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News 9 6 The Lambeth Commission hears testimoµy fromAmerican church leaders.inm~ting at Kanuga,·,· Conference ' ;••·..-.. :- -·--,/ '•_;. ,·:;c._c·•.Center.'_<;' ,-i,, Other•~~ -:} . ·,' . 4 Sundays ~g¾ ··•·•··· 5 Short & Sharp 16 People & Places The Cover Christ Church, Milford, Del., which celebrated it.$300th ®ID~l'$.p-yat a solemn Evensong June .6, wastll~ second chur<ili in the stat,e foi.u:l4~ by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. ··· Richard .Vican photo JlJLY11. 8'7tid 0'1,l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR AmericanSamaritans 'But a Samaritan while traveling came near him' (Luke 10:33) The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 10C), July 11, 2004 Deut. 30:9-14; Psalm 25 or 25:3-9; Col. 1 :1-14; Luke 10:25-37 Being called a good Samaritan is a tion unfairly given, but then, the compliment. Of course, we realize Samaritans may well not have that it is a left-handed compliment. deserved their stigma. Remember, the good Samaritan must Of course there is a good side to be associated with a prior stigma, a this. Those whom St. Paul would call stigma that says this person is from "the saints in the United States" (Col. the dregs of life, has no charity, is best 1:1) have the opportunity to catch the overlooked, and would never con­ attention of the watching world with tribute anything worthwhile to soci­ extreme actions of kindness which with FIBRE RUSH SEAT ety. Then, when the good deed is done, earn us the title of good Samaritans. that person gains the title of good We are magnanimous when it Since 1877 Samaritan. comes to supplying resources of R.Geissle~ Inc. Each year that this parable arises, goods and expertise. What other P.O. Box 432 the preacher is challenged to find the things or attitudes could bring sur­ Old Greenwich, CT 06870 suitable person or group for the Good prises and praise from those outside Phone: (203) 637-5115 Samaritan Award. This year an apt the U.S. - behavior that would gain us group could be us - Americans! the label of good Samaritan? From certain comers of the globe, Today's psalm indicates a class of after all, we do bear an unpleasant attitudes we should note. Some of Order your stigma. Consider the Arab world's these would be: a willingness to be perspective. We are invaders, and we taught by non-Westerners; accepting copy today! occupy no high moral ground. leadership by believers of other lands; Remember Abu Ghraib. And they humility about our resources and our The 48th Episcopal know who is Israel's greatest sup­ spiritual poverty; an easy acknowl­ porter. edgement of our sins, shortcomings Musician's Handbook Or consider the Europeans and the and needs. prevailing attitude toward our export­ Actions of generosity arising from Lectionary Year A - 2004/2005 ing genetically altered foods, or the these attitudes would earn us the title Advent 1 (November 28, 2004) Hindus and our movies with "adult of good Samaritan and also the imita­ through Thanksgiving Day sexual content," or the people of tion of the church in Colossae. Its (November 24, 2005) drought-stricken Malawi and our members were known for their love $25.00 dietary pet foods. for the saints, knowledge of God's The !Episcopal True, we may think these stigmata (includes regular Musician's H_~ndbook will, lives worthy of the Lord, and fruit shipping/handling) lh< 41<,b t;,~U.i<"' 1.-«doi\o.T) \'u• ~ are undeserved and our motives altru­ in all the world (Col. 1:10-14). Oh, for 200,.2005 istic. We may well think our qualifica- such a reputation! Shipping began June 15, 2004. Allow 4-6 weeks LookIt Up for delivery. Read through Colossians - it's only four short chapters. What were some of Prepaid orders only. extraordinary marks of that church? NO REFUNDS. Call for rates on ThinkAbout It faster delivery. What are some unexpected but appreciated things you can do with your Mus­ Call TOLL-FREE to order, lim and/or Arab neighbors? using MasterCard or VISA: NextSunday 1-877-822-8228 The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 11C), July 18, 2004 Gen. 18: 1-10a(10b-14); Psalm 15; Col. 1 :21-29; Luke 10:38-42 4 THE LIVING CHURCH · JULY 11, 2004 SHORT & SHARP Sufferingand Healing meanings given to suffering throughout those who dream of a church that does history and faith traditions. For those more than congregate to feel good. It FOUND THROUGH LOSS: Healing Stories from Scripture and Everyday Sacredness not fully satisfied or questioning atone­ challenges Christians to become a com­ (includes 2 CDs). By Nancy Reeves. Northstone ment for sins as the only approach to munity ministering to a hungry world. Publishing, Kelowna, BC, Canada. Pp. 159. understanding Jesus' death on the cross $19.95. ISBN 1-896-836-49-6. and if there is any meaning to suffering SEARCHING FOR GOD IN GODFORSAKEN Healing Stories is a reveal­ in the world, this book is a helpful TIMES AND PLACES: Reflections on the Holocaust, Racism and Death. By Hubert G. ing title for this book of jour­ exploration. Each chapter concludes Locke. Eerdmans. Pp.109. neys through grief. with questions for reflection, prayer $18. ISBN 0-8028-6084-2. Commuters and travelers can and discussion, making it useful for Hubert Locke, pro­ "read" the book via the CDs study groups. fessor emeritus at the and later use the reflection University of Washing­ questions to deepen their BROKEN BREAD AND BROKEN BODIES: The ton and pastor, asks NANCYI IEEVF.Snm understanding. Reeves is a Lord's Supper and World how one can have faith skilled grief counselor and Hunger. By Joseph in a world of holocaust offers insights from scripture along Grassi. Orbis Books. Pp. and racism. Seeking a with her ability to be a companion for 109. $15. ISBN 1-57075- third way between 530-2. those in the grieving process. believing that human life is all there is A revision of and a seemingly mysteriously cruel WIPE THE TEARS: 30 Children's Sermons on Grassi's book first Death. By Phyllis Vos Wezeman, Anna L. God, the author explores the continuing published in 1985, it draws the connec­ questions of why is there such evil in Liechty, Kenneth R. Wezeman. The New tion between the Eucharist and the Brown Bag, The Pilgrim Press. Pp. 91. $10. the world. For those who find doubt as ISBN 0-8298-1520-1. world to energize Christians into action the door to faith, Prof. Locke speaks Liechty and the Wezemans have to end hunger and poverty and oppres­ eloquently. crafted a book to discuss a difficult sub­ sion. His exegesis of the gospels sup­ (The Rev.) Ann Fontaine ject with children. In 30 different les­ ports a Christianity that changes the Lander, Wyo. sons they provide instructions on world here and now. This is a book for varieties of deaths children can experi­ ence. Beginning with an object and a th scripture passage, these simple teach­ 16 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ings develop themes such as suicide, VERGERS' GUILD OF THE death of a parent, murder, death of a pet, and others as well as related issues EPISCOPAL CHURCH of cremation, cemeteries, and funeral services. THE DEATH OF A CHILD: Reflections for Grieving Parents. By Elaine E. Stillwell. ACTA Publications. Pp. 159. $9.95. ISBN 0-87946- 260-4. Based on her own journey through the death of her own children, Elaine September 23 - 26, 2004 Stillwell describes how she lived through this experience. Her faith in the Saint Michael and All Angels Dallas, Texas resurrection and eventual reunion with her children is the underlying theme of Workshops coping with these tragedies. The book The Rev. Dr. Louis Weil: the Liturgy of Holy Week offers ideas and help for the daily life of Mr. Tony Briggle : Developing the Acolyte Corps mourning for those who suffer what I believe to be the most unthinkable Cost: $175 Registration deadline: August 15th experience. A program focusing on liturgy has been designed for the 16th Annual INTO THE ABYSS OF SUFFER­ Conference of the Vergers' Guild of the Episcopal Church. This conference is ING: A Catholic View. By Ken­ neth R. Overberg, S.J. St. offered to enhance the ministry of both the experienced volunteer and the Anthony Messenger Press. Pp. vocational verger. 130. $9.95. ISBN 0-86716-522-7. Overberg offers a view of For more information please contact Dianne Betts: 214-365-5525 or suffering in the sense of [email protected] Registration forms and brochures are available for revealing the varieties of downloading at the Guild website: vergers.mg JULY 11. 2004 · THE LIVING CHURCH 5 NEWS LambethCommission HearsDivergent Reports onU.S. Church's Heatth Internal stresses and contradictory testimony from American church lead­ ers marked the second plenary ses­ sion of the Lambeth Commission which met at the Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, N.C., June 13-18.
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