INGLEBY BARWICK TOWN COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES FROM TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS 1ST APRIL 2011 - 31ST MARCH 2012 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF INGLEBY BARWICK TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 20TH APRIL 2011 AT INGLEBY BARWICK COMMUNITY HALL HARESFIELD WAY INGLEBY BARWICK PREPARED BY PAULA M. HALL CLERK TO THE COUNCIL 1 of 21 INGLEBY BARWICK TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the MEETING of INGLEBY BARWICK TOWN COUNCIL, held at Ingleby Barwick Community Hall, Haresfield Way, Ingleby Barwick on Wednesday 20th April 2011 at 7.00 p.m. PRESENT: Chairman/Town Mayor: Councillor W. Feldon. Vice Chairman/Deputy Town Mayor: Councillor D. Sanderson. Councillors: T.W. Bowman, Mrs G. Corr, A. Graham, Mrs J. Kirby, J. Myers and Mrs J. White. OFFICER: Paula M. Hall, Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer. IN ATTENDANCE: Ward Councillor Mrs J. Kirby Ingleby Barwick West PCSO Jonathan Wardle Neighbourhood Police Team, Ingleby Barwick West Mark Stephenson Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Enforcement Service 4 Members of the public were present at the meeting. The Chairman Councillor W. Feldon welcomed all present to the April 2011 meeting of Ingleby Barwick Town Council, which he noted was the final meeting of the current Town Council. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from or on behalf of Town Councillors Mrs E. Harrington, Mrs S. Larkin and Mrs I. Machin. Apologies were also received from Ward Councillor D. Harrington (Ingleby Barwick East). 239.10-11 CODE OF CONDUCT – DECLARATION OF INTERESTS. All Town Council Members present declared a personal/non prejudicial interest in the following items on the agenda, as the Town Council are custodian trustees of Ingleby Barwick Community Hall: Agenda item no. 9 - Proposed Youth Facility, Ingleby Barwick. Chairman...................................................... 2 of 21 Councillor T.W. Bowman declared a personal/non prejudicial interest in the following item on the agenda, as his spouse is Treasurer on the Community Hall Management Committee: Agenda item no. 9 - Proposed Youth Facility, Ingleby Barwick. Councillor T.W. Bowman declared a personal/non prejudicial interest in the following item on the agenda, as he is a school governor at Whinstone Primary School: Agenda item no. 11 - Secondary School Provision, Ingleby Barwick - Proposed 'Free School'. Councillor W. Feldon declared a personal/non prejudicial interest in the following item on the agenda, as he represents the Town Council on the Community Hall Management Committee: Agenda item no. 9 - Proposed Youth Facility, Ingleby Barwick. Councillor W. Feldon declared a personal/non prejudicial interest in the following item on the agenda, as he is a school governor at St. Francis of Assisi CofE Primary School and he is also one of the named key individuals who is involved with setting up the Free School: Agenda item no. 11 - Secondary School Provision, Ingleby Barwick - Proposed 'Free School'. Councillor Mrs J. Kirby declared a personal/non prejudicial interest in the following item on the agenda, as she is a school governor at Myton Park Primary School: Agenda item no. 11 - Secondary School Provision, Ingleby Barwick - Proposed 'Free School'. Chairman...................................................... 3 of 21 Councillor Mrs J. Kirby informed that she is a Member of S.B.C. Planning Committee. In respect of the following items on the agenda, she stated that she would be giving a view based on the information available to date, and that she reserves the right to consider all of the information available at a later date and to take a different decision/have different views when the Planning Committee considers the Planning Applications: Agenda item no. 18 - Planning Applications: (a) Planning Application No. 11/0113/FUL Proposal: Development of 48 No. Retirement Apartments with Associated Communal Facilities. Revised Site Layout, Car Parking, Landscape, Levels, Shadow Study and Elevation Drawings and Plans Received. Location: Land Parcel at 443990, Blair Avenue, Ingleby Barwick. (b) Planning Application No. 11/0652/REM Proposal: Revised Reserved Matters Application for Residential Development of 356 Dwellings for Appearance, Landscaping and Layout to Allow Substitution of House Types to Plot Nos. 13-19, 25, 39-46, 63-68, 86-115, 121-125, 128-130, 143-157, 162, 185-186, 202, 209, 216, 218-226, 229, 272-273, 301, 304, 308-311, 316-318, 319-323, 326, 329-330, 333-338, 341-345, 348-350,357-360 and 364. Location: Development Site 356 Dwellings, Land at Ashbrook, Ringwood, Hazeldene, The Rings. Councillor J. Myers declared a personal/non prejudicial interest in the following item on the agenda, as he represents the Town Council on the Community Hall Management Committee: Agenda item no. 9 - Proposed Youth Facility, Ingleby Barwick. No further interests were declared. Chairman....................................................... 4 of 21 240.10-11 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF INGLEBY BARWICK TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2011. AFTER CONSIDERATION, TO APPROVE THE SIGNATURE OF THE MINUTES BY THE PERSON PRESIDING AS A TRUE AND ACCURATE RECORD. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th March 2011 were considered. IT WAS RESOLVED that the minutes be agreed and approved as a true and accurate record; the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting, accordingly. 241.10-11 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at this point to allow public participation. Two members of the public present indicated that they had an interest in agenda item no. 5 Beckfields Shopping Centre. The Chairman agreed that he would take their comments when the item was discussed. No further matters were raised and the meeting was reconvened. 242.10-11 BECKFIELDS SHOPPING CENTRE, CONCERNS RAISED BY RESIDENT. PCSO Jonathan Wardle arrived at the meeting during consideration of this item. Reference was made to the correspondence received from a resident who lives in the vicinity of the Beckfields shopping centre, a copy of which had been provided to Town Council Members with the agenda for the meeting. The Chairman referred to his recent attendance in that area with Ingleby Barwick Enforcement Officers. Reference was made to an incident that had occurred. The Chairman invited the residents present who had expressed an interest in this item, to address the meeting. Chairman...................................................... 5 of 21 The residents outlined the problems being experienced in the vicinity of Beckfields shopping centre, with particular regard to anti social behaviour and cleansing matters. It was noted that both the Police and Enforcement Officers attend the area on a regular basis and are targeting the problem. Reference was made to the CCTV camera sited at the location. A general discussion took place and various comments were raised. It was noted that there is a Service Level Agreement in place between Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council (S.B.C.) and the owners of The Beckfields Public House in respect of cleansing arrangements. Reference was made to the application for variation of a premises licence at The Beckfields Public House. It was noted that the matter had been deferred and it is anticipated that the matter would be considered by S.B.C. Licensing Sub Committee in June 2011. A general discussion took place and various comments and views were raised in respect of how to help resolve the situation. The Police and Enforcement to continue targeting the area. Councillor Mrs J. Kirby advised that she would pursue the cleansing issues etc with S.B.C. and the owners of The Beckfields Public House. 243.10-11 BRANKLYN GARDENS PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS, CONCERNS RAISED BY RESIDENT. The Clerk referred to the correspondence received from a resident living in the vicinity of the pedestrian underpass raising concerns in respect of the incidence of anti social behaviour. PCSO Wardle referred to the information which the Police had provided in respect of the recorded number of jobs in that area dating back to June 2010. A general discussion took place and various comments and views were raised. Chairman....................................................... 6 of 21 It was noted that the Police and Enforcement regularly patrol the area. IT WAS RESOLVED that the information be noted. 244.10-11 INGLEBY BARWICK NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE TEAM - MONTHLY UPDATE. The Chairman invited PCSO Wardle to address the meeting. PCSO Wardle gave a brief update on issues which had been dealt with or were continuing to be dealt with. A chart identifying the level of the five categories of incidents in Ingleby Barwick during the last 31 days was provided. The information stated as follows: Violence - 4 incidents Burglary - 4 incidents Criminal Damage - 4 incidents Theft - 10 incidents Anti Social Behaviour - 37 incidents Reference was made to security at the building sites and also the theft of lead. Reference was also made to the recent incidence of fires in the woodland/open space area adjacent to Thornwood Avenue and Trenholme Close, Ingleby Barwick. A general discussion took place and various comments were raised. The Chairman thanked PCSO Wardle for his attendance at the meeting and the information provided. 245.10-11 INGLEBY BARWICK ENFORCEMENT SERVICE – MONTHLY UPDATE. The Chairman invited Mark Stephenson, S.B.C. Enforcement Service, to address the meeting. Chairman...................................................... 7 of 21 The Town Council were provided with a printed report identifying the recent tasks and actions undertaken by Ingleby Barwick Enforcement Service dating back to 15th March 2011. The main offences detailed in the report include the following: 3 Abandoned trolleys seized 2 AS13's Issued 81 Incidents of ASB reported 2 Assistance for Fire Brigade 10 Alcohol seizures 42 Dangerous/obstructing vehicles 2 FPN's dog fouling and litter 2 Fly posters removed 6 Waste presentation investigated 9 Combustible items removed 11 Noise complaints 5 School Patrol taskings 25 Vehicles parked on grass verge 2 Public assistance 3 Referrals to highways 1 ASB tasking Mark gave a brief update on issues which had been dealt with or were continuing to be dealt with.
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