*r-o<D er =o> 5" 5-0 STO._| 3 «• =- — o> =r ;- 3 3 <D S» • EAR BATCH COVER SHEET Establish an Administrative Record EPA HA * 542 Part I: Client Documents BATCH NTXBER Site Ka»e Site Number 542-0! Client Contact EPA or State Date Received front Client Received by ZM Date Returned to Client. Returned by__________ Part II: Microfilm Blovbacks Copy Set Kunber (Circle One)_ I 2_ t 3 QC of Copies by__________ Date o Part III: Coding Coded by_ _Date_ QC by __ Date Edit QC/Cnanges by_ Date_ Edit QC/Cnanges by_ _Dat«_ Edit QC/Cbanges by_ Date NOTICE: if the film Image is less clear than this notice, it Is due to the quality of the document being filmed DIA 002 %^^Sl3MiSll '.> ? E •i o*> \ 3 a o O(< =0 u £ ff\ 8° •o »t 11 c ft <£-|8 (0 &_X k. ti - •o • .C >» • * H? 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M «l H1 -fi i K • u • .e « <J * * J8 J 33 - -o ••< • «j.rf 0 •< O tl ••« O i-l ••< •-> * O W ™ W >H > b > .0 •* W § « 6 *r S3£& 5 1 2 = /i ^n/ j o1 u1. j1? •2 0.0 ?£•=< o _»«< . • DEPARTMENT Of HCALTH t, HUMAN SERVICES Hctlth S»rvi» '(A r OIMIM Memorandum °o » Review of 2,3,7,8-Tetraehlorodlbenzodloxln (TCDD) contamination In the 'Ironbound District' of Newark, New Jersey Dear the Diamond-Shamrock facility, 80 Lister Avenue, Newark, New Jersey. A request for a review of available information regarding the remediation of off-site 2.3,7.8-tetrachlorodibenzodloxln (TCDD) contamination in community accessible areas of Newark. New Jersey, known as the Ironbound District (Figure 1), was submitted to the Chronic Diseases Division of the Center for Environmental Health for review by R. Spear. Chief of the Surveillance and Monitoring Branch of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Iteglon II In Edison, New Jersey. The EPA requested a review of their remedial activities strategy plan for possible public health significance. This plan does not outline their remedial action activities, but rather defines the community areas of identified contamination and describes whether remedial activities, additional sampling, or no additional work la planned. The Diamond-Shanrocfc/Diamond Alkali site (henceforth to be called 80 Lister Avenue) is an old 2.4,5-T production facility located at 80 Lister Avenue wblch is on the Passalc River in an Industrialized area of Newark. NJ. This •lie was evaluated for TCDD contamination by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in May 1983. This on-slte sampling revealed TCDD O contamination of up to 60 parts per billion (pbb) at the South gate and 5100U ppb under a storage tank. Subsequently, the site was designated for remedial O work by the EPA. Extensive EPA sampling has occurred throughout the area to ro determine the extent and levels of contamination. The EPA found an extensive amount of contamination near Lockwood Avenue and Euclid Avenue. This contamination was suspected to have occurred because reaction vessels anJ oil .tanks were, at a previous time, removed from the 80 Lister Avenue facility and dismantled at Brady Iron and Metal Works located at the Lockwood Avenue and Euclid Avenue Intersection. It is presumed that contaminated dirt and soil found in close proximity to the Brady Iron Works was due to wind and water dissemination from the Brady site. Tbe EPA has developed a remedial action plan which will address specifically defined sones within the Ironbound District. They developed the plan bated upon Information contained in a CDC document entitled ~Uc*lth Implication* oi • CO Page 2 - Stephen Kargolli, Ph.D. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodlbenzo-p-dioxln (TCUD) Contamination of Retldentlal Soil". and based upon the CDC developed risk assessment for TCDD In residential aotl. The Ironbound District (study area) was defined as tb« areas bordered by the Paasalc liver on the North and Northwest, the Nev Jersey Turnpike on the East, and the Pulaski Skyway on the South. The area was divided Into 8 zones, eacU classified as residential or commercial. The total study srss and zones are depicted on Figure 2. IPA KISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The EPA risk management strategy proposes different plans for residential sad commercial cones. Toe proposed plan for residential zones would "pose s level of concern sad renedlatlon or further sampling' ct 0.78 ppb TCDD. This Is the level st which they would have a 951 confidence that the value was not actually greater than 1 ppb. In commercial cones, the KPA Region II. following the CDC guidance (Klmbrough et.al.) which suggested that a level of concern may not necessarily be reached unless levels are several fold or more above 1 ppb, determined that a level of 5 to 7 ppb TCDD sstlsfactorily met this criteria for the commercial areas around the 80 Lister Avenue site. The ETA legion II developed the following commercial cone guidelines} 1. Soil concentrstlons below 5 ppb TCDD, where movements of soil or dust is mot a problem, indicate no further action Is necessary. 2. Soil concentrations between 5 ppb and 7 ppb, where movement vf soil or dust is not a problem, ere of concern when geographically grouped temples indicate an area has an average soil TCUD concentration greater than 5 ppb. 3. Soil concentration between 7 ppb and 100 ppb TCDD are high and dial action Is Indicated. k A. Soil concentration above 100 ppb TCDD are very high and extensive dlation is required. BESIDEKTIAL ZONES O TCDD values in residential zones 2, the Roosevelt Homes Housing Project, and o 4, the HawkIns Street School area, were all reported to be below the CDC 10 action level of 1 ppb for residential property (0.78 ppb statistical level). The areas of concern in residential cone 1, along Joseph and Esther Streets and oo the block of Albert Avenue between these two streets, are 1) the area around M Joseph Street; 2) the parkwaya on either side of Albert Avenue between Joseph and Esther Streets; 3) the psrkwsy on Lockvood Street near the coraer of Albert Avenue; and 4) the area extending from the yerd at 22 Joseph Street to the parkways on both sides of Esther Streets. For these four sites of contamination, remedial activities srs planned. The EPA also identified one sample in parkway soil with TCDD contamination of 1.2 ppb with multiple surrounding sanples with no dloxin detected. They speculate that the contamination was probably due to the sprsad of contaminated dust, recommend no further action. « c o » 5 [=Q -?•«——• O ZJ§ J^ • 2>«< * » m| 2. »* 5" "> „. Page 3 - Stephen Margolls, Ph.D. The EPA identified no sress of concern in residential sone 3. the Hayea Park East area, but they did have three samples above the statistical limit of 0.78 ppb. One sweep saaple wss 0.78 ppb, and no further action va« suggested. Uns i e» ? — parkway soil saaple, on the cornar of Raymond Blvd. sad Foundry Street, contained 1.1 ppb TCDD. They sgsln speculate that the contamination is the result of scattered contaminated dust, aad rscoamsnd no further action. Th« third contaminated location was a soil sampls taksn between 114 and 118 Waydell Street. Since surrounding samples contain no detectlble dloxln, they suggest no further action; but they suggest that additional sampling might be useful* COMMERCIAL ZONES The commercial areas surrounding the 00 Lister Avenue alee have been divided into 4 tones. Commercial cone 1 consists of the 80 Lister Avenue site aad propertiea bordering the site that were also highly contaminated; cone 2 consists of the Brady Iron and Metal property and the area iaiMdlately surrounding this property which includes the Hlldemana property, the old Morris Canal Bed, the Pulaski Skyway reap parkway, aad extends East to Lockwood Street and North to Euclid Avtaue; sone 3 consists of the commercial and industrial properties bordering Lockwood Street, extending fro* Albert Avenue oo the North to KayBond Boulevard on the South which Includes part of the Pulaski Skyway off-ramp; and, cone 4 consists of all remaining commercial and industrial properties In the study area not defined in xonea 1,2, or 3. Commercial zone 1 has had extensive temporary remedial actions conducted which Included a cover on the entire ground surface of the 80 Lister Avenue site.
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