry of Amaziah Hall, before page 1 Coats-of-Arms: Baldwin, 3 Bowers, 27 Bruen, 35 Chittenden, - 51 Gregson, 75 Lawton, 120 Leete, 126 Sheafe, 161 Sherman, 173 Shute, 185 Wardwell, 205 Reproduction of Hannah Hall Bartlett's letter accompanying gift of pewter plate, with ac­ count of Eber Hall's return from Valley Forge, facing page 14 Reproduction of second page of Hannah Hall Bartlett's letter to granddaughter Adaline Bartlett Sinsabaugh, with information necessary for her D.A.R. application, facing page 92 .Zach~Baldwin .James4Baldwin .John3 Baldwin .George2 Baldwin .Johnl Baldwin John Baldwin "Maryl Bruen John Bruen "Deborah4 Rose .John3 Rose John2 (Robt)) Rose 0 • 4 Phoebe2 Ives Wm!& Hannah Ives "Hannah Tyler .Peter3 Tyler .Roger2 Tyler Roger1 Tyler s:t: "Ann "" . "Hannah2Whitehd .Johnlwhitehead '0 • -- & Eliz.Alcock "'. 0 ••➔• 2 ol • Martha Bradfld LeslielBradfield i:Q • ·nesire5Parmele .Tim.4 Parmelee .Joshua2Parmelee .John2 Parmelee .John1 Parmelee <O : "Hannah I• ;,... :Hannah Q). :Alice3 Edwards .Thomas2Edwards .William! Edwards ...,Ill• . "Abigail •Ann Q). i:Q. 0 Desire2 Barnes .Johnl Barnes "Dorothy3 Stent .Eleazer2 Stent .Eleazer1 Stent · (Elizabeth?) "Eliz.2 Butler John&Dinah Butler 2 •. Hannah!\togers . Samuel 4Rogers .John3 Rogers .Noah Rogers • WilliamlRogers Thomas Rogers "Anne Hall :Eliz.3 Taintor .Mich'l2Taintor Charles1 Taintor "Elizabeth2Rose Robt.&MargeryRose 0 Lydia3 Frisbie .John2 Frisbie Edwd. l& Hannah Frisbie 0 Ruth3 Bowers .John2 Bowers .George1 Bowers ·Barbaral Smyth :Rebecca2Gregsoo Thos,&JaneGregson :Hannah5Harrison ,Nathl~Harrison .Nathl.3Harrison .Thos. 2Harrison Richard1 Harrison ·MrsDor~thyThompson :Hannah2 Frisbie .Edward Frisbie ·Hannah :Thankful2Wil- .Edward1Wilkinson kinson "Rebecca2 Smith Henry & Anne Smith .Eber6 Hall .Eber5 Hall .Hiland4 Hall .Thomas3 Hall ,Samuel2 Hall Johnl & Esther Hall : Elizabeth2cook Thomas1& Eliz. Cook "Mary2 Hiland .Georgel Hiland "Hannah2Crut'den Abr1•Mary Cruttenden .-c. :Rachel4Bishop .Daniel3Bishop .John2 Bishop John & Ann Bishop .-c. oS • ·susanna2Goldam Henryl&susanna Goldam =: :Mary3 Hall .John2 Hall Williaml Hall r--. "Eliz. 2 Smith Georgel Smith I• 4 .d. "Mary Shelly . John3 Shelly .Shubae12shelly .Robertl Shelly oS • -..c· ·susanna(Dimock?) Thomas Dimock? "Mrs Mary Evarts "Jerusha4Leete .Joshua3 Leete .Gov. Wm.l Leete John Leete r "Annel Payne Rev. John Payne · Mary3 Munger .John2 Munger .Nicholas1 Munger ·sarah2 (Andrewl) Hull : Mary3 Evarts .James2 (Johnl) Evarts "Lydia2(Richl)Goodrich :Abigai15 .Abr.4Kimberly .Nathl~Kimberly .Nathl?Kimberly .ThomaslKimberly .Abraham Kimberly Kimberly "Alice Awood ·Katherine Howe · Mary (Miriam) :Hannah2 Downs Johnl& Mary Downs ·11ary4 Sherman .Benj :3 Sherman .Benj .3 Sherman .Philiplshearman Samuel Shearman ·sarah1 Odding "Hannah2 Mowry .Rogerl Mowry "Mary2 Johnson Capt.John1 Johnson "Mary3 · Lawton .Robert2 Lawton .Georgel Lawton George Lawton "Eliz.2 Hazard Thomas1& MarthaHazard :Mary3 Wodell .Gershom2 Wodell William& Mary Wardell · Mary2 Tripp .John1 Tripp "Mary2(Anthonyl) Paine 1 ALCOCK Children of --- ALCOCK, probably of Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, or Leicestershire, England: 1 George1 , cl604. D.,1640. M.l,cl625, [Anne?] (Thomas1) Hooker, of Marshfield, co. Leicester, a sister of Rev. Thomasl Hooker, M.A., founder of Hartford, Conn. She d.,1630; 1 son. M.2,cl635, Eng., Elizabeth l son. She m.2,1641, Henry Dingham of Watertown,Mass. 2 Thomasl, cl609. D., Dorchester,Mass., 1657. Wife Mary; d.bef.1639; 3 daus. [Dau. Elizabeth2 b. Dedham;Mass., 1638, m.l, 5-6-1656, Joseph Soper, Mariner (d.,cl683); 8 chil.; m.2,cl684, a Mr Helman. Mrs Elizabeth Soper, was ancestor of FLORAS REBECCA BLAKE, who m.1879, HEN­ Ry6 BAKER BARTLET!'.) Thomas m.2,1639, Margery---; 6 chil. Margery m.2, as 2d wife, John Benham (d., New Haven, Conn., 1661). Thomas Alcock came in Winthrop Fleet, 1630; joined Boston church, 1631; freeman, 1635; signed Dedham Covenant, 1636. He instituted suit for the WHITEHEAD boys in 1647. (See ELIZABETH, below.) 3 ELIZABETH ALCOCK was born in England, and no doubt died there. She married a Mr Whitehead, and was living, appar­ ently a widow, at Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, Eng., on March 10, 1647, when she wrote her brother Thomas Alcock for word of her two young sons, who had been sent over to their uncle George Alcock in care of Francis Hall, but who instead kept them in Connecticut. Leamington Priors is three miles east of the market town of Warwick, and ninety miles north­ west of London. See WHITEHEAD. From Thomas Aspinwall's Notarial Records: Mr Thomas Alcocke, Loueing and kind brother my love remem­ bered unto you & my sister & on yor children, hoping in God that you are in good health as I and my children are at this present time, now praised be the Lord for it. Brother the cause of my writinge to you is this, I heard not from you a greats while until ml' RICHARD Wright brought me newes that you were well, but he could tell me nothing, concerning my children web is a great griefe unto mee. The parting from them was a great griefe unto mee web brought me neare unto death but the Lord in mercie raised me up againe, 2 Alcock blessed be the Lord for his mercie unto mee. But since Mr Wright came [went] over & can tell me no newes from the~ w<:h is a great griefe unto mee, & I am afraid that they are not well because it pleased God to take away my Brother [George] out of this world before they were able to help themselves. wch makes mee the more fearefulle that they be not s0 looked unto as if it bad pleased Almighty God that hee had lived for then he would have beene a father to them by his pmise to mee. Yet if they be wth any of his friends I hope they will use them well for his sake. Brother my love remembered unto xrs Alcocke & her chil­ dren, hoping in God that they are in good health, the Lord revive his mercie unto them. And Brother my earnest desire is that you would be pleased to doe so much for mee as to send mee a lettre from you of them, &who they be wth, & what trade they be. I should be very glad to see you or them if it might please God that it might be soe; if not, I must be content as well as God will give mee leave. The Lord in mer­ cie to blesse us all & give us all grace to serve him as we ought to doe. And so I rest yor loveinge sister ELIZABETH WHITEHEAD of Lemintun priors. Anno oni 1647 Dated the 10 day of March F Francis Hall had my children over wth him,he did live in Buckingtun parish where my Uncle Darbie lives, before he came [went) over, but I doe not know whereabout he is plant­ ed, whether neere unto you or far of. He sent a lettre or two unto his father since he came [went] over, but nothing of my children, yeh makes the more doubtful! of them. This is a true copie of such a lettre presented to mee by Thomas Alcock aforesaid.
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