April 4, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 5095 why it should want a massive offensive con- Judiac nature, Egptian, and Syrian political COMMENTS ON IRANIAN LEADERSHIP ventional and nuclear strike capability. Sec- secularism, Saudi Arabia's Sunni sectarian- Finally, in our assessment, the current ondly, who or what are the ostensible targets ism, the economic per capita wealth of the clerical leadership in Tehran seems to be to- requiring such national commitment of Persian Gulf States, the Turkish security tally incapable of comprehending the dan- human, economic, and material resources, to links to the U.S., and the overall instability gerous consequences of their course of ac- say nothing of the political capital expended of the former Soviet Caucuses and Central tion. The clerics seem oblivious to the his- in the international community. Asian Republics and Afghanistan. toric lessons of this century. All those who The ``why'' of the clerical regime's mili- It is well within reason that the clerical overreached their power paid dearly. Irre- tary build-up can be answered simply as a leadership in Tehran may perceive some, if sponsible policies and actions by irrational normal action in light of the recent war with not all, of these differences as a threat to its and despotic leaders brought untold hardship Iraq. More importantly, however, the up- ``way of life'' and ideology. Perhaps they also and misery on the civilian population. The grading of offensive conventional and future see them as targets of opportunity for some overreaching of military power by the clerics nuclear strike capabilities must be seen in future date, when through armed threats and in Iran could bring about the destruction of the light of the Mullahs' determination to other coerive means, they look forward to the Iranian nation. It should be made clear ensure their survival in the seat of power in imposing their hegemony, and forcing them that the imperatives of Iran's security needs Tehran, and more ominously for the future, to accede to their religious and political ide- are recognized, and the bravery and dedica- perhaps to further their political-religious ology. tion of its Armed Forces in defending the na- goals elsewhere in the Middle East and North The clerics' support of political terrorism tion is lauded. It is our belief that the course Africa. in Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, ALgeria and else- of military expansion exceeds the require- The importance of Iran's current rearming where lends credence to their once far- ments for defense of the frontiers against and upgrading of fire-power can be measured fetched claim of converting the world of any adversary for the foreseeable future. The in terms of its economic cost to the nation. Islam to Khomeinism. In light of their ac- course pursued can only lead to the destruc- The U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament tions and pronouncements, this indeed may tion of the patriotic Armed Forces need- Agency (ACDA) estimates that between 1987± be their first step on the road to achieving lessly. 91 the clerical regime ruling Iran spent an their avowed goals. In order to prevent the dangers of irrespon- estimated US$8-billion in hard currency for The nuclear strategic doctrine of the Is- sible military expansion and adventurism, weapons imports. At least a similar amount lamic Republic was formulated by ``The we categorically support the replacement of has been spent since 1991 for further pur- Strategic Islamic Research Center'' headed the current regime with one dedicated to chases of weapons systems. This at a time by Hojatol Islam Khoeiniha. Following are democratic principles well-grounded in the when the country is experiencing significant the main conclusions and goals of the Center realities of the international security envi- economic distress as indicated by the fact which were reached in a secret meeting in ronment and balance of power concept. Fur- that the per capita share of the GNP (i.e. the May 1991: thermore, we insist that a new regime must individual economic worth) has fallen to 1. After the collapse of communism, Islam have the support, respect and confidence of around $1,000. is the only force and Islamic Republic the the Iranian people as well as that of the From these bare economic facts, it is ap- only leader and supporter of the liberation of international community. parent that the clerical regime in Tehran is the oppressed masses. First and foremost on its agenda must be choosing ``guns over butter'', and, con- 2. Iran will naturally be on a collision the well-being of the people, and guarantees sequently, is perpetuating the economic mis- course with the U.S., and must consider the for individual freedom and human rights. ery of the Iranian population. Compounding U.S. a real threat to the Islamic world. Along with economic security, it must work this economic situation is the fact that 3. Iran needs to develop nuclear power and to ensure their physical as well as national Iran's external debt is at least US$40-billion, prestige. security. These can be achieved by reversing and given the relatively modest world prices The result of this meeting, which was the current aggression-oriented arms build- for crude oil, Iran's main foreign currency never publicized, should not be taken lightly. up and support for terrorism. Instead, the earner, there is little hope for debt reduction Nuclear weapons can be either the guarantor new leadership must be dedicated to, and in the foreseable future. What this simply of state, or a threat to the whole region and must take an active role in promoting re- means is that as the external debt burden survival of the country itself. The difference gional and world peace. grows, the clerics will find it more difficult lies in the responsibility, wisdom, and the f to acquire credit for domestic needs such as sophistication of the leadership, and the nu- imports of necessary goods and services that clear strategy it adopts. In the hands of re- are urgently needed to stop the nation's rap- WAS CONGRESS IRRESPONSIBLE? sponsible leaders, one can assume that nu- THE VOTERS HAVE SAID YES idly declining living standards. clear weapons would not be used unless abso- Moreover, the great economic burden of lute survival of the country was at stake. In Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, before the massive arms build-up has serious long the case of the current clerical leadership in contemplating today's bad news about term implications for Iran's development of Tehran, it could present a real threat. the Federal debt, let us do that little its industrial economic base, notably, the Like the United States, Israel is seen as pop quiz again: How many million dol- petro-chemical infrastructure. Authorities the ``Satan: the extreme negation of all that estimate that Iran needs US$5-billion for re- lars are in $1 trillion? When you arrive is held religiously and politically sacred to at an answer, bear in mind that it was pairs, replacement parts and maintenance of the clerics in Tehran. Moreover, the Islamic its petroleum extraction and processing shrines in Jerusalem must be ``redeemed''. Congress that ran up a debt now ex- equipment and facilities, and an additional The clerics' success in this effort would most ceeding $4.8 trillion. US$1-billion for the maintenance of attend- certainly evoke the Moslem masses to re- To be exact, as of the close of busi- ant petro-chemical equipment. If this invest- spond to its cause and jihad: a tide which ness Monday, April 3, the total Federal ment in the petroleum infrastructure is de- none of the Middle Eastern States could debtÐdown to the pennyÐstood at layed or slowed down, it is likely that within withstand. $4,873,480,746,464.74Ðmeaning that 15 years, the entire infrastructure will col- It is the opinion of many specialists that lapse, bringing about economic catastrophe. every man, woman, and child in Amer- Israel is the lynch-pin for Iranian religious/ ica now owes $18,499.82 computed on a The salient question is at what cost to the political hegemony in the Middle East. Oth- welfare and well-being of the Iranian people, ers point to the clercs' claim of the right to per capita basis. and at what cost to the goodwill and eco- administer the holy shrines in Mecca and Mr. President, again to answer the nomic credibility within the international Medina. Another important target is likely pop quiz question, How many million community is the clerical leadership willing to be Egypt which is already facing very se- in a trillion? There are a million mil- to expend for illusionary and self-destructive rious challenges to its political and eco- lion in a trillion; and you can thank goals of religious fanaticism and domestic nomic infrastructure from radical Moslem and international terrorism. the U.S. Congress for the existing Fed- fundamentalists. The long arm of eral debt exceeding $4.8 trillion. THE LIKELY TARGETS OF THE CLERICS' NUCLEAR Khomeinism is most definitely felt in Egypt POLICY through the clerics' financial, material and f The second salient question, given the moral support for the Egyptian religious above discussion regarding the excessive radicals. The fall of the Egyptian Govern- TRIBUTE TO DICK REINERS level of rearmament effort, is, who, what and ment would be a world-wide political event, Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, today where are the targets of the arms build-up. If and would pose a grave threat to the security I want to take a moment to commemo- one surveys the current Middle Eastern po- of Israel and Saudi Arabia, and, most likely, rate the long and distinguished life of litical, relgious and social environment, it would destabilize Jordan and Lebanon.
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