News AdvertiserSERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 47,600 ✦ 52 PAGES ✦ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2004 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND LOOKING UNIQUE TIME TO ROCK 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee Senior B lacrosse club cuts a different path opens training camp Wheels, Pullout Sports, B1 Briefly... Pickering: Ajax and Pickering fire- fighters need your help to choose the final 12 photos to be used for a The cost of governance 2005 fund-raising calendar The selections are being made phones, meals and newslet- included $3,255 for meals, re- his total was due to the num- at a special show, presented by Dy- Holland, Johnson ters in 2003. ceptions and promotions, ber of committees he namic Publishing and Event Manage- top 2003 expense • Councillors hire ment, at the Pickering Recreation The breakdown of expens- help; Johnson’s wife $6,489 for phones and Inter- chaired. Complex this Saturday, April 24. list with almost es was presented at Mon- net, $3,480 for newsletters “You tend to incur more There are approximately 20 po- $20,000 each day’s council meeting, with paid $4,800 – Page A8 and postage, and $4,800 for expenses as you do more tential candidates for the 2005 cal- Ward 3 Regional Councillor outside agencies. His ex- work, none of it is frivolous Rick Johnson topping the penses in 2002 totalled expenses. It’s the cost of endar. By Danielle Milley list with $19,484 - outspend- in expenses he incurred $11,514. More items were doing your job,” he said. Tickets are $15. There’s a cash Staff Writer bar and complimentary hors d’oeu- ing Ward 2 Regional Council- while Ward 1 City Councillor counted towards total ex- Coun. Johnson also ex- vres. PICKERING – Pickering’s six lor Mark Holland by just $16. and $91 in his first month as penses this year than in 2002, plained that some of the ex- For tickets or more information councillors and the mayor Mayor Dave Ryan spent mayor. say City officials. visit any Ajax fire hall or call 905- spent more than $69,000 for the least, including the $1,113 Coun. Johnson’s expenses Coun. Johnson explained ✦ See Council page A8 426-4676 ext. 222. Pickering: The Province is raising safety awareness this week with its More spring seat-belt campaign, which runs until Saturday, April 24. The campaign includes re- little minders about the proper use of child safety seats and a focus on compliance with the mandatory use people on of seat-belts in Ontario. For more information about the Ministry of Transportation or about the bus the seat-belt campaigns visit the Web site at www.mto.gov.on.ca. Day-care stops will be taken What’s On... into consideration Pickering: Emergency Prepared- By Mike Ruta ness Week, set for May 2 to 8, will Staff Writer see the Durham Emergency Mea- DURHAM – Working parents sures Office host a number of dis- plays to help people be aware of who rely upon day care and potential threats and be prepared rural secondary students who for anything. live far from a pickup point On Monday, May 3, a display are winners in changes to the will be set up in the Oshawa Centre, public school board’s busing with another to follow Friday, May 7 policy. at the Pickering Town Centre. Both The Durham District will provide citizens with details School Board, in chairman about how to deal with dangerous Elizabeth Roy’s words, “re- situations. Municipal representa- laxed the rules” of procedure tives will also be on hand to answer to approve the amendments any questions. that harmonize its trans- Emergency situations strike portation policy with that of without warning. Last August, mil- the Durham Catholic board lions were without power and gaso- and try to address a growing line when the power went out Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser photo number of busing complaints across the eastern seaboard. In from parents. January, 1998, millions of Canadians To save money, and at the experienced a worst-case scenario urging of the provincial gov- of winter storms that caused about What’s their angle? Rescue safety ernment, the two boards last 100,000 people to take refuge in shelters. PICKERING –– Members of the Pickering Fire Services practise procedures for ‘high angle’ rescues during a recent training session at Station year voted in principle to cre- For more information on what No. 5. Steve Parent, front, gives recently purchased equipment a closer look, while high school co-op student Adam Cooms watches intently. A ate a transportation consor- can be done to prepare for an high angle rescue, for example, would involve reaching someone at the bottom of a cliff. tium with the goal of further emergency, contact your local sharing busing services. In Emergency and Fire Services. February, public board trustees created an ad hoc Suspensions over for officers committee to review the Index... board’s policy. The commit- Return to their back at work after being sus- last Thursday, said Durham squad last August along with tee’s report was delivered at Editorial Page, A6 pended with pay two months Regional Police Association eight out of nine members of Monday’s board meeting. Sports, B1 positions outside ago for refusing to co-operate (DRPA) president Doug Ca- the 12-member unit, will re- Formalizing that parents Entertainment, B3 drug squad with an OPP investigation vanaugh. turn to their Durham posi- can have their children bused Classified, B5 into alleged criminal miscon- “They never refused to co- tions outside of the drug to day care after school, the By Lesley Bovie duct. operate with the investiga- squad. board in essence replaced its Staff Writer The three “highly decorat- tion, they just wanted assur- On the advice of their legal more general surplus seating Give us a call... DURHAM – Three former ed” officers were reinstated ances,” he said. counsel, the three officers de- procedure with a more specif- members of the Durham Re- “immediately” after submit- The officers, who request- General 905-683-5110 gional Police drug unit are ting to a witness interview ed a transfer from the drug ✦ See Should page A2 ✦ See Bus page A4 Distribution 905-683-5117 General FAX 905-683-7363 Newsroom FAX 905-683-0386 Golden times for the Rouge Foundation On April 1, 1954, Dr. Richardson established the celebrating first conservation authority 50th anniversary for the Rouge watershed. SERVICE HOURS That piece of legislation was MON., WED., THURS., FRI. By Stephanie Mason the framework for protecting, 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Special to the News Advertiser restoring and enhancing all TUES. 7:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. area wildlife and its environ- SAT. 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. PICKERING – The Rouge Val- ment. It’s also known as the (905) 831-5400 ley Foundation celebrates its Toronto and Region Conser- Email: [email protected] 50th anniversary this April vation Authority (TRCA). and marks the occasion by re- Fifty years later, environ- 575 KINGSTON RD. www.pickeringhonda.com membering ‘Mr. Conserva- mentalists and conservation- tion’. ists who enjoy Rouge Valley Dr. A.H. Richardson — one want to give thanks to the of Canada’s most respected man who started it all. INCOME TAX conservationists — is being “He was very proud,” said PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS recognized by the Rouge Val- author Paul Masterson, about only $39.95* ley Foundation for his work on the man in his book ‘Herbert behalf the valley. For the an- Richardson.’ “He was proud of •most returns *GST INCLUDED ALL-CANADIAN TAX SERVICE niversary, the foundation is his education.” offices open year round choosing a specific spot in the His resume was exception- 100 Westney Rd. S. ( @ 401) Rouge to build a lookout al. Dr. Richardson earned de- A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo at Ajax Station tower in his honour, says Mur- grees in established post-sec- Mark Carroll, left, and Murray Johnston are enjoying a special anniversary this year. The Rouge Valley (905) 426-4860 ray Johnston, foundation Foundation was established 50 years ago, bringing an incredible greenspace to residents across Durham, president. ✦ See Parks page A5 Toronto and beyond. Sony Ericsson T226 FREE Pickering Headset * Headset Picture This... Town Centre $ phone of the month (2nd Floor, beside Sears) *after $50 ™ mail-in BUY ONE, GET ONE FAMILY PLAN (905) 420-0744 rebate Buy one of these colour screen 2 phones can share Unlimited Weekends for only WIRELESS 0 FREE KINGSTON RD phones and get one for $0.* A UTHORIZED AGENT PICKERING • Full-colour display $35 per month!** TOWN Sony Ericsson T226 CENTRE PHONES STARTING AT No term- • Polyphonic ringtones *on 2-year term- $ 99 99 WE ARE $249 RIGHT NOW GET MONTHS OF UNLIMITED TALK AND TEXT** HERE! Digital Camera LIVERPOOL RD Applies to select phones 24 Motorola C370 3 • Voice memo reminder HWY 401 Attachment *Phone price subject to activation on new 24-month service agreement on airtime packages starting at $25 monthly service fee.** 3 month offer includes unlimited local calling and unlimited text messages excluding premium messages (roaming, international, MSN Alerts, contests and promotions) PICKERING • Mobile Internet and is available on a 2-year term only. System access fee, 911 emergency access fee, pay-per-use test messaging, long distance, roaming charges and any additional service options that are selected and applicable taxes for these items will be billed monthly. pricing is subject to change without *Retail value $50 notice. **Buy one get one free free offer excludes Motorola V300. Price of second V300 is $199. Pricing is subject to change without notice.
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