• N ET F B B 8 S B IJN - THE F o recast by U. 8. W eather Bnrean, • AVEBAOE D AILY C^fRODLATlON 15*1 New Etaven fo r the Month of Septendber, 1M8 Cloudy; {Hropably occasional rains 53&7 Conn. State Library— Comp. in extreme spntb portion tonight and Memben mt the Aiidlt Bareaii of' Wednesday m in in g. CtradafloM » . ( VOL. x u n „ NO. 296. (C lauifled AdTertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS CLERIC RO BS BANK HURRICANE NOW THEN K ILLS SE L F WAR VETERANS Le Mars, iowa, Oct. 1.— (AP.) —For three hours yesterday the SHEARER PU Y E D PART Rev. Rex Frolkey forgot he was The Herald Goes “A. P.” HEADSFORSEA; an ordained nflnister of the IN RIG PARADE Evangelical church, forgot his With this issue the Manchester Evening Herald position as a respected citizen makes its initial appearance as an Associated Press news- and land owner. He fastened a ATLOTVILLE Smi^ANGER black mask across his face,' paper. It rejoices in having attained to an objective IN THE CAMPAIGN OF ’28 shoved a pistol into his pocket long desired—that of being in a position to supply its and robbed the Sioux Center readers with the product of the most extensive, most Storm Warnings Ordered Iowa bank. Then with arrest 30,000,Legionnaires in Line authentic and best organized news service in the world. near he killed'himself. Says Senator Moses Asked Him to See Republican Na- The robbery was the more in- The Herald has not been ashamed of its general SHIPS SEIZED All Along Coast and in explicable to authorities because as Convention Opens; news in the past. For a number of years it has pre- Frolkey’s wife is reputed to be i sented fairly well the important events of the world tional Committeeman of Bay State— Made a Speech one of the wealthiest women in • 150 Bands Supply the through the medium of a major telegraphic service. DURING WAR Georgia — Heavy Rains the city. But it has been aware that there was something better— and Distributed His Articles During Presidential Cam- Music. and it keenly wanted its readers to have the very best. Follow Storm. Now that ambition is realized. AREJVALUED paign There— CaDs Former Secretary of Stat\Kel- This office is now in immediate touch with every im- By ASSOCIATED P R E SS WRISTS SLASHED, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1.—(AP)— portant center of population on the civilized globe. All Describing a huge arc, the tropi- Men who dragged blistered feet over the resources of the great Associated Press are at our logg a 'TJervons Nellie ” cal storm that swept the Bahama shell-tom roads in France, today readers’ instant command. Nothing of news value can Had Vessels Been of British islands last week lashed the south- MILL OFFICIAL blithly kept step with a thousand happen anywhere without the ascertainable facts in- Washington, Dot. 1— (A P )— The ' of the Times, and Henry Wales, of ern tip of Florida and then moved drums in honor of a memory and for stantly pouring into our news room over the lightning- Ownership They Would the Chicago Tribune. Senate’s shipbuilding investigation , northwestward up the Gulf of Mex- the entertainment of a host of ap- fast printed telegraph machines or over the supplemen- Dulles was counsel of the Ameri- ico to strike the mainland between ISFO m D EAD plauding onlookers. veered suddenly for a time today ' can delegation at Geneva. tary Morse wire. Be Worth 120 Millions, Shearer said Charles M. Schwab, Pensacola and Apedachicola, today Shoulders eleven years ago droop- The Herald will receive, from now on, considerably from the events of the 1927 Geneva j ed dejectedly under cruel pack naval conference to the part Wil- i chairman of the board of the Beth- was curving northeastward across more than twice as many telegraphic words of news as lehem Steel Corporation, was on his straps were held in positions of Is Report. liam B. Shearer said he played in j mailing list for the Geneva reports southern Georgia, apparently head- military squareness as more than ever before. It will be valid, utterly dependable. Some- Body of Dr. Kummer, Acting the last presidential campaign. along with the other ship builders. ing back toward the Atlantic sea- 30,000 men who were “ the boss” of what less florid, somewhat more sternly accurate than Appearing as a witness for the Robinston read from one of board. 1918, passed the reviewing stand in its outside news in the past. And far more complete Washington, Oct. 1— (A P )—The Shearer's letters to ^Hunter stating Head of Textile Com- the parade of the eleventh National second consecutive day, Shearer The storm that threatened but especially in its coverage of Connecticut events. tremendous work of evaluating “ this show may end abruptly” and American Legion Convention. testified that upon the suggestion of did not seriously damage the coast We trust our readers will be half as well pleased ships seized during the war — that. “Ambassador Gibson has of Alabama, Mississippi and Flori- Six Hour Parade Senator Moses of New Hampshire, handled our case admirably.” 'I'he panies Discovered by It was a six-hour parade for those among them the Le-viathan and da evidently has diminished in in- with the new A. P. service as The Herald is to be able at Representative Bacon of New York, letter also spoke of a “hot shot” who took part in the exhibition, for other vessels now the pride of the tensity as Weather Bureau reports last to give it to them. and a Mr. Archer, he had gone to prepared for the press. every delegation was ordered to be American merchant marine — is said there now was no danger of Maid— May Be Suicide. Massachusetts, looked pp Louis K. at its allotted place at 10 a. m., and Shzarer explained the “hot shot” hurricane winds. Still winds still drawing to a close. Edwin B. Park- Liggett, Republican nationaJ com- the official closing time was 4 p. as a report showing that Great prevailed along its path, however. er, war claims arbiter, is expected mitteeman for that state, and made Britain had more ship tonnage than Elizabeth ton. Term.. Oct. 1— (AP) m. The line as formed extended frCm a speech and that others had used Storm Warnings the Memorial Auditorium, a few to announce a decision within the was permitted under the treaty. —Konsul K. C. Kummer, acting next two months outlining general his article entitled “ Sea Power.” The witness reiterated testimony Northeast storm warnings were blocks from the downtown district, Moses and Bacon were prominent ordered from the Virginia capes to president of the American Bem- three miles out Third street to the principles in the suits by Germans of yesterday that he kept secret at berg and Glanzstoff corporations. for 94 commandeered vessels. in Republican campaign activities Geneva that he was representing Charleston and southwest storm campus of the University of Louis- SUGAR CAUSES MOODS, while Archer was described by the shipbuilders because of an '.o- warnings from Charleston to Day- Rayon mills, was found dead in bed ville. The most recent report the Shearer as an assistant to Senator sistence by W. Wakeman, vie® tona Beach. at his home shortly after 8 o’clock To put on this big show the men arbiter jias received estimated that, today, his wrists slashed by e razor had the vessels been of British Allen. Republican. Kansas, who was president of the Bethlehem ship- The disturbance was central over who went through history’s greatest director of publicity for the Repub- blade. war, whether on the battlefield or in SCIENTISTS DECLARE ownership, they would have been building corporation, extreme southwestern Georgia this The body was discovered by a lican national committee and now is the tense atmosphere of the home- worth $120,000,000. This estimate tion. morning, moving northeastward maid who aroused members of the a member of the investigation com- land, waited for hours at their sta- was sought as one means of getting “Did they give any reason for with diminishing intensity after family and summoned officers. The at the amount the Germans should mittee. secrecy?” askec. Robinson. laahing the Florida mainland from razor blade was found on the floor tions along the line of formation. Employment Kept Secret When the march started for the Experiments Now B e in receive under the settlement of War “ Yes, they considered that the Tallahassee west to Pensacola. No by the side of the bed. Spots of gQUISH WITHDRAWS Claims Act of 1928, in which Con- Senator Robinson, Democrat. Ark- Pacifist movement was getting so serious property damage or casual- blood led into the bathroom from last group, the parade was just about over, because the time requir- gress declared the United States ansas, turned the committee toward strong and that .lohn D. Rockefeller ties have been reported either in Dr. Rummer’s room, and his bed willing to recompense private citi- the campaign after Shearer, who who was interested in this movh- western Florida or southern Geor- was covered with bloodstains. ed to cover the parade route was Made to See What Effect|' 45 fQ OFFICER considerably less than that needed zens of the enemy country for their received $25,000 from three ship- was associated in a way with it witli gia. Sleuths Summoned building corporations for represent- to complete the spectacle. own property. Schwab. Railroad, telephone and telegraph Ben Allen, county attorney gen- It Has on Personalities; Rumor Effects Stocks ing-them at Geneva, had said S.
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