National Circulation, ’Above 500,000; Denver Catholic Register, 20fi52 I. 11 I < COLORED APOSTOUTE GROWS RAPIDLY IN DENVER <ii . I'I» Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1941—Permission to Reproduce, Excepting • J • Durango’s Qem of Beauty, on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue I wliose yalue is estimated at tSO,QOO, was constructed at a cost of $20,000 through the donation of work I by parishioners and the “priest in overalls,” the Rev. Anthony Sagrera, GR., pastor, who directed the 3rd Convert Class I I work and actually did a large part of it himself. The building, which teats 400 easily, boasts of malty I modem features and gives the Spanish-American people of Durango an unusually attractive center of I I worship. The first Mass in the church, dedicated June 17 by Bishop Vehr, was a Midnight Mass offered t by the pastor last Giristmas. To Be Baptized This li DENVER CATHOUC I ■f'< Sunday by J esuit Ml REGISTER Religious Vacaiion School So Growded That ■i The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Registrations Are Glosing Friday; Many ALso the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Non-Gatholics in Attendance VOL. XXXVI. No. 45. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1941. $2 PER YEAR The apostolate to the Negro in Denver continues to move ahead with ever increasing momentum, guided primarily by the missionary zeal of the Rev. Arthur F. Versavel, S.J., assistant at Sacred Heart parish. This Sunday at 3 o’clock GIFTED SINGERS UNITE his third convert class will be baptized, bringing 24 more \' m . i. e. ELZi IS Colored persons into the Church. The response to the “wel­ come” extended by the religious vacation school at 1430 E. OLD WORLD AND NEW IN 26th avenue has been so happily surprising that it is neces­ OF sary to announce registrations are closing Friday morning. There In Broadcaat were 61 Negro pupils in class on Holy Father Says: CENTRAL CITY OPERA Wednesday of this week, and al­ ready 70 are enrolled, of whom about 40 are non-Catholics. (By F rank La Tourette) American, whose story follows in “We just don’t have the space or the best Horatio Alger fashion; The Rev. Anthony G. Elzi, as­ Two worlds—the Old and the facilities to take care of additional the other is a Hungarian,who came boys and girls,” said Father- Ver­ sistant pastor at Annunciation par­ New—and the traditions they rep­ to America two years ago as the ish, Denver, since Aug. 20, 1936, resent will meet on the stage savel. “The sisters who do the Frank Kirchhof, Noted Catholic, Has Had result of the war in Europe. Miss teaching and myself did expect a and a member of the diocesan of the famed Central City Anna Kaskas, born in Bridgeport, Unusual Career as Builder, Business Leader ecclesiastical court for matrimo­ large enrollment, but the manner opera house when the curtains Conn., is the leading American in which non-Catholic children are nial cases, has been appointed pas­ contralto of the Metropolitan tor of Corpus Christi parish, Colo­ swing back on the beautiful music- taking advantage of this opportu­ drama, Orpheus. In tbe only prin- Opera company, and Miss Margit rado Springs, according to the Bokor, a soprano who calls Buda­ nity for summertime training has Great Construction Company Founded Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Bishop pushed the attendance far above pest home, is winning acclaim in our expectations.” of Denver. Father Elzi succeeds American opera after coming to the Rev. Felix C. Abel, who has this country two years ago with a The two sisters from St. Clara’s By Nearly Penniless Immigrant to Denver been forced by ill health to resign wealth of experience gained on orphanage recount numerous in­ St. Paul.— (IN S)— “Paganism from active duty. Corpus Christi the stages of European opera stances in which non-Catholic is undermining the foundations of parish was founded in 1916, an^ houses. Colored parents have stopped culture and education and break­ the church properties include the ing down the barriers of modern (By George C. T homas) single experience to recount as the sition into which he was “drafted” The opera in which the two in since the school opened Looking back over more than a church, rectory, convent, and Monday of this week. In almost civilization,” Pius XII declared highlight of his long and meritori­ in October, 1928, “Denver was fev­ school. More than 100 pupils were Catholic stars will appear is one half century as a resident of Den­ ous career. The genial, devout erishly excited in those days. La­ of two to be presented in the every case they wanted to know June 26 in a radio broadcast from ver, a span of years divided into enrolled in the school last year. whether the school was for Cath­ the Vatican to the more than Catholic will, however, chuckle al­ borers, clerks, and mechanics were Following his ordination in tenth annual play festival at Cen­ three periods (that of carpenter, most silently as he recalls hjs first olic children only. “These classes 100,000 pilgrims gathered in St. in demand. I know more than 50 June, 1936, Father Elzi was as­ tral City this year. The other is Paul for the ninth national Eucha­ builder, and banker), it is difficult few minutes in this city 'way back jobs were offered to me in a walk The Barber of Seville, the im­ are open to all children,” is the for Frank Kirchhof to pick out a signed as temporary administrator prompt reply always given to this ristic congress. in 1887, and for a moment he of but a few blocks. Men begged of St. Patrick’s parish. Crested mortal comic-opera from the pen again treads his way from the me to go to work for their firms. of Gioacchino Rossini. Returning query by the sisters. A short time His Holiness, speaking in Eng­ Butte, in the illness of the late later, or the next morning, the sis­ lish, praised the freedom of Amer­ depot to the Washing^ton house, These men were called ‘runners’ Rev. John Walsh. In August of to Colorado this year to play the then at 15th and Wazee. That and their job was to find employes. ters would smilingly welcome new­ ican institutions, and bestowed his the same year he was transferred part of Dr. Bartolo in this pro­ comers to the 'group. short walk, he admits, was a hectic What a happy condition! And the duction is the famous bass-bari­ Aimstolic blessing upon the pil­ to Denver as assistant to the Very Building Prepared for ClaMei grims at the congress. The Pope’s one and “sold” him on the idea pay! I could hardly believe my Rev. Charles H. Hagus at Annun­ tone of the Metropolitan Opera that “here I will stay and build my The building at 1430 E. 26th voice came from the amplifiers ears when informed my salary ciation parish, where he has served company, Louis D’Angelo, who is avenue was rented for school pur­ CROSSROADS—WATCH future,” a promise hi made when would be $18 a week—30 cents an uninterruptedly for the past five considered by many to be the most first he saw the beautiful Colorado versatile character actor-singer of poses. Quickly the laTge room was FOR PROPAGANDA hour. Every Saturday we got our years. Father Elzi has distin­ made ready for classwork and par­ sunrise. The Kirchhof Construc­ pay, and it wa^ in silver.” guished himself as an educator, in­ the present day. Another Cath­ Pontiff to Broadcast Bark in Pennsylvania where 1 tion Co. is a mighty monument to olic, Larry Bolton, is stage man­ titioned so as to have it convenient •A salary of $18 for a first-class structor of converts, and athletic for two separate groups. The front To. World This Sunday was born, we had a species in an that declaration coming from a carpenter, a man who at the age ager and also plays the part of animal family that we called pole­ director in the East side parish windows now feature a fine dis­ young man only a few years away of 14 had started learning the and school. He has also served as Ambrosius, servant to Dr. Bar­ cats. Out in this Western country from a home in Germany. trade of his fathers—cabinet-mak­ tolo. The Barber of Seville will play of the work the youngsters Vatican City.— (INS)—^The it seems as though people are more secretary-treasurer of the Denver are doing, and the walls and tables “Yes,” smiled the president of ing! No, it might not seem like a Catholic High School Athletic asso­ be given 14 performances, with Vatican June 26 announced polite. Here they call them skunks. the American-National bank, a po- Anna Katkat give evidence that time is not be­ dream-come-true, but Mr. Kirchhof ciation. the owning scheduled for July 5, ing wasted away by idle children. plant of Pope Pius to broadcast e as American people are now made comparisons. and Orpheus will be staged 11 being railed upon to go to bed with cipal roles of the opera by Chris­ The growth of • the school has a message to the entire world Wages 75 Cents a Day Frs. Barthel, Sexton toph Gluck will be two Catholic times, beginning Sunday after­ one of these polecats, or skunks, .
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