TOaSDAT. m tU A IT 4» IM T The Weather Average Rally CIrcalatioR at P. a. Waette iRaitrlfratpr lEnrnittQ Ifrra ld hr the Mmib at ISamry. ten urar o f tta LitehflaM VoteFs Otob, 9J32 The Doeoee Sool^ ^ as aeeretafy of tha Oomaethmt Package Store Etoanuel Lutheran church wlU DAR Secure Order of Women Laglalatora. and *cSra*Ds ‘About Town bold Ito animal Valentine party W aa a member of the National Or- Beeauae ka aald that hla back alAFT8MAN the church tomorrow night at a iler of Women LMdslatora. She la Robbery Here n as to the man when he entered Mtmchetter^A Ci^ of VUlaga Charm o’clock. The bualneaB aeaWon Noted Speaker the store, he waa onahU to give OM aoout » a nMmber o f tha Congrega- win be followed by a rooel# *od tional church, the American Le­ a daacrtption o f him, and could not AUTO BOOT SHOP (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS thto «v «n lii( at the dlctiihuUon o f yalentince. Ro* help the poHee to lilenUfy tha cul­ IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1947 gion Auxiliary, the Woman’e For­ DUK Cn RHUTMKR8 •t tlM booM ft mn. Own fraehmenta will be eerred JT • Mrs. A. F. RyUmder to um, and the Cbaitotte Hungertard Hold-Up Man Rees With p r it Qt XT B nnnl fMd. The Investigation roads by tha 382-884 CHARTER OAK STREKT oommlttM headed by Mlee Ethel Hoepttal Auxiliary. $100 Taken from the Johneon as ebalrman. Appear Here Before M ra RytandaFs talk on our S U U police found nobody who had aean government promises to be very Cash Register the man enter the store, and In Palestine Refugees Arrive in Paris Private Parley HB aM«t ttta w - The Women’e League wlU meet Orford Chapter V hat dlracUon he went after leav- Expert Pointing and Color m » kaO. TIm pro- InformaUve aa well aa InteraeUng, at the Saecnd Congregational and all chapter members are urged tr.g the atora la not known. Pay-Hour Proposal Congress Told Great Anthony Diana, proprietor of • tba Joint taotal- church tomorrow afternoon at two M ra Arthur ,F. Rylander, a raal- The store where the holdup took Blending. Compists Rsfinithing. wn tar IMT. with to be present at this February the Package atora at ISSH Center place la naar a corner, and tha Held on Arms o’clock. Work will be for “Saye dent of Utchflald. and waU-known lOMUflf* AO Tfpw of Wrecka CompMely Repaired Like Newt M n U m f t Boat tba CMldran FederaUon, Inc. etreet was held up and robbed by bandit after hie robb^, could _ _ rioM Diroetor In OonnecUeut polltleal clrclea, Mra. Charles Burr. Mra. WlllUm have made hia getaway either by W e M m with Mra. Norton Spencer In Lull and M ra Louie Cowles wlU be an tmidenUSed man about 8:30 a n e o Boot 0l HarttaoU will charge. A ll women o f the wilt ba the speaker at tha Febru­ going east or west on Center WRECKER SERVICE - TCLEPHONE 2-1848 Introduced Today Cut Question I to ekatfo oC tbo «reawoy. A the hostesses for the afUrnoon. last n ight church w ill be welcome. A fter­ ary meeting of Orford Pariah According to the story he told to street cutting north acroee the ( For Night Wrecker Service Call 6295) Progress Is Shown ctal UoM will follow tha mort- noon tea wUI be aenred. Chapter, D. A . R., ’Thuraday, Feb. road on Oroiard street into Can > aad a good turnout of . Um Offlcera Walter Oeeeells and Ed­ 6 at t:W p. m.. In the FederaUon mund Dwyer he waa alone la the ter Park, or south on Church Austin and Gromyko Henry O. Klreb of 4U Center room o f center church house. store at the UmA HU hack was to street Mra Rylander, whoee topic will Elks Arrange In State Senate Confer Briefly on Best Tha BriUoa-Amaricoa dub wW atreet. Oonrad E. Ouellette o f d the door, when tt opened and voice Broad atreet and Cannon C Jones be ’’OuUlne of Government In said. ” Thle la a eUckup.” A t the Way to Tadtle Contro­ hoM Ito taentbly BMottng tblo ora- ConnecUcut and Woman’a Part tn By U. N. Past Year ■gw at algbt o^doek at tha chib- o f 32 South Hawthorne street, are same Ume what Mr. Diana thought It,” speaks with authority, and Special Event was a pistol was thrust into hie versial Issue Now honao. T S llap la atroot. .local men who enlisted rccenUy Chicif Among Batch of tbrou^ the Hartford Army Re­ from personal experience. Bom In hack. Flaming Crash Hartford, Mra. Rylander la a grad­ LECLERC cruiting BUUon at 170 High Takes Money frein Bogtstor Laixor Bills Offered l o f Mar) B. Dovlln of Valley uaU o f the Hartford public achools Manchester Night to INCOME T A X New Toek, Feb. S—(P)—Warren | Truman Asserts World atreet, for aeryicc In the Regular Still holding the platol agalnat Paacml Heme Cable Chedui Car's Crack-Up Mroct Irft two rwmlng ^ and the Burroughs School of Bust, In Assembly; Blini- Claims Fourth R. Austin, United States delegate, Hopes for Peace Can AMoloo, Cbbf., for a vlait with Army. neaa Administration In New York Be Observed in Roek* his back the holdup man opened Do you know ALL your dednctimis and what Is and Andrei A. Oromyko of Soviet I raMlooa and frionda. Mlao DovUn 28 Mala Street mnm of 50 Cents Per City; she has her own office as the cash regtater, and took about income and what isn’t? Yet Be Betrayed and aiam to bo obanrrt from town fiaa The Wesley Group o f the South ville Tomorrow $100 from tha cash drawer. He Phone 5269 Ruoela, principal antagonlata tn a income tax consultant and in Hour and Maximum iriTiri and win mako bar baad> Hethodlst W.S.CB. will meet to­ Litchfield, end has been that then ordered Mr. Diana to lie down Do you know yoar exemptions and whether a Io m Victim Today etnifgte over the beet way to Lost; Letter Trans­ •nartaro wbila on tha PacUto Ooaat morrow eyenlng at 7:46 In . the town’s reilstrar of voters since Final arrangements were cm on the floor face down. As he com­ Wedt of 40 Honrs tacluo the arms IbnitaUoa ques­ is a CAPITAL Io m or an O R D IN A R Y hws? tion, conferred privately at United mits to Both Senate wtth bar brotbor and olator4n*Jaw, church parlor. IBM. pleted Isst night by the commit­ piled with the order the holdup Mr. and Mra. Edward OevUn of tee In charge fo r the flrat annual man extracted a wallet from hie 12^ of 90 Passengers, Natlona headquartera today. She ts currenUy serving her SOLVE YOUR TAX PROBLEMS BY CALLING State Capitol, Hartford, And House Report of Loa Angoloa Mtao Maty C Hag­ Center Church Women’s Federa­ fourth Urm as represenUtive In Manchester Night to be held by hip pocket. He then ordered Diana Hoipitolizotion Austin and Oromyko met briefly. gerty « Valley otreet acooia- tion wUl meet tomorrow evening the Rockville Lodge of Elke. The tc remain on the floor for at least Feb. 5.—<AV-A batch of la­ Injured When Stream Then they went into a clooed MWa Devtln to New York the Connecticut General Assembly. United States Activi­ et eight o’clock. Mrs. Parrish She was ctecUd in 1B41—the first party will be held Wednesday eve­ live minutes, end le ft o INDIVIDUALS MANCHESTER 2-0714 bor bOls, chief among them meeting with four other delegatee lined Train Hits Gas to the U. N. Security council to Kelley of Parker atreet, will give womsn to be elected from the town ning In the new Elks home at Max­ Mr. Diana la not sure Just how o FAMILY GROUP (O r Winimantie 820-W-2) one proposing a state mini­ ties in Organisation a brief talk on the Tumor Clinic of Litchfield. As Representative In well Court In Rockville. The eve­ long he remained lying on the floor Truck, Seriously Hurt thrash out the conflicting views Ditta Chapter. Royal Areh Ma- ning’s festivitlea will start prompt­ o Employed Groape On the mum wage and hour law, of Russia and the United States aona, win contat the moot wteei* at the Memorial hoepltal. and Rav. IM l, ahe served on the General Washington, Feb. 5,— Rosroe Metager of BloomSeld, ly St 6:30 at which time a roast Payn^ Dedaction Plan WINTHROP MERRIAM were introduced today in the on the approach to the arms ques­ lent degree on a claaa of candt- Assembly’s Finance committee; In BIpley nm SSS N w tt Fremo, CSlif., Feb. 6—(P)—The —President Tnmum told who waa a chaplain In the Army beef dinner will be served by AeeoMtoat-Aedltw General Assembly in another tion. Thera was no indication I gatoa tomorrow eyeniag. Tbo 1M3 aa clerk on the Finance com­ 'btato sweat flaming crash of the Southern Pa whether the U. B. and Rnssia dele- and served In India, with the Atr mittee—Clerk Contingent Expen- committee of workera from the PERSONAL TAX Sm itt Opca Thanday Nlghto aad . heavy offering of new propos­ Women and children, ordered out p t Palestine, arrive by plane in Congress today that the Unit­ OhiMtor wID open tta nmeUag Emblem Club, and from Manches Frederick L. Batigtiani eifle railroad’s etreamlined Day­ gates had made any progress to­ ed Nations has made ’’great ■ laaitlT at t J a geToral meao- Force In Aaaam, will give some of aes; Jn IMS, clerk on the Finance SE R VICE Ooveatry AB DaySatariay Parts en route to London.
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