LEADER fif U4MM6 AMD MOST WIDtlY CIttULATID WUKir**tWifAHM IN UNtOtt COUNTT YEAE—No. 20 WBTRH4),' NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, »51 Kferyr Thtinear M Councilmen March of Dimes Potter Boy At Children'* Country Home 10-Point Tax Rate Jump GOP Bids Foreseen In Town Budget Tmx Office LUu Public Uatet School Council Passes AppropriitioM Saturday Homr$ Board Striedy Atom* Maps The tan collector'! eilce in the At a "public" hearing devoid of For S2JK, 131; Hearing Feb. U Municipal Building, 111 Prospect taxpayers, the Board of Education •Meet, will be open for the jwller. Tuesday night patted Westfleld's A lfl-point jump in the Wejtntld tax rite was foreseen lion of taiea Saturday from I 1981-52 school budget of 11,273,. night after passage on first reading of a 12,195,137.91 aw a. m. to 12 noon. AM taaei are 870, an increase of |«l,M2 or 1.1budget for 19.51 by the Town Council. The council action Mif Town Council- due fe». 1. per cent over the current figure. local figures official, but at yet county and stata levies caa anly It < k expire this, year The session.'attended only by estimated. f l Dot taga, which are alao due Feb. 1, will be OR tale during the three reporters, wts the *econd The 1951 budget reprasentt M -' Republican consecutive one at which no rep- increase of 996,427.46 ever the Ipril primaries, same heun Saturday in the coun- resentative of the public was pres- cil chamber in the building. 1950 figure. Of the total ef IV (announcement ent. LtBcnuingerTo 195,137.98, $746,S41.4t Is fer la- lei P. Bailey The record budget, which was cs! use. For school purpciee, taaw ling Jr., chajr- made public after a Ant reading will supply $1,19»,I»«. The art* ublteea Cent- two weeks ago, will go before local Retire March 1 Gvil Defense i mated tsx for the eouaty if ' • Eep»MI- voters at the annual school elec- 1314,000. the put tion Feb. 13. Almost 50 per cent Pension Board An increase of $40,114.04 to. atle* election Pirns Pushed of the increase was attributed to shown for total general ap I Election salary increases for school am- Grants Request run stain Local Progress ployees by the school board. A fJ ^V* la I *,. Belcher drop of slightly more than 15,000 Detective Lieut. Charles Ben- ra page it ef leaVt leaaW. let; second Reported Excellent in state aid is another major fac- nlnger, head of the pltinclothes A L-_J__ __ feL. •-—a—. _M| < •Mbert of (13 tor. The board estimates that it (toff of the Westneld Police De- he heU at lha Maaieipal lird ward, H. will receive f 13»,696 in state and partment, has been granted a dis- a«tUi«t Taeefcr, Feb. IS, a* f 3 Stoneleigh Egcellent prograM i* being made municipal aid and other sources, ability retirement at half-pay, to i, Sydney L. in letting up the varleui unit* of —1. A, DeCiirw Photo leaving 11,134,274 to be raited by become effective March 1, it wtt treet. the Wettfleld Oefenae Council, dl- Twehe.yeer-eU Larry MeKtaaiatef KaefcvttW, N. Y, aatiaaal March *f Diejee patter hey fer IMI, local taxation. announced Monday night at thetions. Anticipated revenues an -, •neement wat vialoa head* reported at a Meet- lie light at* staVta htaeee, it Iheva ai the far ••right at ke.vWtod Rath Saab, ilfht.*Mt-«U regular meeting of the Town Coun- expected to rise to MSS.IM. cut meeting ing of the council held Tuttday •atlaea at the CattaVaa's Caaatty Heeae, Thanday. Larry, wlw I* aearlag eraplate rt. cil. The appropriate for the Mia* " by Mayor night in the Municipal Building, »T«ry Ina a severe altaeb af peila ia Aagwl IftS, vii ef shMrea frwa Uaiea The.Police and Firemen's Pen- Department, exclusive af |t,IM pleaiurt but there i* etill need for Many Caaaty eat viciaity ia the wards el the haate, giviag fees >t aad a Ief1>aaaded head- Merrill Naawd sion Board, which met Monday to for parking meter maintaMSW, b I to eerre more volunteers. Wa* Urry, freia left to right ia the pletare, are Rail Soak. Mra, Ireae T. Crifip, diretter pass upon Lieutenant Benninger's $141,760, an Inewase ef IIMM, of civilian Dr. E. Milton Staub, reporting •f weaea't aetlvitle* far the laeal Mareh of Mam taatpatgai Mr*. M. A. JMfhv preiideat ef the application for retirement because due largely to higher pellet Hi* Council for hie group, said that every ChUdrea'i Caaatry Haawi aad Pattajaeter Jaha H. Trayaar, leeel eaavaita jihairawa. To Ely CD Staff of illness,' recommended•, the • re- ariet patted at a Novwaher taf«t> |and next wUI Westneld doctor and 78 nureei quest. His pension will be fl.fWO. endum. ' The Fire Departmeat will n- Ilitiet to anhad been enrolled and that plant Forming County Police Chief John R. Schreibtr •le," he aaid,were well underway for Betting up ceiv e $80,78$, 0 for aalarita aMl described Lieutenant Benninger is wages, a jjum p off f614f6.140 em lftlfttt i every bit ofa,n emergency hospital in the Fret- Communication Plan "a very conscientious worker, to r Weitfttld bytcriin pariah home and flrtt aid Red Cms* To Seek Quota Of $29,412 —which is alto dua <• the reft* ^ whom hours spent on the job were endum. For other Are elillsata, ~- 'that these stations throughout the town. He "Addlton C. Ely, Civil Defense insignificant." Leach case at saM that the hoepital will be equip- director for Union County, has $8,276 will be appropriate*, fir |time and pcr- ped to take care of major turgery Largest Since War—In 1951 Drive announced the appointment of Col. He has' been granted leave of flrc hydrant maintentnet, 14t,4N ,. continue to, ai well ai minor caaes, A group H. D. Merrill Jr. of 770 Kimball absence to his retirement date and will be aet aside. Pellet an* ft*. of women members of the church avenue as deputy director for com- has left for a vacation in Florida men's pension funds ami retire- are heading a volunteer unit A 1951 goal of $20,412, more than double last yiar't peacetime with his brother, Freeholder Al- ment syttemt call for fSJH Mi' an Commit- fl ure of munications. to •«* ean- which, in the event the hoipital Drive Chairman I ? I12*OOO and the largest ilnce the war years, will be sought Colonel Merrill will be in charge bert Benninger of Mountainside. $9,200, respectively. I ability and it put in operation, will cook and by the American Red Cross In Weitfleld and Mountainside, Charles of setting up a communications Born in Westfleld, Lieutenant A new budget itam tatallftf i«four council- serve meals to patient*. Arrange- H. Fi'ankenbach, local chapter chairman, SRid today. In preparation plan for Union County so that in Benninger joined the police de- $5,000 is earmarked for «ta <• . man ticket," m«nta have been made to have for the opening of the drive on Red Cross Sunday, Feb. 25, an initial the event of an emergency there partment Dec" 1. 1924, and.was the local Civil Defense pregrtat. < "Ailon»u generator! available in the event gifts and merchants committee is will "Be direct communication be- made a detective in .1938. He was Repairs and maintenance tt i to persuadde £ : now conducting a. solicitation cam- tween the county control center made .detective sergeant in 1939, streets and roads will require |4V' to serve *a««pHa >l will no1t be** without &He* yalgn. DN A Annual and each municipality. and a lieutenant Dec. 1, 1941. 7M for salaries, repraatatiaf an —ftn overall tpeed-ip of the Be* increase <of $l«,53t e»er -leaV- aure afTa*arJr Kwar.-"'.- ...•••; • In addition, he wilt he available 1 ReadqaaHere of the ceaacUJa Croat programs throughout the to assist the local communication year's figure. Again thai yaw,'. the Municipal Building, will toon nation to meet wartime and civil- ion Monday chairmen in setting up communi- Yf 2<Hh Annual $17,380 in state aid is anticipate* - be staffed by volunteer clerical ian defense demands was named catiwit within their respective mu* Street light* will teat the UN*: workers throughout the day. Mm. by Mr. Frankenbach as the chief The 39th annual meeting of the nicipalities; $94,000, $600 more than thit yaar;' A. D, Bauer will be in charge of cause for the greatly increased District Nursing Association, to be ' Colonel Merrill, who has already Meeting Tuesday Funds totaling,$7,700 wiU feV this group. budget. Locally, the training of held Monday at 2:15 p. m. in the started a communications plan, is allotted this year for playgrotnfc civilian defense workers in first parish house of St. Paul's ^Episco- construction supervisor in the Eliz- a $500 increase. The library will ' Henry J. Kostkos, head of com- aid classes and the purchase of receive $24,600, $3,009 morathsr munications, reported that several pal Church, will be addressed by abeth district for the New Jersey Review Of Two necessary equipment for them have Dr. George F. Moench, director of Bell Telephone Co. A graduate oi last year. amateur radio operators had en- pushed the budget higher, he said. Decades Planned : Passed on final reading Monday rolled in his unit and plant art local health service of the State the University of New Hampshire, Expanded knitting and bandage Department of Health. Dr. Moench he entered World War II as a underway for establishing mobile rolling programs here are also un- The Westneld YWCA will hold (Continued on Page 1) units.
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