February, 2013 February, Afghan News Latest News Facts about the 2014 security transition the transition is not something to be con- cerned over, it is tes- tament to the greater capacity of Afghani- stan and is to be welcomed More than 75% The percentage of areas where Afghan security forces already lead mis- sions Up to 12,000 The number of interna- tional soldiers that may H.E. President Karzai addresses regional issues at Is- remain in Afghanistan post-2014 in support lamic Summit Conference roles H.E. President Hamid Karzai attended the Other areas of importance discussed by H.E. 352,000 12th Session of the Islamic Summit Confer- President Karzai were support of an inde- The size at which Afghan ence Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt on Febru- pendent Palestinian State, the importance of security forces will be ary 6th and 7th. H.E. Foreign Minister Dr. addressing the plight of Rohingya Muslims maintained at least Zalmai Rassoul and H.E. Dr. Rangin Spanta, in Myanmar, and the necessity to help bring through 2018. National Security Advisor, were also in atten- peace to Syria. dance. H.E. President Karzai added, “Over the past In his address to the participants, H.E. Presi- decade, we have made great progress to dent Karzai highlighted a number of chal- provide safer, healthier and more prosperous Inside this issue: lenges within the Islamic sphere and the Is- lives for the Afghan people,” but stressed lamic Republic of Afghanistan’s position. One that challenges were shared throughout the such area of importance described was the nations and that they needed united atten- Latest News Pg.1-4 necessity to combat terrorism in a unified tion. front, stating that “terrorism is committed by misusing the name of our religion. I urge all OIC members not only to condemn acts of terrorism, but also to take decisive and con- certed action to prevent extremists and terror- ists from abusing our religion and tarnishing its image.” (Continued on page 2) 1 AfghanAfghan News, News, November February 10102013 H.E. Foreign Minister Rassoul The sentiments of H.E. Dr. Rassoul were Ambassador Fatimie attends recep- co-chairs UN Coherence meeting, welcomed and built upon throughout tion hosted by Hon. Representative stresses Afghanization discussions. Noda H.E. Dr. Zalmai Rassoul, Minister of Ambassador Dr. Sayed Amin Fatimie Foreign Affairs, on February 13th co- Ambassador Fatimie meets with Hon. on February 25th attended a reception chaired with H.E. Special Representa- President Yamaguchi of New Komeito hosted by Hon. Representative Seiko tive Jan Kubis of the United Nations the Noda at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. second UN Coherence Meeting, held in Ambassador Dr. Sayed Amin Fatimie Also in attendance representing the Kabul. The meeting was organized as on February 26 th received a very warm Embassy of the Islamic Republic of part of the process of updating the coop- welcome at the offices of the New Ko- Afghanistan in Tokyo were Ms. Par- eration between the Islamic Republic of meito by Hon. President Natsuo Yama- wana Paikan, Third Secretary; and Mr. Afghanistan and the UN in conjunction guchi, a long-time friend of the Islamic Jason Pratt, Public Affairs Officer. with the further Afghanization of secu- Republic of Afghanistan and its mission rity and development in the Transition in Tokyo. Ambassador Fatimie had the opportu- years of 2014 and 2015 and the 2015- nity to sincerely wish Hon. Represen- 2024 Decade of Transformation. The Ambassador Dr. Fatimie at the outset tative Noda congratulations for having meeting was attended by a number of expressed deepest gratitude to His successfully organized such a great key Afghan Government officials, in- Honor, on behalf of the people and Gov- reception, in which she was able to cluding H.E. Deputy Minister of For- ernment, for Japan’s selfless and gener- connect with supporters and key con- eign Affairs Jawed Ludin; the Heads of ous cooperation in a number of life- tacts. Ambassador Fatimie further ex- the United Nations Agencies; welcome bettering and peace-extending fields. pressed deepest gratitude for all of the Mr. Mark Bowden, Deputy Special Within this, Ambassador Dr. Fatimie assistance that Japan and its noble par- Representative of the UN Secretary praised the role of the New Komeito in liamentarians have done to better the General, UN Resident and Humanitar- helping to shape and facilitate Japan’s ian Coordinator and UNDP Resident enlightened policy. Ambassador Dr. Representative in Afghanistan; and the Fatimie hailed Hon. President Yamagu- Heads of the International Organiza- chi’s first-handed approach towards this tions in Afghanistan. end. During his speech, H.E. Dr. Rassoul In response, Hon. President Yamaguchi discussed the natural timing of the tran- kindly responded that Japanese coopera- sition, declaring it by saying, “the cul- tion will continue into the future, declar- mination of the efforts of my country ing peace and development within the and the nations involved in the stabiliza- nation linked to peace and development tion process is reaching its desirable in the region and the greater world. outcome.” Regarding the partnership of the international body in the future, H.E. declared, “we look forward not to less but different UN engagement, which is characterized by the realities of Afghan ownership and leadership.” (Continued on page 3) 2 Afghan News, February 2013 lives of the Afghan people, especially Afghan business increasingly more Further development progress made calling attention to Hon. Representative productive Noda’s work personally to raise aware- Development projects at Behsud and ness within Her district in Gifu. In another example of Afghanistan’s Surkhrod districts of Nangarhar prov- increasing ability to provide for itself, ince will be supported by the govern- the World Food Program (WFP) will ment of Japan, who has pledged over Ambassador Fatimie welcomes back purchase more Afghan biscuits for its $13 million. Specifically, schools, participants of the SATREPS program food programmes instead of importing clinics, bridges, and culverts. H.E. them from abroad. The order to Afghan Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs factories went from 50 tonnes last year Jawad Ludin commended Japan on to “150 more from us," according to an this initiative and on the other work interview with TOLOnews by Abdul the nation has done in support of bet- Raziq Nasiri, a factory owner. The tering Afghan lives. factory now is capable of producing around six tones per day. The capabili- Further increasing the ability for peo- ties of Afghan factories, as in many ple and goods to move efficiently other industries, have steadily im- throughout the nation, an 11-km road proved in capability and capacity. In with 10 bridges along it is being con- the case of these biscuits, they will be structed in Samangan province by the eaten by youth around the nation. rural rehabilitation and development On February 22nd, Ambassador Dr. ministry through the support of the Sayed M. Amin Fatimie and the diplo- World Bank. The road will connect mats and staff welcomed back to the Em- Improving conditions woo back Orglsh village of Hazrat Sultan and bassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghani- Afghan businesses Aibak high road of Dara-Soof. The stan in Tokyo representatives of Yoko- road will be finished within one year, hama City University (YCU), the Japan providing direct benefits to more than International Cooperation Agency 500 families. (JICA), and members of their shared Sci- ence and Technology Research Partner- Despite the great advancements, these ship for Sustainable Development) SA- are just the beginning. The Asian De- TREPS program. The SATREPS pro- velopment Bank has committed to gram is organized by the two aforemen- supporting further infrastructure pro- tioned entities and other partnering or- jects, within the fields of energy, trans- ganizations, such as Tottori University portation, and natural resources, in and JST, to research and apply findings 2013 and 2014. on wheat hybridization and cultivation With peace ever-extending and strong using native and non-native varieties. advances in infrastructure continuing Within this context, the program provides to be made, around 80 Afghan compa- Media technology workshop held training and information sharing opportu- nies that have previously had their nities to Afghan and regional experts, bases in Pakistan have decided to relo- A four-day workshop, the second In- thus enhancing capacity and contributing cate to Afghanistan. The government novation Lab, was held in order to to mutual understanding, cooperation, through the Afghanistan Investment discuss the possibility of Afghan me- and peace. Support Agency (AISA) has been able dia taking advantage of new techno- to provide necessary assurances to pro- logical advances in order to enhance Ambassador Fatimie welcomed the vide “land, electricity, and other facili- the content itself and to find new guests warmly, expressing, on behalf of ties," according to AISA head Wafiul- methods of distribution. Technical the people and Government of Afghani- lah Iftikhar in an interview with experts, media representatives, and stan, great appreciation for the noble TOLOnews. government officials took part. work that they are together doing towards increased productivity, sustainability, and According to Khan Jan Alokozai of the The World Bank and USAID are pro- peace. The Ambassador encouraged the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce viding support to this venture. Accord- attendees to return to Afghanistan and and Industries businesses based in ing to Khaama Press, participants of their respective nations to apply what other regional areas are also consider- the workshop were encouraged “to they have learned in Japan. Sharing about ing relocating to Afghanistan, includ- develop commercially viable apps … the project, Dr. Tomohiro Ban of YCU ing those in “China, Tajikistan, and that would then be eligible for consid- spoke of the work being done and the Dubai.” eration for seeding grants.” potential for great success.
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