{FEATHER FORECAST March K. 1*17 12 PAGES Ttr»IUr toalshttonigh! anaand Suaday.Sund V- KKMPBRATCRB IN WHICH IS MERGED THE AVKRAfif!LVKHAKK DAILYDAILY CIRCU-I'llll C- k LATIONLATION LASTLAST WEEKWEKK IdaBigbet**<t yaslardayyesterday . ..51*6 bowertLowest thisthis mommornin leag .....41..43 PLAINHELPLAINFIELDD DAILY PRESS, 7,787,7899 I’LIIM!•!. IliniU IEUI,l JEIKWW JKRHKY.JKKSKV. UI11UIAT,MI1HIUI, MARCHJHBtH MM,, 1917J»1T.. PRICEPRICE TWOTWO CENTSOEHTS DR.STR0NGTO SPEAK C. A. STEINER NRS.SPERRHRS. SPERRYY HUMARUHANN SIDSIDEE OFOF DR. STRONGTO SPEAK C. A. STEINER CHURCCHURCHH SOCIETYSOCIETY MYSTERIOUMYSTERIOUSS pANOEUVRINMANOEUVRINGG OFFOFF FOFORR JEWISHJEWISH RELIEFRELIEF DIEDIESS ININ WESTWEST 25 YEARS OLD B 96 YEARS OLD TRENCTRENCHH WAWARR 25 YEARS OLD IS 96 YEARS OLD T~j— 1 • tHEM/||sAGBUSETTtHE MASSACHUSETTSS COASCOASTT WifWilll AddresiAddress thethe MeetinMeetingg iinn Jiforme r LocalLocal ResidenResidentt Ladies’ Aid Society of Bor- BByy UnitedUnited fresspress:: >’ i ~~^ Colombo*Columbus AuditoriumAuditorium oonn Fasses Away at Banning, Ladiesough' AiChorchd Societ Heldy Birtb-of Bor - Afed Borough Woman Cele- Captain Ian Hay Beilh Ad- Passes Away at Banning, Aged Borough W»nun Cele- Csptein Ian Hay Beith Ad- ApriAprill 33dd ough Church Held Birth- NewNew Bedford.Bedford, MarchM$j3l 24.—Mysteriou24 — Mysteriouss manoeuvring brates Event at Home of dressed Big Audience Under CaL—FuneralCaL—Funeral HereHere day Party by the watbr-front poltce, and- investigations of Brandt's bntet Event at Home of irtnei Big Audience Under Dr Philip D. Strong. of tb# Pint Word of iha daath or durl Alban '■ Tha birthdayday Partparly y cl--a la Daughter,Daughter, Mr*.Mrs. Steren*Stevens National Special Aid Baptist Church, ha*. —oonaented to.... Stainer. a(a 30 year.. a fjrru.r aaal- night hy Iha Latllea' Aid tfodelr ol Islandr and‘'No-Man's, , Vpiid"m- ,today, ; /• started rumors■ ■—a—» that p *• T , , Mr-Mrs. .Lou.LolB *p»rrr.SpertT. .oaa or tha bnt most enthuElastlc ! audience *Z, rd.2r.v.^rd^::^“ i’d ^or,s o! a.T« £idaau In’thl. ylclalty b.a rao.dad.Jh. Plalnflald High Srhool Rabbi W!aa.‘ or » Tom. .in ba Mm. c. e. Siam.r. or jatsaon ara laitrra-ir attended. u »aa m. or- l’ grange vessrIV told by hthermeti, started police on saa.a raaio ao4llorlota U.1 night. on flio oacas- Iha principal at ar. la Columbna *ua. North Plalndalit Ho dladled cualooaalonn ootr ththoe . twetwentyi flflh anal- the Search! 1 ao.plalad aoother mllaalona la hat |(J lh< .ddr„, bT (-.plain Ian Auditorium. Apt I Thumday night.- aatt BanningRannlna., <JaCal.,l , v<;rr.ar/gmaryy oolf ththoe societyaoalaty., and a -arr ap- . , ■ Ions aad boar Uta. and today aha la Ug, Bel:h;' .bo wag-Bbw of Kitchan- Judae Newooi*. chair owed of... tha »her*wher e —hehe hadhad —beebeen n under: treatmentreatment... t ptpropriat*o program eras carried out. aalallr celebrating tha nlnety-allth ,er> drat hundred thousand, ikno.n aa local rallal commute-. nlalad Ibla fo'orr ththee pupaatt montmonthh foforr throathroatt tro;jtroll-- -■ AA featfeataras re wa.aas theih<_ - prorata!I ■nnti.ra.ryof bar oldaughter. bar birthday Mm. Edmund at that Frincw“K-l" Inw*o Iha .ant beginning from EaSlandot.tha pr..- to In,morning anbacrlptlona that altkouga .ara 1 eent-outattar. aolirtl on blr.<l.nlh With.ara himbla wife.at- Iha .hd tuna .aa or forhi..a, Amt baaolllol prraldaat. bouuuet Mm. ol 1-writEdmuad to Ste- lu PREPARATIONS FOR WAR ARE UNDER WAY - ti.nD« on Orandrlaw avenue, the . «n< war. ' Tua.day nlsht. a (rnaroaa raapon.a “ally Mina Emily Wlnanli of tbl. yam. and a almllar praaantallon toPREPARATION S BSR WAR ARE UNDER WAY According to tha aano.l fcapUla Batlh cama hara Jndar tha haa barn mada by maar clUaana. and "ty, and their Buie. dausbtar. It. present pra.ld.nt. Mra. J I By United mada for Iha pomomiy or a ,™Mm aoarry l- rrcal.loa card. ‘ ana pica, at tha Plain gold and North tho bopa of ralalna Sld.St* bar. la Mr Stainer. who hud fur many Darby Tha large birthday e»k. | Waahlni St^WIth and bitter war. ■IMBty of aV loos Star, and tefegrama of consmluln- FlSInllald ‘Chapter of Mhe] National Boar •Ironn.r than aatr before yaara ba.n a reload am pi aye ef tha I be .oclaty. contafaiiig Iwenty-flre j imarbsa. Mimoth. In It la part or a "preparedn-wa pro- tloa Dorlns tha day - ,'frieDdS 1j *»4cfal Aid Society. Ha *»• Inlro- "Wheat on# rallacla apon Iba aad Nllca-Ilrmant-Poad Tool Company ohndlra, .aa wnl to tho borne ol It. 'haroetertot: ifulatratlon ,!</tar la gram" of tha admlnlatratlan to -pre- “ "A.__i-,bor. called.h. ... lo j aataod.omin theirand doledpr evident to of.the tha audience chapter. by*Ihe My.. Allan.lea drlranpleura fromof man. their gamin bootee, and deprlred children of rapiymant'**• '*<». tho *»"l Brim WoolIn I.o*lag! Ansalaa.yaur to o|deattoday mambar.crt.bartlny Mra. her Sparry. ninety who-la .laib ntlnctballdlna tha up ji|| earporsdin’- to pare" the people to a lull reatltatlou ... .lu Iha recipient of a oum- Ootrparthnalia, la a moat'arartou. Ibalr all. and compelled tn become W»IU In tha Earn Mr Mielnrr had birthday. .jehad product ’(Arnsn'd of what aacrtScaa they am be ready »r itee.1 alftA manner, aid »llh a brief adAraaa, full pnblle cbnrsra la alrnasa laoda. lb" anbfaet lo throat trvobl* and 'The procram bat olsht coaalrled turB tha war-d tlooto make: upon tonil Impreen cl linear a ofeobeir the reallia-masnl- .lih„..h .ell adranerd la r-an. .of itbr canoloa oplrlt lor njrrtea. In vlrUnta or a condition In Iba making *“h advla^of tohl go to t'alirpmla o| .oral god In.lrnmrntal moale. T.„ _ of NaUonal - IMfemia lure of the look that confront, tha a—rortua.irly I- In pome.- .Wrb aho ripraaoad tho ho pa that all of »hlch they bad no part. It I. boond T * "'*• *hl daalb «m, aa a rarlutlooa and reading-. W J. Con- - y to djaeuaa pi.cllcal ballon, to dlapboe a catnlmp optl- ■I.we.ii.log oflDhar oeroMilon- faauHlra. I- thatOne of of here- hrr IO*alfor tha •»«!" cauao -ouldthat touebea do thal* tha lltlla human btl ; promptlo alella tbo n rharltsbla^rtn* of arma..Impolab, and to frladdaT lo iftla community.* rataitao god aoeiety'aroy c*ra twonty-Bma template year,htelory of of exlnt- Ibe h.., Ddn^Tof. m-aaure. loot wt-rr mlmn with n .tudlena knowledge ot Ll.. ..e^ ln .hlrh .h. taka, bran eo afcmly at tbb UK Word, cannot d«rrlba the death fnr *' decayed ... a.tiaa of tbb mo. ,„d t(,ero .are rtoffn solo. ..'""Ih.d ronatltateT to the Jiff -pblnei Got- [ whatPart la ofahead, Ihl. preparation la la ad- spech.- ..°,.. r ' gh. heap. In rloim The spaakar told flu .lory In o eon- : tullon tha! haa been foreed upon tba ye-r- •*<> ha »»» by Mr. Shapiro, yoeal ooloa by Ula. * board a.- jccui an ranee of the demand to be made ‘,Zloach .1,0with rnrraalcurrent araouevents anandd read. -atmUonal .ay. uponLpon lhe{."HufnaIh., "lluoi.nn JewisJa.labh refugrefuser.i In Rumla, f-rnor- PromlnanUy knownrt lnIn nthlatla dr Hnrrla. Mr. W.llaea and Mra Brace- ed by Coitmt * In moon hy the Ooyernmenl for men. the dally newspapers and the latest and Austria. I'sincerely hbpe that M c the dally —mem and the btoat' of TVench Warfare." aho.los waode shal Auetrlal be able1 t.Ineerelyo make asatUIacMope that- Ybl rM -ot c■ *",b■* p* rr^ar ed fba well and teadlr aa by Iha paalor. the ,h . the ndmlnl.tibStoh la money, labor aad material, oa a !book . s wit.,r.ITlnlT—'h a keen interest . tbal there 1. a immoroa. *lde earn we .hall be able 10 make a aatbfae. De? r ot- ‘."""a -*• * mam It... c 8. time. Me. Th. ladle. , •- ‘he people of male unprecedented la the natloa'e L.There Is ^uuinanothing thatthat mamsseems toto dl»-dis- of pomber aeenee of a great caroaaa. I torloryy returreturnn frofromm thithlas citycity,, whoswhosee reprap-- h** * Congregational1 church, qpartat or Iha choir anna aelectloaa. h n.ilon irj utatlon for charily and & willingness tnlthla1 cltally,) and a young man of aa- A aortal hour elooad Ihr pleasant nc- preparaUooa-s^S.tonplnhat Ibe.hIMory. turb Mra. S»erry in following hebarr lie. haa a fbcul.y, of turaln..hl. K.r, I ut.tlon for ch.rtty.ud a .Ifhoan^ em* "|al — - — * dallydally roauaaroatine . SheShe laIs pallant.patient, al.ayaalways !»'•Is) «*rway ithaith.tt inipirela.plrr.i ratlher.tharr thath.on i tloo aiaidd aa worth-orthyy causa.n.ae IHs faInr;r famed.lamed."" amplaryP T< hablu. I j i i ahalnn. -(err-— contented, an«dd a^raoTr,apparently ableable tloo fresse~s M*<■s hearers"e.rm.. !• |, AnlAn,ywor1k onon.e dfirtagdaalrlog t..o contr.ccu.nbuta1 lo BesideBealdeas blahis wifewife andand dgaghtar.riaufchier, beh« ' AbouAbonlt |5ISO0 wa-aas realiserealisedd frofromm Iba adapt herself to every condition that A synopsis of hi* adxlress jwas this: j this worthy rauto may sent) le.Te.le.vea hishis paranls.parents. Mr . aim*m M»Mra . C . miniaturminiaturee bankhunt,s contributeaontrlhutedd bbyy u.tha» BRANDJWHITL0CK1SBRAND %HITLOCK& WITHDRAWNWITHDRAWN FROMFROM BELGIUMBELGIUM •arise dipts h-r-ellIn the householdto .vary condition, and wit th.1h It »*~ ''»"•**':first hundre d thousand, raise’’''‘ed | to!''- Herma*w n 'Si.in.f4 , “treasura'■» •••*i E.K. Steiner,Stelner. a abler.slater, MlsMlaaa Am—layfm—He M . membersmember.., eajce«rhh givingivingg a pennpennyy ror , .riac. la Iha hounehold. and with It I" "rtf hundred thou~.*d. rm.ed to Herman Scbwcd, tr-uurar of Iha ^Si •- — all give, evidence of a strong Chris- ^ KJICHMW.
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